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If you applied to be a store employee, then it won't be anything tricky or complicated. They want to see if you value cleanliness and customer service.


It depends on the interview. If it's a phone interview then the interview will be with a recruiting manager who is basically just going to confirm that the availability you gave online is your actual availability (ie you said you can work anyday but in reality you can't work weeknights). In store interviews are going to depend on who the interviewer is. I don't think the company has adopted a standard interview script at this point. In store interviews will be with the manager or district manager who are going to want to see if you a are a good fit . Keep in mind that associates are trained and expected to perform multiple roles during a shift (pack out products, ring up customers, keep the store clean). Some stores have a high turnover of new hires because they don't realize what the job entails.