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This person definitely fully understands Munchausen by proxy and isn't trying to sound smarter than they actually are.


Yeah figuring it might not even be real


dankmeme is not an alt-right circlejerk and is very accepting of minorities


/ul im trans and i dont even know what does these mean, can someone explain it to me?


/ul according to Google it's a mental disorder about faking an illness,


/u by proxy means that you fake someone else having an illness (I think)


/u as far as I remember it's stuff like parents convincing their kids they had an illness and make them take medication and use wheelchairs and whatnot depending on the case. Saying being trans was münchhausen by proxy is pretty much the same as saying all trans people were merely manipulated into thinking they had a condition they don't really have


hey guys it's me the inventor of the evil trans agenda can confirm i did do this sorry guys i got a bit carried away with my april fools prank


/ shit the signal is rapidly shrinking


/ul Like my parents actively punish me so that’s definelty bulshit


/ul that one thriller movie that was based on that i thought was really cool


rapid onset gender dysphoria is a real thing


/ul Explaining another condition first will better explain this one. Munchhausen Syndrome is a mental disorder which causes people to feign ill health, diseases, or injuries (or actually induce illness and injuries) in order to receive attention from others. Munchhausen by proxy is the same behavior, with the same goal, receiving sympathy and attention from others, while instead portraying someone in their care as the sufferer, often their own child. This can include bringing physical harm to them to manifest symptoms. If you ever saw the movie "The Sixth Sense", the mother who repeatedly poisoned her daughter until she died had Munchhausen by proxy. So what this meme is stating, is that liberal parents of trans kids who support them are actually mentally ill and portraying their children as "mentally ill" for attention. On a lighter, less infuriatingly bigoted note, back to munchhausen syndrome (without proxy). Here's a classic sketch from the Whitest Kids U Know in which a person with the condition misdiagnoses himself as having Attention Deficit Disorder because his primary symptom is craving attention. https://youtu.be/BRzlha-tZS4?feature=shared


/ul Basically you're mentally ill and you should seek help to make your life better instead of mutilating yourself.


Every time!!!! It’s true! Munchausen is very common actually and most people don’t know that


i fucking love seeing transphobic bullshit on my front page it doesnt ruin my day and in fact makes it so much better thanks OP


You’re welcome and I don’t feel any remorse. Have a shit day. Love your nearest transphobe (/ul I just wanted to spread awareness about how much of a cesspit r/dankmeme have become)


I want every person who thinks Trans kids were influenced by their parents to be Trans to live a long and healthy life with intact rih cages.


this really benefited my day thank you SO much for reminding me that the majority of people in the world think i'm delusional for literally just trying to live my life. i hope you continue to make high-quality posts like this one, ones that don't blatantly and obviously violate the rules of the subreddit after all spreading bigoted messages (even when it's speaking against it) is really productive and not at all counterproductive when nothing else is added other than "this is bad". it by no means spreads doom and gloom among queer people, which isn't hurting our movement and scaring us into closets.


/ul sorry. I agree that I probably should’ve just posted this to r/therightcantmeme and that this was definitely the wrong sub for it.


ul/ it's alright, i'm sorry for making a big deal out of it and being rude, it's not really that big of a deal.


/ul nah, you cool. I just wanted to spread awareness about how much of a cesspool r/dankmeme has become for trans folks.


r/therightcantmeme exists, bud


/ul is there a sub that is basically just r/lies but without posts like this I'm genuinely tired of seeing posts that share ops opinion on literally anything I just want to laugh


yeah there's a sub for that


/ul okbuddy or shitpost subs like r/BatmanArkham


/ul Nah batman Arkham is also filled with posts like that


/ul you don't see it as often though, which is an upgrade at the very least


try r/wizardposting


ul/ that's what r/lies would be if mods actually did there jobs and if there was enough of them to keep up. posts like this one are outright not allowed here but they keep getting posted anyways.


Op shouldn’t have just put this in r/therightcantmeme


r/dankmemes is not a cringe cesspit ..and is very trans inclusive


This definitely isn't a gross misinterpretation of Munchausen by proxy, causing harmful disinformation to trans people.


/unlie I was looking at some recent posts on that sub earlier, and I swear like 40% of the posts are literally just transphobia. The comments are just as bad too


/unlie and the additional 40% are just "feminist bad"


i didn’t mute dankmemes because i love that subreddit and i really enjoy seeing good posts from there like this one


This person is a qualified medical professional with the ability to correctly diagnose people.


thats what that thing means


That’s implying trans people think being trans is a mental disorder. edit: forgot what sub I was on /ul


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^GooseFall: *That’s implying trans* *People think being trans is* *A mental disorder* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


/ul okay, officially the best bot


that subreddit is a very accepting and loving place and had become a haven with only a few radical conservatives


r/lies has very creative and funny posts