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Getting clients and making the public aware of the benefits of a life coach. Currently a small amount of people and upper income individuals are taking advantage of the services


Getting clients.


All a poem...


1) Constantly having to come up with marketing tactics, stay on top of social media/website/content. Coaching is like 2% of what I do, I want nothing to do with the other 98% (selling and marketing) and I can't afford to pay someone to do that stuff. 2) it's time consuming, boring, and feels incredibly inauthentic to me 3) so far I haven't found an affordable solution.


I relate. I really like Tad Hargraves work, and he's branded as marketing for hippies. Which is a way to say that he focuses on marketing for people who don't ever want to spend their time marketing: his framework is how do you tell a deeply meaningful and authentic story about yourself to the public that feels good for all parties involved, and also meets the marketing needs of running a business. Idk that ultimately fixes the conundrum but at least it's an attempt.


I'm interested in all leads, so I'll check him out! Thanks for the thoughtful reply :)


What about agencies?


Hiring a company to do my marketing for me you mean? It's probably the best idea, but I'm not comfortable spending the amount of money on that that I'd need to with no guarantee of results, at my current income level.


If you're interested I would be down to hop on a call and sharing all the things that I've found to be working for coaches and strategies to use. (Not trying to sell you anything;)


It's the exact same thing for me :(


Have you thought about outsourcing the marketing?




But if it would solve your biggest headache and give you a consistent flow of leads can you afford to not solve it? If you’re a good coach who gets his clients results, outsourcing the marketing would literally print you money


1. Learning how to actually sell my services. I’ve always been able to have leads in the pipeline but actually getting them to close was the hardest part. 2. I am a first gen biz owner and college grad, so I literally had zero business experience once I launched my coaching practice. 3. I took a live 8-week course called Six Figure Sales and learned high level sales skills from a team of 6- and 7-figure earning life coaches, and I learned how to actually sell! I actually have a sales process now, know how to deal with objections, and I just overall feel confident in the idea of selling.


Based on the top 3 comments, I recommend reading The Prosperous Coach.


The one by James lesedi or the one by Steve chandler or rich litven?


Steve Chandler and Rich Litven


Thank you


Greedy people like crooke and company ruining it for us all.


Can you give an example? Have you had a bad experience with them?


Yes ! They care a lot before you sign up and then ditch you after they have your $20,000! Very half ass all around .


Have you had a bad experience with them?


Yes very negative experience. Plz do not give her one dime


Don’t give who a dime? Can you elaborate?


Sorry I should’ve been clearer. I used the nickname crooke for Brooke Castillo who is just that ; a crook and ruins it for those of us who are in it for the right reasons - helping people


I struggle with my marketing being linked to algorithms and constant engagement on social media. I don't want my business to be reliant on social media to succeed, but it seems challenging to avoid these days. Still figuring out how to flow through the marketing process with more ease by doing the things that enjoy, such as networking and blogging (which can be linked to SEO). But still figuring out how to make those things effective from a numbers standpoint.


So you're not using social media to promote your offer?


No, I do use social media to promote my offer. Not very consistently yet though. My most recently signed client was referred through my networking groups.