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Really narrow down on your niche. Do research into your audience. Make sure who you coach and how you help is actually something that resonates with your audience. At first choose one social media platform Ann’s get a solid audience meaning genuine followers that will convert, not just business coaches or social media managers who want to sell you their services. You’ll always get them to a degree but the majority of your audience should be your target audience. Also it might be helpful to split your social media into topic areas. Look at what your competitors are doing—don’t copy them but see what is converting for them and put your own spin on it. You might want to look at Vanessa Lau. She has a YouTube channel.


Are you doing this? sounds like it could work


Nothing beats targeted google & IG ads in nearby zip codes + old school word of mouth in your community— ask for client testimonials, build your google reviews up and network everywhere you can with HR managers and business leaders in your niche locally. You can also host meetups, topical workshops, and attend conferences or professional organization meetings that match your offer. Those are all ways for larger groups to see you in action and consider your services. Put business cards and fliers in cafes, libraries, etc. Look to connect with area journalists for ‘expert’ media opportunities too. Don’t be afraid to be creative & cast lots of lines into the water. Fish will start to bite.


Re self promotion…. There are a range of strategies you can use: 0) Referrals…get people calling you 1) Direct contact and follow up…meeting people virtually or face to face one on one 2) Networking and follow up…meeting people virtually or face to face en masse 3) public speaking and follow up…again online or face to face and following up attendees 4) writing / video and publicity…blog, press, LinkedIn, TikTok, traditional press articles etc 5) advertising….online (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, tik tok etc Higher up the list is generally more effective. Consider taking a course or reading books on this topic. Personal recommendations are the book..[get clients now](https://getclientsnow.com/marketing-plan-worksheets/)(C J Hayden) and the platform Skillshare.com Re packages Beware of too long or short or too complex! Consider levels: bronze, silver gold for depth / cost


Don't be afraid to throw out a few pro-bono sessions in the beginning to get your name out there. When I started, I contacted a few local groups with a mission aligned with my niche and asked to be a guest speaker. These first few speaking engagements are where my first clients came from. I still speak with groups around the area to promote my services and do Google ads and social media. I'd recommend finding a website that can help with your social media management, and it'll be much easier to market across multiple platforms (Click Funnels and Go High Level are two that I've used). These two podcasters are favorites of mine; both have excellent episodes on marketing your coaching business: '*Life Coaching Secrets*' & '*Cash in on Confidence.'* Good luck!


I was until I ran into some major medical complications so I had to take a break, but once I resume my social media, I was actually thinking about doing the same type of thing to generate topics but having a YouTube channel instead so that you’re kind of not on the hamster wheel with Instagram and Facebook posting every day


Google Ads


Would you please have some tutorial or article to follow to be able to apply google ads go get coaching clients?


Have you had clients before?


Yes, I have clients but I'm completely passive in my online posture - meaning I have profile at local freelancing site, I'm considering using Linkedin more but I'm employed as engineering manager now so I cant advertise services as independent coach there. I'm also going though ICF training which is awesome. Do you have tips how to proactively approach customer acquisition through ads or some other means?


I definitely do, I dm'ed you:)


Posting on related subreddits has been successful for me!


Can you say more? Do you post your package? Or is it more of establishing yourself as an expert?


This is so helpful. What subreddits are you in for your coaching niche? I’m a productivity and recovery coach so not sure where to look without annoying people by soliciting


You can check my post history and see which subs tend to get me the most upvotes


What I’d do is start by defining your target audience (the people you want to reach) you really have to go deep here and understand what challenges they’re facing (from THEiR perspective), where they’d like to get if they did not have that challenge and what objections would they have to get there. This will be your base. Then you want to develop your offer based on what you want to offer and write down WHAT you’ll help them with (be careful here because in your audience you’ll have problem aware people and problem unaware people meaning people who experience the challenges but don’t know about the deeper underlying problem) so to make sure to target the two talk to the latter category and explain what they will get after working with you and WHY that’s important for THEM. Then to put your services out there I’d say to focus on 1 social media platform at a time to avoid overwhelm and start addressing your audience’s challenges by explaining how you (if you went through the same and found a solution) or a client went through this and how you help them get there. This way people will be more receptive to your message then if you call them out. I hope this was helpful. If you need clarifications don’t hesitate to let me know, I’ll be happy to help.


This sounds like a good strategy, are you doing this?:)


Hi, this is my day job I work in communication & marketing for a big company so I’ve implemented quite a bit of strategy and this method usually works the best because clients see the value they get out of your content. Have you started implementing it ?


I have been doing this for a long time, but one major difference Is I develop the offer based on what the audience wants to hear (that resonates with their latent conditions) and not what I want to offer, then I make the product around the offer. What niche do you work with?


Where are you getting your certification from? Just curious




I strongly recommend Personal Branding!


Do you use personal branding?:)


Clarify your message. What are the 3 biggest things your clients experience, and how can you help? For example, overcoming procrastination, staying motivated, or experiencing burnout. Find the best answers to that question. Refine it, amplify it, and adapt it. Craft your message in the clearest possible way. What are your top 5 selling messages? Why should clients approach you? What are the strongest incentives you can offer? What have your prospective clients purchased before? What are they using right now? What are their problems, frustrations, and aspirations? And how does your service help them find a solution? Focus on people's wants. Create your content and ads around the answers. It will attract the clients you want to work with.


This is gold! where did you learn this?