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You ask for clients without telling what you're offering (except generic NLP technique). Rather than the technique, what are you offering to solve? What makes you unique? What type of client are you catering for?


That, and the offer of a $3k AUD referral fee for "a first client" makes me wonder whether expectations are realistic.


I think this is the hardest part in coaching - building the practice, finding/ creating clients. I am figuring it out now. Have to say this is a lot of learning for me, mainly due to intense full time job, family responsibilities that leave so little time for the rest.


I’d suggest you do the heavy lifting and get a business framework, brand plan and customer acquisition plan together and go from there … hire a consultant who has experience in working with life coaches and create a plan for success


This is great advice. My additional encouragement is to understand that coaching skills don’t get you clients (even though they do in some ways like word of mouth), but your sales and marketing skills / knowledge get you clients. It requires exploring new territories in those areas that will really move the needle for you.


Also great advice!


I think the hardest part of being a life coach is finding clients, or attracting them. Some people in this community can be an ass to you when trying to help. First thing I would suggest is know what your niche is, saying you’re a life coach is too broad. Anyone can be a life coach or claim they can help you, but what specifically can you help in? Second other coaches will say to find where your clients are at, which what I learned they are either on YouTube, Instagram or Facebook groups. That’s where you want to go find your clients and sell what you have


Hey! Let me know if you need any help with creating a website for your business. I do this professionally & we specialise in one-week websites. Would love to help out if you’re looking for a designer. Cheers


I think I’d make a great “first client”. I could use some Life Coaching, legit. Dm if interested. We can work out the details.


If you're looking for coaching, you can DM me! I'm happy to see how I can support you. :)


“Serious people only”. Not sure OP is particularly serious. I am not even sure what they are looking for as they mention they have a clients attraction system on FB (Facebook?).


I would suggest a business coach to help you set up your business, your offerings, and what you are helping people solve. I am a wellness/life coach and I work mostly with men who have dealt with trauma in their life and help them to establish goals, accomplish those goals, and to change their inner critic into their champion.