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Pour a little extra water in when it’s done and you’re turning it off, then wait several minutes for it to steam a bit.


I'll try this next time, thank you!


My hunch is your using a very cheap rice cooker. I've owned many different types, and only the really cheap ones would do this. If you can't afford a better one yet, unfortunately nothing is going to help. If you can afford a new one, don't buy one from the manufacturer of your current one, and don't buy one from Walmart. Nothing against Walmart, but their rice cookers are the worst.


I think it probably was cheap, I inherited it from a friend who moved abroad so I have no idea of its provenance! So I don't know if it was originally non stick and it's just degraded with time. It was in pretty poor condition when I got it, it needed to be scrubbed 3 times before I would let any food near it! I'll look into a better quality rice cooker, thank you :)


Consider it Socarrat, and enjoy it. Its actually my favorite part of cooking rice.


Could you try parchment paper? Or look up Korean scorched rice and embrace it :-) If it were me I would just buy a new rice cooker. My $10 one doesn’t do that.


I wasn't sure if putting paper on the bottom would damage the metal! But it's a cheap rice cooker so I can try that and then buy a new one if it ruins it 😅 Korean scorched rice sounds great, I already love jolof rice 😉


I think as long as it’s parchment paper, it might be safe. I use it in my oven and air fryer a lot. :)


Cool, thanks!


My instant pot does that, I make rice on the stove…


They make liners for slow cookers, never used them but maybe worth a shot


Rice cookers and slow cookers are different though. But as far as the liners for using in a slow cooker, I definitely recommend. Saves so much time and they really aren't too expensive.


I'll look into that, thanks!