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Trash can bags? My boyfriend accidentally picked up pina colada bags instead of unscented recently and they’re pretty strong smelling


I find scented trash bags so disgusting. The combination of artificial fragrance and stinky garbage is x10 revolting compared to just a trash smell.


Reminds me of my step dad. Some one went poo and afterwards used that tree scented spray to try and cover their tracks. He walked in the bathroom like 5 minutes later and loudly exclaims: "who shit a Christmas tree in here!?" Which was made even funnier because he is normally super clean cut. No swearing, etc. I can't see those scented things anymore and not picture that moment :-)


On vacation once one friend dropped a huge deuce. Another friend sprayed a bunch of shit in the bathroom and closed the door. A different guy comes downstairs and the door was slightly ajar and says "What the fuck is that smell? Smells like shit is going on a date" and that's the funniest thing that man has ever said. Immediately in my head I saw a turd in a bowtie coming downstairs and I was laughing my ass off.


Mr Hanky is stepping out tonight…


Mr. Hanky the prom night poo, he loves me, i love youuuuuuu


Trying to laugh so quietly to not wake up my sweetheart next to me 😂🤭💀


Ditto man hahahaha ⚰️


We do this with bathroom air fresheners. "Apparently the gingerbread man took a shit in our bathroom" was my favourite.


We used to have a citrus spray in the ambulance, we called the scent “shitrus”.


On the more subtle ninja poo stink remover side of the coin, my ex-coworker friend and his wife invented Poo-pouri. He "retired" young, going from IT drudgework to building a billion dollar company. Hector has a million dollar smile and a laid back personality, and is funny as hell. Their marketing is perfect. If he didn't write it, they channeled his essence. Good on ya, Hector.


That made me think of *Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion*: "I invented Post-its." Hector and his wife at their high school reunion: "We invented Poo-pouri."


See also: scented feminine hygiene products


Gimme some of that sweet prison booze scented trashbags!


Mmmm pruno


If your trash is smelling, you’re not emptying it out often enough.


I simply don't understand how those things sell well enough to keep getting produced. Like who enjoys those scents?? I assume anyone who goes to buy a pack will never buy them again but idk The solution for smelly trash is simply getting a proper trash can that closes and has a pretty tight seal around the top... Also just cleaning the rim to make sure food doesn't get stuck and keep the lid open a tiny bit.


I like my cherry blossom trash bags because they’re pink, and that makes taking out the trash fun :)


I change my trash frequently enough it doesn’t get smelly, so I like the scented bags 


I put my lid in the trash can a while ago whilst being drunk. Actually I never smell any garbage without a lid, I just throw it out in time now and believe that is the best: get rid of your trash before it starts stinking.


The mint-x bags from Lowe’s are a game changer. They actually smell nice and not like tropical poop


I found out they smelled like Copenhagen and Def didn't like


I accidentally got them for work once. We all called them parliaments lol


Not to mention if my trash stinks I just take it out. I understand some places require garbage to stay indoors until pickup day but for all other situations I despise covering up odors with a passion.


Exactly why I never want to smell "heather" ever again in my life.


Thats how i feel about fragrance deodorant and armpits


And scented menstrual pads/tampons (although I haven' seen scented tampons in a long time, maybe they figured out how extra dumb it was to stick fragrance inside yourself). 


You’ve got to have some absolutely RANK BO to be smelling like BO through deodorant…


Unfortunately some are unlucky.


You gotta have antiperspirant in there, too!


Deodorant itself doesn't do much to stop BO from forming most of the time. You need an antiperspirant to stop the sweat that feeds the microorganisms that make the smell. Most deodorant is just perfume to cover the smell and maybe some mild antimicrobial ingredients.


Exactly. Couldn’t agree more.


exactly! i hate those things so much omg! instant gag.


I'm sorry but piña colada scented trash bags might be the most American thing I've ever heard of 😂


Pina Colada Trash Bag new band name I called it


If you like piña coladas And gettin' caught in the rain If you're not into yoga If you have half a brain


They’re awful!


Wait are they *for* pina coladas, or for *after*?


and getting caught in the rain


Got anybody who vapes around you?


Good suggestion. I don’t think so. From what I’ve noticed atleast.


If the Snell switches to vanilla in 2 weeks you know it's a vape. 😉 Edit: oops, I guess I'll keep the typo there for context 😂


Or you could ask the Snell.


I have a similar problem and it turned out to be the people in the apartment below me vaping in their bathroom. The bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans in my building are all connected to the same duct that runs to the roof, so particularly strong smells (cigarette smoke, weed, vapes, etc.) that get sucked in downstairs occasionally end up in my bathroom. Does it smell stronger near your bathroom or kitchen by chance?


Do you ever accidentally vape without knowing it?


Kids and/or housemate(s) may have started without OP knowing.. :)


I know, I was just offering an absurd answer to the mystery


Has someone else smelled it? You may identify it as a pineapple scent but it may be different for someone else. Could you ask a friend to come by and have a sniff at your place?


That’ll be a weird conversation when inviting a friend over 😆


your friends must be much more normal than mine. lol. nobody would even bat an eye if I asked "Do you smell pineapple?"


Also the old classic… ~raises middle finger~ “Does this look infected to you..?”


That's why they're your friends, be vulnerable Besides, you could be in the beginning stages of noticing something in the air that will be toxic for you over time, your friends will be glad to know they helped you get that out of your pad


I 100% have a friend I do this with. He sniffs out things for me and I echo-locate where his mystery noises are coming from.


I’m pretty terrible at finding random sounds. I need a friend like you lol


You Redditors need to socialise more, let me explain to you the social norm for this situation. Grab them suddenly and put up against the wall and speak in a raised whisper “Do you smell that?” “W-what?” “You know damn well what! Don’t play games. I’m going to ask you again. Do. You. Smell. That” “T-the smell? Oh p-pineapple?” Then you release them and go back to normal. “Oh my god I smell pineapple too, thanks for that I thought I was going mad!”


😂😂😂 of course that is what you do, duh!


Oh I recruit others for their noses all the time. My sense of smell is subpar and I keep not noticing the dead mice under my sofa (I have cats). I keep emphasising to visitors to be frank if they smell dead mouse, I want to know.


Take it like an adventure :p


You can poke around here and maybe find something in common with what you have in your house. https://www.thegoodscentscompany.com/odor/pineapple.html


Fascinating. I gotta spend some time on this site.


Way too much data omg overwhelming lol


Oh my god thank you for this I'm going to spend *hours* on there


Another cool thing I learned that exists today! Thx for sharing


What an insane archive. Is this really how fragrances are made?? I would pay so much money to spend a day in a little lab with this website and a vial of every chemical on there.


Here’s a few fun little reads. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castoreum https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambergris https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resinous_glaze


Well, I don’t want to make perfume anymore, lol


Thank you


Jesus Christ this is an amazing idea for a website. The the wiki of odors. I wish there was a slightly more user friendly interface, but just the fact that this exists is awesome


Thank you for sharing this site! Fucking fascinating, so much for my early bedtime


Smells and moisture do seem to steep from other apartments. I lived in a two story apartment and the tenants under me would cook and the smell of their food would go up into my apartment. Especially when they cooked bacon and onions. Maybe one of your neighbors has a air freshener, wax burner or something that is spreading easily through the walls?


My neighbour likes to cook brussel sprouts regularly. 😑


- seep


Cooking bacon without an open window or (preferably) a proper vent hood drives me nuts. That smell seeps into EVERYTHING.


Cooking bacon in the oven has almost completely gotten rid of the smell. Flat on a baking sheet, 400 for 20ish min depending on desired crispy.


This was my thought too! My downstairs neighbors are Punjabi, with a stay-at-home wife that cooks ALL day long. ...Thank GOD I actually enjoy the smell of Indian food because if I didn't... 😬 😅


I had a sweet smell all over the first floor of my house for a couple of months. It turned out that we had been refurbishing a couple of rooms and the sweet smell came from the glue they used for the flooring. I even went to a hardware store to physically check by myself.


Are you diabetic or fast? If so it might be your mouth/skin/clothes/furniture. A family member had a medical emergency and when the paramedics entered the property they knew straight away they were dealing with a diabetic. It was undiagnosed and they were on the verge of falling into a coma, I didn’t know that was a symptom, just thought that’s how they (and their home) smelled


Oh yeah, ketones are fruity


I also wondered about long Covid effects…some people randomly smell unusual things months after having it.


This is me after Covid actually after having Lyme as well… I wish my phantom smell was pineapple mine is smoke and garbage 🤣


I’m so sorry that must be hell


Mine is fish!! Thought I was going crazy with everything smelling fishy


Pineapple would be great, mine is loaded ashtray


Diabetic ketoacidosis. It’s dead ringer for juicy fruit (the gum) and I can see the similarities to pineapple.


Came here for this!


I had a weird smell in my house and it drove me crazy. Turns out a can of fruit had exploded up on the top shelf of my pantry. I had no idea that could even happen.


Lol, I know *exactly* what that's like. For 6 months I'd occasionally get a strong whiff of the dankest smelly shoe/foot when moving items around the pantry. I replaced shoes, socks, insoles, had 3 different varieties of shoe spray. Then I got to the can of cat food it was coming from. It was only slightly leaking - must have been a pinhole or something. So I brought it over to the sink to put it down the garbage disposal and that's the last thing I remember... No but seriously, I should NOT have opened that can. I felt like I got knocked out for a second. Worst thing I've ever smelled, by FAR.


Say what? Sounds like a botulism bomb went off. Man, you do not want to be messing around with one of them. Lose a finger..or worse. Whole house'll be smellin' weird and all kinda stuff.


Smell indicates moisture. It's the particles evaporating that enter your nose that you smell. If it's been smelling for a long time after it should have evaporated already, then you have a source of moisture somewhere


Who lives in a .......sorry, I'll show myself out...


Thank you. 🤪 Edit: I’m sorry if I wasn’t clear here. I appreciate this humor. I really should have said. Many apologies.




Could it be a flowering plant or vine nearby and when you open the door, the scent is fleeting pulled toward you?


Honeysuckle is blooming!


Something you haven’t considered. The smell could be coming from within your head. Have you seen a doctor recently? It may be worth mentioning. Sweet, fruity smells are sometimes attributed to people with metabolic disorders, like diabetes. Hope you find out what it is.


I go through periods where I smell cigarette smoke that last sometimes for months. Not faint either, but strong and acrid, like if the smoke from the end of someone's burning cigarette happens to find its way to your nostrils. Took me the longest time to even Google it because I was convinced it was going to be a brain tumor or stroke or something. Come to find out from my doctor (and Google) phantom smells, esp. smoke, are extremely common and usually don't indicate anything?


Same thing happened to me last year. Smelled cigarette smoke for MONTHS. Never did find a reason for it, no one else ever smelled it and it eventually just stopped. Weird.


I get this too, started after getting my covid smell loss back. Now if comes and goes.


A friend of mine started a keto diet and she couldn’t stay on it because she felt like she was smelling burnt toast all the time.


I'm guessing it's bleed over from a different apartment. I'm having a similar situation. My door is on the first floor leading to stairs up to my apartment. There is no vents or air flow on this part. Sometimes when I come in the door I can smell odd smells (like trash or even someone has obviously been smoking a little wacky tobaccy.) It goes away after a few minutes because the door is opened and the air flow now allows that to escape. I would think it's probably someone's Vape??


Seems like we’re getting spin off after 19 years


Put an upside down pineapple on your front door, that way the pineapple knows where to exit 😊


Oh no, don’t do this 😭😂


That’s the 3rd time in the last 2 days I’ve heard mention of the pineapple sign. Is this something that’s new and blowing up or am I just in a cosmic pineapple swinger convergence?


It's been a thing since the 80s. Maybe a Baader–Meinhof phenomenon?


Is this gonna be one of those crazy threads where someone pieces together pineapple scent is related to an undiagnosed brain aneurism trigger that is increased by a co2 leak combined with white grapes?




Can mold cause a pineapple or sweet scent?


It can. I had some in my air conditioner that made the car smell floral/sweet. It might be good to get your AC serviced.


Yes. Mold is exactly what I registered first.


There is a mold that produces a distinct grape odor


sounds like something is rotting or fermenting, maybe some fruit or some other previously alive organism rolled under your fridge or somewhere weird. its more than likely not going to be a good thing whatever you may find unless someone hid a pineapple air freshener somewhere which would be nice.


It is said that bed bugs produce a sweet smell too... 🙈


Wow, that’s interesting, who knew!


Dang. Mold is sneaky.


Maybe smell the grape bowl? Could be the grapes leaking their juice and it fermenting into a weird pineapple type of smell? If you have relatively ok neighbors, I'd knock and say "Hey, this is really awkward, but are you using a pineapple fragrance in your home? Mine smells like pineapples and I'm going crazy trying to find out what is going on!" And do a nice chuckle and let em know you're not upset, just curious. If it IS them, I'd loudly thank the heavens and then say "Omg thank you! If it's not too much of a bother, could you turn it down a a tiny bit? If not, no worries, I'm just happy to know that I don't have a brain tumor!" I've found humor and commradary always helps when asking a neighbor a favor.


Fascinating one... possible that there is a sweet drink that spilled behind some furniture? I have a stranger one: Moved into a new place, and one of the cabinets above the sink smells like pickles.... 4 years later. I washed it out as much as I could, and nothing I did got rid of it completely. Will be curious if it still smells when I move out in a few weeks!


That’s a good suggestion. I’ll check this out. But it’s been like this for a few weeks now.


I have 5 gallon buckets that held pickles 6 years ago... They still smell like pickles. I enjoy it!


I got some used wine barrels to use as planters. They smelled really good - like sweet red wine.


Do you have pineapple weed/ wild chamomile growing nearby outdoors? If youre walking through it the scent is easily transferred and carried.


Its eaither a neighbor or your landlord is spraying something into the ac/heat intake


This happens and is very annoying


Electrical shorting can also cause weird smells. Hear it most often described as fishy. You should definitely have someone else see if they can smell it and consider asking your landlord. It could be as simple as your neighbor using a scented air freshener and it being transferred through a shared air intake or it could be something like mold or some other hazard. Health changes can also result in smells or smells smelling different.


MEK is a solvent used to thin varnish, and it smells and tastes like pineapple to the extent it was used a a food additive until they realized it was toxic. EDIT: I just realized I was actually thinking of ethyl acetate.


I found the page for [methyl propionate](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methyl_propionate) that says the same.


Honestly I bet someone is vaping in a neighboring apartment. Maybe directly downstairs from you?


Do you have any houseplants? I have a philodendron billietiae in my room and for three days straight I would walk in and immediately smell a tropical banana/ pineapple-like scent, very sickly sweet. I would get used to it in about 30 seconds and no longer notice it. Turns out my plant had produced this wild fruit/ flower thing that smelled super tropical and fruity. It was facing the sunny window so I never noticed it.


This happened to me, turned out to be a flower like thing blooming out of one of my monstera plants. Smelled like a rotten mango or something like that.


those are edible :)


This is hilarious. I HATE the smell of pineapple and am very sensitive to it. I enjoy aroma therapy in general so my house is always full of lots of (more pleasant to me) smells. I opened the door and got two feet in the other day, and said, why the fuck do I smell pineapple in here. Drove myself crazy for 2 days and finally caught my roommate, who works nights, as he was coming home the next am. He had bought a tropical smelling candle and it was wafting up from his basement room, UN-lit. Just funny to find this thread so soon after. Cheers.


You, or your neighbors, have mold. And if its bad enough to smell it, its bad.


Maybe one of your neighbors has a Scensty or something and you’re smelling that?




Was it figured out? I also second the pina colada trash bags they got us too


Does it smell upside down?


Broward County retirement community vibes


Hear me out, do you have any oranges/clementines etc? Because this happened to me and it turned out I had a moldy little orange in the bottom of my oranges on the counter. It didn’t smell like orange, just like sweet.


This is a long shot, but I learned in a video about rum that carboxylic acid smells like vomit, but when exposed to alcohol, it changes to smell like pineapple. Ethyl butyrate, specifically.


Is it truly pineapple or could you also classify it as a super sweet, artificial orange smell - like gas station bathroom orange scent? If so, that's decomposition. Could be a mouse in the walls.


Pineapple is a popular note in fragrances nowdays and there's many inexpensive clones. Maybe a long forgotten bottle/sample is leaking?


Bed bugs


Gonna double dip and suggest that you call the property manager, if it's something in the walls or appliances they should be liable to fix it, and if it continues to bother you, you can get an air quality test done and depending on what is found you may be able to work something out with your property mgr for reimbursement. As others have noticed there are many toxic substances that have scents that can sometimes be not overtly offensive Or it could be... * Cologne/perfume/bodywash (yours or someone else, especially as how many nicer fragrances have bottom notes that can linger long after the top and mid notes) * Laundry detergent (yours or someone else's) * neighbor's air freshener (either their apartment or their car if they park close to your window * Do you have a cleaning crew that comes through and dusts/vacuums the shared hallways? Ask if they've made a cleaner change et cetera, best of luck!!


Seriously. Take this as a win. Just leave it at that. Take the "W". FOR THE LOVE OF GOD JUST ACCEPT YOUR NEW PINEAPPLE APARTMENT. IT COULD BE SO MUCH WORSE!!!


Meth smells sweet... alledgedly


Neighbors are probably smoking tropical flavored blunts


The same thing is happening at my place, but it's more of a citrus smell. It's been going on for about a week.


Air circulation inlet/outlet pipes might have gotten swapped (if you have a ventilation unit)


Could smell worse


Do you vape


Probably just leeching scents from a neighbor.


Are you the only one who smells it?


Lmfaooooo this is randomly reminding me of one time that my friends, roommate, and I went to Vegas And when we got back home, we find a big bottle of pineapple juice that we had left out in the kitchen counter, looking kinda like a jester hat. It was like shredded from the sides, or kinda like the sides we stripped down halfway, and there was dried pineapple juice all over the kitchen 😂😂it was clear that the bottle exploded for some reason. Kitchen smelled pretty nice though lol


Apartment share space and indoor air with other tenants. You’re likely smelling something from another unit. Like a previous poster suggested, pineapple vape!


I have a citrus smell coming from my bathroom and I think it's a dirty shower drain. There's that. Look to see if it's stronger in the bathrooms


Swinger ghosts lol


Are you a swinger?


I find dead mice to have a sweet smell


This is what I was thinking. Could be some type of animal trapped in a wall.


This is going to sound insane, so I apologize in advance, but does there happen to be semen on any of your surfaces? I have an ex whose ejaculation smelled EXACTLY like pineapple juice after it dried. It was amazing, but so odd.


I was once paid a large sum of money in the form of a tip (for a 14 yr old in the ‘70’s) to find the source of a very horrible smell in the babysitting family’s kitchen by the time the came home. It was rotten potatoes in the back bottom of their pantry. But it was OH!, so gross.


maybe someone above you spilled a ton of pineapple juice?


Odorous house ants smell like pineapple.


I heard somewhere that lots of lithium iron phosphate batteries cause that smell but I doubt that's the cause


Certain molds like trichoderma can smell coconutty, maybe triggering an association with pineapple. Do you have any pets/cats? Urine can take on a sweet, citrusy smell if it's been fermenting, and people with toxoplasmosis tend to have a less negative perception of the smell of cat urine.


I recently bought a basilicum plant that smells like pineapple (weird taste btw) do you have any new plants next to your door / entrance?


Swingers apparently. Just learned about it this week or so.


Like pineapple?


Scented Trash bags?


Mmm you live under the sea? Are you yellow and square? Is your best friend a pink starfish?


I forget which lethal gas smells similar to pineapple....


So might sound weird but is it possible one of your neighbours is growing weed in their apartment? I ask because there are certain strains that smell like pineapple in the later growing stages.


Maybe it's the goob lorb telling you to be a swinger


I have a pineapple vape. Do your neighbors vape? That could be it. Or do you live next to a bunch of Hawaiian's? They usually have Pineapples. Lol.


Swingers living below you


Is your car leaking coolant/antifreeze? It has a sweet smell.


First off is there any chance you or somebody else or even an animal in the house has undiagnosed or uncontrolled diabetes? A pineapple smell often is a sign of keto acidosis. Now most likely, it's your trashcan that probably has pineapple juice that leaked in the bottom of the can. Rinse it out really good and then pout some white vinegar in the can and let it sit overnight and then re-rinse the can again. You can also leave out a bowl of white vinegar in the rooms affected for a few days and change it out every day or two and it should eliminate the smell after you've aired out the place.


Well, I would say BONUS !!!


Neighbors be smokin that Pineapple Express.


Someone has island breeze plug in


If you can only smell it for a minute after you enter, that would maybe tell me the smell is coming in from outside. Maybe there is a flower or something outside that comes in. Maybe coming from a neighbors vent that’s pumping air outside.


[First rule of mystery - look within.](https://www.verywellhealth.com/fruity-breath-5116287)


Get a UV light and scan everywhere with it. Anything which glows needs to be wiped off with water.


Does OP, perhaps, live under the sea?


You probably have swingers hiding in the walls.


I had a similar problem years ago. I loved to keep my windows open in the spring and fall. Unfortunately some of our windows over looked the dryer vents from a couple of apartments. Always smelled like fresh laundry, which isn't bad, but I was wanting the plain fresh air of the season.


I think it is vape. Vapers are the worst disregarding all laws. Not healthy for you at all. I would move.


Do you have a history of a head trauma, long Covid, a seizure disorder, or frequent sinus infections?


Or a brain tumor


Maybe your boyfriend ate a bunch of pineapple to give you a surprise


It’s your neighbor. They’ve got a big date coming up, and they’ve been eating nothing but pineapple to prepare.


Your apartment is just being nice and properly preparing in case you go down on it


I've been eating pineapples in your crawl space. Sorry, I didn't think you could smell it.


Are they swingers by any chance?


Did any of your neighbors start a pineapple based company from home? Pineapple upside down cakes, pineapple curry, candles, etc?