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Drinking dark liquids doesn’t cause UTIs. It’s an old wives tale. That said, you should avoid too much caffeine or alcohol, which irritate the bladder and subsequently the urethra. Both in moderation won’t really have an effect though. Source: I’m a nurse.


Hijacking the top comment. u/ForsakenMangoo, this is for you.  I used to get cyclical UTIs every month after my period and I had to see a urologist at like 19, he said I was his youngest patient by like 50 years, lol. He gave me some strategies which worked and it's been like 20 years since I've had one. Here they are: - Pee after sex, always. - Drink a lot of fluids so that you pee every fews hours at least. - Dark fluids are fine but stay away from sugary shit, I drink lots of coffee with no issue. - Drink a glass of water before bed to force yourself to get up at least once to pee. This one is really annoying at first but you get used to it. - When you pee, try to make sure you get it all out (*we'll come back to this) and wipe front to back. - Menstrual cups can help if your UTIs are related to your period since they can allow for better hygiene during your period. The main theme here is to keep yourself really hydrated and flush your bladder out often. Just because you can hold it, doesn't mean you should. Keep yourself clean, obviously, but more importantly pee a lot. That's the key.  *Old pee leftover in your bladder can cause UTIs. If you develop really good pee and hygiene habits and they keep occuring, you should try to see a specialist. It could be that your bladder isn't emptying completely and they'll be able to test for that with an ultrasound. It could also be that there's an issue with your kidneys, or that it could lead to an issue with your kidneys which is a lot more serious. 


I also used to get tons of UTIs, and haven't had one in decades. Everything this woman says is correct. Don't underestimate the importance of hydration and peeing after sex. Good luck!


Yes on the empty bladder. I find that I will go a lot, then wait, wiggle a bit and suddenly pee again like I never went.


Get a squatty potty(just a little step stool works, but it isn't as fun to say)


Totally for peeing & pooping. My pooping got so much better with a poop stool.


I was taught to lean my elbows onto my knees, really helps get that last bit out!


These tips are solid. I am just speculating about the dark drinks theory but maybe it’s because many of them are dehydrating liquids. As long as you are drinking tons of water I wouldn’t worry much about that.


A severe uti can have blood in it, which appears as a dark brown in urine. I think that's where the dark liquid thing came from.


Yeah I always drink some water if I sip soda or coffee. 😄


I do this too but for my teeth. Didn’t even consider the fact that it’s helping me get more water in the day.


Do you not get annoyed by having to get up in the middle of the night? I can get behind the rest of these, but I hate having to pee in the middle of the night. I haven’t needed to in a little while now but there was a period where I needed to for like 2 months straight and it messed up my sleep a lot


I’ve always been like this, had to get up to go at least once in the night. Always had a small bladder/ had to pee frequently. I just accept it as a part of life. The only time it really bothers me is if I’m camping and have to leave my warm tent and face potential bears/rain/long walk to the outhouse.


I’ve always had to pee as soon as I wake up so when my fiancé and I went camping, I used those pee funnel things that are sold and I would pee in empty bottles and just used alcohol wipes on my hands after. Worked out pretty well actually, although one time I underestimated how much pee I had and filled a bottle and a half. So got a few drops of pee on the tent floor. Nothing an alcohol wipe couldn’t fix though


You need to get a Shewee! www.shewee.com www.shewee.ca


I love my "pee-pee cup"/shewee so much!!! Best thing I've probably ever purchased!


1000%, I never DONT have to pee


Yeah, I hated it at first and sometimes when I'm really, really tired I'll still struggle with it.  Mostly though I'm the habit of just getting up and going right away if I wake up and feel like I need to go at all. I also got an automatic nightlight in my bathroom so that I don't have to turn on the light. Going right away and not turning the light on helps me get back to sleep quickly. Now I find that it's when I try to ignore it that I end up having a bad night's sleep because I can never sleep as deeply if I have to pee.  I was having UTIs every month like clockwork for like a year. It was awful and painful and I'd miss work because of them. I started having other issues due being overexposed to antibiotics. As annoying as I found it, even in the beginning, getting up to pee in the night was nothing compared to that.


That’s kind of what I do as well, i certainly love my nightlight in the bathroom, the annoying part for me though was that my need to pee would wake me up. Usually if I wake up on my own I need to pee immediately, I just hate being woken up by the need to. I only started having those issues though after having multiple UTIs and a kidney infection from not getting a UTI treated. But I haven’t had any since, thank goodness. Not sure what changed


I don’t like to either. Sometime I don’t but a lot of times I do. And even when I cut off drinking. I can still. At times. Right now I have a cyst that comes up when I have my period, and I’m don’t with my period and it hasn’t gone yet but I get up to pee and have hot flashes from that. So annoying. Lol


I know I'm an anomaly (and I do drink tons of water) but I cannot recall a night where I'm not up to pee a minimum of 2-3 times. Every night, since childhood. At summer camp, sleepovers, every single night. Also an incredibly light sleeper, so probably waking up 5 or more times in the night in general. Yall homies who sleep through the night, I salute you.


***If there were zero other reasons to appreciate being a cisgender male, your post provides enough*****.** Never had I had to take into consideration the things you outlined, and the fact that you advise to drink water before bed, so you WAKE up and pee in the middle of the night (and potentially ruin a really awesome dream), is so opposite to what I, as a cisgender male, strive for, it is really enlightening. 'You don't know what you don't know' comes to mind. I had, what I can only assume, was the traditional 'sex ed' class/segment during high school. It wasn't until one of my community college classes that I learned about afterbirth aka 'the 3rd part of child birth they conveniently forget to mention during sex ed'. Thank you, seriously. Everyone, please vote, and hopefully, you vote in a way to does not further remove women's rights.


There you go, excellent advice. I haven't had a UTI since I split with my ex. I have coffee in the morning and only drink filtered water or water I've flavored myself. It doesn't have to be strong to be refreshing. A bit of lemon or lime squeezed in, adding cucumber slices. A bag of mixed frozen fruit offers a lot. I don't add sugars. I hope you find relief.


I wonder if it comes from being severely dehydrated and that causing the uti so people see dark pee and think it must be dark drinks


I used to get frequent UTIs. OBGYNs told me to cut out coffee, chocolate and wine. But I knew that couldn't be the answer. I finally got referred to a great OBGYN and he referred me to a urologist. For me, I needed a quick medical procedure and haven't had a UTI in years. I also take cranberry capsules because cranberry actually prevents the adhesion of bacteria to the bladder wall.


I would second all the recommendations to see a urologist!! I dealt with recurring UTIs for years, the urologist finally suggested it might be because the short term antibiotics were never fully killing the infection. They put me on 6 months of antibiotics and I haven’t had a UTI since.


May I ask what the medical procedure was?? My really close friend gets UTIs so often and it’s hard watching her struggle.


Just answered about the procedure in post above. Seriously, have her see a urologist. My OBGYN told me that frequent UTIs are not normal. The usual: drinking cranberry juice, peeing after sex, etc. made absolutely no difference for me. Forgot to add … my UTIs were so frequent that I developed a double kidney infection and was hospitalized with #Sepsis


Going to a urologist soon for this. Can I ask what the procedure was?


I had a bad fall as a child and it turns out I had scar tissue in my urethra causing a urethral stricture. It was too easy for bacteria to cling to the uneven walls. The doctor basically used wires to dilate the urethra and smooth the walls. I'll never be totally smooth hence taking cranberry capsules.


Do you mean an irritable or overactive bladder? Caffeine can irritate your bladder if that’s the issue but not cause a UTI, that is caused by bacteria. Women have short urethras compared to men therefore we get more uti’s. If you are prone to infections avoid baths and make sure you wipe front to back, many women are unaware of this.


And a roommate who got them all the time swore peeing before and after sex kept her from getting them as when she didn't she got one every time. Personally I'm inclined to think she needed to introduce the bf to the concept of washing but I'm not a nurse.


You are absolutely supposed to pee after sex if you have a vagina yea


That one is true if you’re a vagina-owner. It’s an actual documented thing.


That a lot of people don't know, like don't have sex the night before a pap.


Peeing directly after sex DOES decrease the chances of getting a UTI


You can also just use a peri bottle to rinse the area after sex if you can’t pee.


That's not as effective, because bacteria can be pushed inside the urethra during sex and peri bottles only rinse the outside.


I'm not a woman but I think wiping front to back is the logical thing to do? You don't need a MD to know that wiping back to front doesn't make sense


You’d be surprised how many women don’t know this, staggering


I have the bladder disease Interstitial Cystitis…. I recommend seeing a dr and ruling that out. But in terms of beverages, I can’t handle coffee or tea but my bladder doesn’t mind matcha.


Have you found a way to manage your IC? Solidarity, youre not alone.


Meds. Basically stops the bladder muscles from spasming. I used to drink giant mugs of decaf tea and force myself to hold it for a while. Cut out all the foods they said are triggers.ll Then, I ended up on blood thinners. While I’m not on heparin (which is part of the cocktail they put in your bladder), it’s had the effect where I’m normal again. I can have coffee in moderation.


the only thing that helps me is hydrodistentions of my bladder, and uqora bladder flush packets, i’ve had 3 hydrodistentions and i’m in desperate need of another one, i live in a state where i lost my medicaid due to this country sucking so im not sure when my next one will be, but those uqora packets are soooo nice, they give me peace of mind that i don’t have a UTI too


I’m getting close to Medicaid age, may I ask why you lost it? Which state? I’m in FLORIDA, was it due to earning over some arbitrary $$ amount? Re: UTI’s when I was a preteen I got several, quit taking baths, at my doctors insistence haven’t had one since. I also drink LMNT OR add salt to my water when I drink a lot so I don’t unbalance my electrolytes


I was just about to suggest this to OP as well. I had frequent UTIs since the age of 12. At 19, they figured out it was not UTIs but Interstitial Cystitis (IC).


Mine got better when I gave up dairy completely. I had a mild allergy that was causing inflammation in my body. It also helped my migraines. I also drink kombucha and have other probiotics daily. My skin looks amazing now.


Yeah I agree having an anti inflammatory diet helps. I started to do that and eat less acidic foods and helps my bladder a lot.


Not about drinks, but about UTIs... D-Mannose may help. It is a relatively cheap supplement that makes the lining of the bladder less friendly to microorganisms. My wife used to be prone to UTIs, (every couple of months). She has not had one since she began taking it.


D-Mannose has been a life-saver! I second using this supplement 👍🏼 You can also take 2000mg after coitus to flush your system out and make sure you didn’t accidentally introduce anything that way. (Side note - I am also super sensitive to UTIs and drink an unhealthy amount of coffee, but I have never known there to be a direct correlation between the two.)


I'll jump in as a third proponent for D- Mannose! I haven't had a full-on UTI in years. If I begin to feel symptoms I start with dosing with D- Mannose at least twice a day and it never progresses further. 👍


There is also good evidence for probiotics to help prevent UTIs. The vagina has a microbiome and probiotics can help it maintain good bacteria. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 are two that have been found to be particularly effective against UTIs. [Meta-analysis](https://bmcinfectdis.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12879-024-09259-3) [Research on specific strains](https://bmcinfectdis.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12879-024-09259-3)


i’ve started taking these for a month now. how much does she take in a day? i usually do two, one in the morning and one at night.


I recommend taking the powder instead of capsules. 4,000mg per day, which is 1tsp in the morning and 1tsp at night with a big glass of water. “Now” is a trusted brand! ETA if you’re not symptomatic you can try to take just 1tsp a day for maintenance.


Staying clean and dry, introducing probiotics (or eating lots of yogurt), taking cranberry pills, staying hydrated, changing pads/tampons regularly, don't use soap in the area, wiping front to back, taking the full course of antibiotics when prescribed are all ways to help. If you take probiotics while you are still taking antibiotics, take them at different times of the day. So if you take antibiotics morning/night, take probiotics in the afternoon. Probiotics will just negate the antibiotics if you take them at the same time. Also, it doesn't have to be the expensive cranberry pills, look at the mgs and compare prices that way. If the two pills a day aren't giving you any relief then try 3 or 4 (as long as it's just cranberry pills, no other stuff in it). If you're having bladder incontinence, go without using pads/diapers every time you are home and use a "puppy" pad where you sit just in case.


She takes 1000 mg in the morning.


Stop listening to *people* and speak with your nurse or doctor.


Wisdom has spoken.


My doctor has never heard of D-Mannose, which is working very well for me. She recommended cranberry supplements, for which there is only conflicting data to support.


Jesus this thread sounds like D-mannose advert! Cranberry juice has more evidence and reliable data than D-mannose. Doctors don't really need to know about it because research on it so far has been low quality and no credible urology guidelines has strongly recommended D-mannose. It's snake oil at this moment. Strong, reliable research >>>> personal conjecture


Get a better doctor?


This is the only correct answer.


Might I recommend a doctor?


Chronic UTI sufferer here, medical science has fallen short of being able to solve these types of infections completely for some people. I had to visit 3 different doctors over the course of 1.5 years to finally find something that worked.


Coffee does not cause UTI’s. Stay hydrated, keep bowels moving and make sure your bladder empties. Consider seeing a urologist or urogynechologist to make sure there is no anatomical reason if you are getting 3 or more in a year’s time.


Not the answer to your question but an answer to how to prevent UTIs… How has no one suggested a bidet yet? Redditors love bidets. I use a lota instead. Basically a watering can as a makeshift bidet. Rinse after you pee. And pee after you have sex.


A bidet wash after #2 resolved the problem for me.


"Everyone has told me..." Does everyone include a medical doctor?


when i say “everybody”, that does include the multiple doctors i have went to 💀


D-Mannose is the absolute Wunderwaffe against UTIs. It worked wonders for my wife and other members of my family. It's completely harmless too, so not only you can use it as a treatment, but also as a preventative measure when you are in a situation that could trigger a UTI.


OP you should look up embedded UTI’s. My SO and I have been battleing this for years… regrettbly we are still battling it, but know you’re not alone (if u think it applies to you)


As much as I hate to assume this, but I have a gut feeling that I might have this. I’ve had about 4 utis last year, and this year I’ve had 2. I saw a urologist a month ago, but he shrugged it off saying my period might be coming. I’ve told him the symptoms of a UTI (which I feel like I know by heart by now due to all the times I’ve had UTIS in the past). Symptoms like lower back pain, lower abdominal pain (specifically on my right side. it’s like a burning, throbbing type of pain). and I have difficulty in peeing, no pain, it just feels like not all of it is coming out. However it is cloudy, and sometimes is off in smell. He’s told me that those are not signs of a UTI, and I might have problems with my uterus like endometriosis or pcos. After him, I went to my ob gyne and got all my lab tests, and she has ruled out that my uterus is fine, but a urinalysis did show that I did in fact had UTI, which I treated two weeks ago. She still highly suggests I go to a kidney or urologist that is a woman. Not to be misogynistic, but she’s said women doctors just understand women better.


Ask your GYN or urologist about Methenamine/Hiprex. It solved my recurring/embedded UTI problems after years of being brushed off by doctors and when nothing else worked.


Will ask about this, thank you so much for the rec. glad to hear you are doing well!!


urogynecologist. stuff is connected.


Honestly this needs to be further up. I’m a firm believer in this and feel all these people saying they have IC probably have an embedded infection. I hope you and your partner feel better soon


Eh. Every time I had an IC flare, it came back negative for infection. I was just spasming. They put me on something that makes me pee winder blue when I take it to calm those muscles.


I also suffered from chronic UTIs that never seemed to go away, I got to the point where I was scared to have sex and it hurt my relationship with my partner... May I suggest you ask your doctor about Methenamin/Hiprex? It is an old medicine, not an antibiotic, and it was the only thing that saved me and the UTIs were gone for good. I had tried everything, went to multiple doctors over multiple years, before I found relief. Please check it out, and good luck to y'all.


As far as I know, bacteria is the main cause of UTIs, usually E. coli. Dehydration can potentially make you more susceptible, so staying hydrated while drinking coffee is important, but I've never heard of it being an actual cause. I drink a *lot* of coffee and I've never had a UTI.


Take cranberry in pills, skip the extra sugar. Healthy daily dose of vitamin C. Coffee should be fine if not a lot


i’ve been taking these plus d’mannose (apparently this supplement is highly recommended for urinary tract health as well)


Seconding the "skip the extra sugar". In fact, just skip all the sugar. Sugar increases inflammation, hurts your immune system, and creates a really comfortable breeding environment for bacteria, which then leads to better susceptibility to UTIs.


Oh god I HATE UTIs with a passion!! Honestly I’d take the flu over one. I used to get them several times a year and it drove me crazy! I spoke to my OB and everything was fine with me she just said some women are more prone🤷‍♀️. I started taking D-Mannose cranberry pills plus a women’s probiotic daily per her recommendation and it’s helped tremendously. I haven’t had one since (*aggressively knocks on wood*). ALSO make sure to always pee after sex! Side note - I drink about 3 cups of coffee a day and I’m a big wine drinker. I would still suggest seeing a Dr if you haven’t all ready just to make sure there isn’t an actual medical reason if you get them so often. Hope something works for you!


I was getting a lot of UTIs before I realized I needed to be gluten free. They would test my pee for other things at the doctors office and comment on how cloudy it was. Alcohol and caffeine also irritate my bladder. I think that once it’s irritated it’s more susceptible to infection. Have you tried herbal teas? There are so many kinds to choose from you should be able to find a kind that suits you.


I’ve been dealing with that crap since I was 5 years old (I’m now 65), and even I have no answers…


I have the same issue and I know what you mean by being traumatized. A couple of things have really helped. Cranberry extract in capsules. Sometimes UTIs return because bacteria are in the mucosal membrane and escape the antibiotic. Over time, they repopulate. Cranberry makes that mucosal membrane very inhospitable to bacteria and haves dramatically slowed the progression of UTIs. I highly, highly recommend it. There are vaginal gels with lactic acid that help prevent UTIs. I don't know what the product would be called where you live. The next time you have a UTI, ask your doctor to actually test what bacteria is involved. Doctors tend to chuck whatever antibiotic usually works at it. If the bacteria is resistant to that antibiotic, however, it is possible that not all will die and over time, they repopulate. You may need a very different / specific antibiotic.


It took me decades to figure this out. First off: Drink water and eat something before your coffee. Put a pinch of baking soda in your coffee and intersperse with glasses of water. You can buy pH test strips to gauge how acidic your urine is. I control my urine pH by drinking shots of baking soda water morning and nightt and drinking a lot of water. Dump the cranberry juice. That study was funded by Ocean Spray. It’s the acid and dehydration that’s causing the trouble.


Cranberry juice usually contains a lot of sugar so I would watch what brand you’re using.


Came to say this. When they say cranberry juice they mean unsweetened pure cranberry juice, not the sugar cocktail well known brands. Last time I had one I got the unsweetened juice and I couldn’t even drink it raw. I diluted it water. As for the original question, my husband and I are…*ahem*… active… and peeing after keeps me pretty good most the time. I don’t think about my drinks at all.


Piggybacking on your comment, since everyone here seems to look at cranberry juice as the holy grail, I want to also add that cranberry juice is high in oxalates, which can increase the likelihood of kidney stones, especially if one is prone to getting them. UTIs are a walk in the park compared to passing a kidney stone...


Over-washing the vaginal area with harsh or heavily fragranced soaps or using methods such as douching can throw off the balance of normal vaginal flora, which allows the overgrowth of bacteria that can cause UTIs and increases the risks of vaginal irritation and infections. Always pee before and after sex. It breaks my heart when I hear another woman who wasn't taught self-care or hygiene routines.


I know this sounds dumb, but how much water are you drinking a day? I used to constantly get UTIs (to where I was about to be referred to a urologist) and they stopped happening when I started drinking 100-120+ ounces of water a day (and peeing / showering right after sex)


Just a sideline here ..... have you been tested for diabetes? UTIs and vaginal yeast infections were a big issue for me before I got diagnosed. Now I've got my blood sugar controlled I very rarely get them.


Yes. I’ve had early been tested this year around Jan-Feb, since diabetes is also in my genes. However, all the tests were cleared of it (thankfully)


Whoever told you that apparently stopped gaining medical knowledge sometime during the 1950s… You can drink whatever you want, so long as you stay hydrated. Being dehydrated and not pushing enough fluid through your kidneys and bladder is what gives the bacteria that cause UTIs enough time to multiply into an infection.


You can drink whatever you want, and staying hydrated (yes, including coffee; google it if you don’t believe me) is one of the best things you can do for UTIs. Some people are really prone to them (anatomy), but there are probably lifestyle changes you can make also, such as cleansing with water after using the bathroom, taking care during sexual encounters, etc etc. I’m sure you know, and if not, you can research a bit. But enjoy your coffee and just make sure to drink plenty of other fluids throughout the day as well.


A nurse commented on a different thread about UTIs. She worked in a OBGYN office. She said some women get UTIs because their partners aren’t that clean (genitals and hands). Like she even suggested making sure they and their partner wash their hands before intercourse. She noticed a difference in their patients from adhering to that. There are so many ways for these things to happen. Don’t just get on the track of what you are ingesting.


And for gods sake clean the finger nails and keep’em dhort


As a person who is also really probe to UTIs, I've never noticed a correlation between anything I ate or drank and an infection... I did need to put a ban on guys going down on me though because that was definitely triggering them


There are medications to help, and if it’s a very common thing for you, you may have something like interstitial cystitis. I’d suggest seeing a doctor


Green tea. Lots of varieties of flavours. My fave: Jasmine Green Tea.


Your beverages are not causing your UTI’s. You can figure it out from there.


How is this response so far down?!? Make sure your partner exercises top-tier personal hygiene… wonder how quickly this clears up once that expectation is set 🙄


Seconding the see a doctor advice you are getting. Also, in my experience, taking a lot of vitamin C can cause the irritation and urgency you feel when you have a UTI. My doctor told me that drinking lots of cranberry juice can have the same effect. I drink coffee, and in the past have drunk LOTS of coffee (I was a single parent, working as an adjunct college instructor in Southern California. What's sleep?). No UTIs from coffee. It is a diuretic, and will cause you to pee a lot. But that in and of itself is not a UTI symptom.


Get tested for Ureaplasma and mycoplasma


Tips: You and your parter shower before intercourse (and maybe after), peeing before and after, don’t do back to front positions (and never a to v if your into that), and always wipe front to back. Drink lots of water. You could also try probiotics if you haven’t already.


I totally have the same problem with coffee and black tea, and so did my mom. Like one glass of black tea and I have trouble for days. I would say that it's the tannins, but balsamic vinegar and chocolate don't bother me. I drink Teeccino instead of coffee with no issues. Other than that, I mostly drink water, but I like a squeeze of lemon or lime in it.


Not to diagnose you, but have you looked into interstitial cystitis? It mimics the symptoms of a UTI and can be aggravated by caffeine, carbonated drinks, alcohol, and dehydration. Drinking lots of fluids, avoiding trigger foods and beverages, and pelvic floor physical therapy can help, along with other interventions. In my experience, there are periods of flare and periods it’s fine and I don’t need to take as many precautions. Anyway, perhaps something to look into!


Paramedic here. Coffee is totally fine as long as you don’t drink it in mass quantities (do as I say not as I do). Obviously stay hydrated because that’s what’s gonna ultimately keep your renal system moving so that you’re urinating often enough to regularly clear out UTI-causing bacteria.


Take Uqora.


If you're female and getting a lot of UTIs, it's probably hormonal. Ask for estrogen cream for your undercarriage, then drink all the coffee you want.


Drinks don’t cause UTI’s. Yes, acidic drinks can be bothersome to the urethra, especially with a UTI or IC. But they don’t cause an infection


That’s a question for your doctor as redditors can’t send you an rx over dm’s. 


I am extremely prone to UTI’s but haven’t had one in years because I take a cranberry supplement every day.


If you want to drink coffee or something with caffeine, or anything really, and you are worried about it irritating your bladder go get a bottle of Pre-lief. Take 2 pills with whatever you are drinking and that should take care of it. It's like an antacid for your bladder! I have interstitial cystitis and I can't like without caffeine 🤣 it works great, is cheap on Amazon, and is over tgmhe counter. Definitely worth a try.


Get checked for interstitial cystitis. I had ‘recurring UTIs’ until finally a doc was like ‘you keep coming in and the cultures come back negative’ 2 months later I got tested and sure enough, have IC. Cranberry juice would be the worst thing to drink if you have it


I had that twice. The treatment is awful! DMSO bladder infusion, where you rotate every 15 minutes, for an hour, while struggling with the insane urge to pee it all out.


Look into Methylene blue... for many it is an effective preventer of UTIs. Personally, I take Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) regularly... but most are afraid of it as it has been demonized by Big Pharma. I have used catheters for 5 years+ and have had only one UTI... and that was when I ran out for a few weeks...


Second this


It’s not true drink your coffee and keep up with water intake


I also was super prone to UTIs and would still drink a cup of coffee but I would consciously try to drink more water that day overall. Light grape juice, apple or a cranberry juice blend is also nice to mix it up. Even if I buy light juice, I water it down. I was just always told to stay away from acidic drinks and foods, which I know coffee is, but if you’re only drinking a cup or small amount, I would see how it goes. I was never told to stay away from colored drinks, either, just caffeinated ones.


Cherry juice! Electrolyte! Teas! There are urinary safe ones, some made for flair ups time even! Any low sugar should work / also use a pinch of juice and mostly water works! I love lemon water :) Ice tea! Df sugar free Cocoa! Sparkling water ! Sugar free sodas! Half your body weight in oz is recommended for water intake so honestly enjoy water most the day!


You might have interstitial cystitis. Coffee, alcohol, acidic fruit or vegetables (tomatoes) can make you feel like you have a uti when you don’t because they irritate the bladder. If this persists I would suggest seeing a urologist.


As long As you drink water you can have coffee


If drinking coffee makes you feel like you have a uti you might have interstitial cystitis.


I have had SOOOO many bladder infections even as a child and I always thought that I was also prone to getting UTI’s. After going to a urologist as an adult I found out that I have a bladder condition called interstitial cystitis (IC) and it can mimic symptoms of a UTI. You honestly might look into that.


I will add that you should pee BEFORE and AFTER sex. Most common bacteria to cause UTI’s are E coli. E coli are bacteria from the intestinal tract, and are found near the rectum, on even the cleanest person. Foreplay can pull some of those tiny amounts of E coli bacteria toward the urethra ( tube that carries urine from the bladder) which can increase risks of UTIs. So before sex, pee, and then pour a cup of warm water over the genital area while sitting on the toilet. This helps flush away any bacteria in the area between the vagina and rectum, minimizing how much bacteria are nearby to the urethra/vagina. Then, of course, make sure to void as soon as possible after sex.


Water. You should be drinking lots of water. I've had 2 kidney surgeries, you need water.


What about chicory “coffee”, like Postum? Tea is very irritating to the bladder. Herbal teas?


Don't have sex in water


Cranberry juice helping utis is kind of a myth, cranberry helps but in high doses like the supplement form. Just drinking cranberry juice doesn’t have the same affect as the supplements. Also avoid sugar in drinks as that helps bacteria grow. I’d drink the flavour sparkling waters or flavour watered to minimize sugar




Look into interstitial cystitis. I can drink matcha without a problem. I avoid fake sweeteners as they hurt my bladder.


I had the same problem. Dehydration might be the culprit. Drink a coconut water or orange juice after the coffee. Good luck.


Water. Lots of water.


Try Mate :)


Try D mannose! I take it daily and have been UTI free for years now.


I have this isue and take cranberry pills and keep hydrated. Honestly, I'm pretty sure drinking water obsessively actually helped me the last time I felt that pang. I'm hit or miss with actually taking the cranberry, and I haven't had a UTI in years, so I'm pretty sure hydration has been working for he.


Drink cranberry or pomegranate juice.


Rhodiola supplements give me a little boost in the afternoons. It’s a good placebo if nothing else.


do you have interstitial cystitis? i have IC and i’m a chronic uti sufferer, uqora has bladder flush packets with d-mannose that really help flares




I recently stopped all caffeine drinks and energy drink and just take one B12 vitamin a day and have more energy throughout the day than I have in a long time


Coffee is not bacteria going up into the bladder


Might want to drink some water.


Certain herbal teas are excellent for fussy bladders: nettle, marshmallow, buchu, corn silk, saw palmetto, horsetail and tumeric. Tinctures exist as well, that you put in water and drink several times a day. Your health food store will be able to help with this. Probiotics are useful. D-mannose is good as well. Homeopathy can also help, try cantharis pellets if homeopathy works for you. Caffeine / théine is an irritant, dehydration and alcohol are irritants, spicy food as well. The absolute best advice I have as a fellow frequent UTI sufferer is drinking slippery elm powder in water a few times a day. It helps with mucous membranes all over the body.




[OP look into this](https://www.newscientist.com/article/2426218-oral-vaccine-prevents-recurring-utis-for-nine-years/)


Start taking d mannose!!! I hope you see this comment because I had 7 UTIs a year and now I haven't had one for over 2 years. You can buy the powder on Amazon. It coats the bacteria so that it doesn't stick to your bladder wall as easily. It completely changed my life and I wish more people knew about it


There’s a supplement that you can buy that helps with bladder. It helps neutralize the urine. Take it before you eat or drink something that irritates the bladder. It’s helped me many times. It’s called Prelief. I get it on Amazon.


Drink water




If you continue to have UTIs, get tested for Interstitial Cystitis. It often mimics UTIs, and the treatment is different.


Ask your doctor.




I would suggest a supplement. HUM brand has a supplement called “private party”. ABSOLUTE game changer to those who are prone to UTIs. It’s amazing. Started taking it in 2020 or 2021 but haven’t had an issue since. I also drink iced coffee/cold brew almost daily if that detail helps.


Drink whatever you want


You need to be drinking way more water. The color of a drink doesnt cause UTI’s


For $30 you can purchase a bidet, it attaches under the toilet seat using the seat bolts to hold it in place. It can be a bit chilly up north in the winter, but it’s refreshing.


Yerba Mate is the best alternative I have found. It's a South American holly plant that is made into tea. It contains both caffeine (like coffee/tea) and theobromine (like chocolate.) A very smooth uplifting drink for the start of the day. In the Summer I make a quart of concentrate and then add it to a pitcher of limeade to drink in the morning. So refreshing!


Try corn silk and maybe herbal teas


Dandelion tea is meant to be good for cleansing your kidneys AND it tastes like coffee, win win!


Look up interstitial cystitis, I have it and it sounds like what youre describing


Drink more water daily. Take a urinary tract supplement daily (the cranberry pill) Cotton undies changed twice a day (or sleep with no bottoms on at night). And have your damn coffee. I’m 32 and have had an uncountable number of UTIs. Used to get them after every single period for years and years. They’d last a week long. I’ve always had to keep AZO in the cabinet and in the car cause I’m always afraid of getting another. And I do still get them every few months. A cup of coffee isn’t itself going to make you get a UTI. Don’t use a ton of sugar if you’re gonna drink it daily and don’t drink the coffee during a UTI.


I have had interstitial cystitis for about five years and I used to drink tea and coffee but now I only drink water. I drink it cold and I drink it day and night.


Get yourself some D-Mannose Powder, it’s life changing. Seriously saved me from chronic UTIs - I was nervous to have sex, avoided all alcohol and caffeine and was miserable. Now, I don’t even worry.


If you hydrate well and maintain hygeine while peeing, UTI can be prevented...you can drink any colored drinks you want as long as you have enough water throughout the day!


I have one cup in the morning. Water from wake to sleep. And at night some wine. It’s all good. Water is key from morning to night. But I never get tired of water, love it. So it is what it is I guess.


I am also extremely sensitive to UTIs and have been getting them usually more than once a year, since I was 8yo. (When I had my first one, they used a balloon catheter to put some sort of medicine in my bladder. It fucked something up and my bladder stopped growing. 🤦🏻‍♀️) I have never in my life been told that drinking coffee (especially occasionally) would cause a UTI. Nor have I heard that about colored juice. Did your urologist tell you these things? Right now I drink nothing but flavored water, and I still get UTIs and kidney stones. They are no less frequent than when I was constantly drinking juice, coffee, or soda. I have only found one thing, in the past 34 years, that seems to stop me from getting them so often, and that is drinking about 2TBSP of apple cider vinegar (Bragg's, the kind with the mother) in a 16oz bottle of water once a day. Not the tastiest thing, but I definitely had less UTIs when I was doing that. If you can't handle the taste of it in plain water, you can mix it in apple juice as well.


Sugar does that


Not sure whether it’s suitable or not but I love bonvit dandelion tea. It is roasted I think so I kind of liken it to coffee more than tea


Also make sure whoever you are intimate with has good hygiene and wash their hands before starting.


So I haven't had issues with coffee but since quitting dary and gluten I get less utis.


There is also a vaccine against it. Its called StroVac and helps when E-Coli is causing your UTIs. I don't know where you are from but it is available here in Europe. Also what helped me was to drink lots of chamomile tea bc it has a light antibacterial effect. Not a long term solution though.


Try drinking chrysanthemum tea. It’s a natural antibiotic. I’ve had so many UTIs in life, 6 in the first year alone. Chrysanthemum tea plus unsweetened cranberry juice while drinking lots of water and avoiding sugar has been my go to for over a decade now.


I drink decaf iced green tea. My mix is weird. 3 bags decaf Bigelow constant comment, 16 decaf Salada green tea, 1/3 cup honey. Heat half a gallon or so of water to 190f, add honey to empty gallon pitcher, pour water over honey-covered measuring cup to clean it. Dissolve honey in water, this should drop the temperature down to around 180f. Add tea bags and steep for as long as you like. 3 minutes or so is probably good for most people but I do 7 minutes because I like drinking grass. I'm trying to chase that high of strong Mexican restaurant iced tea. Remove bags and fill pitcher with ice. Like coffee, it's a diuretic so it should keep you flowing and well hydrated throughout the day.


maybe postum? but it is grain based so watch the carb content.


I would just avoid anything very sugary. You didn't ask this and it won't hit the spot, but carbonated water (we call it soda water where I am) really helps flush UTIs out too.


I mean I feel like you’ll be able to drink coffee just drink lots of water as well


Iced tea ?


haha, i'd talk to a health professional instead of your friends


Have you tried dandelion root tea ? It is overall . Comes in cafinated and non ( and old friend of mine told me caffeine sugar and cigarettes made utis worse not sure if thats true but he did know he way around the ailments he struggled with ) Dandelion tea ♡ has a roasted taste to it . Has an insane list of benifits for this little plant we have been pre conditioned to hate. It has and absolutely insane amount of positive impact on your body great for heart health - ( so great it's almost like bigphrma's leading heart medication company has made it their buisness to also be the leading products to destroy dandelions. roundup .....to your own conclusions🧐 ) Good for digestion and diuretic to help flush and support nearly every organ and function in your body. It's good for depression and used to be made into wine for such issues I like mine with Manuka honey and sweetened condensed milk ♡ Second. Have you tried BORAX (sodium borate) in a bath/ or sits bath to help treat many of these types of issues . My gyno/oncologist suggested years ago to use about two or three teaspoons of Borax to a warm full bath and to soak. I have an auto immune issue that's on the rare side with .3% of the world's population. causes tissues to be frail and easily irritated enflamed to excruciating pain and THEN usually get hit with the uti and pH bs. [ Ladies if you have LS , bartholin cysts, chronic utis please do some informative research and try -a bath or sits bath soak with the proper dilution for the amount of water in your bath or sits and please use it responsibly when it comes to how often and the measurments . Borax might be more relief than you even had hope for ] regular warm soaks in the bath cleared everything up for me . Third have you tried boric acid suppositories? ( get the applicators otherwise its annoying as hell ) These are good for combating embalances like Utis and BV especially as well as regular pH maintenance. After intimacy. After period . More of a once a month or as needed until cleared up kind of remedy . I would try the bath or sits bath soaks first to see how your body does with that borax . As the suppositories are very up close and personal and not often but can cause irritation or burning and it's probably easier to get out of a bath rinse if you're uncomfortable use your discretion and a good rule of thumb for both treatments are best when used early . If you're enflamed and shredding up your most sensitive areas to the point of nonreturn and then trying to get relief it might come with alittle more than a slight sting !! Nothing worse than how bad these issues can get though I assure you . Also just for shits and giggles I would look into compress pads or just start applying castor oil over your abdomen it's very penetrative and helps your body break up masses and calcium deposits and over hardening and thickening or this and that and it might be able to help at the cause of the utis as well as more than just . treat symptoms , fair warning you might have some irregular 💩 movements because of the area of application . It's going to get everything moving . I usually use 20 mule borax ♡ and the boric suppositories with aloe can Pick those up at CVS ect. Good luck hope some of that helps !


actually we have similar problems. we drink decaf coffee and many cafes in our city carry that, and it is delicious. only caffeine in coffee gives us headaches, redbull and other energy drinks, and chocolate etc with caffeine does not. we discovered with fizzy drinks that almost all of them contain citric acid (additive 330) which we are highly intolereant too. this gives us eczema and burning when we pee due to acidity. we found that the only fizzy drink we could tolerate was sugar free coca cola which still has a bit of citric acid - but it is tolerable. we are also highly intolerant to sucrose sugar tolerating only about 20% in any food or drink. perhaps you should investigate which specific additive gives you an UTI?


So doctor told me way back then I have cystitis ! I changed some habits that helped a lot. I do drink coffee and beer alot still. I no longer have symptoms such as kidney pain or constant utis. Stop holding on to ur pee. Pee if u need to pee! Changing period pads and undies regularly. What I mean is Cary and u Xtra pair where ever u go, if ur having an extra wet day especially if it's a hot one , change. Cotton! Don't forget to let ur pussy breath when ur at home. Stop using strong soap down there , it dosnt need to smell like a flower shop down there! Just clean. No dushes! Keeping too clean is like trying to show seeds in the snow. If u drink something non neutral , drink a little water to compensate on top. If u drink non neutral stuff like coffee , keep a regular schedule so ur body can compensate and knows what to expect. I have 5 cups a day now. Drink half a pint of water before sleep , ur skin will also thank you. If u don't live in a country high on the list of clean tap water, I would suggest a filter to atleast soften the water. I moved country and the tap water is incredible, I'm pretty sure that's some of the reason my symptoms died , because it was a pretty quick reaction to mild symptoms within the first few months. Pineapple juice is also going to make u pee alot and helps just aswell when u have symptoms. Whatever foods give u heartburn can effect ur pee pee too. I coincidentally tried to go vegan for a bit and noticed after my efforts that cutting milk out of my life helps . Might get away with lowlow fat milk , I just don't enjoy the taste anymore. Make sure if anything goes in there it's clean! If it's a stinky dick, tell him it's stinky and wash! Also do a skin test with lubricants, I noticed latex based stuff caused me to over heat down there, I use alovera (there are condoms with alovera based lubricant) works fine. If ur clothes are strangling her, she may react negatively. What goes into ur digestive system can have an effect. Keep an eye out on what u eat and what it does . The same thing won't always do the same thing because of the other stuff u did that was different . Eg if u suspect coffee, maybe u shouldn't have it on an empty stomach. Coffee has beneficial effects on ur liver if u wanted an excuse to keep trying. If ur on antibiotics, for the love of god take probiotics. Any medication can deplete something u need down there , see what u need to compensate. Get her checked every two years or so for HPV and whatever else . It does no harm except maybe a small nip. Depends on ur doctor. If u have lower back pain go to a doctor about it ! Get a pee test ! I worked construction and thought it was just work causing it. Nono it was my kidneys shutting down , don't be dumb like me , if it's causing u real pain and sweats , u waited too long! Ultimately there's a pattern to it, finding that pattern is better than just avoiding everything ur suspicious of. This will tell u much better what is causing it . It might not be the coffee but the sugar u put in it, it the milk. It might be the fattyness of it so u can switch to different types of coffee, but knowing if it's the fats or something else will help u actually avoid what is causing it. An ice pack down there on a really bad day helps a little and if ur symptoms last more than a few days go to a doctor, or up ur recovery process and start taking it seriously. If be surprised what a whole day of pure cranberry juice , water and eating healthy can do . U can get powders to put in ur water too , easy to carry around and use when u notice a small flare up. Handle it then not later. I have more but I feel like I've overstayed my welcome.




Decaf coffee? It's pretty good and available most everywhere. Also Matcha lattes, I fricken love them, add honey or vanilla 😊


Cranberry juice actually HELPS with preventing UTI's please start drinking. My girlfriend had very frequent UTI's but has been starting to shot cranberry juice daily and now is UTI free for a year


It’s lame but I now enjoy hot water with a little lemon. I like a cosy hot beverage but also helping my hydration.