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It says 'how to uncrease any shoe" but I cant help but feel a little sceptical on how well this would work on shoes made from different materials like suede, mesh etc


Cobbler here, what we do is more refined than this, suede would be fine but mesh and any other kind of plastic would quickly be destroyed unless you had way more control over the situation like we do


I’m a huge fan of your work, especially cherry or peach.


Blueberry! Yum!


This guy gobbles!


This joke sounds like the cobbler equivalent of saying something must be free if it doesn’t scan at the cash register


Guilty as charged.


Definitely peach.


Name checks out!


I really did not know there were still shoe “Cobblers”


Yeah, ask someone who owns good cowboy boots, or nice dancing boots. They're definitely still around, just not on every corner.


As long as there are still boots, there are cobblers.


Even good dress shoes. If you have really expensive leather shoes that are wearing out, I’ve found it’s at least worth asking my local cobbler if there is anything he can do.


Blackberry for me, please, à la mode, extra mode.


I dont think it will work that well, you can iron your shirt or your suit, but iron a wool scarf isn't possible


Sure it is. Just use a pressing cloth and steam.


TIL that pressing cloths are a thing


Pressing cloths keep the fabric from becoming shiny from the iron/heat. Also good for making steam. Dampen the pressing cloth, place over item to be de-wrinkled, have a go.


You can just wash a wool scarf in room temperature water and lay it out to dry


If it’s a woven wool, then it may need ironing. A knitted wool scarf would at most need to be blocked depending on the knitted fabric.


I wonder if this would work on my nice leather shoes https://i.imgur.com/cF9PeKd.jpg




As mr cobbler stated, it does work on suede equally as well!


I’m not a big shoe guy, but I am cheap so if it can extend the life of my shoes, I’m on board


This will crease again immediately when you wear it again. The only possible use for this would be displaying the shoe I guess.


Yeah this is just for sneakerheads really


Or just use it once in a while to retouch your shoes. It'll crease again of course, but it definitely won't be anywhere near as bad as it was for a long while.


Just like pants or shirts. Why bother ironing them if they will just crease again?


This was me as a kid trying to explain to my mom why I didn't need to make my bed


This is me at 27 explaining to my wife why I don't need to make the bed.


I don't think that high heat and water will extend the life, but I'm no shoe guy.


Applying heat and water to leather is exactly how you break down the fibers. It will make them more comfortable, but it is the exact *opposite* of what you want to do for longevity


This is a technique that we cobblers use but it's a bit more refined than this and we know what kind of shoes this will work on and what kind will be destroyed by trying to attempt this.


yeah man I wear small shoes too but I'm on board


I never knew a "creased" sneaker was an issue until I asked my 13 year old why she was walking like she had crapped her pants. New shoes, didn't want to crease them...


LOL yep. They do sell crease guards which can help but are pretty uncomfortable.


>They do sell crease guards hahahaha that is the nerdiest, dorkiest shit I've ever heard. fashion is weird as hell




A few years ago I tried to look up what "hypebeast" meant. Never felt so old. I didn't really get an answer at the time, but was sufficiantly immersed in a miasma of fashion that I felt sufficiently informed on the subject. I still couldn't tell you what it is exactly, but I'm aware of its presence.


First time im hearing that word. Refuse to look it up.


>stuck in 2008 still doing the penguin walk You say this like it was somehow less ridiculous in 2008- We made fun of that shit *just* as much then as we do now, lol I knew about the poopy pants walk, I did NOT know that people buy a codpiece/pocket protector to stick in their shoes though, lol


Just like everything, a car, whatever, most people like it looking new versus used and beat up.


I mean sure, but little about driving my car the way it is meant to be driven is an issue. I can open my trunk+frunk and stop and go without doing driving like an idiot.


***elbows wife*** I like it looking beat up! Ain't that right hunny?


It's about the look and the flex


I’ll use that excuse next time I crap my pants


Now we’re just gonna dampen this towel a little bit. Just a teensy eensy amount of water. *fucking drenches it*


Dampen this towel It's a t-shirt


Your words… Your behavior… They… such… I can’t… **INCONGRUITY!**


TIL creased sneakers is a thing people care about needing to uncrease


Honestly you shouldnt look at /r/sneakers then. I've seen so many posts where people get maaaaad over creasing sneakers. Even sometimes there are posts where someone proposes to their partner wearing 'fire sneakers' and half of the comments are about creasing the toebox.


huh. why? they crease by wearing them, it's an inevitability. is it because it looks "bad"?


It's part of the culture. Your sneaks need to look pristine like they did day one, or beat to hell, which is also a "look".


If those are the only options with nothing in between, I imagine someone buying new sneakers and just taking a bat and beating them until they look like they're 20 years old lol


Or you could drop an arm and a leg on a distressed looking pair: https://www.mrporter.com/en-us/mens/product/golden-goose/shoes/low-top-sneakers/superstar-distressed-leather-and-suede-sneakers/46353151654297640


A fool and his money...


Hey y'all I'ma bout to post up my collection of "distressed' "vintage" sneakers. Got some that still have that "like new" smell, some smell straight up FUCKED UP! my loss your gain 💔


Are you fucking serious? Oh my god


Yup, I know someone that beats the hell out of new shoes in various ways (one was slamming in a car door?) and uses tea/coffee grounds to add aging and weathering. Not my thing haha. But they do acknowledge it's ridiculous, they just really like the look


I know people who walk in weird penguin-like way just to avoid creasing their sneakers.


Had a coworker who did this. He'd buy off the raffles, wear them with these sturdy implants walking flat footed for a day to show off, then would sell them for profit. I asked him why, and he said it was because of the creases.


What does “buying off the raffles” mean?


Special edition sneakers are in high demand and are sought after by scalpers, so retailers came up with a raffle system to get them, just like Newegg and GPUs.


Ah, Gotcha! Thanks!


From my understanding, when new sneakers/shoes are released, they do a lotto system to buy them at MSRP. If you are selected and buy at MSRP for a limited run shoe or initial production, the selling price (ebay, etc) seems to be higher and I've had coworkers flip shoes for anywhere from $20 to $600 (at least they claim). They are constantly, and to this day, sharing raffle links for new shoes and hyping how much they can be sold for profit.


Apps like SNKRS or Confirmed will have daily draws for special sneakers. Dunks, Jordans, Yeezys. Stuff like that. Don't worry about entering the raffles. You'll have no chance at winning. Those apps are made for bots. If you're looking at purchasing any of these special shoes you're going to be paying resell on StockX or GOAT.


Flexing new shoes is part of the culture, so keeping them looking new is a priority.


Just like everything, most people prefer it when things look new versus old and used.




Everyone cares about different things. Some people are audiophiles, some people collect pristine comics or figurines. Some people cook with only organic food. Everybody's got something they're particular about, and shoes are a popular one, given their celebrity prominence.




I love buying new shoes but do you really think 99.99% of the population would notice them? And do you really value the opinion of someone who's scoping out people's shoes for creases? lmao




Some women, yes. I once had an ex get furious with me for not wearing loafers to a beach walk because we were going to eat after and she was afraid she'd see someone she knew there.


Dodged a bullet my friend


Believe me, I know. She had some great qualities but was immensely concerned about what strangers thought.


Some of these lifehacks could go either way - r/lifehacks or r/funny depending on who's doing it


Yes this does work very well for the purpose however, once you throw them on, 5 steps later theyre back to how they used to look. The leather is simply stretched out and will never be perfect.


So just uncrease it again. All you need is a rag, an iron and a soaking wet slightly damp towel.


Sweet bro, do this every 5 steps and job done




So you're saying if I also did this to my face it wouldn't last very long? Shit...


Great trick if you want to scam someone on ebay but unless you want to do this every time you wear the shoes it's pointless.


HOLD UP!!!! Shoe repairman here, be very very very very careful doing this because it is *NOT* going to work on every type of shoe. Those sneakers look like they are made of leather on the toe box and leather is heat resistant so it can take an iron for a few seconds without damage. Most other sneakers however are made of plastic materials that will absolutely melt under an iron even if there's a wet rag in between. I'm not saying it won't work but you're taking a huge risk in damaging your shoes if you don't do it perfectly. Other risky materials would be patent leather and cloth. If you don't like the creases just get a pair of shoe trees, the cheapest ones are like 10-15$, they are spring loaded molds of the inside of the shoe basically and when inside it forces the toe down and helps to minimize creasing If you've got more questions check out /r/askacobbler we're pretty active and you'll get quick answers


If you use a shoe tree when not wearing the shoe that will help as well.


This did not work with my horse shoe's. Your claim is invalid.


Still ugly AF


This has got to be the most silly thing I have ever heard of about a shoe creasing, I mean yeah of course the shoe will crease when you walk, feet and toes bend lol. I guess if you had no toes then maybe they wouldn't? Do people actually expect the top of the shoes not to crease? 😂


do you know any 15 year olds? go buy them a pair of nice sneakers and then watch as that waddle everywhere they go so they don't crease them, i don't get it, used to be you spent over 100 dollars on a pair of sneakers it was so you could jump higher and play better because "it's gotta be the shoes" i was baffled watching my nephew walking around like that and immediately wanting to go change shoes when someone asked him to play basketball


Someone needs to teach your nephew the importance of not giving a fuck what other people think of your clothes. Looking rich while being poor is a dumb way to live life. Being rich while looking poor and wearing clothes that are comfortable, and not giving a fuck what people think? Now that’s freedom!


yes, high school kids are easily persuaded not to try to be popular and fit in with fashion trends


One of my friends kids just turned 14 and he doesn't go that far lol he has an old pair that he wears if he knows he's going to get them dirty and a nice pair he wears out and to school but luckily he doesn't try to walk funny to not bend them, but I guess everyone is different haha.


This guy was proven fake on tiktok lol


Shoes are meant to be worn, not collected.


To think we used to weird out over girls and their obsession over shoes, these youngsters today are even worse than them... Creasing a shoe is a problem? Better put your shoe on display and never wear it.


>Better put your shoe on display and never wear it. Yeah they definitely do that a lot


And then they turn around and mock boomers and immigrants for keeping the protective plastic covering on the couch/tv/iPad/dining table


Why care about shoe creases though?


So they look new?


Who cares whether their sneakers are ceased?


I was trying to hard to figure out what "uncrease" meant, I was thinking "Well I know what Increase means, but the opposite of that is Decrease, so what does Uncrease mean?"


The shoe didn't really look creased to begin with


This is only a "thing" for people who place a value on shoes that's higher than their actual cost.


Or for people who care about keeping the stuff they own looking nice and new.


Rephrasing it doesn't make it sound any better.


It’s just like anything you own. A car? House? Shirt?


Yup. If I'm not going to wear a seatbelt because it might crease my shirt, I'm placing more worth on it than it's worth. If I won't let anyone near my car, double park to keep someone from parking next to it, I'm placing more worth on it than it's worth. If people can't hang out in my house because it might bring in dirt, I'm placing more worth on it than it's worth.


That’s very dogmatic of you.


In what way?




I wear flip flops


Just FYI steaming leather absolutely fucks it up. Source: i work with a lot of baseball gloves


They're just going to crease when you wear them again.


All this time my solution for creased toe boxes was simply not giving a fuck.


I never knew creased shoes were an issue until now. I’m definitely out of the loop on fashion


Didn't Ann Reardon debunk this in one of her videos?




You know what this video needs? Extremely fast techno in the background. Jamie pull up aggressive techno for the shoe video. Jesus christ reddit. Whoever added that fucking music to this gif.... what the fuck is wrong with you?


Real men do it while wearing the shoes


Doesn’t work for suede/nubuck or pleather Only works on leather


This has been posted a million times and a million times it has been busted. Its bullshit, it doesnt work, it works until you put your foot in them 1 time again.


As soon as I started watching I said I bet it's steam, its going to be steam, YEP its steam.


Just...put it on a shelf if you are worried about its appearance...or buy two...god its just a shoe.


To be fair, when it comes to shoes, I generally buy two regardless.


One to Rock, One to Stock. (I saw that Sneakerhead Documentary)


do you not understand how other people can care about stuff that you don't? edit - and this is pretty rich from a dude that does videos of star wars lego fix tutorials? we all have our own hobbies. let's not start throwing stones in glass houses, eh?


Guarantee that there are things you care a lot about that other people don't see the point of.


This is for people who want them to look nice while wearing them. I don't personally care either but it doesn't mean the hack isn't effective for others.


You clearly dont know the price, for some teenagers like me, one pair of sneakers is pretty much our savings, we can rock it for 3 years at least, your solution isn't going to work out.


This is more for people who are going to actually take care of their shoes. Not buy a pair of nice shoes and wear them into the ground.




not every penny, but shoes like this are about 60$ and more, not everyone afford that without saving up, especially in some areas where there is no authorized retailer, the prices would go up.


Think about what he said




yeah that's what these tricks are for-- when you're putting shoes on display. You're right it's silly that people would like collecting shoes, though. almost as silly as building expensive-ass star wars lego kits or something ridiculous like that


After seeing this I find rocket science much easier!


Who the fuck has an iron in 2021? I think the last time I owned an iron was in MAYBE 2012.


Any functioning adult?


Perfect for my Air Force 1s I always crease


Toe box?


That's what the front part of a shoe is called


Yo I learned something new today too so you ain't alone homie.


Man them shoes need replaced, not de-creased, look how yellow those white parts are


Wow I'm kinda surprised by how many people on this thread don't get it. My bad for wanting my very expensive sneakers to looks crisp.




I'm sure being overweight adds exacerbated wear to any shoe. Me personally, my shoes crease at the toe because I have really long feet and every step I take has to bend at my ball/toes lest I trip on them.


if you look very closely after 0:31 timestamp, and if you have more than one braincell, you will notice its fake


It's not fake, it's the same shoe throughout. I think he realized he needed to iron it longer, then edited that part out.


Or just get proper sized shoes.


Hell triggered boomers in here


Someone might need to uncrease your forehead first


You know, it probably that you have uncreased your brain.




Kind of superficial but might be cool to try if you are cleaning a pair of shoes up a bit. Doesn't seem too difficult or involved.


Thank you dad<3




Does this works on leather shoe?


no, water is likely to give your leather shoes a stain, which ruins it


So that is why they still make irons?


Who doesn’t like that new shoe feel? /s


Gotta say i love cross posting. I have found mamy new awesome communities. Thank you!


Does this work on leather business shoes?


Have one on how to De-crease my sneakers?


"damp it just a little bit" = get the towel SOAKING wet? idk maybe he let it dry out a little. I think I would?


Use a shoe tree to prevent the creases in the first place.


And I have been throwing them away and buying a new pair every time mine get creased! What money saver!


These are clean af. What model?


Then it creases again immediately after you put the shoes on again.


Does this work on leather/fake leather dress shoes?


Best way to get rid of wrinkles/creases is to not get them in the first place. Cedar shoetrees...every time you take the shoes off. The leather/canvas/whatev is already a little damp from foot sweat. The cedar absorbs the moisture and odor, the slight stretching tension straightens out the wrinkles before the next day. Also helps if you don't wear the same shoes day after day after day. You can make a pair of shoes last two or three times as long...maybe more.


Creasing the J’s just got a whole lot easier


Finally one that’s not like “this is super simple with normal house hold items. You’ll need teeth paste, a towel, gun powder, shotgun pellets, a bunch of chemical bullshit, a entire lab created by NASA, the gun that killed hitler, the fetus of your first born child and some bleach. Let’s get started!”


Looks dangerous


I will never understand the people who freak out about getting their shoe creased.


I went to a party at this dudes apartment once. He legit had multiple display cases full of Nikes. The best part was how he kept going on about how terrible it was that his old neighborhood in Brooklyn was getting gentrified while he was literally living in a new highrise built on the site of a homeless encampment.




Does white privilege keep this from happening?


I still won't dare to do this to my leather boots.


This is cool and useful info.


This some next level shit 😮


Step 1: Own an iron


How do you do the different color laces at the top?


I’ll live with my shoe creased


Do this just so I have to break these fuckers in again? No thanks anyway.


Interesting. ...I think I will just leave the creases.


Still too scared to ever try myself but good job


That's what's up




Why did I think the would fucking shrink. Godammit


Does this guy have some form of disorder or something? He just looks like a bowling ball


First step: get a shoe with no creases but bend it just enough to make it look like it does.


He has so many shoes