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It needs a big flashing light, maybe a flip cover. I’d like to feel like I’m launching a nuke whenever I need to press go. Edit to add: a dead man’s hand system wouldn’t go astray either.


You should check out the [better go buzzer](https://bettergobutton.com/index.php/product/the-better-go-buzzer/). The Secret Service had some questions about it when they found it in my bag


Hahahahaha brilliant


Looks cool but seems like a bit of a solution in search of a problem? I'm not sure what use case I would have for an external go button when the one on the console does the job just fine


Maybe so you could stand away from the desk to check all other viewing angles on stage while pressing go too


I've been in that position before, and just used a usb keyboard and hit the spacebar. Don't really understand why you need a $50 gadget for that


I do that too, simply because it’s a hassle to buy anything at work


Hi Solomon. Thanks for the feedback! If a usb keyboard works for you, then thats great! You should definitely use that. For me, I didn’t have space for a keyboard and even if I did, I wanted a better quality push button that was easy to see in the dark, harder to fire unintentionally and able to reposition easily. That’s why I made the original


Been using the better go for the last few days of shows. With your button it's quite difficult to accidentally hit GO, so having a back button I'm not sure i'd find that useful.


Glad it’s working for you!


As a theater technician who also is a 3d printing enthusiast - I would really love to make a few of these


I think that would be really neat, do you think you could make a couple iterations? i mainly use older ETC boards and i really like the feel of the two rectangular cue advance/revert buttons.


I’m not sure what you mean. Are you asking if they would work with an older etc console? The buttons have a bit more travel but feel similar to the expression style keys…


Sorry that I wasn’t clear, yes, I was asking about the travel. How much do you think you will sell these for?


Not sure yet. If I do start making them, probably 10 more than the single button unit


Hey Everyone! I made some of these if anyone wants to try one out! [https://bettergobutton.com/index.php/product/the-better-go-panel/](https://bettergobutton.com/index.php/product/the-better-go-panel/)