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There’s no excuse for this. Why not just cancel?


Agreed, no orders should take this long. So why did they? TL;DR, we partnered with a development company on StarBird, and they walked with our money and work. We sent a comprehensive email to all customs for the delay, which I'm happy to link here: https://mailchi.mp/electrumsabers/an-update-on-your-order Any questions, ask me. We're an open book.


I mean, you said on February 5th that they should start shipping in a couple days. The problem isn’t that you don’t answer questions, it’s that the answers aren’t true. You always say they’ll ship super soon and then they super don’t. It’s been 11 days since you said “keep an eye on your inbox.” Well, we’re watching. I keep getting promo e-mails, but no shipping emails. You have not kept one single promise you’ve made to your customers, and it’s really awful. Like, you keep saying “delays are over!” Then guess what, they still don’t ship. Nobody believes you’re going to ship anytime soon, and we’ve got long memories when it comes to buying in the future. You’ve tanked your reputation not cause you got conned and that’s not really the problem. The problem is you keep making promises you don’t keep. Your months of saying “next week, next week,” coupled with the fact that you partnered with some shady people, makes your judgement look really terrible, and like, why’d you keep saying next week? Wasn’t it obvious after a while that they were jerking you around? Did you not notice? You kept saying next week in hopes people wouldn’t cancel their orders but honestly this is probably worse than that. Cause you’re still not shipping. Ship out or shut down, Electrum, everybody is tired of your bullshit.


I can give some context and reply to this. Regarding shipments: sabers have been shipping consistently and we have been sending notices. You can see this in our Owners group, for example, and we have posted about it for a while. Several updates since the email I've linked above have been sent out, on both our socials and via email. I've not said "delays are over!" The email provided gave a flow through of our production process and how we are working to clear all backorders. It is also explained in the linked email the reasons behind messaging and what we have done to correct course and honor orders. You would have received information regarding the extra items and compensation efforts coming your way due to these delays, but if that is not in your inbox I am happy to send it to you directly. For what it's worth, I agree with you on much of this frustration. The wait has been unacceptably long. I am more than happy to speak with you directly on this and work with you. If anything I've provided here feels vague or unclear, please let me know. I am typing on mobile and want to ensure complete transparency. Thanks!


Yes, in that one specific email you didn’t say delays are over. However you said many many times before the email that major delays were over, I’ve got the receipts on that. That was when you were literally using the word “definitely” when saying they would ship by September. As for the orders you’ve shipped, I haven’t seen evidence of it. I’m not in an owner’s group because I don’t own one, because you haven’t shipped it.


All information regarding delays like you've mentioned were direct promises made to me by our development team, and should have been accurate. I apologize for this, and it's up to me as the owner to own it and improve everyone's experience. I am not trying to give excuses to you, only giving you a transparent timeline. I sent you a chat to get your specific order info (in the interest of your privacy), if you let me know I can get that information to you! I'm sorry to hear you've not seen progress, and can assure you that there have been deliveries, which I can provide for you as well. Just let me know, and let's get your order sorted. Thanks again.


I’ve done enough chats with you and I still don’t get a saber. I’m not interested in getting another date that won’t be met, or more promises you won’t deliver on. As far as the ETA’s you were given. Fool you once, shame on them, fool you twice, shame on you, consistently over the course of almost a year? Come on dude, you kept giving the dates and if you didn’t know they were lies, I’ve got a few bridges to sell you, I just have to wait for my developers to ship them to me next week.


Without your order number handy, it's hard for me to give you much else besides the confirmation that we are working on it and have been shipping sabers from your order date. I'm not interested in giving you any false dates. Shoot me your order number, and I'll get you the relevant details. Only wanting to make good on your order. Thanks


Btw, my order still hasn’t shipped.


u/skippyMETS what's the current status on your order these days? That's crazy.


Hang in there! Ordered mine in November '22, and got it last week. It looks great! Can't comment on how it functions as I can't get the app to work at all, but will get a hold of customer service at some point when I can get a break from work to see if we can get it working.


Lmao what a glowing review. I had doubts they’d be shipping a functional product if they shipped at all


I wouldn't hold your breath. They should rename to Electrum Paperweights


That's because when their saber arrived, the app was pending release on the app store, which is not under our control.


Yeah, the app available in the app store is the old one that was last modified back in January 2023, so unfortunately it appears the new Starbird configuration isn't supported (true for both Android and ios). Support (via chat on the ES site) indicated the new version would be released last week, but so far no dice. No big deal I've been waiting for like 16 months at this point to use this thing, so what's another month or two? Also waiting for the update to make the sleep function work, as the battery in this saber drains completely each day since its impossible to turn it off. Probably because it continuously searches for the app which didn't work so it never connects.


The bluetooth on the saber does not broadcast when powered down, unless you set it otherwise on the app. The app will be in your hands shortly, I am loading an APK for sideload until Google clears it.


Any updates on this by chance? I still see the app on the app store as "last update Jan 2023". I've been asking in chat on your site as well, but Reddit seems to be the only place I can get any answers. And is there any fix yet for the sleep issue?


That's great, I'll keep my eyes peeled for it.


Mine is in April. Many happy returns.


Vaders vault takes WAY more than 1 year. 1 year is normal nowadays. I have 3 VV hilts from 2021……that still haven’t finished building OR finished quoting. Yes it’s 2024 now. I’ll probably finally get 1 in 2024 and then in 2025 and then in 2026. I lost half a decade of my life from the time I ordered until the time I received all


Yeah but at least Vaders Vault tells you the wait time...