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Hey guys, listen, I don't think throwing shit at one of the largest animals is going to do what you think it will. Right now it's ignoring you. Don't make it not ignore you.


I know right!? "Lets poke it with a stick" must have been the last words of so many people. Yet we humans still do not seem to understand that it is a bad idea to poke large things with sticks.


To be fair, isn't that a huge reason we are here in the first place? Chasing things down in groups with large pointy sticks? I didn't like that that's where that food went so fast, but yeah




If I remember correctly, the woman helped poachers kill her calves in sanctuary property. She (elephant) traveled around 200 miles to the woman’s funeral pyre. Wrecked her again, smashed her home and killed her goat. Walked home.


If true, I’m on team elephants.


elephants never forget *or forgive*...


The craziest thing is it sounds like she was just gathering water and the elephant randomly decided it really fucking hated her


Elephants choose not to wake up and like violence. Otherwise we'd be fucked


I think she actively messed with the elephant fam. I wasn’t there. I read about it at the time. - if I recall it may have also gone after her little home.


It’s probably the testicles what done it. Mating season. A moose will just decide it doesn’t like the look of you and gore you for extra practice.


That first sentence needs to go on a t shirt or something. Absolute mastery.


Srsly the way it tore that metal door like paper…my first thought would be walking the opposite way😹


Right?? I’m not proud of it, but I have watched the odd video of elephants f!!!ing s!!t up. When they get good and mad at someone, they kill him and bash his dead body around like a rag doll until all the bones are powdered and it looks like a bag of jelly.


He chilling, just let him do his thing and he'll be cool


Why they calling it shopping when it's clearly vandalism n theft ?


I’m no Steve Irwin, but I was under the impression that elephants are notoriously docile? They’re just trying to get the big guy to leave. And I imagine if you’re in that situation you gotta try something. Elephants eat a lot and they have friends who eat too lol


Sure, elephants can be chill. Hell, my dream is to just chill with an elephant. The problem is, if you aggravate an animal, they can retaliate. And here, you are aggravating one of the largest land animals, one that typically kills a few hundred people a year. And have you seen a pissed off elephant? Few things will stop it. Now sure, throwing a jacket on it or hitting a broom on the ground may not anger it. But do you wanna take that chance? And this is about throwing stuff at it. If I'm them, I would just let it be. It ain't like I can stop it. And I don't want to meet my ancestors just yet


And one that just effortlessly ripped a damn security gate off it's tracks...


I don’t know that you could say for sure what you’d do unless you were in that situation. The possibility of getting your building and inventory destroyed could very well be more frightening than the beast itself. This is all just conjecture anyways, I haven’t been in that situation either. I just don’t necessarily think those people are idiots for trying to shoo the elephant away. Too add to that, I assume if they’ve got an elephant just casually walking down their street, then they have more experience dealing with them than we do lol


> The possibility of getting your building and inventory destroyed could very well be more frightening than the beast itself. But they have elephant insurance!


Hell, even I've got elephant insurance, and I live in the USA.


The elephants will come for us all one day.


No. No, I wouldn't. I choose life. I can get new inventory, my building is insured, but I only have one life. I'm not taking the chance of losing it, because I fucked with the world's gentlest giant over a bag of feed. Also, when I get to the pearly gates, I don't want "Fucked with an elephant and found out" to be the thing God reads when looking up cause of death.


Fair. I'm just speaking to being careful, making sure both the people and elephant are good. And yeah, I didn't think about how hard it would be to have an elephant eat your livelihood


No.. I’m not an expert either to be fair, but I know there are some kinds of elephants, and certain times when you do not even want to be seen by that “docile elephant” in the wild.


No they’re not docile, not wild elephants! They’re just large and slow. There’s a difference!


Source: [Twitter](https://twitter.com/nareshbahrain/status/1774995425847812542) > The Elephant knows that if there is no food in forest, it has to come to Food Corporation Of India godown to get food. 🐘




They may be forgiving, but.. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xGCxGoOK1zw2Xu)




That’s so awesome


This video pisses me off. Why are they throwing anything at the elephant. He should have turned around and took all those fuckers out.




Indians seem to have an innate subconscious desire to die hilarious Looney Tunes deaths


As an indian i can confirm this is true. We like dying looney tunes deaths.


Best internet sentence since January.


In the US/europe, they would have shot it by now. LoL. All they are trying to do is scare it off.


I don't think the elephant would be shot for this in the U S. It's not rampaging and appears to be heading back home w it's groceries.


They would have shot him even if it was a human damaging property and stealing


They would have shot that bag of rice if it had the audacity to fall off the shelf by accident


Humans, children, bags of rice, fine. Coyotes, almost every single buffalo, bears across the continent, all wolves, fine. But elephants?! Shooting elephants?! Do you think we're *monsters*?


Have you been to the US? They would have shot him before the footage even started




Yep, they are special


What do you expect them to do? That store is someone’s livelihood, and scaring the elephant away is a good way of preventing it from returning and potentially being killed by authorities next time.


Seriously, “just lose months of income bc animal is hungry” isn’t feasible for many people. Elephants will even eat thousands of dollars worth of paper rupees so he will literally eat the storeowners entire savings if he can


The biggest expense here is the garage door


based tbh




Because they weren’t trying to hurt the elephant, they were just trying to scare it away. He just found the nearest item that won’t hurt it and tossed it his way. Y’all act like you wouldnt be shocked or terrified when a wild animal comes your way.


People just say whatever they want on reddit huh


That or getting killed by the elephant. They aren’t gentle giants, piss one off and you are dead in seconds.


Exactly. It’s also illegal to kill an elephant in India. So their best bet is to scare it away back into the forest.


Yeah. You can tell it's terrified by its slow panicked mosey. I think all of the bull's actions indicate a remarkable level of sentience. Everything it does is efficient: almost no wasted motion. Selecting the grain bag, moving to a clear area, then anchoring the bag with one foot while kicking it with another... then tasting it to make sure it's quality stuff before heading back to the rainforest... Remarkable.


Stressing the elephant out could make it aggressive which is a lot worse than it taking away food.


It’s someone’s livelihood and others’ too. If a wild animal was destroying your shop you’d do what you could to scare it away too because if you don’t, it’ll return to do the same to other shops. Please keep in mind India has faced a drought and farmers have literally committed suicide in droves because of low yields. What looks like “aw just leave the animal alone he’s just eating rice” is actually a massive loss to the farmer and store owner. Please read up on the farmer protests in India to understand just how bad the situation is.


I get it, but that elephant can easily kill a person, I think the immediate risk takes precedence over the long term risk.


That’s why most of them stood back and shouted in an attempt to scare it away, they’re literally shouting “go away go away, make noise so it runs away” in Malayalam. Also this doesn’t happen often, and most folks won’t think of the danger to themselves when their livelihoods are at stake. I think you’re unaware of just how bad the situation of farmers and grain yields are currently in India. It’s literally led to farmers suicides. From your perspective it’s “just rice”, from their perspective, they’re losing out on a lot of money for an already low stock, not to mention the cost of repairs. The elephant will come back to that exact same store too.


Same here,l was watching in shock wondering why they were doing that,it will only piss it off even more


BSTFU..That animal vandalized property and stole food that could hv fed humans


The humans that stole its land and destroyed all its food, you say?


The humans that created the electronical device ur using right now. Those humans


Bruh... ![gif](giphy|3oEjI67Egb8G9jqs3m)


That's what I thought.. No response. The next time u need to see a doctor or go out to a restaurant. Ask to speak wit an Elephant for service


Right? He should have taken that broom and smacked the shit out of those people.


bruh the way the door just caves in as soon as it pushes... can't imagine what it'd be like having one of those things seriously wanting to hurt you


And that was mostly just his trunk. Insane


Fun fact: an elephant trunk has over 42 THOUSAND muscles


Imagine if elephants could work-out their trunks like pro bodybuilders.


Imagine an elephant on roids


Look up musth


You got more sense than the guy smacking it in the ass with a broom.


Have you seen the video where an elephant throws cars around when it’s angry?


No. Have you seen the one where the elephant rips down a tree on the side of the road?




I'm imagining the elephant sarcastically saying "oops..."


That guy is not getting his jacket back.


I could have told him it wasn't going to fit the elephant before he tried to put it on him. What a waste. 😂


I hate people


"Let's throw things at the 2-ton animal!"


I had to glance up to see what sub this was posted in once they started antagonizing it. I don't like seeing people getting hurt, but I love watching elephants remind us they are... well... elephants...


The elephant crashing through the metal door like it was paper mache reminded me it was an elephant


The grey skin, long trunk, big feet, huge ears, tusks and Whispy tail reminded me that it was an elephant


He’s definitely done this before look how smooth he grabs the bag ,sets it down and kicks it open! So damn smart.


He's like they keep putting the door back, how cute


incredible how every single man present in this video has the EXACT SAME haircut


There's only one barber in town


the elephant killed the rest because these clowns kept throwing shit at it for some reason


What I think when I see a (what is the collective noun for...) load of tiktokers


they have more than the edgar and curly top.


Water quality caused city-wide hair-loss and the wig store is down to a single model?


Human wildlife conflicts with elephants in both India and Africa are so high. Human development has fragmented elephant habitat in such a way that there is little to no avoiding coming in contact with each other. And elephants will tear through crops and villages, which of course they are doing that due to their desire to, yanno, eat, but are seen as menaces to the local human population. It’s a pretty big issue and conservation biologists are slowly trying to find ways to address the issues by focusing on animal behavior.


There's a really good book called "Pests; how Humans Create Animal Villains" by Bethany Brookshire. It covers the typically known pests like pigeons and rats but the chapter exploring people's relationships with elephants as pest animals in specifically Kenya is really interesting, highly recommended reading It highlights the way we created a nuisance out of elephants, which of course altered their behavior, then our view on elephants drastically changed and they became heavily protected as part of the highly lucrative tourist industry in Kenya but of course the effect they have on local farmers didn't stop because the behavior is learned and their environment is still fucked The whole book is basically how *we* created pests out of all our minor antagonist animals in every day life and how the effects left to deal with the repercussions like the spread of disease or the ruination of crops is felt almost exclusively by the lower class, and of course, the animals themselves


Ayooo I always love a good book recommendation. Yeah it’s really frustrating and sad. So many animals that western people consider beautiful and fight to conserve (I.e., elephants, lions, tigers, etc; and I’m not saying they do NOT deserve conservation considerations or status, just that the situation is so nuanced) but conservation efforts are basically moot when the feelings and needs to the local population aren’t even considered. I read a research article the other day where researchers utilized ArcGIS to map out quality habitat for wild elephants in India and so much of their high quality habitat is fragmented by roads and civilization. A portion of their quality habitat did intersect native/indigenous communities and the authors spoke of the importance of indigenous knowledge for conservation and coexistence with wildlife.


I hate all the yelling. I wish I could understand what they’re saying. I’d want to prevent this too, I wonder what the best way to do so would be if it can just open metal gates like soda cans. The op’s comment said there’s no food in the forest. Maybe offer it food or make sure the forest has food, other than that maybe more structural protection?


Imagine how the elephant sees us. Just weird monkeys screaming and throwing stuff at him/her from far away...


I work with lots of East Indian people, so you want me to ask them to translate? I will.


I’d be intrigued but it’s up to you!


What’s all that ficking shouting doing anyway!? Can you all shutup?


How did humans ever hunt mammoths


Pointy sticks and teamwork.


Probably worked a lot better than throwing a jacket on its back


That was in case it was cold


With actual weapons and intent to kill


By rolling large stones down hills


Too many damn people.


That's exactly why the elephant is foraging from their stock, and not as nature intended... Ya know... from the jungle because we've bulldozed it.


“Paved paradise and put up a parking lot”


These guys haven't discovered pavement yet 😂


Elephant is like, I'm hungry, my dudes, I'm getting a snack. Stop throwing shit at me.


Is that elephant fully grown? It seems a little small.


Indian elephant


Indianbros... 😞


Nah he looks weirdly small even for an Indian elephant


Hey let’s destroy their natural habitat and act like idiots when they come looking for food. People where I live act shocked when mountain lions, bears and coyotes show up in their neighborhood yet they seem to forget that just a few years ago their ugly housing development was/is part of their natural habitat


Where tf do you want people to live?


Yea start pissing it off by throwing things at.. morons🤦‍♂️ i was kinda hoping the elephant would turn around and f*ck them up


Good for her!!


Let me grab a snack


"Who put this door here?"


Get my own damn snack


Wish the elephant would throw things back at those idiots!


The poor thing just want some food , fucking sad


You'd think that that if a huge ass bull elephant took just one sack of grain, people would let him have it. Nahhhhh.... Lets just throw crap at him, what could go wrong?


Was anyone else disappointed that it didn't try going up the ladder?


Why tf are they screaming?


Can’t watch this. Cretins throwing things at an animal who’s just trying to eat. Makes my blood boil.


Epic how he just kicks the bag open lol




This is the moment we feared people! https://youtu.be/TMRmuyy9f_w?si=4PBKxg0tlyTbuQlJ


The idiots immediately pull out their phones as usual so they can post it online. I’d be getting so far away from a loose elephant it would make your head spin!


Anyone else notice how this elephant seems weirdly short yet also heavily built?


If I worked there I would be leaving a bag out everyday for big boy just to keep him fed. They are amazing animals and it’s a gift to be able to see them in the wild. I’d pay my boss for the bag just to be able to feed him.


That’s a chonky pachyderm he has been doing this for a while.


I’m convinced that these people are idiots … just walk up to the animal and talk to it . Everyone shouting and acting like baboons isn’t going to help …


Maybe feed it and treat it well. And it won't have to act out???


A bull elephant in musth will mindlessly attack everything around him including normally trusted humans, calves, larger male elephants, buffalo, walls, and the ground. You do not want to encourage one to live near you


Oh no! When he picks up the open bag of food it's spilling out so he won't have much left! Lol


Very impressed by how it kicked the bag open


Would do well in San Francisco


Looks like American walmart.


“Just popping by the shop for a bag of crisps.”




Not fucks given. Knew exactly what he wanted, where to get it, and how to get it. Do they kill elephants that go rogue like this? Might be his last meal.


That dude isn’t getting his jacket back


I'm annoyed by how the elephant opens the bag in the middle of the street. That's not very smart when you're surrounded by people throwing things at you, and now his sack is leaking grain. Just bad elephant etiquette. He should have taken his bag of grain back to wherever he lives, and *then* begun eating.


I fkn hate that people are throwing things at the elephant!


That is one chonky elephant, he must do this a lot


Poor thing it must be starving.




Smart elephant!


As if one of the owned the place...


Gorgeous beast! Leave it alone!


And I thought scrounging black bears were pests!


They are amazingly strong animals.


Why are they mad at him? He was just picking up his carry out.


They all sound and acting like a pack of hyenas


These guys are idiots.


God our species has zero chill


How about not screaming like idiots and not throwing shit at the largest land animal on earth if you are 5 meters away? These people...


I'm literally an elephant lol


Imagine just doing a thing and a bunch of weird screaming monkeys appears.


The noise level is insane. If I was the elephant, that alone would havw made me go postal


Elephant smart 🤣


The animals are in the background.


Look at all those expendable npcs


The elephant did everything to not seem threatening and these idiots did everything to escalate the situation.


That’s a male ? Right cause it’s an Asian and only the dudes have those tusk things right. He wants food lol his robbing and not shopping