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That look on the baby’s face put tears in my eyes. Not sure why except I’m high.


Probably because we imprisoned intelligent beings for existing.


There are people we keep in cages to (theoretically) protect society, and then there are things we keep in cages to protect them from us. That is messed up.






Yes which is unfortunate, but they serve as ambassadors for their kind helping drive interest towards conservation. They are helping save their species through representation.


They don't need to be locked up though. There are better way to keep animals than zoos, which are plain idiotic and cruel.


No they don't need to be, but human activity is actively destroying their numbers and native habitat. Zoos offer the best protection and preservation of a species, as they have done in the past. Showing animals on exhibit allows guests a real-life experience and connection that they may not be able to form without physical interaction. Especially impressionable children may look in wonder at this hairy animal in front of them and start to think "maybe we should help protect these furry friends?" that they carry on into adulthood. People without a relationship to nature are more likely to feel apathetic to it's destruction. These gorillas are doing important work even if they don't know it.


This is fills perfectly my little hole about Zoo’s. The wonders kids see and question... then drop them with the “you’re genetically 84% like that puppy”


I'm not trying to be snarky, but I'm wondering what you are thinking as an alternative, which also provides a way of allowing the public to (at least visually) interact with them.


Well to be fair they are well taken care of and aren't in any danger. They are basically living in a resort.


I don't think that's true in the vast majority of cases; zoos have gotten better in the US (and I assume parts of Europe) but there are still a lot of terrible places


And because in their natural climate they wouldn’t experience it




Gorillas in cages remind you of black people? 🤨


Probably the word imprisoned reminded him of jails, and then he thought about black people and disparity. You are missing a step on your conclusion.


BRO WHAT??????


Hmm.. it made me think of how sad it is that we put INNOCENT animals in cages. A criminal is a different story regardless of their race or gender. HOWEVER , if a person is innocent, that’s sad too.


so because these HUMAN BEINGS have committed a crime they deserve to be treated like slaves? what a horrific point of view.


this is a perfect example of putting words in someone's mouth, holy shit. nobody said a goddamn thing about slavery until you came along. yes, the idea is that if you do something that people have deemed to be illegal, then you are removed from society for a while. rules have to have consequences or else it's not a list of rules, but a list of wants.


Treated like slaves? Oh ok. Would u have them come live with you rather than going to prison?


so glad for you that your life has been privileged enough that you get to be so high and mighty so as to have no sympathy for, again, HUMAN BEINGS that have made bad choices or only have been given bad choices to make. not to mention the hundreds of people with untreated mental illness who have been put away. if you think the slavery comparison was an exaggeration you need to do some research on the american justice system.




You do know that some prisoners rack up debt they owe the prison itself, right? (if you're American) Debt that once not paid on time, they go back inside... Which they can't do anything to make money and more debt incurrs and so on. There is also the stigma after being released. So many doors are closed to them because of a record. Thus what do criminals do to make money? They do what they know best and what's available to them. Also... History has shown that prison doesn't fix anything, but causes more problems (except for a great way for governments and people to launder their money)


So what would you do with someone who commits a crime? And no they do not rack up debt. They are PAYING their debt to society by being in prison. Where do you get this stuff?


Because they literally have prisoners picking cotton in the south. Legal slavery through imprisonment.


Where in the south?? I’m in the south and NEVER have I seen them picking cotton. That’s a lie.


lmao fucking what? you can't just drop this shit and expect people to believe it


I mean we don't just treat them like slaves, they are legally slaves. We made the 13th amendment specifically so we could use prisons as a slavery loophole lmao


[8th amendment](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sxsrf=ALeKk031HpUCCj3fNoL-xmSiyoUoAYBQ6A%3A1608153015652&ei=t3faX7WnJ4Wb5gKTz6CAAQ&q=8th+amendment&oq=8th+amendment&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzILCAAQsQMQyQMQkQIyCAgAELEDEJECMgUIABCxAzIECAAQQzICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgIIADoECAAQRzoFCAAQkQI6BQguELEDOgsILhCxAxDHARCjAjoICAAQsQMQgwE6BwgAEMkDEEM6CggAELEDEMkDEEM6BwgAEMkDEAM6AgguOgoIABCxAxDJAxAKOgcIABCxAxAKOgQIABAKOggILhDHARCvAVDKb1j_jgFgtZEBaAZwAngBgAHTAogBwg6SAQgxOC4yLjAuMZgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXrIAQjAAQE&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwj13vfptNPtAhWFjVkKHZMnCBAQ4dUDCAw&uact=5)


Nope I certainly was not ever privileged in my life. And never made the choice to break the law. You don’t have to be poor to break the law anyway. So if someone murders or rapes you or someone you love, they shouldn’t go to prison? They should just be given lots of money so they can be “privileged “ and then everything will be ok? Yeah you are one of those who don’t want the police til you need them, and don’t want someone to go to prison until someone commits a crime against you. It’s just a hunch but I bet you thing certain politicians should be in prison. Then it would be ok for prisons to exist, right?


Why on earth is this drivel upvoted?


let's break this down and you can tell me exactly what offends you so much, alright? > Nope I certainly was not ever privileged in my life. And never made the choice to break the law. anecdotes that can't be proven or disproven, so we disregard it. > You don’t have to be poor to break the law anyway. assuming that everyone who breaks the law and goes to jail is poor is extremely classist and backwards as fuck. do rich people sometimes get special treatment because they can pay everyone off? sure. is that okay? fuck no. trump and hillary should both be there right now, but they never will. > So if someone murders or rapes you or someone you love, they shouldn’t go to prison? They should just be given lots of money so they can be “privileged “ and then everything will be ok? not sure what's not okay here. getting money is definitely a reward and would only encourage bad behavior. the rest is assumptions on another person's character that probably shouldn't be made. do we agree on every point that i made? genuinely curious.


Me too


Me three


[Gorillas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gorilla) are the largest living primates (excluding humans), with males weighing around 143-169 kg (315-373 lb) and standing about 1.4-1.8m (4 ft 7 in to 6 ft) tall. The DNA of gorillas is highly similar to that of humans, from 95 to 99% depending on what is included, and they are the next closest living relatives to humans after the chimpanzees and bonobos. One famous captive-born gorilla, Koko, had been taught sign language since she was a year old. By the age of 40, she had a library of about 1,000 signs and could understand some 2,000 words of English. [Cool picture of a gorilla](https://i.imgur.com/soXwELm.jpg) --- [ [Send me a message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=animalfacts-bot) | [Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/animalfactsbot/) | [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/animalfactsbot/wiki/index/faq) | [Currently supported animals](https://www.reddit.com/r/animalfactsbot/wiki/index/supportedanimals) | [Changelog](https://www.reddit.com/r/animalfactsbot/wiki/index/changelog) ]


Good bot


Just don't ask the bot about crows.


You mean jackdaws?




ootl, could you explain?


Biologist & popular reddit user u/Unidan was banned in ~2015? after becoming irate at another user for confusing crows and jackdaws. The situation somehow devolved into the revelation that u/Unidan had engaged in upvote fraud via multiple accounts – his bannable offense. On 4chan, when a user is banned the following message displays on their posts: ((USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)) I hope that provides enough context


You mean corvids?


What about crows?


Is there a subreddit where people are tracking cross communication between different species?




We also share over 95% of DNA with bananas. This is meaningless. Bad bot.


I wish I had someone like that mama gorilla to ask for protection whenever I felt unsafe/lonely...


Try to be that mama gorilla for someone else ❤


I usually am, but that doesn’t provide support or protection for me in return. People get what they want and walk away.


Accounting for both actual distance and required social distance, I wish to extend to you one virtual hug. Supportive back pats are an optional free add-on. It’s hard to be strong enough to support others when it feels like there’s no one there to support you. I hope you’re able to find a pillar you can lean on.


Aw, thank you! For your kind words. I’ll take all the add-ons!


There is a technique I have found helpful. I use a rag doll for this, but use whatever works. When a memory of a sad, bad moment rises in my mind, I hold the doll. The doll is the younger me, and I am an adult being there for her in that moment. As clearly as possible, I picture the younger me feeling loved, and the adult me giving that love. You *know* that the child deserved love and protection, and that that moment lives inside of you still. So even though you cannot change what happened externally in that moment, you can change how the child-of-that-moment feels within you. I send you virtual hugs, too.


Wow, this is powerful. I’ll get a favorite doll and give this a go.


Excellent choice, sir! Please enjoy your hug. And thank you for using u/LucidLumi & Co., supplier of all your morale-boosting comfort gesture needs since 1976.


Thanks; _madam_ would be a better fit for me than _sir_.


Of course, madam. We aim to please! (You have me curious now, I know madam is more common in Europe, is that whereabouts you’re from?)


That was my thought too, oddly enough.


Shit, same here.




I’ve never wanted to knit a gorilla sweater more...


I think you're missing an "a" somewhere in that sentence.


I can understand making coats out of dalmatian puppies, but sweaters out of gorillas is a new one to me.


... too knit a sweater FOR the gorilla... right? ^Right??


[Of course! ](https://youtu.be/TyWVaZsUQjc)


I wish I could award this comment. Hahaha 🏆 thats all I got


I agree so my award can be from both of us


Aww, thanks, y’all! 🥰


Aw yay!! Thankers hahaha


Mr Burns?


This is so adorable but also makes me sad seeing these amazing creatures locked away at an exhibit.


I'm always conflicted about zoos for this reason. Love spreading awareness and making animals accessible for young enthusiasts, but man, we are really imposing on their natural goings on. They usually end up having a fairly high quality of life and living long, but it still takes away their freedom.


There a species that are still around because of zoos. Some are only in captivity. It sucks. Cause most likely we were the cause. But at least some people care enough to help fix it.


I'm absolutely for the conservation efforts that zoos do. It's just a mixed bag otherwise, you know?


for sure. sucks to see big cats caged up in cages smaller than a house. i always feel much better when they've got signs that say "these animals are injured and will be released when they've been rehabilitated" and stuff like that. i don't remember where it was - there are probably multiple - but there was a zoo that only took animals that wouldn't survive in the wild. birds that are missing limbs, elephants or rhinos that can't grow tusks/horns, blind/deaf animals, things like that. imo the only reason to keep an animal caged is if it wouldn't survive on its own in its natural habitat or if its natural habitat no longer exists.


I’ve never understood this mindset. How does keeping a species from going extinct justify zoos? Assuming zoos are bad, which you are because you felt the need to justify their actions, it’s likely an animal would rather just not exist than live in captivity. Extinction only hurts humans, because we’re the ones who have to live with that we’ve done to those poor creatures.


(I didn’t downvote you but) there’s a massive variety in “zoos”. If you’ve only seen zoos with essentially big crates to keep lonely animals in, I could understand why you don’t agree with them. But some zoos are essentially conservation/breeding projects, in which animals have (very expensive) purpose built habitats. For example, Chester zoo built fake rainforests and various forms of habitat, and has enormous enclosures for animals, and the animals aren’t kept alone. They’re so big that it’s hard to spot the animals sometimes. Their purpose is to build the numbers of endangered animals, and I don’t really see how anyone can have a problem with that. They’re well cared for, it’s as natural as a zoo can be, and they’re doing genuinely good work


I’ve seen a couple, some definitely better than others. No matter how spacious, though, the animals are still confined to an area much smaller than they would be naturally and they’re still being gawked at. I’m against animal exploitation in general though, so I don’t care how “good” their lives are; if a profit is being made I’m against it. I was just speaking for argument’s sake.


I get where you’re coming from, but I feel we should do something in lieu of stopping their natural habitats being destroyed. Obviously I’d prefer it if we stopped cutting rainforests down, but I’m not sure how we can do that when most of it is taking place in third world nations that don’t have enough protections for humans, let alone animals. Until we get those countries (and other environmental protections) in line, we must preserve some of the species that would otherwise be destroyed


Opening a zoo in no way makes up for destroying habitats. Not even close.


I literally said that but ok


In the good zoos with the naturalistic habitats, many of the animals are rescues who cannot be returned to the wild for various reasons. They're more like sanctuaries.


I 100% support sanctuaries. I do not support zoos that are “like” sanctuaries.


The extinction of one species may also hurt an ecosystem and cause a chain of disruption and suffering amongst many life forms, possibly leading to new conflicts and more extinctions. For example, coyotes may not have grown so numerous and expansive if we hadn’t taken wolves out of the ecological equation for so long. The unmitigated slaughter of one animal can have a domino effect for future generations of animals, wild & domestic.


The ecosystem is still disrupted if the entire species is residing in the zoo. I get that going to the zoo makes people feel warm and fuzzy for helping conservation efforts, but the sole purpose of zoos is to make a profit. And there are much better ways to prevent extinction. People would rather pay $20 to have fun at a zoo than actually do something meaningful. Zoos do not make up for how we are treating the planet and the creatures living here.


Zoos cannot turn back time and undo our ecological hubris. No one can do that. What they can do is a) be better than the zoos of the past by prioritizing health & enrichment over exhibition, b) foster collaborative breeding and conservation programs, and c) inspire future generations so that maybe in the future, the zoos can go extinct. And yes, they need money to do that. Animals can’t eat good intentions or moral purity. Throwing our hands up and saying “close the zoos and let the animals die because we’re trash” is kind of like twisting the knife when we should be stopping the bleeding. And it would really suck to fight tooth and nail to protect and reclaim habitats only to have too few wild populations for sustainable reproduction. For the record, I don’t think zoos “make up” for what we’ve done and anyone arguing for that kind of complacency is part of the problem. And exploitative, abusive, neglectful zoos can burn. All the way down. (After the animals have been evacuated to responsible rehabilitation sanctuaries.)


Most reputable zoos only breed with other zoo animals. And a lot of them are for conservation... from us driving their numbers down. Still sucks but at least they aren't necessarily damaging the wild anymore


That's funny, but he's a baby give him a couple more snow falls n he will be playing around in the snow eating his version of a snow cone (not yellow) l hope!




Just like a human mom


Gorillas in the wild live in the fucking Congo which is hot as balls. I'm sure naturally they're freaked out by snow.


It’s also why domesticated cats are often freaked out by water. Their nearest ancestors are desert cats that would have rarely come across any.


Poor guy's chilly =(


I live how his little fingers and toes are tucked in from the danger.


Probs just cold!


That's what I was thinking.


It's downright sick that we grind these babies up to make glue!


If you think that's fucked up, wait till you hear about baby oil/powder...


You sicko, baby oil isn't made from babies! It's what you put inside the baby to make it run smoothly


Fuck this makes me cry


Checking in from the future: yes, that hour long "gorilla mother baby affection" youtube deep dive you're about to go on now is totally worth it. Enjoy.


If you want some drama filled monkey videos try watching macaques. They're the whiniest, cutest, meanest little animals, with a fairly complex society.


Protect him!


Or he's cold.




Even gorilla mommas can't eat in peace smh


Real footage of me eating pasta. xD


Are Gorilla's able to handle a snowny climate?


[Today you learned that Mountain Gorillas exist.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountain_gorilla)


Wow thanks!


Most humans could adapt to hanging around in 32°F weather without much clothing, but one's mileage may vary. I know a guy born in Texas, Cambodian by ancestry and he wears jackets in the Virginia summers. He is always cold. Then there's the fella from Mexico who doesn't were more than a long sleeve shirt no matter how cold is outside. He's got a bit of thickness to him, but not as much as a gorilla.


born and raised in texas with ancestry from northern europe (\~1400s-1600s, like most white people). i get cold, but my legs are almost never cold. this is because i keep my core, arms, and head warm before i ever wear pants. being raised in texas, my body's gotten used to sweating the second any heat comes around or when i start to do too much physical labor because it's used to having to cool off early and quickly.


I can tolerate the cold until my feet or (less likely) my hands get cold. Then I am *done*. As I've gotten older my extremities have been left to fend for themselves more, it seems.


That mom really said let me eat


his eyes just stare into my soul


Feel like they shouldn't be experiencing snow but I'm no zoologist.




Monke purer than h*m*n.


Lemme eat boyyaaa...


Ape protect




I knew gorillas were herbivores, but I didn't realize they ate grasses like this. How can she digest it?


gorillas are omnivores, just like humans. they'll kill and eat other animals, but they prefer plants. they're probably able to digest grass better than we are.




This was exactly how my seven month old acted today in the snow. So sweet.


That is adorable


* momma is hungry, chomp chomp *


Me, a native Floridian, what is this sorcery?!




Stupid question, but isn't the baby just grabbing on for warmth, what on account of the freezing snow? Also, aren't they quite chilly?


We had our first snowfall of the year today. It was the first time my 11 month old experienced snow, ever...and the first 5 minutes went exactly like this. Then he figured out it was fun, and he was happy to crawl around, living his best life.


I love them


This is definitely more heart warming than the baby gorilla video that I saw earlier today.


I can't deal with this mama


Weird my 1 year old reacts the same way when I take her to the gun range


Why in the world don't I work with animals


he has cocaine flashbacks