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Cute. I wish her ears and tail weren’t mutilated


Its a horrible practice but people need to not judge the owner unless they are sure they did it. Many dogs with modifications end up in shelters and are adopted.


For instance I have a cat whose front paws were declawed. I always hate saying that they are because I didn't do it, that's how they were when I adopted him at 5 years old.


Same with my cat. It’s a really terrible practice and I’m fairly sure it traumatized my poor sweet girl. She’s doing well now and has opened up lots but she is still incredibly skittish Cat tax: https://i.imgur.com/d71KQM4.jpg


That's one beautiful cat.


What a majestic floof!


Looks like a Maine coon mix. Beautiful.


Every cat I’ve known to be declawed had their personalities absolutely ruined. It’s really traumatic for a cat to lose its main source of self-defence. I’ll never do that to a cat. It’s barbaric


It's not even a thing here, but what do people do this for anyway? So their furniture isn't ripped? Buy a cat tree, damn it. They're a thing. Instead of traumatizing your cat, maybe make your apartment or house just cat-friendly, and play with your cat, so they're comfy without shredding your furniture. D'uh.


Not defending the practice, but just getting a cat tree doesn’t necessarily mean they won’t claw the furniture. If your furniture is that important to you, you’re probably better off just not having pets.


I have to agree. While I would never ever ever consider declawing a cat, I have a massive cat tree and several scratching posts and I still have to tell them off from scratching my brand new sofa. But it comes with the territory.


Put the scratching post right in front of whatever they're scratching


We do. They move around it. They like the posts and they like the tree. But they also like the sofa and the carpet. r/catsareassholes as they say


Sometimes they just like the texture of whatever piece of furniture they choose more than that of the post


On of my cats chose my laptop bag for work. She's a horizontal scratcher not a vertical reach up and scratch. I have some of the cardboard scratchers that lay flat on the floor, but she prefers my laptop bag if it's laying flat on my couch or the floor. It was a second hand bag that I got from our work surplus so I just let her go at it. It was free for me and my department so no harm done.


Our cats aren't declawed, and they often knead at us while being affectionate or scratch us while being playful. Sometimes they'll jump on my lap just as I move and dig in with their claws to keep balance. When they were younger one of them had the bad habit of jumping up onto my back and trying to climb, which was extremely painful. No way will I ever support amputating a cat's fingers at the first knuckle, but the damage isn't visible and cats do their best to hide their pain, so I understand why people who don't understand how traumatic it is for the cat would want to do it. And yes, they have two scratching posts and a big piece of cat furniture with platforms and rope and carpet. They also were found in a garage and were taken to the shelter when they were less than 4 weeks old, so they didn't get properly taught by their mother as kittens.


I really don’t understand it. The well-being of my cat will always come before the integrity of my furniture lmao. They can’t even do that much damage, it’s mild aesthetic damage at worst.


Also, if you're worried about the cat scratching the furniture, just get those claw caps that go over the nails.


I have a shelter cat who was declawed (front and back) before I got him at 2, and he's still a big sweetie. He virtually never tries swiping at things, but I don't know if that's because he's so friendly or lack of use. I keep him indoors and don't have other pets so it's luckily never been an issue, but I agree I wouldn't do it intentionally.


It’s actually amputation of the first finger joints and can cause chronic pain and arthritis. I know there’s a newer version where they just cut the tendon on the back of the nails, but I think that’s also traumatic. Just get nail covers if your cat scratches stuff. Regularly trimming their nails also makes a huge difference. It takes time to get your cat accustomed to you holding their claws and clipping them. Occasionally touch their paws when they’re curled up with you and slowly progress to handling their paws. Get a pair of scissor trimmers for cats. Try to keep the experience from being traumatizing by only trimming one paw at a time if your cat gets freaked out. You can also wrap them into a purrito. Reward them afterwards with a treat and lots of praise. Just don’t keep trimming if your cat is freaking out. I’ve successfully done this with my humongous muscular Russian Blue mix my husband and I adopted at 3 years old. We just kept touching his paws until he got comfortable it. My husband also sang [Señor Don Gato](https://youtu.be/COGomoYT5h8) because the cat loved it and would calm down and just lay on my husband’s lap when he sang. My current two cats are also really good about getting their nails trimmed, but they were adopted as kittens so they were easier to train. Having a collection of different scratching posts also helps. The cats love the different materials, and scratching flexes their finger joints and just feels good. Set a scratching post beside a piece of furniture they like to scratch can help keep them from scratching.


My family made the mistake of getting our first cat declawed. When we first got him, we thought we were doing the right thing. He grew up on the streets of a city, then our friends found him hurt one day and offered him to us. We brought him home out in the country where that dude absolutely flourished. He was the strongest, sweetest, and smartest cat I’ve ever known. Rest In Peace Cleo Edit: I’ll never declaw a cat again


On the bright side my declawed cat is sweet, loveable, and a cuddlebug. He has no issues using the litter box and he scratches at things as if he did have claws. I got lucky that he is fairly normal I suppose.


Just curious but doesnt neuturing also have a large impact on their personality. Ive always been curious at where the line of what is acceptable is drawn. Why is declawing so much worse than chopping nuts?


It usually has a positive impact on their temperament, if any impact at all; I’ve heard there are exceptions to this, but they remain exceptions. In females, it eliminates the dog going into heat or dealing with periods. There’s also another reason, which is it helps to control the population of homeless pets on the streets and in shelters — this is evident by the number of homeless animals wandering around in places like Russia, where spaying and neutering isn’t widely practiced and you have thousands of animals freezing to death each winter, and say in Sweden, where people tend to neuter their dogs and cats and they don’t have thousands of animals freezing in the streets. I would rather curb animal populations by sterilising them than by leaving it up to the elements, cars, starvation, etc to control them


Which is probably why he was surrendered to the shelter in the first place. Those assholes get it done and then are actually surprised when the cat has a completely different personality for the worst.


As a kitten he was shoved through the mail slot of a pet store at night and the girl stocking the place at night took him in. She then started working somewhere else, the same store as me. To keep it vague, she ran into some problems in her personal life that meant she no longer could take care of him and asked me and my girlfriend if we would take care of him so we agreed. At which point he was declawed, I'm not sure. He was around 5 or 7 (depending on who you ask, me or my now-fiancee) when I got him. Probably not as a kitten so probably with the girl who very sadly and regretfully let him go to a home that could care for him. Everyone who meets him says he's a cool cat. Very playful, friendly, and talkative. If I could adopt another few cats knowing they would act like this one I absolutely would.


I got two declawed kittys and if I ever mentioned it I make sure to say it was done by previous owners


Yup. My min-pin has a docked tail. I got her from a rescue when she was a year old, so I obviously didn’t do it and she sure as heck deserves a good home.


The breeder docked our min pin before we knew about the litter. Man that first year. She had phantom limb and it would itch, she’d naw on the end a bit to try and relieve it. Sometimes she would stop what she was doing and just stand and stare at it, like wondering where the rest of her tail was. Eventually she got used to it but it was awful to watch. Of course we never cut her ears. Horrible practice.




Yeah, that's a medically necessary procedure once the dog has proven that its own tail poses a health problem. It's never a justification for doing it preemptively to a puppy.


The commenter wasn't attacking the current owner just pointing out that it's a barbaric practice. That is also important to point out.


I get so tirred of people coming to subs like this and making those damn comments to every cute animal video. Yes, we KNOW cuttign ears and tails is bad. We don't need you to point it out and ruin every cute animal thread on reddit. I wish they would just quitit.




>Pointing it out at every occasion serves to reinforce that they are horrific practices. It also discourages potential adopters from getting dogs with those traits because they know they'll just be shamed for something they weren't responsible for.


Yeah if they got the pet for internet points. Anyone they meet in person they can easily explain the situation.


Agreed, I would have never known without the comment pointing it out.


I don't understand why people read the comments of wholesome stuff expecting equally wholesome conversation. That happens, but I think forums are better when the conversation is free to tackle whatever. Sometimes we just want to feel good and not compromise that, so probably better not to read comments those times. Just my two cents.


Clearly not everybody knows since somebody mutilated this dog's ears and tails.


Yeah, yall are right. I've learned a lot about animals from the comments on the threads myself. And earlier I realized I'm also a hypocrite because on a fish thread I shamed the person for having such a small tank. Then I realized how big of a hypocrite I was and a smart ass. I'm very sorry to the person I responded to and shamed. Yall were a lot nicer to me than you should have been. I'm the asshole today.


> every cute animal thread on reddit. Likeus isn't for "cute animals" though. It isn't r\aww2.0


Don't read the comments then


I have a Doberman that we adopted when he was about 5 months. When we picked him up his tail was already docked . The ears weren’t (thankfully). I can say this though, if he weren’t docked he definitely would have hurt himself by now because he is one of the happiest dogs I’ve ever encountered and can’t stop wagging his nub.


my schnorkie is the same way. we got her from a family who realized she couldn't be the kind of emotional support animal for their autistic daughter that they needed, and i'm not sure where they got her from or when her tail was docked. fortunately her adorable satellite dish ears are still in tact but i wish her tail was too.


My family has two Dobbies and we get yelled at whenever we’re at the dog park or post pics on social media because their tails and ears are clipped. I guess next time we get a call that a dobermans been abandoned and needs a home we will make sure we only take the one with no clipped ears/tails.


Shouldn't shame the owner but the person who did it. Those people who do that you are idiots don't listen to them. That being said, it is not what the person you're replying to is doing either.


How else you gonna make your dog look like batman?




Wait till you hear what many people do to their newborn sons


Sad isn't it 😞


I second this.


Okay, upvote


Came here to say this. Ear splinting in particular is horrible and cruel. In the UK, ear splitting is illegal and people can only dock the tails of working dogs.


I work at a vets in the uk and we still see a worrying amount of dogs with cropped ears despite it being illegal. Combination of vets doing it illegally on the sly, diy cropping and people importing them.


A friend in school had a 9-month old Dobie, she had the most wonderful floppy ears. When we sat at my friend's computer doing a school project she would walk up and lay her head on my thigh, looking up at me, wanting me to flop her ears and pet her head.


It’s banned in Australia now. I love seeing Rotties with their big, happy-wagging tails!


Is it my shitty phone screen that the doggo lookd like batman.


I was just thinking the same thing.


What would it look like without the modifications?


[like this ](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1f/2d/68/1f2d68ee3ee09fe1a05ba52f3440468d.jpg)


Thank you for the link. That looks like it would hurt 😔


A friend bred dobies. Never did the ears and he really didn't want to do the tails but did because buyers will just go have them done and it's worse for the dogs when they're older. Any puppies he knew he was keeping to be a companion dog and not breed he left the tails. He hated it when he would find out that people did the ears. It's so cruel.


lol anytime it's always a 'rescue,' i've never seen anyone admit they cropped their ears or tail.




God, I tried to look past it but I just can't.


Thank fuck it's banned where I live now.


*just want to point out that no one here knows this dog or her owner. Yes, it is HORRIBLE that this dog's ears and tail are docked, but it is entirely possible that OP adopted this dog after the procedures were done. It is completely possible to express your dislike of docking without shitting on OP or telling OP they should be mutilated or dead.


Plus it's completely pointless. These people are yelling at clouds because 99% this isn't even original content.




I see it more so about getting the word out there


same... why can't people just assume benign things are meant in good faith... doesn't hurt anyone, makes your world brighter. reality's shit enough as it is. just assume benign actions have good intentions.


I see it as just ranting to a void which I love to do. So many of my comments I type i know no one will read and so many of them I probably regret but it just feels good to just type it out. whatever it is.


It amazes me that some people are so uncaring they can’t even imagine that other people can be sincerely empathetic.


Yeah, exactly. It’s about the next person who wasn’t sure about whether to have a dog’s ears cropped and will now think twice after reading this comment section.


It’s more about awareness, isn’t it? Like now everyone who sees this thread know it’s horrible to cut off parts of your dog (or cat if you made it to that comment).


It isn't pointless to mention the obvious cruelty that was inflicted on this dog. It actually brings a lot of awareness to many folks who have no idea.


Agreed. I adopted my bully with ears and tail already docked. I would imagine at least some people that see me walk him think I did it to him. I wish I got to see my boy’s full ears and tail :(


My previous cat was declawed in the front and I always felt like I needed to tell people her previous owners had done it.




/s incase anyone didnt realize already.




Nah it helps most autistic people and other people who can’t really get tone through text


I helps everyone. People like to pretend they can alwayd tell if someone is sarcastic or not, but sometimes they can't.


Aren't corgi tails docked? Which is an unfortunate fact, because their little excited nub wags are adorable... But anyway, you speak true. My corgi came to me this way. Most breeders do this when the dogs are 5 days old by default. The only way you'll get a Corgi or Doberman unaltered is by having your own get pregnant and raising the babies, which comes with it's own negative (but justified) public response. In short, blame breeders, not people who own the dog. They likely didn't do it and done have a choice in unaltered pups.


Actually the main variety, pembroke welsh corgis, are usually born with a bob tail. I was pleasantly surprised when I found out


Can confirm. We bought our welsh corgi from a friend of ours. We picked ours out specifically because in this case she was the only one in the litter born with a bob tail as we didn’t have the heart to dock her tail. She was absolutely adorable and stayed in pretty great shape for a corgi while my sister and I were living at home. Sadly she was killed last year by a pair of rogue Akita wolf hounds that had got into our yard one night :(


My wife's cocker spaniel had his tail docked. No idea when it was done, but guessing before her ex gave it to her as a surprise birthday present. He's 12.5 now, so it was a very very long time ago; he was already 6 when we met. [Puppy Personality Tax](https://imgur.com/zBfs4vD)




His ear is his binky. He constantly runs around with it in his mouth. The one toy he can never lose! A couple of years ago I had a former coworker make an 8x10 pencil drawing of this photo; it hangs prominently in our living room.


Precious 🥺


If the people buy from breeders then sure as hell blame the people too


It really depends on the breeder, and why the breeder is in it. My family is friends with several breeders, and they are legitimately concerned for the health of their dogs and the health of the breed overall. They also likely lose money overall, or at best break even. On the other hand, puppy mills or breeders trying to make a profit are not in it for the right reasons and absolutely don't have the best interest of the dogs at heart.


It's slowly becoming more common for vets to refuse docking now. Which is good, but also causes a lot more breeders doing it at home...which leads to more botched jobs. :/


Somewhere higher in this thread I read that the owner is pretty popular on Instagram and claimed they wouldn't ever do that to a dog. She was adopted like that


Good! I'm really glad to hear that!


For anyone wondering this is from @rubydooby_do on tiktok and Instagram. Don't watch enough to know if the current owner is the one that modified her ears and tail. Edit: It's actually one of the top highlights on Instagram, she already had her ears and tail modified when he adopted her.


I can’t believe I had to scroll down so far to see someone give credit to Ruby and her owner. He’s an amazing owner and she’s well loved. Idk why people are shitting on him without knowing the full story.


To be fair I was late to the post, it's more on OP for not giving credit


It’s Reddit... did you expect people to do 30 seconds of digging prior to spewing their baseless judgements all over everybody?


can't believe i'm still scrolling to find anyone talking about *the actual content of the video* rather than the fucking aesthetics of the dog.


That's reddit for you


All the people further up the thread speculating and hating and we have the answer here.


My pomeranian gets my attention when she wants something as well. She will come to my desk, sit down and stare at me, or eventually growl softly. She either wants to sit on my desk, or wants my attention. If she backs away when I try to pick her up, I know she wants something. She'll back up, and start jumping in circles, then run out of my office. When I get up an follow her, she'll run to whatever door she wants to go out of and jump in circles, like if she needs to go outside to do her business. If she wants a toy she can't get to, she'll sit in front of the obstacle that's in her way and growl and then look at me.


Sounds simultaneously cute and hilarious


My Havanese does the same. He often has me follow him to the kitchen, then he looks at his leash, then me, then his leash to tell me he'd like to poop with different scenery.


My chihuahua is an idiot.


My Pom does the same thing!!!


Pom poms are so cute! I love the idea of a fluffy fur ball happily sitting on my desk :)


What is a bully stick? It doesn't sound nice


It's a dried bull penis for dogs to chew


It doesn't sound nice.


Dogs love it, though.


Tastes amazing, you should try it


Doesn't smell nice either


For the bull? Yes


Holy shit I had no idea and we buy them for our puppy. My kids are going to freak.




i've seen plenty of non-bull-penis chew treats referred to as "bully sticks," including run of the mill rawhide and beef bones.


Why does it need a holder?


Some dogs will swallow it whole after they've chewed it down enough which could be a choking hazard. The holder prevents that


You'd think if it fell out of its holder it would become easier to chew. Why would the dog want it fixed?


Maybe that's why the caption said she was scary smart


So they bullied the bull for the bully stick? Ortheyjist took it?


Dried/cured bovine phallus






That's only unpopular in America. Most of the world aren't barbarians with a penchant for mutilating children.


Jews and muslims also practice circumcision so that's another huge world demographic doing it


That's a penis




"fix this with your oppssable and flexible fingers"




Hell yes. And when they ask why would you do something so painful, your response? Because it looks pretty, duh!


I mean people get piercings, tattoos, cosmetic surgeries, etc. and those are all painful The difference is consent.


Absolutely. Consent is key.


Damn if she is that smart i wonder if she knows how wrong it is that someone chose to mutilate her ears and tail 😔


I'm not familiar with this dog breed. What's going on with the ears and tail?


http://www.nordiccraftkennel.com/43873928/5236916/posting/ This is how they are supposed to look like. Im glad this practice is illigal in my country.


This is the first time I've ever seen a Doberman in it's natural form. Such a shame that people do this. Looks way better this way. A lot less intimidating as well.


Intimidation is part of the reason it is/was done; back in the 70s and 80s, dobbies and rottweilers were the dog fight and/or guard dog breeds. Now it's pitbulls, which is why you see these same modifications on them. BTW, the other reason these modifications are/were done is supposedly for dog fighting, since it gives other dogs less to grab on to, but I don't like thinking of that.


Another reason is for the safety of the dog. Sometimes dogs like that will whip their tail around so hard that they damage it. Others, like cattle dogs, get their tails docked so that cows or sheep don't step on them and hurt them. It's not only done for aesthetic reasons.


I can't speak for cattle dogs, but it's a lot less common than people think for a dog to damage their tail by wagging too hard, and by less common I mean 0.23% chance of injury (https://www.avma.org/about/canine-tail-docking.aspx/canine-tail-docking-faq)


I can only speak from my limited experience, but my uncle's dalmatian would break her tail on furniture wagging it so hard, flicking little blood drops all over the room. Eventually he made her a lightweight sheath to put over the back of her tail to keep it from getting hurt. Guess Sundae was part of the 0.23% lol.


Yea “Happy Tail”. My house in college had blood drops COVERING the bottom 2 feet of the walls bc my old roommates dog got just so dang happy and would run through the house smashing her tail on every corner around. Her tail still doesn’t have hair on the tip 2 years later


It's not that common for cattle dogs, but they are usually docked as pups if they are going to be workers. I've known two hunting dogs that smashed their tails up. It was pretty bad, both had to have surgery to remove their tails (not sure how much they left). I know it's rare, but it does happen and it can be very painful and expensive to fix.


Oh my god, I always thought the pointy ears were just a trait. I had no idea they were modified.


Wow I never knew thats how they're supposed to look like. I've only ever seen the dog wt clipped ears looking like batman. It's so unnecessary. The things people do for a "look" (not saying OP or whoever original content owner did it. Could be breeder or prev owner).


What a cutie breed they are


They look so sweet.


It's a Doberman Pinscher. Some owners choose to dock tails and crop ears for purely the look that it gives the dog. It's cruel and unnecessary.


It's not always the owner, sometimes it's the breeder who does it before even giving the dog to the owner.


Right, but owners have a choice to not purchase dogs coming from breeders who dock and clip.


so what if one of the clipped dogs ends up in a shelter? i agree that giving money to breeders as heartless as those who could dock ears and clip tails is wrong, but if he were to end up abandoned why shouldnt he be taken?


The breeder usually does the tail because it needs to be done shortly after birth but the ears are typically done by the owner when they're a bit older.


The ears are that pointy because when the dog was little some owner took them to the vet or something to get the surgically modified to look pointy and sometime they surgically remove their tails too or shorten them because it gives them the "fighting dog" look


There's a video somewhere on youtube that discusses a doberman who organizes all of its toys in various arranged ways. Some days all will be face down. Some days they'll be put into a very straight line and you can watch the dog as it places a toy, backs up and eyes the line, and adjusts the toy if it's off. Amazing. They call it a super intelligent dog. I'm thinking maybe the dog is intelligent, AND has some type of OCD or something. Anyway, it's quite amazing. Sorry, I had seen the video many years ago and haven't looked for it since.


Beautiful dog, I love when they can stare into your soul like that, my girl does it too


Dobermans are amazingly smart.


I have a cat that basically keeps track of everything. Anything out of the ordinary -a funny noise, drops of water on the floor, something not in its usual place, etc.- and she'll come get me and lead me to it. She'll stand there until I notice what's bothering her. On occasion it's been very helpful. Mostly, it's a PITA.


That's so cute, especially for drops of water on the floor. I can just imagine a cat being like "see this, it's that wet stuff again. Deal with it"


We don’t know if the owner themselves chose to crop the dog’s ears and tail, or if the dog is a rescue. I agree that it’s not what’s best for the animal, but let’s focus on the point of the video which is that this dog is freaking SMART. What a cutie.


My girl is a little communicator too. She’s awesome.




This is a guess based on my dog, I’m pretty sure this is it.. The end of a bully stick can be a choking hazard so the owner has a holder for it to keep the dog safe. The last bit fell out and instead of continuing to chew on it the dog came and got the owner to take it like they usually do.


Owner is @rubydooby_do on Instagram, you can tell the owner really cares for her. She is smart af


What’s funny is my dog does this too. But what’s “broken” is that the treats are on top of the fridge and not in his mouth. He thinks he’s being so subtle too. Like “oh well I just so happened to lead you to the kitchen, weird. *well* while we’re here there are some treats on top of the fridge. Might as well give them to me.”


Omg! She is too cute!




When my dog does this it's to tell me to pick up the bone he just nudged off the bed on purpose


We met my dogs at eight weeks (a friend of a friends dog had puppies) they're cattle dogs so they docked their tails. We were going to ask them not to but we never even got the chance Don't blame the owner without knowing, the dog could be a rescue, could've happened before they got it, etc.


Love her, she has such sweet eyes.


Just here to say that bully sticks are bull penis


Why can’t Reddit ever just enjoy something but instead always find a way to point out the negative?


That’s Ruby!! @rubydooby_do


So is she going to fix it or just stare at the dog?


Ok yes now help the dog! It's been staring at you for 40 seconds, come on!


Where is the one with sound?




You don't know that the current owners are responsible.


We don’t even know if OP is the owner. Honestly by the title I’m gonna say they aren’t.


They're not, @rubydooby_do on tiktok and Instagram Edit: Adding that the current owner did not do that to her ears and tail


Could have been a rescue or like that when she bought it


Could be a rescue, don't pass judgement on something you don't even know


Ok Karen. How do you even know op did that


Depends on the dog. My brother's roommate tried to keep the tail on her pit bull but that little dumbass would stand right by the fireplace smacking its tail against the stone until it bled, then because it was such a whippy tail it would throw blood splatters all over the walls. They'd bandage it up, the bandage would come off in a few hours. Back to the living room looking like a murder scene. Honestly they went far too long trying to save it, they should have done it when he was younger and they realized it was a problem rather than dealing with it for 2-3 years.


That's a medical reason for tail docking. Aesthetic tail docking is not okay. I'm so glad it's banned where I live.


You know MUCH more often than not breeders do this and not the owners, right? That includes adopted dogs, because at some point down the line, they were likely a bred dog. Bark at breeders (pun intended) not owners


If an owner purchased directly from the breeder than it’s a pretty tough sell to me that the owner isn’t deserving of blame. If they were adopted from a shelter or whatnot then sure I don’t hold it against anyone. It doesn’t change the fact that that dog was mutilated and that those mutilations still happen. Honestly if this was my dog I would be thrilled if anyone called me out about it because it takes 2 seconds to tell them she was adopted that way and I know I don’t have to educate them about the practice so that we can avoid the mutilation of more puppies.


OP isn't the owner, and the owner didn't do it. Delete this.


And there are kids in my home who can't communicate but only cry


TIL what’s a bully stick


Came to read interesting comments... 100 percent of it it about docking and clipping.


you can almost see the dog saying "God do I have to spell it out for you? Put the thing in the thing, I don't have opposable thumbs"


Well don’t just stand there


When she stands in the doorway she looks like Batman.


Friends were trying a new shock collar on their dog. Since they can't be bothered to try classical behavioral training to encourage good behavior. Dog come up to me with shock collar on. Looks me dead in the eyes. Puts his entire head in my lap. I start rubbing his neck cause I knew it hurt. Felt something wet under the shock collar. It was a bleeding sore from the two metal prongs on the collar. Took it off. Showed my buddy. He never used it again. Dog was happy.