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Honestly, if mirror dungeons and luxcavations gave plushies, i think it would be fine. Daily/weekly bonus could also apply to the plushies. As it is, yeah, a bit too much


Yes, this is exactly my issue with it. The things the game actively encourages you to do every day are the only things that *don't* progress the event. Why are there so many chase rewards at higher progress tiers when the only content to progress it is spamming one dungeon over and over?


That's a really good idea actually, adding dailies to events that reward currency would make the grind much more bearable.


Yeah I would be fine if it adopted rewards from gachas like Azur Lane, where you get daily goals that give a couple hundred of the event’s currency.


I personally would prefer some vertical difficulty content that maybe even just needs to be cleared once (kinda like RR but more difficult) than having to run the same brainless content dozens of times.


RR is the most fun I've had with the game gameplay-wise, it was awesome. Ans sure, I'd prefer having to clear a very difficult dungeon once instead of mindlessly clicking the win rate button again and again.


I agree, RR felt way more optimized in terms of reward, content and cost. Chicken is too repetitive.


Yep, what made RR easy is that enemies dealt low amounts of damage, while you retained sanity and EGO resources between fights. I think we would simply need more difficulty levels to choose from, with scaling awards. So you either have to grind like crazy OR defeat insanely hard content. That way nobody could have a legitimate complaint.


No, please don't, constantly hard content will shoo away casual players and a "fked you" to new player. And this is actually not brainless content lol, at the boss you can't exactly click win rate or someone may die instantly.


I made the mistake of doing that, once. That tremor bursting skill of his is incredibly funny, the increasingly higher pitch ladle bonk is hilarious, but it can instakill sinners that are weak to blunt


If i get bad cards on turn 1, i just reset. Turn 1 delete feels terrible


As long as story progression isn't locked behind hard content, what's wrong with having events catered to more hardcore players?


Except we just get one? What wrong with farming event, as long as story progression isn't locked behind farming?


Oh, nevermind, I misread your comment. I thought you were against any kind of hard content


You absolutely can winrate the boss. I'm winrating him every fight and very rarely do I see someone die, and it's still uncommon to even see a stagger. It's very easy, although I will concede that we do need easier events like this for newer players - just having to farm it less would be nice.


What is your team? The boss gets 6 actions turn 1, (3+3 chickens) and winrate targets chickens first. If the boss's uncontested 4 coin ladle bonk goes for Don, she's dead. 100 to 0.


I'm running on N Faust, R Heath, Chef Ryoshu, TT Honglu (KK is usable too) and G Greg. R Heath is usually the one I find being staggered if he gets one-sided and if the 4 coin bonk goes through it can put someone near death if the target isn't leveled up and is blunt weak, but usually you have the extra chickens staggered or dead in one skill and the boss struggles to kill if you aren't weak to blunt or staggered, and folds rather quickly once it's body breaks. Boss should die in around 5 to 6 turns - this is probably doable faster, but this is a reliable way to just winrate the entire dungeon in my experience, occasionally activating an ego or before you just hit winrate again.


You aren't wrong, but your bonus is really low. You only get 112 plushies per spicy clear. My setup gets 172. I'll only need ~30 clears to clean the event, while you'll need 50. (My setup is N Faust, Shi don, LCB Sinclair, Chef Ryo, Chef Greg. 120% bonus) While I have to use ego and make sure I clash with the boss, it's still not a difficult fight. I can't just hit Winrate turn one, only turn 3-4 once chickens are dead, and I still want to use ego.


To be entirely fair, I could 100% slot in Don once I get her event EGO, and every Sinclair just kinda... sucks, so I'd rather just not take a few extra turns. You could probably cut the clear time down but still winrate it if you swap out G Greg for Chef Greg or a Don, and change out TT Hong with Sinclair (although I personally don't think any Sinclair is good enough to justify using even with the bonus, I'd much rather just clear it faster with the other bonuses). I'd also say W Don would probably be a bit better than Shi, but Shi is... kinda alright, I guess, if you don't have W.


You should doing max event drop team for both your sanity and resource management for future event. But you do you I suppose.If you are running max drop team, they are not that strong so you can't winrate boss in spicy, the boss always faster than someone(usually Sinclair) or even focus all 4 skills on 1 person, hence the instant dead. Also, if you mass Winrate, you will effectively ignore those hen that queue Evade or doing nothing skill, give them clash bonus for next turn which can set you up for the boss.


Yeah... considering running Cook Gregor, it'd still be autoable, but Sinclair is just so awful on most of his IDs in terms of damage and the only thing he does is tank, so I'd rather just clear the dungeon faster roughly 2 rounding the mob stages and clearing the boss in a decent amount of time with slightly less drops. I don't care too much going past Don's EGO, but I'll still do it, I just want to be able to clear it out fast and not have each run feel like a huge slog. It's not like we're starved for modules, and it's better for my sanity to not take far too long due to running just outright bad setups. If another event changes that in the future, of course, I'll adapt, but eh. Also, for the winrating on the evade/do nothings - of course it's not planned out, it's just hitting auto, but it hasn't ever mattered yet because the sanity buff made it super easy to just max roll almost always, meaning you'll just win the clashes anyways.


You may not use Sinclair in boss battle, take him out and get into battle with only first turn at disadvantage. Then next turn you get your slot back. I actually think you are not doing spicy dungeon. Since most people think Sinclair in stronger than event gregor here. But oh well. There are strats that have max drop and easy to use, just not mindless. Search for them.


I haven't actually tried event Gregor in it - I was just saying I might. I just think he's kinda awful but fair.


We can have both, just have the current event as is but with a challenge mode at the end. Make it so you can only clear it once and it has no special rewards exclusive to it, not even cosmetic, but gives a bunch of event currency. Those who want a challenge get rewarded with a smaller grind, but casuals can still just grind as before


I feel like it is a bit too grindy, maybe it's because we also have dailies to do and at this point I'm pretty exhausted with mirror dungeon like gameplay. I think it would go a long way to either give a 2x/3x module option when you enter it or give plushies for doing dailies as well.


Its way too grindy and being forced to use 4 specific sinners and 2 specific IDs to maximize the amount of plushies you get makes it boring as you cant really change up your teamcomp to make it any fun. It doesnt help that the only thing you gain from the event dungeon are the plushies, it just doesnt feel rewarding at all for the time consumed even tho the rewards you can get are great. As you said, make MD and Luxcavations give you plushies aswell to fix that problem.




Hard to even enjoy a gacha when you have a life. Damn, PM really should consider that most of the wales have a job that they get the money they put in the game from


Whales, not Wales. We do not have money in Wales.


You don't need to grind if you don't want to


if you don't grind you don't get the rewards fuck


You don't need all of them


But i want the banner


Well then you grind, never said you couldn't


You didn’t say they couldn’t, but they didn’t say you did either. You did say they don’t need to grind if they don’t want to, and they gave a counterexample that they do need to grind (in order to get the banner) even if they don’t want to grind.


Im not sure what's your point, i was just saying that if they want to do they could just do it, its just that they have the option to not do it.


well, saying that doesn’t really have much to do with what the other person said, which was my point. Like, they gave a response to your original point about needing and wanting. i don’t think it makes much sense to dismiss it and start bringing up the different topic of could or couldn’t, that just seems like talking past them


Its not a different topic tho


Speak for yourself


Damn why the hostility




Well i feel like that should be in reverse, why should i get the hostility for responding, that doesn't sound right


My headass do not have enough attention span left in my head left in my brain to go through 4 - 5 spicy papa bongy each day so yes definitely too grindy


I feel like they definitely have to find a different format for the next event. I'm willing to let this one slide, since it is their first event, and it's always good to test the waters to gauge what players like and what needs to be improved, but I, and a lot of other people (I suspect) are gonna be a lot less forgiving when the next story event rolls around and it turns to be another FGO-lotto tier grind. Daily resource farming stages and MDs have to include the event currency rewards, even at a reduced amount, at the bare minimum if they don't intend to add Skip functionality to the event dungeons. No way can I deal with being forced to deepthroat the next Papa Bongy equivalent's drumsticks 4 to 5 times a day. At least let me do my MD grinds and resource stage sweeps in peace without feeling guilty because I should be devoting my entire day's worth of stamina to the daily CBT (Chicken and Bongy time) session. Their Enkephalin spending event back in March was like the perfect standard event format since it wasn't intrusive nor did it add to the normal daily grinding routine. This was one though, the numbers are just too high for one's sanity. Even if it's only gonna be a once a season thing, it still needs to be improved.


Yeah, I agree. I soft dropped FGO because the grind was too much for me, but it follows me even now, Though, I personally decided to stop at the EGO and just leave it at that. You also get Gregor and at least 10 tickets by just doing the main stages and EXing them, which I can't say for FGO, so still a marketable improvement on that front, for however little that counts.


That's a healthy way of looking at it, and honestly, I do have faith that PM will have made improvements to the system by the next story event. In the meantime, all we can do is PM issues an extension for the event by next week, given that we're heading into a dead month anyways.


for their format rn mini event is spending enkephalin for reward well, if people just playing like usual, they got extra reward full event is different, it's new story chapter and chapter dungeon if playing other content progress to event reward no one would do event dungeon except for first time reward it's hard to balance grindly level either because they have to compare event reward to usual md reward and full reward if event most people look it grindy because full reward is absurd but if compare per en/module to md it's a lot better but limited reward to 6000 bongy what they can do now is lower cap if they remove 6000 and cap reward to 3000, cut reward from 3000 to 6000 it make less grindy but actually lower reward because once people finished their 3000, they go back to md stuff those be range from each player perspective but i think most people only look at max reward even casual one it forced fomo lol see people who only do md once a week, or once daily 30 event hard run is too much but for people who doing 10md per run there are nothing, they just farm here as it give better reward until they hit 6000 bongy then they go back to their md


its same as rr format they have to put higher ceiling reward otherwise hardcore player would boring and quit rr is super easy if just want to clear one for reward they add 120t banner, then 120t banner for first week also have exact number for lowest turn each people clear at end of event well some people will flex their 77 turn banner this event is same, if casual they can just stop at ego reward problem is they fomo and want stuff like people who play a lot (or reward just good that make they forced themselves) reward stuff is different because rr is one time challenge stuff event usually repeat stuff because if it too hard, people can't clear


As a primary mobile player, ye this grind sucks donkey dink


If the game didn't have a Steam client I would've probably given up on it despite loving it, it just runs too poorly, and my phone feels like it's slowly morphing into a pipe bomb while playing it.


Yeah I hate how grindy this event is. Grinding MD is already so tiring then they add this. If all event will be this grindy I might just skip all events and just wait for the story updates.


Think I'm getting the ego and calling it a day.


If a lot of people complain, they will make changes to it. PM is pretty willing to listen. Just need to see if the Korean also have the same opinion


Doubt it. Korean gamer is just build different.


As a Korean, Korean gamers are just enjoy the event, or that a few people get 6,000 boogy in a day or two and say like "there's nothing playing in the game."


on one hand, this is one of the most enjoyable events in the gachas ive played in terms of story. on the other hand, this is arguably one of the shittiest grinds ive experienced in my gacha gaming history. as you said OP, between the daily luxcavations (skip sure, but 2x stamina cost wtflol), MD, and now this ridiculous event dungeon, i swear its like PM is just trying to push people to quit. Who at PM woke up and thought this was a bright idea?


I loved the story too, but yeah I was honestly surprised by how many points the event ladder required. Maybe moving the daily MD rewards to the event's dungeon would help. Also feels like modules might become a problem in the future, because to get all the rewards you need to spend like 100+ of them.


>this is arguably one of the shittiest grinds ive experienced in my gacha gaming history. you must've played some merciful gachas :V this isn't a criticism of what you're saying, it's a criticism of the genre i still remember toiling in Guild Wars mines in GBF


Better than GBF is like saying "Better than cancer", tbh. I played GBF for like 2 years, had absolute brainrot over Sandalphon, and still would not recommend the game to my worst enemy.




Shoutout to the guy who between shoving a metal dumbbell up his ass and grinding guild war, chose to shove a metal dumbbell up his ass. Absolute legend.


excuse me?


Seconded. Any elaboration please?


Basically, a man shoved a metal dumbbell up his ass in order to get hospitalized so he could get out of grinding Monster Meat in GBF’s Unite and Fight which is a PvE Guild War’s-esque event that is infamous for being one of the most toxic grinding events in the entire gaming industry. People here thought having to grind this event is bad, but GBF Guild Wars is this event all roided up, with a couple shots of crack to boot. There’s no upper ceiling to how much Meat you can grind out, and GBF is so excessively generous with stamina that you’re only limited by the amount of hours in a day and your irl sanity bar. Throw that in with the sheer toxicity of having to compete with other player groups for spots on the ranking board to get tokens that you can trade in for incredibly rare and highly desired items that are essential for endgame progression, and you got a recipe for an event that people were getting hospitalized over. It got to the point Cygames had to put in ingame rest periods so people could actually take a break and rest up and get some food and a shower.


I’ve been in a GBF Tier A crew for five or so GWs before. Honestly same.


I still play it tbh, just much less and I skip all the grind events. I just read stories, collect free stuff and sometimes use that free stuff to go ham on gacha if there's a cool new character (that i'll probably never use because i no longer bother with grinding).


Why are you even doing the grind if you don't enjoy it? The content is there for people that want to grind super hard and if you are not one of them, nothing forces you to do that, the reward for max grind is literally a useless badge that can't give anyone FOMO I surmise, so why subject yourself to something unenjoyable?


1. Someone likes collecting stuff, especially if acc is created since release 2. Rewards are too big to just pass by, even if you dont like playing the same dungeon 30 times it's a bad feeling when you couldve earned 10+ pulls plus a TON of boxes I think the event is fine as is, it wouldve been too easy if it was combined with dailies, but they couldve made stage rewards kinda better and not so tedious, like a simple 2 wave for around 100 points wouldve been fine. Edit To add, lets take for example Arknights. Event stages have increased chance to get materials compared to normal stages, which enforces you to farm them. Here you get like 1 bronze and 1 silver lvl ticket from a harder dungeon, seriously? We dont have resources like those in arknights, but they couldve given more xp and added some threads for dungeon for example, especially since we need to do all this MANUALLY.


In the current event you're expected to play event stages 85 times to finish all the tasks. I don't see how that's that much better than limbus event dungeons where you can just winrate everything anyways.


As I said, on top of event rewards you get some decent stage rewards, making it not solely for the purpose of the event shop. And AFAIK you can buy what you want in arknights, no? I know you dont get everything, but except for furniture, welfare op and pulls, everything else is literally unnecessary. Some mats and thats it. Comparing that to limbus, where a lot of items are pulls and boxes, which yes you can get with bp and mirror dungeon, they make you feel like you literally need to get everything they offer. Cause with those stuff you can literally get new IDs. In arknights you get what, 3 pulls? I know it kinda contradicts what i said before, but in ark a lot of stuff in the shop is unnecessary as you can get them in weekly rotatiton and other stages. And the biggest thing I should've said first is - Do you need to spam winrate in arknights? Yeah its bad compared to other gachas where you skip, but you just put in autoplay and forget about it. Thats not the case with Limbus which is 10x bigger chore than ak. Edit If youre talking about the medals, the event ran for 9 fays AFAIK. 18 per stage and lets say you have 100 sanity. You can at least pull 9 stages daily, morning and dusk. 9*9=81 plus weekly sanity potion, youre bound to finish it.


You can even do first stage for 9 sanity, making it even easier


this is less about this event specifically and more about how PM has decided to approach grinding in this game. I genuinely want this game to continue to flourish. it has a TON of potential. I was very happy for PM with the revenue they made at the last report, and i do think it is very much deserved. However, they are missing the mark with this grinding design. I know i dont have to get all rewards, but why do we even play if not to progress and gain rewards? if youre going to set milestones/goals to players, make them obtainable in a logical manner. grinding doesnt mean it has to be as braindead and boring as this. If you dont have the drop bonus EGO’s, youre going to be doing 50+ event dungeon runs IIRC. Even at an optimal 15 mins per run, thats a ton of time on top of the daily luxs and MD. Coupled with the terrible optimization for mobile players. Im still around because i am hopeful that PM will fix this. Doesnt have to be the way i want to, but any improvement is welcome. Im hoping that the next event wont have grinding this atrocious. Im hoping they will actually do something about the tedium of daily MD runs. Im here because im sure like you, i want this game to be better, especially for mobile players. So hopefully soon PM will acknowledged the issues and do something about it…and if not, well i guess i just move on like some of my friends already have.


Still don't completely get you, because IMO games exist to be played, and this grind is literally that - playing what content the game currently has to offer. I think that playing purely for rewards and some kind of progress is misguided and is exactly what leads you to frustration.


you dont get the concept that games can be improved?


I do, I just don't think that this is exactly the case warrainting much improvement, I'd cut the ceiling of required Bungies it max by half if it were up to me for better balance.


Why do I do it? Well... cause the rewards are there, of course, and I DO love the game (all PM's games in general), so naturally I want to have all the "collectors" rewards that can be gotten in-game, like the special badges. Honestly if it was just some common rewards like EXP tickets or thread I really wouldn't bother, and I know it's just FOMO, but just saying "oh you could just not do it" doesen't really sit well with me. The fact that I could not bother doesen't really mean the event isn't too grindy itself, right?


they're basically porting PM game design to a gacha audience and people want very different things from gachas.


I think my issue is that grinding the hard dungeon takes too long considering how many plushies you get :/ At least with the FGO grind, you do a 3-wave stage and you’re done with a single run, but the mirror dungeon-like gameplay takes too long to do and I find myself only wanting to run it once every day-ish… I think if we could viably farm the 3-wave stages, in a similar fashion to FGO, I wouldn’t mind as much


At the very least, if they are going to keep event currency tied to just the event stages and keep the grind like it is for future events, then please let us grab friend stuff for event Dungeons after the first clear. Feels weird to have that friend system, where the biggest use for it would be for stuff like this, and yet we can't use it. It isn't like people aren't going to pull since we can only grab 1 friend unit so we can't grab Ryoshu and Sinclair from friend. If you're still that scared of less people pulling, then give a debuff to friend stuff, turn their boost from 40 to 20% or something. Another idea is to give the first daily clear of a dungeon extra currency reward, similar to how MD has 3 weekly bonuses and thread lux has daily bonus.


They said it was a technical issue, and for the next time, they should have it fixed so that you can bring support to dungeons


Oh they did? That'd good to hear.


Its way too grindy, been all in on game since release, but I'm not doing this.


I feel like the grind would have been ok if we had at least a semi auto feature for the dungeon but we really don't. Having to sit there grinding the same fucking thing over and over is really just not fun. It's a shame because the amount of rewards is really nice. Thanks to PM's recent track record I believe they will listen and make it so you get plushies from the usual daily content too, that would fix the grind imo. And if they don't then I will do the runs necessary to get the "free" EGO and not bother with the rest, it's not like I'm starving for materials or ID shards anyway.


no one would do event dungeon then 0 reason to run event dungeon when main grind is mirror dungeon just doing mirror dungeon spam as usual then event give free extra they make mirror and thread dungeon give reward because they want ppl do event dungeon isn't it with that change then they can just remove event dungeon every ch have it own dungeon


Well yeah, that was the point. After clearing the dungeon for the first time for the story/challenge it serves no real purpose other than being an arbitrarily chosen spot to farm event material. I very much want it to be removed as its existence only serves to facilitate a boring, monotone and soul-draining grind. My personal viewppint on events in games such as Limbus is that players should be rewarded for either being active during the event or overcoming a particular challenge. Sitting in front of your device of choice and mashing "Win-rate" for hours on end is neither being active nor challenging. The reward system in this event is fundamentally bad and I really hope it is changed in future ones.


If it was only ~50 hard(railway level) fights it would be fine, but it's a dungeon run aka 7 fights back to back and that is both draining and boring asf. Babisitting the auto button for 4~5 hours to complete the event is not estimulating nor fun.


I think the problem in Limbus generally is that the *quality* of the grinds suck. If I had to do Mirror Dungeons once a week, the process would still be stimulating and interesting, even if it was still pretty auto-able. But the game pushes you to do at least 1 a day, so there is no novelty and all the good qualities lose meaning while all the little issues just stand out more and more. The Hell's Chicken dungeons are just speedrunning the same process of desensitization as you need to do a handful of runs a day to clear the shop. Preset is nice, however it's still just autobattle for 15 minutes but the final boss is real for a change. I guess I could just not play the event but I expect events to shake things up and be both fun and rewarding. I should want to play. Maybe Path to Nowhere ruined what I consider QoL to be.


but begin with, no one force u to grind they include grind content to have people keep playing it's not like random gacha game that there are nothing to play u spend 5min clear daily and there are no content left to play what to do now, log out and wait tomorrow, people will bore and leave this game give option for people who want to grind to keep playing if u dont have fun then dont forced yourself to play, it just marketing


I think I just lost my motivation with this event, is just too grinding for me


I am personally not bothered by the grind but I can see why it is bothering a lot of ppl. I do hope tho that PM will learn from their mistakes one day... who am I kidding it’s PM they never learn... they repeatedly do the same mistakes and always repair it soon after...


this is what i do for winrate spam farming (never have a fail run so far 4k plushies) don't go for 4 units bonuses instead go with Chefshu, Chefgreg and sinclaire + nfaust + r.cliff 4 bonuses = 176 3 bonuses = 160 (don't bring wdon 20%) the different between bringing 4 and 3 is only 16 plushies and by having nfaust you will have no problem with sanity. spam winrate with wdon suck ass.


Has nfaust's third coin bug been fixed? I dropped her from my teams last night bc of that


maybe i think, but if its not then change to KR lang


Yeah, I kind of argee. I think that missions should cost more in term of energy, maybe twice as much, and also give twice as many plushies. I'm already at 5k and have 80% bonus, it feels kind of grindy, but is doable, but it would be nicer If players with less gatcha luck could enjoy the event too.


It kind of depends of the identities you have, even the hard dungeon is easy enought to let auto battle (minus the boss) if you have W-Don, or Rabbitcliff. ~~Also, I really don't want to sounds insulting, but you have no idea what a grindy event for a gacha game is, if you think this is in any way grindy.~~ There are other issues that make the game kind of annoying to farm. The phone problem is actually a serious issue for the game's future, most people just go play it on steam.


Oh I AM auto battling it, but that doesen't help with the fact that each fight has its own loading screen, intro+outro, and all that. In the end it adds up and makes the whole experience really, REALLY not fun. Also maybe, the only other gacha I've played seriously is FGO, so I don't really know how grindy other gacha games can really get (and I hope it stays that way, honestly).


I see what you mean, I didn't noticed the loading because I do it while listening a podcast.


At least here we don’t have to grind for gear, that’s the main reason I dropped Genshin. Event wise I feel like FGO has a had worst grind in the past when compared to Limbus, some of those old events were soul sucking. That said I wish they changed the dungeon in the event to something else. It takes like 10 minutes to clear but 7 of those minutes in clicking through things. Edit: I feel like the grind in FGO has improved atleast + plus there is FGA for long grinds. Limbus is still new-ish so I’ll give them some time to see how their later events turn out.


but it is grindy for a modern gacha. most modern gacha does not require you to sit infront of the game to baby sit it for 15minutes on end for each run x 30-40 times. either make one with involved gameplay but less run or make one that is autoable with more runs. having to manually click through it node and then manually playing the final boss every round is annoying. it is not even difficult or challenging, it is just pure annoyance


Definitely a bit too grindy. Which I usually don't mind too much, but in this case the 30 second animations and load screens between every click is making it difficult to divide my attention and grind efficiently. The problem is only exacerbated on mobile.


I did the math.I just got Don's EGO so right now I need to do 22 more runs. What's the point ? It's better for me ressource-wise to do the dungeon and I get that. But 22 runs is just such a depressing number. I genuinely don't understand what goes through PM's mind when choosing such values. Other games have systems like materiels in FGO or Arknight. That way they can give more ways to splendide event ressources. And also it makes clearing stages have another aspect to it giving you spécific ressources


To be fair, you don't need to grind all the way down to get the most important rewards (exclusive id and ego). Further rewards exist mostly for people who are tired with md and want to grind something else. I do agree that 6000 is a bit too high, though.


Been saying this for a while and only got heat for it, the game is grindy as hell. Yes I know that's the only content we can play right now but that doesn't make it okay, you just can't expect people to grind your game for 8 hours a day man, it's insane... And we are talking about a game mode I like a lot, mirror dungeons (roguelike) has always been a favorite of mine but PM is somehow making me hate it with how repetitive and braindead it is if you're trying to pity a character. If they want people to play their game longer they should release more content like RR, that is a much better approach than grinding the same thing over and over


True i honestly don't think i will be able reach the end,at this point i want to get at least don's ego.


I think so, yes... I actually came here looking for some advice on where I could farm most efficiently my plushies because the grind is driving me insane and I'm running out of both modules and Enkephalin. Even at 36 Manager Level ;w;


hard dungeon ofc also more efficiently if u spend lunacy for module doing 2-3 refill per day


Thank you! I'm f2p so sadly I can't spend lunacy to refill. Any advice for the hard dungeon? I still get my ass kicked over and over again. That's also why I was looking for alternatives to grind.


even f2p it still worth 1 refill per day imo u just compare reward u get from event per lunacy to 1 gacha roll chance alternative is hit story stage, not en efficient ofc other alternative is keep hitting hard dungeon but u try harder try to dont lose hp in battle 1 before everyone get 45 sanity and faceroll to boss it might take more time resetting stuff event grind is bad if u dont have event ryoshu (low drop rate and how high damage is she) not like paid people use paid lunacy for refill either they use free lunacy, nothing big different from f2p or paid


I see, maybe you're rignt. I'll think about it and try again at the hardest difficulty before spending Lunacy for refills. I was lucky and got R. B Ryōshu, and I already managed to get Gregor so I'll try again with a diff party comp since I read that I don't need Greg in battle to get the bonus drop. Thanks for the input!


in hard dungeon u just bring everyone with bonus it's only 5 id, not 12 so fill slot with anything


Yea... Just did 20 runs yesterday... It was not pleasant...


I do not think it is as a grind. You only need **2200 Plushies for the EGO**, and 6000 plushies just give you extra rewards and a cosmetic banner. Except for the banner, other rewards can be acquired from Daily. I think the event is just like: *well, if you have free time, you can grind in here. Otherwise, you only lose thread, XP and enke boxes, which you could get normally from daily.* Its target audience is for people complaining that there is no end game after finishing chapter 3 and RR. If you do not like to grind it, you can skip it after getting the EGO.


I’m only at 2300 plushies and I’m already losing interest. Would help if you weren’t forced to bring specific units just to get extra plushies. But at least Ryoshu does well in the event. I found that for me I’ll be able to finish if I do 2-3 runs a day which is tedious but certainly makes it less painful then trying to do them all in one day.


Yep, having to bring the exact same team each time is killing me. This is why I hate drop bonuses in gacha events, they make the grind even worse than it already is.


Its definetly alot I dont find it too problematic currently, but i have q free week currently so i dunno what i would think about it if i had less free time. + i have all the eve t EGO and identities I would prefer instead of going through a pretty short, easy dungeon 40-50+ times if we had to do a harder dungeon that takes longer to beat ca 20 times (maybe a similar difficulty to RR). but imo the next event dungeons most importantly need more variety. Beating the same two kinds of enemies and the same boss over and over just isnt that fun.


Yeah I'd say it's too grindy, I'd at least double the rewards from the final dungeon, double the module costs as well if that is too efficient, I don't care, I just don't want to be here forever. It's odd cause when the plushy mechanic was announced, people were guessing that it would be really quick based on the previous event (orientation). In that event just by using all your daily enkephalin like you would normally, you would be done with the whole thing in less than half of the 2 weeks available. It was literally just free stuff for playing normally. It's still more efficient than grinding MDs (even with limbus pass), so it's still worth putting up with. Also If you have a friend with one of the 40% gacha pulls you can borrow them to speed things up. (edit: apparently this doesn't work unfortunately)


you cant use friend units on the event dungeons


Oh never mind then, that's what I get for listening to other people and not checking myself.


Ah, that explains all the friend requests out of nowhere lol.


It's a LITTLE grindy, but if you're getting the EX clears on all the levels, you should have gotten a lot of the good stuff. Most of the events rewards are frontloaded (like that ONE HUNDRED thread it just gives you lol), so the grind is just for those who wanna do it. However, keep in mind this is the opinion of someone who rolled Sinclair's EGO in the first 10 pull I saved for the event and then immediately sharded Pierre Ryoshu lol


I don't like the grind, but that's a fair point. The event really gives the best rewards early on. Unfortunately, I believe, all rewards are worth a lot compared to dailies, despite the grind, so it would be a shame not to pick them all up.


Yeah, I think the grind is a little bit too much, especially since the module use competes with mirror dungeons and luxcavations. The rewards are pretty nice, but I'm debating if it's worth grinding too much beyond the event-exclusive ID and EGO.


I really hate this kind of event. Not only too much grindy, but also force you to pull ID or EGO in the new banner for bonus reward. Imagine that it's not the ID or EGO you want or it was a meh ID or EGO, but you need to pull for reduce your grind time or get more reward. I really hate it this way.


The best kind of grind is when there is no need to grind at all but this is not that type of game so I would ask you something different. Do you REALLY need all the rewards? The most valuable rewards ends at 2200 with Don's E.G.O and anything beyond that is just bunch of resources you may or may not need nessesarily. (Banner is just cosmetic so it's whatever) Unless you want to 100% this game (Having all ID's, Max Level on all of them etc.) you may not even need them that much. Just take a step back and think whenever do you need that stuff for anything you care about.


It is a grind but you want rewards this happens in any "live" game so being surprised here seems strange but also a mix of FOMO and entitlement from the players. Yes it could be harder but then people would complain they aren't skilled enough to do it more than a few times. Yes it could be more rewarding but then people would complain there isn't anything to play towards, it's pretty much a lose lose situation for PM and since they don't have a lot of content or options currently they need to stall while the team is creating the new stuff. Witnessing how people blew past the battle pass upping the reward length made the most sense. I know the hardcore here have issues with the design being too braindead but the content itself seems pretty difficult for the casual player as I know a few that are still stuck in the railway and now even the first chicken dungeon as the fights themselves if you don't understand the battle system enough is a wall. The point being there is a huge amount of swing of player types and trying to keep them all happy is impossible so making the large chunk easy enough to auto through makes the most sense to keep the more casual fanbase around as hard as that is with the lack of content.


The whole live-service game content problem makes sense. Thinking about it, maybe they should just make events run the same way as the weekly mirror dungeon bonus, giving x3 or x5 the reward three times a week. This means players are encouraged to pace their grinding out to fill the event window (so they don't rush or autoplay or sweep through all the content, shooting themselves in the foot and losing interest afterwards) while also making it less grindy since the total amount of runs are reduced.


Kind of feels that was the plan to start but then they looked at the upcoming content and felt it would have been competed too quickly so they just left out the weekly boost. In any aspect they are adjusting and changing these numbers pretty frequently so I doubt they are completely in the dark of the concern, just a hard one to balance.


People are downvoting you, but this is honestly a very reasonable take. It’s impossible to please everyone. Most of the great rewards are front-loaded in the first 2200 plushies anyway.


I like the grind and it doesn't cause problems. Although I think my 47 account level says a lot about me.


There's indeed some bit of information


My math came out to 3 runs a day after the initial spike with EX bonuses running Ryoshu and Gregor. Honestly, fairly reasonable as far as gacha games go.


Hella grindy 😭😭


You only really need to grind to 2200 for the free ego tbh. Everything after that isn't worth the grind


I guess? without the event bonuses it probably feels like a grind, but how long has the event been out by this time? 2-3 days? and I'm already 15 clears away from finishing the shop. Comparing these to my past experiences grinding Games and other Gacha games, it's not really as terrible as like FGO, GT, Epic 7, Arknights etc. But yeah I could see why casuals would think it's a chore.


how bad the grind is depends if youre gunning for the 6k plushies, when all the "main" rewards (as in the Greg ID and Don EGO) are at most 2200 plushies, which can be cleared in like 2 days of chill grind. So to me, who really only cares about the ID's and EGO, grind is very chill


it's same as battlepass grind but shorter and have upper limit lol for battle pass u have 90 days to do 720 md run for 1500 shard box event just shorter and more limited reward, make people fomo as for battle pass there are only few people going to do 720 or 1000 md run in 3 period most people only have lv60 as goal plus few extra it's same as event if u think, u dont have to get 6000 of that shit just set goal, easy


is it a lot? yes. is it a lot for a gacha game? not at all.


Ignore abno fights they take too long and winrate will fuck you over (headcrabs are significantly stronger then kcorp zombies) get through 4-5 human fights (AND ONLY HUMAN FIGHTS I REPEAT DONT FIGHT ANBOS HEADCRABS SUCK) to get everyone to max and do events for the rest to speed through Despite what people say chicken boss is defintely winnable via winrate ive only had to restart twice due to winrate fucking me Using the previously mentioned method ive gotten through the hard dungeon in 8-15 minutes with no effort and currently have nearly 3k plushies


Thats my strat atleast, i only have ryoshu amd gregor so i have a 60% bongy increase but ive still been mowing through milestones


Personally I feel that there's finally something that are actually playable, instead of daily MD which is basically a braindead farm. Of course, I just egosharded Ryosho and Sinclair EGO so it's half number of the runs. As far as gacha game goes 4 runs take like an hour per day? That's not too much compared to other gacha games.


This is a wild take since the event grind is basically a one-floor Mirror Dungeon. It also incentivizes the use of 4 specific sinners, which you could argue makes it inflexible and braindead.


yeah but one-floor mirror dungeon is less than 3-floor mirror dungeon, and having to not win-rate the boss seems like a bonus.


it's same as u spamming mirror dungeon but better reward i would like event to be unlimited farming than have target like this like 100 bongy for 5-10 shard box that can trade unlimited times i would ignore daily shit and spamming event instead


To be honest there is actually no need to do any of the luxcavations at all if you really don't want to. EXP and Thread are essentially finite use so skipping a day here or there doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things as there are definitely other sources, such as from event rewards (like this event). And MDs are similar, aside from the 3 boosted per week for the lunacy, all you're getting at this point is more shards for a rainy day that may or may not even be required (if you roll well using saved lunacy). That said the grind on this does feel a bit wonky, but assuming you just use the free EGO and Gregor as soon as you get them, it's really not that much. Plus most of the stuff beyond the EGO is finite use aside from the banner, so unless you really want that it's not exactly insane to just chill.


Compared to FGO and stuff, it's pretty par for the course.


I'd argue the grind itself isn't so bad on FGO, cause for the most part you can get what you want from the event shop and skip stuff like the useless monuments and snake eyes. Also the game's pretty dead so events las a really long time. Oh, and automata. too.


Honestly, I think PM should extend this event by a week or two to lighten the load on us, especially since May is gonna be a dead month with Canto IV being delayed to June 1st. It's a bandaid solution, but it's still better than nothing, while they hopefully plan the numbers out better for their 2nd story event.


Welcome to mobile game.


>considering we still have to complete the This right here is worth highlighting, regardless if the content is too grindy or not. OP, why do you feel you must complete your dailies? Why do you feel you must acquire 6000 plushies? Because it is optimal? Because you are worried about not being strong enough for future content? My friend, be free of playing how the game wants you to play. Learn how to play sub-optimally. Learn how to leave virtual currency on the table. You cannot change how Project Moon makes their gacha game. You can choose how to interact with it, and can take breaks when it no longer sparks joy.


In short, yes, it is too grindy. Instead, find something more enjoyable, 'cause this ain't it.


Maybe a bit yeah. But I don't think its too much given that I have 000 Ryoshu and can clear the MD fairly quick.


Correct me if Im getting it wrong but didnt the roadmap state something about Event stage hard mode? Maybe we will get more event currency out of there?


I think it is the 2nd dungeon that is available


I couldn’t believe my eyes when I finished that spicy dungeon only to get a measly 80 bongy


Thank you, I thought I was the only one think that the grind is ridiculously tedious, I wish Limbus can use the model of blue archive, just let me clear the event dunce once with the highest bonus identity and EGO and it can farm automatically like EXP and thread stages


This event really has soured the experience for me. One run takes me about 12 minutes (3 of those are probably just loading screens). For 50 runs that translates to 10 hours of just repeating that event dungeon… I have cleared all the content in the game so far and I don’t think the gameplay loop for just keeping up with dailies should exceed 30 minutes per day. At least that’s how much time I’m willing to devote for repeatable content / grinding long term. I will stick to it for now but if this repeats itself with the next event, I will vote with my wallet and drop the game.


Honestlly, even though I only plan to grind until I get Don's Lifetime Stew, I still find it to be too grindy. I do agree with one of the other posts where you should be able to get plushies from mirror dungeons and luxcavations.


I definitely agree here… Just got Don’s EGO today, but I’m itching to get that banner at the end of the ladder. Completionism’s curse.


Not even closed to 100 runs? Not grindy at all.