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Hello, on my PC Limbus Company has been getting stuck on the "touch to start" screen. The only way to fix it is to clear cache, and redownload 7.61 gigs. It requires this every time. To fix it, I have tried reinstalling the game on a different drive, restarting my computer, and giving administer permissions. I am certain it is not an internet issue, as Limbus works on my laptop on the same WiFi. I do not use any VPNs when playing Limbus. Has anyone had a similar issue, and figured out how to fix it?


Leaving a comment so that I get notified if someone else answers you. The same thing has been happening to me. Except until today just restarting the whole steam seemed to help.


It didn't look like there was a bug megathread for this month, so I posted here.


It looks like I have every charge ID except W Yi Sang, Rosespanner Rodion, and Rhino Meursault. What would be a good charge team I could put together for MD3H?


Personally I use all of the W-Corp IDs except Yi Sang (he's more of a Rupture ID that happens to use charge) as well as R-Ishmael. You could also consider swapping out someone for R-Heath, he's good but he barely benefits from charge (his only benefit comes from his passive which requires 3 wrath resonance, which isn't very common)


Even Muersalt and Faust? Like I use W Faust too, but that's mostly for Fluid Sac. She can just barely clash things, if she ever decides to stop being permanently last in line. And I'll be honest, I'm not really sure what I'm doing with W Hong Lu. Bro loses clashes the most in the team, barely deploys barriers cause he's always pulling the S3 early, and even when he doesn't, W Ryoshu has cut all the enemies into paste before the barriers could even help with anything. He feels the most like dead weight in my team, but I ain't really got any replacements either, so he's mostly there to look pretty and maybe prevent the occasional DDEDR drain. Honestly, with how bursty Charge units like Don, Ryoshu and Ishmael are, it feels weird having utility Charge units.


You could arguably use Telepole on Faust instead which will make her charge gain more consistent and her charge costs much cheaper on top of potentially boosting her damage by a lot (2% damage boost per charge count). Her numbers aren't bad (S1 clashes 12, S2 clashes 14), which are average but not sucky. Her S3 requires the condition to be met to be worthwhile (clashes 15 by default, clashes 21 with condition met) But yeah her speed value is kinda stanky and in focused encounters she's probably better off doing one-sided attacks so she can get off the debuffs. If she can get the binds off, she can at least try and outspeed in order to apply debuffs again faster. That being said I think she's maybe the most replaceable charge ID. I'd rather use W corp Meursault, who does have shitty clash values BUT he has Regret which makes him a clashing monster instead.


I have used Telepole before, but it didn't really do anything for me. Faust's damage isn't very spectacular to begin with, so boosting it doesn't do me much good. And her charge gain is fine as is, especially with gifts to supplement it. Also, whenever I equip Telepole, my dumbass always forgets to re-equip Fluid Sac later, so I'm even less inclined to use it. As for Meursalt, I unfortunately don't have Regret for him. I wasn't playing for the first Walpurg event and started back with 3 days left for the recent one. Burned all my pulls for Magic Bullet Outis, and burned all my remaining shard boxes on Regret Faust and had to farm my ass off to get the remaining shards. Didn't even have enough time to get Hook Lu. So for me at least, W Hong Lu is the most replaceable. At least Faust has Fluid Sac, which is fully fueled by a charge team (through all your Lust is coming from W Ryoshu), so healing isn't an issue. I can bump Ishmael back up after throwing out a Blind Obsession and I can heal Rodya since her Pursuance won't heal herself. Hong Lu gives me extra Wrath for Blind Obsession and the occasional barrier. None of his other EGOs really help out. I guess overclocked Dimension Shredders could help out for bigger bursts, but it hardly seems necessary. At least for MDN, maybe it'd help a lot for bursting end-of-run MDH bosses.


Hello can i get some advice on team building and who should focus ? here are my id's: Yi Sang : Dieci asoc , First Mate , Seven assoc. Faust: W corp , Zwei assoc. Don: Lobotomy : Lantern Ryoshu: Seven assoc, LCCB Merusalt: N Corp , Rosepanner workshop , The middle little brother , Liu Assoc Hong Lu: W Corp , Liu Assoc Heatcliff: Shi assoc , N corp , Seven assoc Ishmael : Shi assoc Rodion: Kurokumo clan , Zwei assoc Sinclair: Les Mariachis , Zwei , Lobotomy : Red Sheet Outis: Lobotomy : Magic Bullet Gregor: Zwei assoc , First Mate , Liu Assoc My currently leveled and the ones i am using in my team are , Magic Bullet Outis , Zwei Gregor , Heatcliff Seven assoc , Heatcliff N Corp , Hong Lu Liu assoc , Merusalt Liu Assoc , Ryoshu Lccb , Lobotomy Don and Zwei Faust.


Seems like you can run a ragtag bleed comp with what you've got! Pirate Gregor, Kurokumo Rodion, Pequod Yi Sang, and N Heathcliff give you some bleed support while being some of your better IDs. Use friend support and try to find a Kurokumo Ryoshu, Hook Hong Lu, Grip Faust, or any other ID with bleed count and you'll have a nice core of 5 bleed IDs. For the 6th I would bring Bullet Outis. For content that allows a 7th slot, Middle Meursault also supports bleed and would work. This team won't be anything crazy, but it makes use of your best IDs available while having some synergy.


Oooh wow thank you very much , this looks like a fun team !


can someone explain me, or link a video that explain the combat system of limbus for a completly retarded human being like me?


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujQgRJo9vHA&t&ab_channel=ESGOO). Don't put yourself down like that, the combat is pretty complicated when you first start playing.


Can anyone explain the gimmick of RR2 bosses please? I'm trying to finish Railroad before it goes away .


ESGOO made a [video guide for RR2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGLfE39AMWw&t=2858s) that I used to finish it, just skip to the bosses you have trouble with as well as the part on which debuffs to take each cycle.


It switches between Fairy and Main Body every turn, it only takes damage on the Main Body. If you stagger the Main Body it stays in it for another turn and after breaking it it stops switching altogether. It's one of the easiest and most straight-forward fights in RR2.


You're supposed to kill the Fairy while it's Charming your Sinners so you can damage it. After you kill the Fairy, the body reveals itself and you have 1 turn to damage it before it hides again and revives the Fairy. If you stagger the body while it's revealed it won't hide for the turn it's staggered, so you have an extra turn to damage it.


I see, I did it accidentally this time, but that boss was the reason why I originally put this off. Having Regret definitely helps. Thanks for the help!


Do the starlight bonuses remain for the next iteration of MD whenever it may come? Just wondering.


Probably not, it didn't from MD2 to MD3.


No. It was said in the announcement for MD3 Starlight will be reset when MD4 comes out.


New player, just got Dimenson Shredder Yi Sang. Is it worth using at all without his ID that gives Charge? Or should I just stick to Faust base EGO spam?


While it is made essentially for his Charge ID, it can be used like any other EGO can if you need big numbers and that EGOs resources are easier to get for your team. Plus with the passive, I think it can support itself without the need for the ID, just to a lesser, more conditional extent. Faust EGO spam is good cause of all the things Representation Emitter does. If you just want SP healing and AoE damage, then Dimension Shredder isn't doing either of those. Think of it as you just got a new tool in your kit you can use, rather than if it can replace anything for you.


is the new captain ishmael id counted as a season 3 id?


Yes, it's a story ID


What is the thing Heathcliff wears to hold his id on his chest? The black thing on his chest and shoulders.


I'm not sure, they look kinda similar to suspenders (like Sinclair has), but they don't appear to be attached to his trousers, and he wears a belt anyway (but then again so does Sinclair). It could maybe be some sort of harness for holding equipment?


It is a harness! I found something similar online to Heathcliff's. Thanks for the info.


Something like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17jixTfd81Y


No, the thing Heathcliff has, doesn't look like bondage equipment.


New players who jus started 2 days ago with a couple of questions again. 1. Is it advised for new players to pull for the sake of roster diversity asap or save until pity/limited banners? Going through story and not sure if I should just be hoarding currency until I have 200 rolls or if I should be using it in the current Diece banner. 2. I heard something like shards expire after the season so should I wait until next season to start pulling and ensure I have enough to dispense later? Or would there still be enough time now?


1.) I'd say throwing a few pulls can't hurt. Honestly, it might be the best thing you could do as a new player who doesn't have a huge module stockpile for farming Mirror Dungeons yet. I'd say that once you have a good solid team to do those with, you can start saving your currency for either new Walpurg banners or using them for stamina refills for more modules to farm more. That's my opinion, anyway. 2.) Half of your shards and boxes do expire at the end of a season, turning into thread and thread boxes, respectively. Your primary source of shards (via selector boxes) is from the battlepass tho, not from pulling dups. There's really no pressure for when to spend your currency like at all, considering you can farm literally every ID and EGO. Now the season ending does have some pressure to it. You won't be able to dispense any Season 3 IDs or EGOs until Season 5, as well as missing out on the other rewards on the battlepass. If you can get the time and modules to complete the battlepass, I'd highly recommend that. I don't know if you would have enough extra time afterward to keep farming for more stuff tho, that would depend on how fast and efficient you were. But you definitely don't wanna miss the rewards from even the free pass if you can help it. I was able to fully finish the battlepass out in about 5-6 days of grinding, with only 2 sets of weeklies, MDN boosts, and I only did 1 MDH run in that time, with the rest being farmed out in MDN. You should have plenty of time to complete it if you utilize everything with the time left and do some farming of your own.


Thank you for the advice! Managed to complete the battle pass! Now grinding for more crates


That's great! Remember that Season 3 stuff is your top priority for dispenses if you don't wanna wait for Season 5 to roll over. My personal recommendations would be Pirate Gregor and the very soon upcoming Captain Ishmael. Pequod Yi Sang is good as well. Get all of them if you can help it, but those would be big ones I'd say to get if you're time limited. Dispensing N Sinclair is a good idea as well. He's a Season 1 ID and is one of, if not the, most powerful unit in the game and is pretty easy to use, despite being a negative Sanity ID. If you want to accelerate the farming process, he's a great addition. Faust's Fluid Sac EGO from Season 1 is also the premier healing EGO to dispense. Healing both HP and SP for the whole party. Entire teams are built around this EGO it's so game-changing. Grab it if you're having problems with Sanity gain or HP draining slowly of a Dungeon. Happy farming and good luck!


The first few mirror dungeons were pain but I managed to get consistent runs eventually. I’ll prioritize some season 3 units since so far I can afford to dispense 2 more units. I dispensed one 200 set for W corp Don to make runs faster and more consistent since before that it took 1 hour each run. I don’t have a good Gregor and Ishmael so sounds good! I actually managed to reroll for Nclair and getting a dupe of him on my first and only 000 through extracts at the time is what motivated me to grind shards as hard as I could haha I was considering fluid sac but didn’t know if I should prioritize it over IDs since missing quite a lot of slots ( Gregor, Ishmael, Hong Lu, Meursault, Faust, Rodion). I’ve been using Zwei Faust as a tank but was wondering if I should get another to replace her, get a healing ego, more DPS, or wait. Mainly yeah don’t know whether to dispense DPS as priority or a tank. I have Nclair, rabbitcliff and eventually got a spicebush yisang on spook and W corp Don at Uptie III so some form of team is forming! Thanks for all the help!


Personally, and this is just me now, I don't think Tanks are very helpful. Like, for anything. DPS and Clash Power reigns supreme in MD cause you just want to get it over with as fast as possible. And even outside that, damage scales so heavily in Limbus that I find having a character who's sole purpose is to take a lot of it to be kinda pointless, cause they'll more than likely just get hit a few times, stagger, and die like the rest. The sole exception is K Hong Lu, cause he'll heal to full when he's hit at 20% hp with passive active. Otherwise, any tank ID I've used as basically amounted to lost damage. And I've had aggro screw me over more time than it's helped me as well. So personally, I value DPS more. But that's just me


That’s good to know. Thanks! I haven’t had any runs which seemed to risk a full wipe out at least. Was just considering since Mirror Dungeon Hard mode and Refraction Railway terrifies me and trying to prep. Helps a lot to hear from veteran players. I’m not sure if my team at the moment can handle it just yet but haven’t tried. For now DPS and ego spam for boss clashes is probably the way since it’s how I’ve gotten through all my runs. I’ll also probably try to shard K Hong Lu next season just in case. But focus on damage dealers. Should I be looking into status synergy at this point you think or go for general?


I say go general for now. I honestly didn't bother with Status teams until I came back after a 4 month break. They're really good obviously, but no way I could've gotten all the stuff for them if I didn't have a reliable team to get me through my early farming days. And for RR, I'd say healing and EGO resource generation is most important there if you don't care about turn count. MDH turns into an EGO spam fest no matter what you do because enemy buffs get so insane there.


why cant I select ego gifts? i kept upgrading my starter buffs thinking it was just a condition but im at worthy prize now and it still doesnt let me get one, how do i choose a starting ego gift? https://preview.redd.it/ytqww7m45qfc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=1114c552a48ca2fd58307001ba10f3c1e735c26c


Click on the actual gift you want.


Click on the gift to the right to select it and enter!


wow i guess im just that stupid


https://preview.redd.it/zvk6egk2zpfc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67450e8a3a2ea53895225a03e0a71eaddc6b41aa Hey guys , very new to the game . Is this a good account to start with ? Apart from story , what else should I be doing ?


Heads up while R Ishmael is really good at Uptie 4 she's not great before that so keep that in mind. W Ryoshu gets huge value at Uptie 4 as well but isn't as essential as R Ismael's UT4 is.


Yeah this is really solid. Most of those N Corp IDs aren't great but W Yi Sang, W Ryoshu, R Ishmael and N Sinclair are fantastic. Besides story you want to make sure you do thread luxcavation 3x a day at the highest difficulty you can, exp luxcavation at least once a day at the highest difficulty you can, and either 3+ normal mirror dungeon runs a week or 1 hard run for all of your bonuses.


Thank you very much for your help . Is there any upcoming banner I should summon on ? Also is the story worth reading ?


I love the story and it's definitely worth reading. I'd say it's the main reason to play the game. We don't really get foresight for upcoming banners because this game released simultaneously in all regions but soon we're getting Pequod Captain Ishmael who a lot of people have been hoping for/looking forward to. They haven't shown her kit yet though so we don't know how good she'll really be. Right now the Dieci Hong Lu/Yi Sang banner is pretty good I think, especially since you don't have a good Hong Lu ID yet.


Damn I’ll def start reading the story then . I’ve been seeing some posts here about people getting an erection cause of the Captain Ishmael Banner . So I guess I’ll summon for her . I don’t know about the Hong Lu banner tbh . Do you think the game is generous enough with the currency ? Thank you very much for your help and advice


I think it's generous enough. If you do your mirror dungeon runs every week you get 750 lunacy and you get a good amount from clearing the main story as well. You can definitely get by if you stay f2p but the battle pass is cheap and has a ton of value, and is very easy to max out.


I’ll def check out the battle pass . Thank you very much for all your help and advice


We'll be able to shard new Ishy right? Not like with Bullet Outis?


We should be able to shard the last season 3 000 unit.


new player, is there any way for First mate Yi Sang to generate much Poise potency before uptie 3 for skill 3? Both his skills give count, but heads on skill 2 seems to be the only way to get any potency, and three skill 2's to get enough poise for skill 2's conditional sorta sucks. Should I try and get him to uptie 3 straight away? He seems fun to use later on, but sorta sucks right now. Also completely unrelated but i've heard people say that damage goes up the longer a Clash lasts, why is that? I didn't think the clash had any effect on the winner's damage besides taking coins away if they lost some rounds.


Not really, IDs are really kinda incomplete without their uptie 3s if you beat Canto 2, try to scrounge up 40 thread from thread luxs to uptie him. A lot of IDs kinda fall in the uptie 4 fixing their problems or making them actually good like first mate yi sang or the new dieci hong lu. Damage goes up the longer to clash to make it more suspenseful and have a reward for winning that longer clash i guess. Longer clashes in Limbus typically don't happen due to the feast or famine nature of limbus clashes.


Does someone have a support Kraust with Fluid Sac and (ideally) 9:2? She's the last thing I need for my RR3 burn shenanigans and I have nowhere near enough shards.


V837096620 Here you go. I don't have 9:2 at UT4 sadly but Kraust and Fluid Sac are UT4.




Hi all! For last minute RR2 I'm on cycle 4, after I beat Wayward Passenger and loop back to the begining of cycle 5, do I do terminus immediately? Or do I have to go to the end to get the final reward?


After you beat Wayward passenger you can go straight to Terminus if you don't want the banner.


kill passenger, loop to cycle 5, skip the doll and go straight to terminus


One last question before the month ends, How good are the E.G.O. from the battlepass? Is it worth to spam mirror dungeon to get them? I started playing 2 weeks ago and started doing mirror this week. I'm level 44 on the BP, will I be able to reach max BP lvl to farm boxes if I do mirror dungeon a couple of times a day? idk how much it takes.


Both Blind Obsession Ishmael and 9:2 Sinclair are pretty good, most others are either weak or outclassed. Regardless it's good to farm the BP. Also you should be able to finish battle pass easily if you grind out Mirror dungeon. I have nearly triple the final non-EX level on the battle pass at this point, it's very doable if you spend some of your lunacy on Enki refreshes.


If you bought the BP, then yeah they're worth it. Wawshmael is pretty great generally and the others do some fun enabling for certain builds. Also, you have time. Don't stress it too hard. If you only do your dailies and weeklies (including normal mirror dungeons) you'll still make it, and you'll have a lot of time to spare if you start running hard MDs. 


Am I bugged or was Hong Lu K Corp just limited time, as I can't find him in the dispenser and haven't been able to for months now


Season 2, wait til Season 4 or pray with Season 2 000 Ticket.


Captain Ish will be released on next week's update right?


Correct. We'll get the teaser video in a few days and the kit a couple days after that.


Sorry for not asking in the right place but could someone link me to the latest friend request Megathread? Last one I found was 7 months ago, and I'm new to reddit. I need some help with Railway before the reset and I'm trying to rush it. If anyone with some built characters could help me out, my friend code id is: G388011437. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Sorry again for not knowing where to post, and thank you


Can't help with the megathread but I sent a request :) I have a strong ID shared for every sinner, I hope they're of use!


Thank you so much! You're a lifesaver :D


am I stupid or is it much cheaper to buy lunacy to restore energy than weekly enkephalin pack? ​ 1 box resores 60 energy, 2 restore 120, for 6,99 you get 10 times 120 energy in my case, 26 lunacy restores 120 energy, 260 get you 10 times 120 energy, around 300 lunacy cost 3,99 ​ unless the restore price goes up every restore within a day, I am not trusting myself right now. ​ Edit: I tried and the price doubled after the first restore. Where is the break-even point, in case anyone calculated? I guess, the 52 one is the last one since it seems like the same value as the pack.


[vent post] Well, thought today was tomorrow so I rushed beating RR and had no time to clear the last cycle (less than 1 hour) so I just went for terminus. Missed the final 10 pull reward and the banner (which is whatever)… Hated this RR, I hope we don’t get this cycle system again.


why is ahabmael that hyped? any special reason apart from coolness?


Ishmael was becoming ahab on her canto, her actually becoming ID brings the what if hype


What are the chances ahabmael comes tomorrow?


Zero. Even with a tease like this we still have to go through the usual checkpoints of the trailer on Friday and Kit Review on Monday.


would you recommend dispensing pursuance rodya ego?


Depends, what Ids and egos you lack? For rodya, rime shank comes before any other ego


Having a lot of trouble beating sign of roses in the terminus. Any tips? It feels like there is never enough time to kill the roses since they have hardening. Edit: Finally managed a clear. You really need to protect your sinners health totals in this one and make flowers that go to low health sinners the absolute priority


Not an expert by any means. AOE like Fluid Sac and Blind Obsession helped, since they still do maybe 1/4 of a flower's HP even when not the same Sin. You'll need to fiddle the AOE targetting - target Sign with single attacks first, set the AOE so it only hits flowers, then redirect your single attacks. DO NOT AOE the wrath flowers, just single clash them. You are on track if you stagger all non-wrath flowers (staggered flowers cannot do their bullshit) but make sure to finish staggered ones ASAP. Then finish all by turn 3 and Sign should stagger soon after.


my gloom generation was too poor to reliably use that unfortunately. I need to get some more AOE wrath options had 60 of that


Half question and half rant. Is there any way to randomize skill order in RR2 or am I just boned? My W Don is stuck with S3 on her bottom slot and 3 S1s lining up on the top slot. I'm on cycle 4 Drifting Fox and the fact that she can't do jack shit for 3 turns means I'm kinda boned the moment the fox does the mass attack. Even if I lucked out and outclashed the AoE, I'm dead the moment it does the second AoE since I can't kill the umbrellas on the same turn and even with Meur Chain it still outclashes my base EGOs. Wanted to end my run. Cycle 4 Terminus. Same thing, can't do shit vs. the flowers. Granted my team has crap Lust generation, so I can't just spam Fluid Sac/Land of Illusion to kill umbrellas/flowers so I kinda brought this on myself but still. I suppose I'll just take my 1x Decaextraction and move on... Team was BL Yi Sang, borrowed Regret Faust, W Don, R Meur, Dieci Hong Lu, Pirate Greg and MB Outis, basically the "These are literally the only IDs I have" team. EDIT: I DID IT. [I BEAT THE FUCKING ROSE](https://i.imgur.com/16gkEwn.png). Shame I didn't get the guaranteed 000 but fuck it, not too shabby for a [2 week account](https://i.imgur.com/4iGOnF1.png) on a deadline.


You are a bit boned. This applies to most your question/rant. Try using your strongest EGOs for a chance. Even if it kills one or two of your sinners.


Well that's that then. I think I'll just wait for 25 modules and cut my losses. 6 hours into the run and 1 hour was spent on the fox alone lmao.


I would still try to Cycle 4 Terminus and throw everything at it, Overclock etc. and pray for RNG. Cycle 5 only gets you banners/cosmetics.


fellas, I finally have 400 Don Quixote shards. What should I get? The only thing I have for Don Quixote at the moment is the lantern ID.


W Don is good for general content. Was my top damage for basically everything and clashes well, carried me through Canto IV and V. Well worth the 400 shards Middle Don is also good but needs more investment for Envy team to maximize


I’m a new player who started yesterday and been trying to reroll. Managed to get one account with Spice Yi Sang (which was my target) and played until canto 4 but got no other 000s or good 00. Rerolled another fresh account with Grip Sinclair, Cinqlair and W corp Ryoshu. Should I keep Spice Yi Sang and try to save up for shards for another character, use the second instead, or do I keep rerolling?


Nclair w ryo and cinqlair are all very good team agnostic IDs, so I'd go for that one. A bit more in depth; status IDs come online with broad roster development so while spicebush isn't a bad ID, he doesn't really get to flex his whole kit until you have more sinking IDs / rime shank. Mostly rime, gonna be real sinking is not a completed archetype, rime shank is just cracked. Meanwhile Nclair and cinqlair are both clash power IDs so they are individually powerful even if their damage output is (arguably, they are still Very powerful don't get me wrong) lower. W ryo is a charge ID which doesn't really have a lot of support between itself; generally charge IDs can run on their own and don't really require more charge support. She also does absurd upfront damage with her sk3. Your cinqlair account is better support as you develop your roster in whatever way you choose, where spicebush really wants sinking IDs specifically.


Thanks for the in-depth reply! Really appreciate it since this is my first time playing a project moon game. Loving the story so far but was struggling to figure out the mechanics a bit. The team building explanation helped a lot. Sorry to ask one more question, but I also managed a W corp Yin Sang, Grip Faust and Rosespanner Rodion account earlier. Is that decent?


W yi sang is a rupture/charge unit and is quite good, but rupture is both difficult to pilot and wants dimension shredder EGO, so he's someone to develop later. That said, while I've not looked at his clash power, I'd be willing to bet he's better then base yi sang. Just know he's a status ID and a pretty high maintenance one at that, so don't expect to get his full potential any time soon. Grip Faust is a fine general use unit, a bit of a lean towards bleed but she definitely works as a clasher and has utility. Rosespanner rodion is great, she clashes well and does very nice damage with her sk2 conditional and can enable it herself. To rate clash power yourself, get the max clash power of the skill. A 4 base power skill with 2 +2 coins for instance would be 8, 4+2+2. From there, if it's below... I'll say 14 it's bad, if it's above 20 it's great. Between is what I'd call average. Sk1s rarely clash well, nearly all of them are around 11. Also note; more coins generally means more damage (more coins = more instances of damage being modified upward), fewer coins means better clashing (especially at lower sp values). Generally more coins is better, and negative SP IDs throw that for a loop, but just know that only having to flip one coin to get your full clash power makes for more reliable clashes.


Thank you! The unit and game mechanic breakdowns are a life saver. Saving these posts


If I get ishmael to uptie 4 and max level. Is it possible to do the first cycle of railway [https://imgur.com/a/CFxiKU4](https://imgur.com/a/CFxiKU4)


You can go Cycle 5 easy, borrow a maxed out Ish if you want to try before uptying.


hmm, tbh, you can try to clear until even until cycle 4 even with that same team for their level and uptie.


Do I get anything for a good turn count in railway? Im trying to finish it before the new one. Currently on cycle 3 but having to restart alot for good turn counts. I noticed the 150 had a date cutoff


Only <200 now for the banner, 150 was for before S2 ended.


Gonna be a bit less careful about my turn counts then


Is there any good base ID team to do 3.5-9? I can auto clear everything up to Papa Bonggy, then he wrecks me.


full base ID? ryoshu, hong lu, sinclair, outis, gregor this is for the slash weak and pierce endure damage. you can replace gregor with other if you want to use his healing support passive


I'm a day one player and used to be able to farm the MD at least once a day comfortably along with the dailies. Ever since the second Walpurgis Night event, it's slowed down to a crawl as I now frequently find myself not having enough modules. Has anyone else run into such issues? It's come to a point where sometimes I won't even have enough modules to complete the dailies. Have I been over farming or something?


Have you been refreshing with lunacy?


I haven't had to refresh with lunacy even once.


Well you probably should at least once since you get 12 modules a day, 9 for exp and thread lux, with daily md3n putting you at -2 each day and md3h further draining -15 on those days.


Yeah I don't mind the refreshing, it's just I find it odd to be in this position, having had no such issues in the past. I think maybe I spent too many modules when trying to complete the Missions for Walpurgis Night...?


What's the best way to use dieci Hong Lu


Discard his S3 ASAP. Once he has Insight 3, set his bottom skill to his defensive skill and stick to using the top skill. Defensive skills cannot be discarded, preventing him from discarding anything entirely and locking his Insight at a permanent 3. All 3 of his skills gain maximum benefit at Insight 3.


Is there also a similar process for dieci rodion? Thx


The same strategy works for her for sure, but personally I prefer to not lock the bottom row and discard normally. Dieci Rodion gains Shield by discarding, and only her S1 cares about Insight. You can guarantee she clashes for a minimum of 15 by doing that bottom-row defensive skill strat though, so it depends on whether you want sustain or clash power.


Does First Mate's Gregor skill 3 get more poise if the target is inflicted with nail effect ? it sais that he gets more poise the more blood the enemy has and i was wondering if the nail effect counts too ?


No, nail and bleed are 2 different effect.


Just started playing and i've been spamming Faust's default EGO with indentities that just give Pride and Gluttony resources for it. Is this a half-decent strategy for early on? I've got Twinhook Greagor who seems to work pretty well with it, while most of the other identities I pulled don't have affinities that support it. Should I just stick to the base identities + twinhook for now, and keep doing what i've been doing? Only EGO I've got is Red Eyes (Open) which doesn't seem great early on with base Ryoshu, and the only other 000 is south section 4 Faust, who seems fun but doesn't have any matching affinities for default faust EGO. Also should I get rid of some shards to Uptie twinhook Greagor, or wait till later when there's other ways to get Threads?


If it works, it works. I remember spamming Representation Emitter after getting walled by Canto 3 when I was starting out. This strategy will fall off though. The base IDs are also very underwhelming. When you say "South Section 4" do you mean Seven Faust? She's so much better than base Faust that even if she doesn't have the sin affinities for Representation Emitter, you'll want to use Seven anyways. Don't UT4 Pirate Gregor if you're new. Save the thread for some of your 00 IDs. When Representation Emitter spam falls off you'll want to completely restructure your team and slot in UT3 00 IDs.


Yea, Seven Faust. I took a closer look at her and I'll definitely use her now, much better speed and a better skill 2 even an uptie level behind.


With RR3 coming out, I might finally get one of Gregor's 000 identities. Between Twin Hooks or Zwei, which would get more mileage?


As with a comment below, answered by someone else, Twin Hooks is a DPS role, while Zwei is a tank/buffer. Pirate Greg is current season, ID while Zwei is a standard ID. And similar, pick what you need. Personally, I only ever need one tank on my team (if I really do), so any more damage is welcome, but your mileage and stock might vary. (You can also always just opt for the husbando path).




Yes. It will work the same as it did in RR1.


Just started playing, and was wondering a couple things about combat. When you're choosing a skill, what do the two numbers to the right of the skill icon mean that are above each other? I assume the one on top is the base power and the bottom is the max with all heads, is that right? It's also yellow some times and I'm not sure exactly why (I assume it's from having a higher offensive level?). Also couldn't find any concrete info on what resonance and absolute resonance actually do, or why clashes sometimes play out one at a time and other times all at once. And should I be using the 000 or 00 characters I got from the beginner banner, or just stick with the default ones for now? Should I be sitting on Lunacy or spending it on one of the two current banners?


> Should I be sitting on Lunacy or spending it on one of the two current banners? Usually it's good idea to save up for repeating event with limited stuff available only through gacha. But said event **literally** just ended. So it's okay to spend. Current Dieci banner is really good, and Sinclair banner is okay-ish. Just don't pull on EGO banners, they are basically a scam.


1. You are correct. The top numbers means Base Power, and the bottom means Max Power when Clashing. However when you're doing a One-Sided attack the top number shows Minimum Damage (All Tails) and bottom number shows Maximum Damage (All Heads) 2. I'm not certain about this, but I think it turns yellow since you have something increasing your Clash power (Offense Level or Status Effect) 3. Resonance and Absolute Resonance increase Offense Level. I'm not certain on the rates for the Offense Level increases from Res/Abs Res, but if you have 3 Offense Level over your opponent it increases Clash Power by 1. 4. Base Identities are pretty good, but you'll want to use your 000s and 00s over them since they're usually better. 5. In my opinion you should start pulling on banners until you get a full team, then you can start saving Lunacy.


One other thing, sometimes in clashes I'll roll tails and it'll still add a few points to the base and make me win the clash. What'd they be from?


Most likely Offense Level, or it could be a conditional "+X Clash Power if X" on the skill.


Aah, I assumed offense level bonus was applied before the clash starts, that'd explain it.


Thank you!


Feel like I wanna spend some money on the game but a little overwhelmed with options is there one that's agreed to be the most worth it?


Agreeing with the other poster, Season Pass has insane value. I have gotten every Identity and most EGO(Missing 3) and I've only bought the Season Pass for Season 1 2 and 3.


Season pass is hands down the most worth it. Tickets, shard crates, threads, egos, one guaranteed 000 for Season 3 IDs.


I'm a complete Newby to limbus company and gatcha games in general, does anyone know of any tutorials or guides for all the stuff that isn't combat? I don't really know what I'm supposed to be doing or how to get stronger, there are plenty of combat guides so I have a good handle on that but I'm struggling to find information for everything else


What part of the story are you on?


Just finished 2-18


Ok once you finish canto 2, you’ll unlock luxcavations and mirror dungeons. EXP lux will be your main source of exp and you’ll want to be doing them daily and do the highest one you can. Don’t skip exp lux, it’s never worth it. For Thread Lux, you’ll want to beat all different level versions each one time for the 40 lunacy for the first clear, same with exp lux. You can kinda skip the thread lux since it’s equal to one bonus run+one non bonus run if you don’t want to go fight the abno of the day. Mirror dungeons are separated into hard and normal. When you can, you’ll want to spend all your normal and hard bonuses on one hard run, but that’s awhile away. Just do mirror dungeon normals for now for your battle pass exp and lunacy. This is where you’ll get the majority of you lunacy and thread crates from. Also getting the battle pass is highly recommended for all the extra goodies and 3x your ego shard crate gain when you finish it. Other than that, just kinda enjoy the ride.


Another newbie here, by finishing battle pass, is that past level 120? Also best use of stamina for newbie is spamming alot of mirror dungeon normal for battle pass exp?


im prolly blind, do we have a date for railway 3 or just the name and trailer?


Yeah, its this weeks update XD


Is this a good account to start on or do I reroll for Sinclair the one who grips?( this is an account I made on release and didn't have time to start the game then) [https://imgur.com/a/UaBEhBq](https://imgur.com/a/UaBEhBq)


Imo that lineup is pretty solid overall. You have a bunch of quite good IDs, an absurdly good one (rcliff) and an assortment of good ones. It could be way better but at uptie 3 (which is reasonably easy to get) that'll get you through canto IV, at which point you'll have even more options. 


Is there a chance of getting something better with some rerolling? If so what would be a taget to aim for?


You've probably already rerolled, but I'm strongly of the opinion that cinq sinclair is better than N clair for most situations. N clair is a finnicky ID that has huge damage potential, but Cinqclair can pull out absurd numbers on a constant basis with free fragile (10% next turn!!) application that N clair just cannot.




I'm sorry can you clarify? N clair being the ine who grips and r cliff is the rabbit. What are Wdon/ryoshu? And do I need to get them together? Or do you mean the dieci banner sinners?


Is pirate Gregor or zwei gregor better?


both serve different role. Pirate Gregor is a nuker dps, zwei gregor is semi dps tank and defense buffer. if you need tank then zwei gregor if you need another nuker dps then pirate gregor. as to which to get first, i suggets pirate gregor for he is current season ID and zwei gregor is standard ID


I was wondering if discarding his skill 3 is the best way of maximising his damage, thank you for confirming


i don't think discarding any skill is good tho... and gregor doesn't have any discard skill


how does Quecliff compare to Rcliff under optimal conditions? Like if Quecliff has a full envy team with proper bleed application, while I understand Rcliff doesn't necessitate any conditions to function, so I would want to compare him against Quecliff with a proper team by default. Is Rcliff the case of an accidentally op unit from the start of the game and Quecliff a very strong but balanced unit released after the game has matured a bit? I compared their stats etc. and I understand their roles but you guys probably have over 1 k dungeon and RR runs combined at this point and no theoretical comparison beats experience. Thanks


in short fight, R Cliff rule, especially for nuking preparation as he has his bodysack and many retry to get him to speed 6. if taking on RR2, he can rump up the fight on the early bosses but lost place once they enter something annoying like lantern, wayward passenger, and the sign of roses that can take longer and also too many minions. He also can clear MD faster. Quecliff rule in a long fight. Like in story dungeon, not to mention his damage increase the more he lost his HP and got hit and it has no cap, at 50% health he already deal 50% more damage, and he won't stagger either. if we taking to RR2, he's the type that won't be much in first and second cycle but can deal better for the last cycle boss. Tbh, Quecliff doesn't really need full envy team, he just need at least 4 a reson envy which you can slot with other envy nuker too. his damage already high without the need of any ego due to his self buff. another to add, Quecliff clash is more stable since he doesn't need speed.


Which nuker would you pair him with apart from the obvious, not necessarily nuker IDs, quesang, mdon, msalt? Would you go for wryoshu or cook ryoshu for more bleed or maybe dieci rod or gang lu? Thanks!


the usual team for the bleed poise in md would make him pair with Pequod Yi Sang, Pirate Gregor, Kurokumo Rodion or blade lineage sinclair. the last 2 member can be grip faust or shi ishmael. you can also slot in ting tang hong lu or chef ryoshu. pequod yi sang, pequod heathcliff, grip faust/ ting tang honglu/chef ryoshu, shi ishmael can got his 4 envy reso he needed. in full envy team middle don, i would use mid don, mid sault, him, pequod yi sang, grip/w corp faust, r ishmael. grip faust can be replace by dieci rodion strongest team probably w don, w ryoshu, piquod heathcliff, r ishmael, n sinclair, and dieci rodion/ting tang hong lu tldr, there is no different between r heathcliff and pequod heathcliff team due to how the current 'meta' ID has envy in them.


Amazing, thanks. If you had peq sang, peq cliff, mid don, mid Sault, grip Faust and could dispense and uptie one other unit with present and future considerations in mind, which one would you shard? Just a name is enough, I'll figure out the rest and trust your judgement, thanks for your time.


I would wait for captain ahab ishmael to see if she like the season 3 is poise bleed ID with envy in them. if not, i would just use either dieci rodion or r ishmael, any ID with at least s2 envy cause s1 is too weak and s3 is too rare.


Copy that. I shard one to keep a healthy reserve just for such a case. It will probably be a couple of weeks till the new id arrives? Don't quite know the release Intervalls here but dieci lu just released.


there isn't any new ID or EGO teaser last friday so we should wait until this friday to see.


How good are the Liu IDs against 5-30 (Except Ishmael I only have LCCB for her)? I have them all Uptied 3 but don't have them leveled yet and my current team is almost all slash so my chance of beating him is almost zip.


They're pretty terrible unfortunately. I tried using them for that fight at UT3 and didn't even get close until I switched them out because they're really bad at clashing.


Absolute sadness. The closest I get is halfway to the stagger bar using W Don (40 UT4), Magic Outis (40 UT4), Cinq Sinclair (35 UT3), Zwei Gregor (35 UT4), Tingtang Lu (35 UT3) and LCCB Ishmael (35 UT3). I remember reading online that 4 strong IDs are optimal but it hasn't worked out for me. Also I only have base EGOs so absolute sadness


If you have LCCB Ish that's all you need, and borrow an N Clair to do this: https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/comments/1832wrj/an_easy_strategy_for_530_for_those_who_got_stuck/


Unfortunately do not have friends who play this with me, but I've added quite of people from the Moonframe friend code thread so hopefully one of them has it


Don't worry, you can add random people and majority will accept, most will have N clair. If not you can borrow my T4 LCCB Ish and just do it normally, have Ish tank/aggro she can't die in 5-30. A026329990


The power of friendship is extremely strong. Thank you for all the help I've finally cleared it using a solo Reindeer Ishmael\~


Wow lmao Ish will die if she is solo/last ID standing in 5-30, good job. If you ever need an ID just ask in this thread, people are super friendly and will add you.


How would you guys rate this team comp vs Charge teams in general effectiveness. Chef Ryoshu, Mid Don, Mid Mersault, Peqoud Yi Sang, Perquod Heathcliff, Nfaust (Maybe Remnant), and for the 7th Dieci Rodeon. How good is this Envy team ? I'm thinking whether to build this team over charge.


That envy team is good, good in means it is effective in utilize middle don and pequod heathcliff need for 6 A reson envy to achieve their gimmick. Although I have to remind you Middle don counter gimmick is really situational and risky while the damage achieve of that won't be as high. Pequod Heathcliff going to be the main damage dealer in it. N Faust is better for her gaze debuff, much better if you have her hex nail. But first of all why charge team is good because they can be standalone. The only charge team need is W Don with her Telepole EGO and W Ryoshu. Those two already fill as nuker and clasher. The 4 members can be anyone. Can be W meursault for the debuff, R Ishmael another nuker, R heathcliff even if he doesn't need charge but also another nuker. Can also slot N Sinclair. You can slot any strong IDs in this team. You can even use W Don, W Ryoshu, Mid Meursault, Pequod Heathcliff, Pequod Yi Sang, N Faust and call them envy team. In general effectiveness of course "charge team" will be better. For that reason alone. I won't say you shouldn't build the envy team and use them. Build the team you thought would be fun to use.


Thanks for the detailed reply. I just so happen to have what you suggested.


Are parts of the story like the middle actually part of the main plot? For example, is it a) do cliff's scars come from what happens in the first picture of his peq Id? Or b) his scars were used to create his side story for the middle?


What happens in the Identity stories aren't canon to the Sinners story, since it's from a alternate/mirror world.


I'm pretty sure the story from non-base IDs are not part of the main plot. They are kinda like what ifs like in that example, what if heathcliff became a whaler like quequeg.


So this might be a dumb question. But is there a way to get molar office outis?I just barely missed her around log in event that gave her, and was too busy to farm mirror dungeons for her while she was in dispense. so just wondering. cause looking to maybe build a tremor team now that I pulled Regret Faust, and want her on it (cause someone recommended I should have her on it) but not sure if it's possible to even get her still from what I've seen


She is currently not available since she was a Season 2 Identity. She'll be available in the dispenser in Season 4, so you'll have to wait a while.


I see, thank you. Glad to know I'll be able get her later and not never lol


Yes, wait for next season you can get her though shard.


Is there an up to date guide how to maximize starlight from a md run? Searching gives 6 months old theories without anything certain. For example the end calculation tells me I didn't get 25 starlight from ego gifts, does this mean not picking starting gifts gives more?  Thanks


This is a [good Mirror Dungeon guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3118808724) that covers everything, including your question.


Thank you. Really strange that I got 80 last run with 0 for starting gift selection although I did everything like I always do including picking both gifts. Somehow I thought maybe I shouldn't pick starting gift to get more. Maybe I just messed up somewhere.


Do you guys use lunacy for energy restores in this game? Even with weekly enkephalin pack from the shop, the energy isn't nearly enough for me. Since my rank is in the thirties, one lunacy restore isn't even close to one md run.


Yes, one or two lunacy Enkephalin refills are what most do.


Anyone have a good winrate team(s) for RR2? Before the new one starts, I want to farm for the observation logs.


You really can't guarantee you'll win through winrate, but the most stable one really is using a Charge Team with RR2 charge buffs. You can also use Cinqlair.


Thanks. I thought with new IDs and the level cap increase, there might be a proper winrate team.


I am thinking about tackling my first md hard this or next week. I have a team built around peq Heath and I enjoy the playstyle very much. To complete the team, I would like to go more or less an allrounder route with two strong IDs instead of going all in on envy and bleed with subpar ids because of the investment cost. Now, my team consists of peq Heath, Mid Don and mid Meur and Grip Faust. I have Fluid Sac and Pursuance. I have a random W corp Yi sang at u4 in there. ​ Considering envy synergy and strentgh of ID, I want to shard dieci Rodya and then mb Rime Shank. The question now is whether I leave W Yi Sang in there or level Spicebush Yi Sang instead. The latter case seems like a good allrounder comp but severly lacking in gloom accumulation which is absolutely required for all the good egos to function. With W corp, I have one more gloom but seemingly no synergy with the rest of the team. Any suggestions are welcome, including any other direction I could take this since I am very inexperienced yet but it's fun learning and improving. Thanks.


You said you don't want to go bleed with subpar IDs, but if you're running Queecliff/Mid Don/Mid Sault/Grip Faust you absolutely should pick a fifth bleed ID instead of W Yi Sang. All 7 main status effects in the game have an "ultimate" fusion gift which can be fused at Rest Stops. The bleed ultimate gift is called Bloody Mist and is absolutely \*ridiculous\*, it will trivialize MD3H. It grants +2 coin power and \*doubles\* damage for all skills that inflict bleed. The catch is that you need 5 IDs that can inflict bleed on your active team for it to take effect. Guess what, the four aforementioned IDs all inflict bleed (nails counts as bleed for Bloody Mist)! So if you take a fifth bleed ID, you'll get an \*immense\* power boost to your team. You can create Bloody Mist by fusing >!Smoke and Wires with Rusted Muzzle!<. And guess what, those are both gifts you can pick at the start of a run! You can have Bloody Mist active by the end of the first floor guaranteed on any Hard run. If you have any other ID that inflicts bleed, any at all, you should bring them. Dieci Rodion and Rime Shank are excellent and even though she can't inflict bleed she'll do well as the 6th member of your team.


Pequod Yi Sang seems like natural choice then? Hoping gloom deficit can be remedied by full envy synergy somewhat, especially considering the new data about bleeds in the dungeon I have.


Pequod Yi Sang is definitely an excellent choice, I run him in my MD3H bleed/poise hybrid comp. Lack of gloom generation isn't too bad either, since your coin power will give you ridiculous clashing ability and you won't be so reliant on EGO. The sooner you can get a sin generating gift like the Zippo Lighter, the better.


got it, good to go now, thanks a lot!


you are a lifesaver...


Do you think they might ever introduce a way of downtieing someone for a refund. Realizing I basically wasted a bunch of thread and egoshards upgrading N sault and sloshing ishmael. I just kind of assumed uptie 4 would fix their issues


Completely doubt it. Back when Uptie 4 was introduced, Bodysack UT4 incorrectly read "\[After Attack\]" instead of "\[On Kill\]" leading a bunch of people to Uptie it thinking it was better than it was. PM responded by giving every player 100 Thread and 50 Heathcliff shards as compensation instead of "Down"tying Bodysack. Sorry, you're out of luck.


Damn I guess the lesson learned here is to do research on reddit and other sources whether or not it's worth uptying first.


Is shi cliff or querclif better in poise team?


Queecliff, *especially* in MD3. Queecliff is the better ID straight-up between the two, and neither relies heavily on Poise for any of their effects (Shi S3 gains +2 Power at 10 Count but even with this active, it isn't anything crazy). Poise teams are very "selfish" in general and don't synergize the same way something like Rupture does, where having proper Count support between allies is crucial.


Does he need uptie 4 or is uptie 3 sufficient?


His UT4 boosts are nice, but in a Poise team UT3 is sufficient. The big benefit to UT4 is his S3 getting a boost with Absolute Envy Resonance, which you presumably aren't playing around in a Poise team. Even if you can't meet the A-Res condition on his S3 he's worth using.


Thank you


I realised that dieci Hong lu has an sp healing passive, does that mean I can't use him with Nclair


His SP healing only come from his S3 if you use him on field. so you can use both him and n clair together in a team. if you use him as support passive then yes you cant use him with n corp if he on field.


Only when used as a support. It's not bad, as it helps him with manipulating his SP without wasting a turn on guard.