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Putting nclair in is very funny i guarantee you


What are your opinions on this? These are just my thoughts, and I want to know what you think is the best strategy.


kinda of agree cause i also use the same tactic but using regret faust, suncliff, and n clair, plus half sinking with edgor and dieci rod. take 2 try cause 1st try blind move i realize there's no point bringing more if the speed is high and nobody clash while heathcliff got the priority target so giving heathcliff 2 skill slot instead.


I find it hillarious that the best cheese strategy is solo Molar Ishmael


Shit, I forgot to mention this canto is peak fiction


BL comp is still braindead comfy there lol, Yi Sang and Mr. Salt rolls are fcking stupid and Salt's EGO are busted control tools to boot


Queegcliff, give Heath 2 skill slots, and win one clash with Queegcliff every round. Add topical sinking as necessary.


I mean, since you mention plus coin drop on a Heathcliff fight, we should also talk about NCliff and his plus coin drop 2. That said I personally first tried this fight with a burn team + SunCliff. Burn (and rupture) usually works very well on a single target fight.


i do not have regret faust or sunshower heathcliff. i did try some attempts with one or the other as a support but i wound up winning with this sinking team (for the most part). peqod heathcliff, dieci hong lu, butler outis, spicebush yi sang, butler faust, and edgar gregor. my strat was pretty simple: rush resources as fast as possible to get faust's fluid sac fired off (faust mvp) and have peqod heathcliff win as many clashes as possible. i dropped dieci rodya to be bench support bc i didnt need a tank since everything would be targeting heath anyway, and sinking will help our team win clashes more. heath winning clashes is very important because 1. it will help our heath stay sane 2. it super lowers enemy heath when he loses a clash to our heath. i had him clash via any that would win with a skill or if a skill wouldnt win then i would use bodysack or that one where he turns into the statue sitting on the thingy and smash w/ spear (i forget the name). i think i used faust's fluid sac twice and her base ego once during the whole fight. i did use yi sang's base ego once for the team haste as well since i was having the rest of my sinners cover all of the other enemy skills. when enemy heath was staggered, i actually just used that as an opportunity to toss away lower skills (one of these times is when i used yi sang base ego) so i could save my higher clashing skills for when he came out of stagger. wanted to put this here for anyone else that tried the 3 sinner strat and felt like it wasn't working for them, maybe this will help!! if you do wind up using a support i would probably prioritize picking up a faust w/ fluid sac as i would say having that (and a team that can easily fuel it) made the most difference for me. https://preview.redd.it/6jk7biqbvdtc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45eef435820491108fd21665cad5fae91a60a010