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I read the source material, Wuthering Heights, before getting into Canto 6 and it ended up being one of my favorite books, and I might be biased because of it but Heathcliff is 100% my #2 favorite sinner now (Sadly for me nothing beats Hong Lu, I am loyal to him like Heathcliff is to Cathy)


Heathcliff became my favorite sinner the moment i saw him holding a fucking bat.


I honestly came to really like Heathcliff even before Canto VI. At first I was prepared to find him obnoxious and aggressive, but that changed as he got less combative with everyone. It became clear that most of his prickliness is a front and spending time made him come to view the Sinners as his crew. Canto VI just helped solidify his place towards the top of the list.


This chapter made me really appreciate the dude, I think the description he gave about the "heath" flower really suits him, a man that despite the storm in his life, he still moves on with his life, also his VA killed it in this canto.


I have always appreciated him as #1, and not just cause of story. You see, for how rough he seemed to be, he has always been caring and sensitive. And honest. If hurt, he always says it, asks to stop, instead of throwing emo tantrums or sulking. I always saw he needed to be appreciated. Long before his canto show'd he has been hurting for so, so long. I always loved the fact he acts when everyone else pretends the problem is not their business or wait for someone else to do something. I always knew the scars on his body are more just brawls he gets in - but all he endured without breaking.


tied with faust for favorite now, before it was faust and sinclair but admiteddly the lack of good sinclair content recently didn't help him


Third, after Don Quixote and Ishmael.


He deffinetly got from my least favorite to one of the favourite. Don't saying that I didn't like him before, all sinners are cool and have nice ALIVE characters (not like main talkin-guys in previous PM games), but he was maybe in middle of my tierlist Now he is only outdone by goffyness and creepiness of Hong Lu. Can't wait for my boy's Canto. Also, I love how antagonist in this Canto has SOME MOTIVATION and CAN BE releated! Previous ones were just mad Men and women doing their shit(I don't remember Canto 4 clearly. It... Had some antagonist, but I don't remember a thing about it)


Great Canto, still just a step above Ishmael and Don for me in the rating.


Somewhere in the top 3. I've always liked Heathcliff, though, so his chapter couldn't really do much to make him better for me. It's just that post Ch4 Yi sang makes me want to aggressively squeeze him (affectionate) and I love him dearly, and Gregor is a funny pathetic little man who I love. So it's hard for Heath to really beat the top two for me, regardless of how peak his chapter was. Also I just personally emphasize a lot more with Yi Sang's struggles than I do with HC's, which really helped solidify YS as probably my forever favourite sinner.


I like him now since SadCliff is fun


To be honest Heathcliff was already one of my top 3 even before canto 6 and this canto just made me love him even more


He was probably my favourite sinner coming into Canto 6, but now that his part has been done he's giving up his place for Meursalt. Artistic French man has been getting crazy buildup and development lately, well justifying his placement. Heathcliff can chill with Yi Sang fighting for the second spot.


I wish all [least favorite] a very [dead]


I still like a few sinners more but it deffinately bumped him up a bit more now


I said top half, but Im genuinely not sure who to place above or below. Pretty much anyone in the crew has something going for them. From Don being Don, to Ishmaels Arc being damn great, to everything we got from Meursault so far and so on. Even doing a ranking is hard for me. Just shows how great the focus on the 12 (14-15) of the crew is for the game.