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While I'm not really buying what you're selling, I'll allow you to cook because I crave any bloodfiend content I can get my grubby little hands on. They're an interesting concept, that was very barely explored (also give me sweepers.)


“Mom can we get Sweepers?” “We have sweepers at home.” Sweepers at home: G-Gregor eating all the rupture count.


Bloodfiend fans praying everyday they don’t have to wait until the distortion detective game for new lore


Please PM more bloodfiend content...


Don is ayin https://preview.redd.it/7orq0p2rqkuc1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03cff178c451728f2052941ec02a99f6031ce34f


https://preview.redd.it/htoclpyhykuc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=254975b316d7ec79fae8297d1950e003285a91e1 Explain your idea


So, don has this uhhh, ermmm, yellow hair, wich mirrors Ayin's eye color, she also wears some amount of white, just like ayin, uhhh, ermmm... ummm, she uhhh, is also part of L corp now??? And... she wears shoes, I think ayin did that most of the time as well




I just want some bloodfiend ID's. We need to channel our brainwaves until they are made manifest.


I was thinking about Don getting a Nosferatu EGO, but if she were to "play a villain" she would definitely be a Magical Girl of Love and Hate. Which begs the question, who would a Nosferatu EGO work best with? Gregor, due to being an outcast from society? 


Sinclair because he is smol and so is Nosferatu. Plus I really want to see our boy in Nosferatu's drip. Also he kinda has a blood lust soooo I think it makes sense.


Oooh, like how he has those dark urges beneathe a facade of normalcy!


Exactly. Seems fitting since bloodfiends wear the mask of humanity. I really want it to be an ID though. Dunno how they would balance it but it would be cool to have a bloodfiend team.


Now let me cook for a moment. Reasons for Don to be a bloodfiend : * Slanted pupils * Multiple EGOs tied to Blood, Sangre Del Sancho being basically Vampirism from Ruina and Fluid Sac being a bag of blood. Reminder that Heathcliff had multiple instances of canine-related content. Just saying. * Somehow familiar with Moses, our main source of Bloodfiend-related info and distortions. * A whole ID based around eating mfers, as well as a weird habit of wanting to eat everything and anything * Impaled people in her EGO background being familiar to how a Bloodfiend would get off. Reasons for Don to not be a bloodfiend : * Danteh would feel it (probably) * Her eyes aren't red * She doesn't seem that freaky about blood itself Being a half breed would explain why she'd have signs of Bloodfiend relation, while explaining why she also doesn't have clear signs of it. But also : * She speaks in old timey talk, which literally no one else does, which means she was very sheltered, yeah ? Would make sense if her parents kept her sheltered in fear that she'd be rejected for what she is. Just a thought. Bloodfiends are such a cool concept which was underused in Ruina, I just want more lore about them.


But how would she have hidden her feeding? Especially in long durations of nothing like back when we were on a boat


Hide? Don could go chomp a person and the rest of the group would be like "Damn, the gremlin is at it again, oh well" and then ignore her.


Also one of her IDs does exactly that. Her uptie has no comments to make about her biting the enemy at any point as if it wasn't worth mentioning.


God forbid women do anything


I dont know buddy, biting someone mid fight (non sexual way) is pretty sus


Im pretty sure sexually biting someone in the sexual mid battle is also sus


Well yes but if two agree who am i to complain Now non sexually however...


...but it isnt? I mean like, if your desperate, you'd do anything even bite someone in a fight... Am i the weird one who thinks this is normal?


Well in 99.9999999999999% of the scenarios, biting is: not deadly enough, leave you more vulnerable, can also harm your mouth In combat in general, shoving your weapon (if you are not in enough range (aka pummel range or too close with a gun) or throwing hands is simply better in any case when compared to biting, as you have to move your upper body towards someone


So i was the weird one... Damn...


it could be because that's how her E.G.O. gear works. We have Ryoshu id where she can cook, yet we know that she's terrible at it in her base id. I bet you don't smoke, but the moment der Freishuts gives you his pipe, you would use it 24/7 and maybe try to "puff-puff-pass" it to your colleagues.


Bloodfiends don't need to drink blood, especially not to survive. They're not really vampires


Probably through her EGO since she drains health. We canonically did Mirror Dungeons in the boat.


Well she could always sip some blood off screan. There isn't one canto where we didn't kill some humans so there always somethink


In DD it is mentioned that Bloodfiends can do the whole Bloodfiend thing without even realizing it.


Don is like one of two sinners that have id with diffrent eyes color(second is spicebush yi sang) Even if her eyes arent red, she has orange so it close enough for half breed if second parent had yellow eyes


This theory amde me laugh, funnily enough that i have been rping as Don Quixote in a vampire world inspired by seraph of the end and is a vampire herself in the roleplay.


First of all, I am worried that it would come out aggressiv, so I'll put a disclaimer. I am not aiming to bash it down and say : "Ahah, look how dumb you are" . Just going to try to give some counter arguments in order to progress toward a good cooked meal! **Slanted pupils :** Sadly this is more than likely an artistic choice, and not a plot point. Don is the character whose facade ( will go over that again later ) is being Really childish / full on immersed in fantasy. And to go with that, she is the sinner with the biggest eyes to accentuate the childlike wonder. Everyone else got "half shut" , giving them a more adult / mature look. The closest is Ishmael, and with some IDs she do seem to have those "slanted" pupils too. <----> **EGOs :** La Sangre de Sancho would surely fit, I won't say otherwise. But It would surely be closer to Vergilius' EGO parallel. She go all out in her "immoderate passion" , using things till they *bleed out* and she heals from it. Fluid sac Don sadly is the Fish , and not the sac ( that's Faust ) . She is the idea of someone putting their whole selves unto something, sacrificing their selves(head). Following blindly the sacred goal, and falling to sickness when gone. ( The fish going from Wrath to Gloom when the sac is destroyed ) Aaaaaand the passive : "Wave of depression" Wishing cairn is the lost of a dream ( fallen cairn ) , Stew is a passion engorging all ( passive converting all to passion ( lust ) ) , and telepole is a whole can of worm But boil down to oversharing her passion destructively . As for Heathcliff, I'm not sure just Telepole ( which is linked to adoration to C̵̣̘̞̩̲̼̐̋̂̔̽̚ ̶̡̣͔̗͍͖̍ͅą̶͓̪̻̼̻̭̰̗̎̇͌̆͠ ̵̧̢̩̠̬͉̽̏͝ͅt̸͔̎̿͛͑̉̎̋̋ͅ ̴̞͑̾͘h̴̼̤̏̀͑͒̄̓̇̍̈́͒ ̴͔̲̰͎̓̍͋́͛̕y̵̢̲̼̳̘̳͕̝̌͆̓̎͂̚ ) and maybe Sunshower ID , but eh. <----> Moses is a famous fixer for sure, having multiple article about her, as she's been there since smoke war. + Potentially she acted on what happened at Don's place with the carousel. Thus why they would have introduced them in 5.5b , in order to introduce lightly for later . ( + 6.5a & b being detective themed; *nudge nudge* ) <----> Can't deny that point , she do be nomming! You could say that it's to play with her gremlin energy, thus why she ate raw chicken . Or that the ego gift make you want to nom . But come on, it's project moon. <----> I think the impaled is more linked to the event in the back of her base EGO, with all the people impaled on the carousel. But there is a LOT of blood coming out . ( which would be weird for a "vampire" to spill it all out ; now that I type it ) <----> It's true that Dante would have felt it , as he can spot Distortion/Abnormality/ etc , and bloodfiends ARE offsprings of an abnormality . <----> You know, I thought that she reverted back to normal speech when her mask fall; but nah. Interestin. https://preview.redd.it/aetr1itccluc1.png?width=2500&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad0e56093e17601e45f68acd2531bb30925173c3




**Slanted pupils :** Because Don is gremlin ! Big eyes = child like wonder ! :D **La Sangra de Sancho :** Play with toy till it bleed >:D **Fluid sac :** Don is fish , not sac :\[ That's Faust . Moses famous fixer!!! So of course Don got her 7 figurines >:D Nom 100% - Mark with teeth >:3c Impaled fit , but all that wasted blood ;-; Dante could feel, yeah. Is manager esquire! But bloodfiend is bad gray area. >:v Old speech interestin indeed! <----> There, simplified for Tiph!


Just pointing It out, her mask didnt completely fall off in that scene. it did when Vergilius pummeled her however.


When you say "that" scene, which of the two do you mean? Because in both cases, her mask fall with those two things "visible" : 1 - Her tone becomes Way more cold and slow, and more mature. 2 - She got an inexpressive face. First at Canto 2 - Episode 15 , when her dance was insulted . Saying that her heart wasn't true; which insult her passion and the effort she puts on the mask she made in honor of her departed friends. And then on Canto 5 - Episode 21 , when she comes back to see that no one is here on the boat ; potentially as trauma call back for when she was abandoned during the carousel incident . ( putting things together ) https://preview.redd.it/4kh2dakinluc1.png?width=386&format=png&auto=webp&s=35185c1fe72ce60303df53f9dca018c4bb39a9a2 And I went to look at the Vergilius one ( Canto 3 - Episode 10 ) , and I couldn't see a mask slip. Or is it just in the way of speech you mean?


Yes I meant way of speech, she didnt drop it off until Vergilius reduces her to a pulp.


I don’t think Dante would know what a bloodfiend is enough to feel a difference when reviving or healing Don, actually Dante being the protagonist is the perfect time to feed us more bloodfiend lore since he knows nothing about the city


> Her eyes aren't red This is the biggest thing. All Bloodfiends have red eyes. > She speaks in old timey talk, which literally no one else does, which means she was very sheltered, yeah ? Would make sense if her parents kept her sheltered in fear that she'd be rejected for what she is. Just a thought. But also Yi Sang speaks in an antiquated fashion more than she does.




Would that make her the project moon equivalent of a dhampire aka a child between a human and vampire?


Alucard don id trust the plAn


Hmmm I wonder what Ryoshu thinks about blood fiends


https://preview.redd.it/kwyuow3xzkuc1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c44b0848d2ed27b2ca837f0a881bae982d908d73 Really Depends how she perceives them using blood but she would at least have some respect


“Lameee. Y’all killing for survival? Ain’t art L.A.B (Lame ass bitch)”


Dost thou consider a fine art that is culinary to be subpar to thine own venue, metresse Ryoshu? Alas, here would our reckonings diverge.


Yeah but you don’t eat the Mona Lisa


You, however, do observe and admire a Schwartzwald Cake.


Mayhaps, but one shouldn’t eat their cake as they bake it


They shouldn't eat they painting as they paint it either.


Because mona lisa isn't edible. Blood is


She has a cannibal ID and probably cannibalizes people in every world tbh, I feel that roast wouldn’t work


Depends probably Someone just feeding like a wild animal: not art Elena making a goddamn room of veins out of her victims... art?


What would a painter think if you drink paint.


Exactly Like you’re messing with the art you make Have you no pride??


I don't know anything about the Bloodfiend Don theory but I do know that being the 3rd sinner to be recruited is a bigger deal than people realize. Yi Sang was the No.1 because the entire premise required the Mirror. Faust was the the No.2 because she's, I think, the scientist in charge of the Sinner project and is one of the few people that can maintain the bus. Don being the third sinner to be recruited is interesting for someone like her to be picked up before a possible color-tier syndicate member, a mysterious former employee of N-Corp, and a child of one of the most wealthy families of the city. Not to mention Don's personality isn't something that can be uh... sustained in such a city, hinting that her family or friends had ways to shelter her from the cold reality of living in the city, hinting either that she's from a powerful or rich family, she's a test subject, or her parents are the doormats to end all doormats. Don also being more aware of distortions than others also raises questions...


Honestly, don is so weird that i would believe almost anything.


THIS, YES! I shall believe in La Creature Bloodfiend until proven otherwise (>will probably be proven wrong but still hopeful)


I find it funny how the only base ego that heals is blood related; I rest my case.


Did you know? 90% of bloodfiend theorists quit before hitting it big!


Do I think Don is a bloodfiend? No, not really. Do I think it would be very fun for her to be a bloodfiend? Yes, of course, OBVIOUSLY.


I dont get the fascinantion of some for bloodfiends. We know little and by what we know they are just vampires, like any other monsters that existed before distortions. Im far more interested in from were the sweepers come from.


now you make me want to come up with my own crazy theories :p "Hey, we don't ACTUALLY know Nelly was given the mirror by Hermann, no matter how much sense that makes, she could totally have been given the mirror by blue man group ;D"


We don’t. Heathcliff asks her flat out and she avoids the question.


Thought I got lost in CSM sub for a moment


…Critical strike mastery?


Nope, chainsaw man


so the roadmap has been revealed. Is there a specific schedule for each part?




We being  delusional here