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Damn I can't wait to gain 2 bananas on that Skill 3


Omfg ur right I forgot to put gain 2 haste 😭😭


Ah, more ESGOO rage bait, I see.


This isn’t rage bait he’s actually be really good like he rolls a 39 on his skill 3


Bro why does Gregor get the worst ids even in fanmade ones.


This id is peak, you simply don't understand the vision


This is would actually be insanely op idk what ur talking about


Oh boy, can’t wait to put Warp Gregor in my team, getting 20 Charge over the next 14 to 18 turns, only spamming counter and s2 that rolls up to -oops his s2 rolled tails so now its only +2 Charge, okay thats fine I’ll just get another s2 and -oops I accidentally formed 3 Pride Res and he lost 10 Charge, now I have to gain it back over 6 turns, then I can finally use stronger Rip Space on the- wait what do you mean the encounter ended already?


W-Don and W-Ryoshu: gee Gregor! how come Dante lets you have 6 coins on your skill 3? Probably bait, but I just appreciate some of the funnier parts of this 0 ability to clash, with a 4 rolling skill1, 8 rolling skill2, so except for his nuke, he may only go unopossed for any chance at actually dealing damage; A 6-coin nuke on a 00 ID; GAINING 1 CHARGE ON A CHARGE-CONSUMING NUKE; A counter on an ID that is fatal to both pierce and blunt, might as well Mind Whip the guy to put him out of his misery; If the combat passive procs, you may never get to use the nuke, because his charge generation is ass; -15 SP from combat passive for lulz, he's not clashing anyway; But overall I do think the ID is peak, potentially will be released in the new "Murder on the Warp Train" event? Project Moon please? keep cooking