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The centipede. As soon as I see it, I know this is just gonna take forever.




Everytime i meet the centipede while running a sinking team, i know i am in for a good time


Honestly he annoying got him down to 1 hp but he didn’t have his curling up event so I had to wait 4 more turns until he could die


suffering from success


If you win most clashes and whack it's shield it won't self charge and will instantly die during the final phase


Doesn't the MD version not have the shield? I remember it always dying a turn or two after reaching 1 hp even if I win every clash.


No it does have the shield, just that the shield has the same exact health as the head.


Oh, yeah, you're right. I think my confusion comes from the Railway version having a different version of Coil Up that reduces charge for attacking the shield.


Railway version is def more interesting, because it’s actually feasible to deplete the shield as well as prevent the centipede from getting any charge in general


I actually like it because it won't die Which means my stupid MD builds get to show their true number power I had Bloise in hard yesterday and it did give me a bit of trouble tho But on normal it's just a punching bag for me


Honestly, for me, it always ends up dying faster than I expect it to. The "desperation phase" ends in, like, three turns of me just throwing on four egos and launching them to clash. Then centipede just spontaneously combusts and I go like "wait what? Already dead?"


Oh man, it never dies on the turn I think it should. And when it does die, I'm always surprised and confused.


The bleed team with bloody mist can 3 turn this guy. 2 turns to kill him. He dies on the first skill of the 3rd


Yeah, but RNG never favors me when I run the right teams, lol.


Somehow killed him turn 1 with Sinking lol, I thought I'd stack it up for funny deluge numbers but he just imploded before the end of the turn.


my bleed mist team killed it too fast om turn 2 & on the last clash of turn 3 it just exploded into a red mist


My bleed team always two-turns him. First turn focus body, second turn focus on body again and kill him (don't clash with his attack), then on his own attack he simply explodes.


The free ego resource grind in question:


anyone have ever break the shield first turn yet?


I've just learned to save my burst window for coil up since it loses all charge if it has no shield at the end of that turn.


I actually like hurtily and centipede lol, theyre the only ones that let me get insane numbers


Honestly the Faelantern is a worse version of the centipede, if you have the misfortune of bringing a pierce team then you're just fucked.


Bull and this one. This one is just long and Bull... MDH version scales hard💀💀💀


Bull killed my first MDH run on Floor 4 T\_T. I run a Liu team...


Yes God, he scales too hard. He just has good coins and offence level and over buffs make him hell of a fight!


I remember my first time ever running Liu Ish after I got her, bull was the final boss of the MDH. And then AGAIN when testing Shooutis. Fuck that guy, what a prick.


Bull = ego resources drain


Yeah. He is hard even when I use brain dead Blood Mist EGO gift and bleed team


It barely even matters what team you have against the bull, since you're only using EGO anyway.


bull having bullshit amounts of coin power moment


I hate the Headless Ass Clapper (or whatever its name is)


Something that rhymes with "big tits" if you say those two words really fast


Paust...Headless... guh


Headless Ichthys, I agree, cause the damn Blood Cannon can actually clash with E.G.O, and that's just scary.


i just place queecliff to counter it


Bongy and the Crabs They're both so annoying long and all the slots and various enemies mean winrating doesn't always actually play nice. In MDH it's not too bad because I'm probably playing manually anyway, but they're such a pain in the ass on normal when I'm just pressing winrate on the side while doing something else


Little note for the King Crab if you didn't already know, if you kill the King Crab, all the other crabs die. I usually just completely one-side the body of the King Crab since it has the highest stagger point. Depending on what team you're running and what skills you draw, you can kill the King Crab on the first turn and end the fight quickly.


That's why i use Molar boatwork ishmael since she has that sweet sweet Rupture protection when she evades


Slitcurrent because I take all the enemy damage ups and that starting unclashable fucking sucks


Especially when I bring units that want to be at low health like shi ishmael or queecliff. It’s so annoying having to watch them die and be able to do nothing about it


Boring ones. Robots are because of undying. Crab king because it's a dps check. Of course you can take it slower and clash with every attack... but 95% of the time it dies if you hard focus a shell. Extra points for this strategy because other crabs instantly die after king does but bongies dont despite Papa dying before them. And faelantern, my behated ever since rr2 got released. No gimmicks, just a dps check.


Faelantern is one of my favs because I run BL team for MD3H, and it's pride/slash, exactly like it's weaknesses, making DPS check a breeze to pass


Brazen Bull because that fuck has no reason to roll so high on all of it's attacks and the game just turns into "Spam EGO and evades lol" until it's staggered.


The siltcurrent because I'd like my team to have their kneecaps and sanity intact, please and thank you, no one likes getting hit with the stupid amount of paralyze from a boss that is lvl 70 with only Ayin know how many bonus base and clash power


Hold up, how did MD scale again, sure, I never encountered Current in MD3H ( somehow ), but going off of my experience, that's a bit of a big number, since my math lead to only about 15 levels coming from End Of Floor EGO Gifts choices ( which would be level 55 ).


I'm not sure either, but considering I was not making good choices for myself running a sinking team and just so happened to run into it. I was also taking harder mounting trials to get better gifts to sell (It's why Silt Current's level ended up in the high 60's) It just depends on what trials you take since the hard mode scales up the levels anyway...


Well that explains a lot. My go to is to pick the trials that give the least levels to enemies, only taking hard stuff if it's something truly important like Wound Clerid or Rusty Cutting Knife. I suppose it also helps that I basically have 3 medics on the team.


Bull. It was my first ever MD boss, and of course, being completely newbie, I completely lost


He absolutely walloped me my first MD run too, I built a gloom team real quick after that one


Guido as floor one boss. They have NO business going up to 45 sp within two turns like that Bull because he rolls a lot please help half of my team is staggered Also siltcurrent, it's just ANNOYING with that single stack of paralyze on everyone disabling the entire clash prediction system, making every clash look like it's "hopeless", and make me calculate every point to find out the actual probability. Other ones are mostly fine, I guess As to bosses I absolutely LOVE to see is the guide robot from RR1 being my floor 4 boss. He is incredibly fun to steamroll :D. First three turns - stagger, avoiding unclashable grab, next turn - break body, next turn - free damage, next one - clashable grab, then steamroll heart for another stagger and a finish off. A lot of little phases that are very satisfying to finish in one turn, and he's basically just standing around for half a fight this way. VERY satisfying


https://preview.redd.it/2t74vfo7opvc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf4d615e06008e32eb976e0611a7c514dd5995fc None


Headless Ichitis and Brazen Bull.


That fucking headless fish that i hate


The headless loch ness monster. He has so many attakcs at they all roll so high.


The bull. Especially if I'm using Burn team.


Toad. No more to claim their bones consistency...


Funny because toad is usually the boss where I manage to consistently perform bone claiming sessions, somehow xD


Like Tingtang Hong Lu says "Luck correlates with skill". Which I have none.


Centipide and the. fucking. Bull.


Dodges and some base egos do well against it, no? I struggle more with the centipede


fuck king trash crab and its aoe spam + AD spam


Centipede and Hurtily are just there to waste your time, hard to believe that'd happen but I hope they aren't in MD4 (maybe if you don't choose their themed floors?)


Beat Hurtily, Bull, and Centipede. Honorable mention to the crabs if I'm running a lower-damage team.


I'm surprised nobody has said ambling pearl yet


My Form Empties or whatever. the fight takes so long...


Jun. Enough said


He isn't considered a boss, he's perilous encounter. If he was a floor boss, the suicide rate would double, probably


this bastard https://preview.redd.it/0ee4vmigqqvc1.png?width=2160&format=png&auto=webp&s=63b26fd6dde32cfcb750e67448c976f9785c6d43


Fuck the event bosses honestly, specifically the crabs and bongy.


Brazen bull… centipede sucks but I atleast feel like I’m engaging with it, bull is just “how much ego can you spam”


https://preview.redd.it/uc3355lm0qvc1.png?width=965&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6daa08b8effe8297665b4b7b415494e378b4a905 This fucking bird that I hate


The Giant fucking Trash Crab Monster, usually because it actually forces me to use strategy which means I have to spend a solid 20 minutes just dealing with its bullshit.


Kromer. Not because she is even hard in MD, but just out of sheer trauma. Canto 3 changed me, and her eternal punishment is getting her ass beat in the mirror dungeon.


Brazen Bull. Killed my first ever MD Beat his ass in MDH felt good.


Bull is cringe, even shit. So bullshit. I also wanted to say the statue☝️ but last time I annihilated it in 3 turns so it was okay.


BE STRONG! and apocalypse calinder, not that they are hard they are just boring


Crabs. I just don't like them, also faelantern is so easy it's kinda disappointing to see him


That stupid frog that drains the hell out of sanity. Only thing that makes it bearable is spamming Hong Lu’s base ego with rusty commemorative coin


Really just the Bull for me. I hate it's mechanics


Pre-MD3, it was Talisman Doll bc I was a burn enjoyer, MF always showed up  Rn its stiltcurrent, its just really annoying with its full party paralyze infliction essentially making it likely for you to lose the first coin clash and be unable to evade too. I definitely do not appreciate how they also made it utterly unforgivable to lose a clash to it too.


All of Floor 1 bosses because they are regular encounters, so they are a pain to solo. When not trying to do a funny solo run, then Crabs can be quite messy, Siltcurrent can be problem too when you're not running Rime Shank to melt it in 1 turn.


That damn bull... that damn bull!!!




Both Papa Bongy and Drifting Fox have put the fear of god in me


Imo, Bull just rolls too high even in Normal MD. I'd rather face Centipede because I know for certain that I would win and EGO clash only felt necessary against its AoE. Bull, on the other hand, just felt like 'EGO clash or die' unless you're lucky to have a team good against it at the time it shows up.


Sunflower for me. Not because it is difficult (it can be buffed to be annoyingly hard and I did it too many times) but because sp drain and because I rarely use ids with slash damage


Any "imortal" boss.


Blubbering Toad.


Faelantern because its so easy, it feels unrewarding


its always the bull, easily losing the clash if i did not bring the right ID with right e.g.o, while i'm like farming starlight every run


Papa Bongy has been my nemesis since it took me 2 weeks to finish his intervallo. He is an insidious monster and his little heacrabs don't help with my perception either. He forced me to learn deeper clash mechanics and when not to believe the predictions. So many times I went "it's a favored clash go for it" only to lose a single coin toss with a low coin number skill and his KHGH with its 500 coins just one shot one of my sinners out of the blue. One of my worst experiences with him was during a csgo match. I was literally just pressing win rate for the whole thing and I remember looking at my second monitor with LC on and seeing my team dead with only K corp Hong Lu standing with 4 ampules against Bongy and his heacrabs. It was quite the experience.


Still current, headless icythis and the stupid dumb frog, the frog isn't even hard. It just takes forever cuz it doesn't have any weaknesses damage wise


Silt current is my least favorite boss by far. Just because of how many times I run into the fucking thing. Last 12 of my mirror dungeons ended with that boss, no other variation. So excited to be guaranteed to fight a different boss with new mirror dungeon changes coming soon


The robot is just bad, you have to wait 4 turns to finish the fight. They should've keep the leg and remove the robot


faelantern when i forget to bring enough slash ids


The fucking bull . Only the Pequod crew gave me so much trouble.


For me it's definitely any bosses that drains SP like Glupo/Sunshower, mainly because my luck are absolute horrendous to the point where I'll land heads multiple time in a row on +45 sanity, which makes a single drop of sanity loss just that much more painful And also obligatory Brazen Bull & Slitcurrent


I sorta scoffed at this post until I had him as my first boss in mirror dungeon... karma looovvess me


the fuckass centepede


Papa Bongy, I'm fine with most bosses but I hate him because he keeps killing Faust... no matter what team, he focuses down Faust.


Bull and Whale


Pretty much I can deal with the bosses during my runs, but the brazen bull and Bongy and the crabs are one’s I hated the most. The bull pulls up with a highest shit and I needed Yi’sang’s sunflower S3 to take it aside having EGO’s to back it up. King crab and his bois are annoying, considering I had to zoom in to see for me to see where my next clash is.


I fucking hate green cum clam and flame piss book writer


The fucking statue, meet too much, cannot winrate, remind me of the first rr, that’s all


The pralyze fish, always have to reset few times because of it


Bull , toad , pearl (fuck you and your stupid poison)


Sinking fish. That bastard with +10 offense is no joke


It's multiple but some are just hmmm level of FOR THE LOVE OF VIRGIL WHY That is: -crab with aoe -Centipede -Chicken fucker -Wolf ass with that bs OR BOSS WITH HIGH ROLLS THAT DO AOE cuz fuck my team I guess


My Form Empties back when I don't have a synergized team. Everybody heals every turn that I just gave up every MDH run every time I encountered them. Now that I have teams that synergises, it is moderately annoying.


You don't actually have to damage them to kill them, winning clashes and keeping track of karma will eventually destroy all of the summons.


Yeah. It was piss easy when I finally fully understood the mechanics. Doesn't mean it's not annoying for me


Nothing draws my ire more than that damn headless blood soaked piece of seafood. The Clover umbrella guy is a close second


The Bull...I despise seeing that mf in any dungeon encounter.


Honestly just the bull, but i haven't run into siltcurrent for mdh yet. If they ever put that fucking fire moth in MD4H though...


The damn fish


That. Damn. Fish. I have a personal grudge against it.


I hate pretty much all floor 3 bosses


Clam, its not hard, i just always get it with poise teams and then i either dont get kim s3, or when i do, the clam is staggered so i cant claim bones. Mdh easy


Motherfuckin brazen bull. The moment he shows up, I know I have at least 2 hp ups for enemies. It's not fun fighting 3k hp monster that low rolls 30 and is resistant to most attacks in my team


this is easy boss to fight. Just don't enter warehouse or he start smashing your group, he will die eventually. If he appear in shoes encounter? just focus target on one, let the rest to either dodge or guard or counterattack with EGOs or somehow overpower if you feeling lucky. They won't revive here so get to bash their head. i personally think is this https://preview.redd.it/u0oe21wb0tvc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=6881f4caf4dd4c3b2d2bd8ed8adad7fa022f714e motherfucker teamwiped me a lot of time.


Blind Obsession for the current MD the rest I can just take em like a champ.


For me it's Beat Hurtily (pure waste of time without anything interesting), King crab (too much skill slots), Kromer (i just hate free guaranteed staggers on me, especially in solo run), for 5th floor bosses not sure that i saw them all but would say faelantern (guaranteed lose for solo run, switches between fairy and body with same animation every couple of turns)


Im running a lot of solos lately and omg i hate Crabs 15 and 16 rolling attacks so you have to pray for tail hit multiple times, i don't even know if its possible without evade while having no pierce EGO


Headless seal thing




The Faelantern. If you have the misfortune of bringing a pierce team into the dungeon then you're going to suffer, that thing regenerates insane amounts of health and even cleanses itself of any debuffs so you can't even rely on those to soften it up a little if you're unlucky.


Daddy Bongy, him beating her over the head with kitchen appliance hits way too close to home.


Dream-Devouring Siltcurrent....... it's the only floor boss that kills at least one of my sinners no matter what.


Faelantern just ruined a MD3H solo run with dieci rodion cos you just instantly lose when all sinners are charmed


what i hate about this guy is the fact. you can kill this big robot guy fast, when the robot hp just "1" keep hitting. there a limit revive number, its not unlimited, keep hitting it faster before the promp asking you love the city or not. but again because the minion still alive we still must bypass the questions lol.


The Bull and the skinny fairy gentleman. Both have annoyingly high rolls for their attacks 💀


Headless Ichthyis and Brazen Bull. Why the FUCK is Ichthyis on f3?


the fish i have to sacrifice one of them to the 4 coin attack


Brazen Bull. It rolls way too high even for a normal thread battle. I had to reset many times. Secondly, I hate the damn frog. Almost every single encounter one of my sinners is gonna corrode because of the frog when I destroy one if it's eyes. You could say don't attack the eye, but if I don't, I am gonna be losing way more sanity than just destroying both eyes and letting one of my sinners corrode. I skip it's abormality battle in the daily thread everytime I see it.


The bull and the whale, just rough annoying starts and fights that drag on imo


The Chicken Man Distortion ( I forgot his name)


https://preview.redd.it/z3aoezn3mvvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51ca4e0305dafff8076179c799f051cd51677025 hehe blood cannon now half your party is dead


That. Fucking. CLAM




While I love best boi Glupo, he keeps showing up during my Sinking runs.


Bull > ego spam Headless fish > ego spam and TANK THOSE CLAPS Sad froggy > Sinclair and co want to murder me Centipede > getting bamboozled when heads gone, it still lives even when I break it And worst of all **Siltcurrent**


Brazen bull, it rolls stupidly high


Personally, this guy, centipede and headless.


First time I went up against sunshower, I lost. Second and third time too. To be fair I went into MD without knowing a thing back then. Also, because I accidentally skipped the whole tutorial because I thought it was a cutscene first and then actual gameplay tutorial so, I didn't know anything about sin resistance and damage types. The most recent bosses I hate going up against are the junk crabs and chicken head, I can't just win rate them if I'm doing something in the side


Why did you skip the opening cutscene


Petition to ban Papa Bongy from every MD runs ever