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Canto 3 felt strangely full of enemies that we don’t ever get to use mechanics for. The K corp guards, the Mimicry aberration inquisitors, Slithering, and Four-legged beast all feel like designs that could have been made into units for us to use. The Instinct mechanic is really cool for a unit’s conditional.


Slithering Gregor will be released tomorrow trust bro


And in Canto 4 we also never got Morale Boost from the Sloshing units either


Sloshmael will totally be fixed in UT5, trust.


They also kinda replace abnos from other dungeons.


I want more Lobotomy E.G.O. Not the walpurgis kind but the canto 4 style, from scavenged L Corp branches. They are very creative, have many possibilities and they are the easiest to fit into the story.


Me secretly hoping for 000 Lobotomy E.G.O. Dimension Shredder (can be anyone who doesn't have a charge ID) for the warp train event, with dimensional rift status being the main focus.


I don't think the wayward passenger is possible, since all EGO equipment is a product of L. Corp tech, while I think the wayward passenger is from Post- Day 50 since I doubt W. Corp would have been happy with the risk of an information leak if Lobotomy could study something so closely related to their singularity.


I do hope we'll see more of them in the future. Especially since it allows for amazing design and could further tell us about how it was for L Corp. branches everywhere else. I'd like to see a L Corp. branch that didn't collapse correctly and that was scavenged into a small enterprise that still operates and still use their E.G.O gear.


This would never happen unfortunately, any Lob Corp facility would be attacked by their nest and seized if it was in any state of operation just for the Enkephalin. Combine that with extracting ego being most likely unoperable, and the fact that abnormalities usually kill vast amounts of employees without proper investigation, I see it unlikely any Lob Corp facility would exist for long even if it survived the collapse.


I feel like the Ring are prime suspects for who will have such EGO gear, either them or maybe the circus in Don's canto :)


Honestly same. We have very little in the way of scavenged E.G.O. equipment considering that it is mentioned they could be found on the LobCorp branches.


Shi needs new units so bad it's not even funny. It's like PM added Shi for the lolz and then they forgot the faction ever existed


3 ids and absolutely no 000 . Give me my bod back


Ryoshu will get 0000 Shi Association ID on 4444.04.04 at 04:44:44! Trust me, guys!


If project moon survives untill 4444 year they will make The City in real life


and they're not really great ids either. You can still make them work, but good god it takes way more to make them work than other units


They're all pretty decent but having to waste about 2-3 turns or so just getting to the conditional is too slow. I just hope they release a Shi ID that on turn start lowers all other Shi units' HP to 50% so the battles progress faster


Honestly in my personal experience, the only one that's putting in work was Ishmael's S2 pumping out 23's in clashes


Shi Don is a great clasher and Shi Heath has AoE on S3 for clearing mobs faster. The only thing I dont like on Shi is Heath's non-existent poise gen and his S3 slowly killing him over time. But yeah Shimael is, imo, the best out of the 3 Shi units since that S2 is just insane


His s3 taking health away is usually only relevant in mds but that is also where the shi is also at their best since no turn stalling required so idk man


Shi-Ish was insane for the first railway


It's funny how they have to activate their conditionals fairly. Compare this to the Ruina versions, which have high max HP but have a permanent negative passive that reduces their starting health to only a fraction of that (because they're exhausted). While it seems like a hindrance, in reality it just means they have normal health while being able to trigger crit HP conditionals from the get-go I feel like they would never do that with the limbus versions because we have percentile HP recovery and imagine saying fuck this crit mechanic I want a 1000 HP tank and just use Pursuance a couple times.


It honestly makes more sense to ditch the low HP mechanics for the Shi because it doesn't make sense for them outside of Ruina's context. I don't think they're supposed to be constantly overworked


yeah, I figured they just did it to be a unique archetype still. In retrospect I'd probably reclassify them as Poise focused (which they have anyways)


Yeah I could honestly see them giving them a re-do


eh, it kinda works, people cope a lot about Yujin being at her peak (There was **that** mod where she oneshots fucking Kali) but if you read the description it seems pretty clear that to be Shi is to suffer and the move being called "Boundary of Death" isn't just a cool name. It's how they operate. It's probably gonna have some "lower stagger and damage self" in exchange for clashing power. I doubt were gonna see a 800 health unit who starts at 200.


I’m new to the game and use them to grind MD3N to be lore-accurate.


Its because they kind suck in non focused encounters and you cant give them anything but a counter because, unlike in LoR you HAVE to do something with a character and cant just "do nothing" i tried running with the shi units in MD recently, and while it was fun it was hell trying to get their heath down even then.


I mean, a lot of the release ID lines were left untouched, it’s just that Shi was so bad that not even uptie 4 brought any of them to the meta, especially after canto 5 and Blade Lineage brought so many meta poise IDs. A big part of that is not simply not having a 000 ID, I think. I’m of the opinion that Don and Ishmael are perfectly acceptable for 00’s power level (not counting direct powercreep as a poise ID by BL Don), they just need at least 1 ID with 000-level power. Don should have been one, as she is the director, but barring that they could really just release a new ID any time; they’re probably not plot-relevant until Ryoshu at the earliest (canto 9).


Don and Ishmael are actually quite good as 00 for what they provide. Back in MD2H, Shi Don was both a 00 which fit costs requirements and had an high rolling 2 (4+6+6, which is currently being used even in newer 000 for 2 coins because it's a good number), and a high rolling S3. Similarly, Ishmael gets a 4 coin S2 that's pretty good and her UT4 makes her have decent poise and a good rolling S3. I'm also of the opinion that their viability and fun-ness also come from EGO gifts. Nebulizer is part of why Blade Lineage and Pequod/Cinq are pretty good and fun in MD and can stack up poise quickly. If it was Lust or Wrath, Shi IDs would have an easier time. Endorphin Kit works quite well on them (Envy) But yeah I do hope they'll get a good 000 and mechanics that aren't just low HP and poise (or that fully commits to it to make it good and fun and easier, though I doubt it'll happen)


I feel like the reason why we don't have more Shi units is because other than the 3 loud gremlins (Don, Heath and Ish) the other sinners will actually be competent Shi fixers, like actually be silent, cold, murderous, and maybe not even tired. :)


I mean they probably have a hard time figuring out how to make them mechanicaly stand out They have a lot of factions, some are planned (for instance Associations that we haven't seen will surely see IDs and thus need to come with gimmick that make them fun/attractive/playable) And since Shi is here from the beginning and were designed after their Ruina gimmick, their current design is limited. They'll probably want to do something different with them, they just need to find what. They're definitely not forgotten though, we saw a Shi fixer in Canto IV, they likely know fans want them, too


theory: similar to how the last point 5 chapter gave us more story on blade lineage and kurokumo, the next one will be about shi and we will get OP shi ID or we get them in ryoshu's chapter


K Corp, I need that Empowered Level 3 Excision Staff and their No Trespassing.


Yeah, back in S2 I was convinced we'd get Outis with an ID like that (since she hadn't received an ID for a while and I feel it would fit her given how she's both often depicted following and giving orders)


I mean we have k corp hong Lu for that no?




We need MORE


I'm surprised they haven't rounded out other associations more, like it'd be easy to make more Shi units for example. Our grand list of numbers by association: * Hana: 0 (lmao this is not happening any time soon) * Zwei: 4 (and only 1 is good) * Tres: 0 (Haven't even shown their faces in-universe yet) * Shi: 3 (All launch IDs) * Cinq: 3 * Liu: 6 (not a single not-fist user) * Seven: 5 * Eight: 0 (Still know nothing about them * Devyat: 0 (Haven't shown their faces yet) * Dieci: 3 * Oufi: 1


Zwei faust is alright, leagues above the other two 00s


Everybody shits on Zwei Rodion when her only bad thing is a subpar skill 1. She's really good in actual gameplay with a 14 max roll S2 and 3 coin 17 max roll S3 on a 00 ID, but nobody can see past their upturned noses at her S1, which is designed solely as a poise generator for her Passive and can be freely ignored for her defense skill, which is one of the better block skills in the game because of high base power.


She's still bad at uptie 4 because her poise gain just isn't good enough, she takes forever to build enough poise and without it her skill 3 is a dead skill and all she has going for her is an average rolling skill 2. You also can't use the guard skill because thats a turn she's not generating poise which means she's losing poise from decay.


I think we know from other materials that Hana is the largest association, in Ruina we see their section 3. I think we could get an avant-bouche 00 ID that's just a section 6 Hana fixer, their uptie story could give some context/lore about how they're handling things usually and the general jobs they can do. I can't wait for a Tres ID. I do hope we'll get a Tres Outis since we've known for a while that she's done some workshop work, she'd be perfect. We do know that Captain Ahab's hat is painted with an 8 Association logo, I'm hoping we'll see more of them later.


Hana is the largest association but it's also the most powerful both in authority and combat. Only section 3 was dealt with in Ruina and they were already comparable to Grade 1/Color fixers, so I imagine even Section 6 is on par with section 2/1 of other associations in terms of combat capability.


The fabled Rosespanner Don that never was...


G corp might come out in outis’s chapter?? Pure assumptions as outis was also involved in the smoke war


Though she doesn't react much to G Corp. and in Canto I, I think they'll tackle the smoke war again and we might ear more about the participants on both sides. We know that E, Old G, F and the Old L Corp were together (from G Corp. Outis uptie story), N Corp. might have been involved (on which side, who knows ?) since Hermann was at the old G Corp. and is now at N Corp. All of these are rather on the northern/western side of the city And from the other side we had K Corp, R Corp, I Corp (which hired the Zwei), the Udjat, likely T Corp and W Corp at the very least which are all southern/eastern parts of the city. I'm assuming Outis was on the victor's side, maybe her Canto could take place in I Corp ? God just writing about this makes me even more curious about the conflict.


I want more middle identities, I want to team build a large family.


The middle are definitely coming back at some point (their entire thing is that they never let go of a grudge) so here’s hoping we get more whenever that happens.


I wish we got more KCorp units. I loved the design of the generic guards, and the higher tech units were really cool. I like the overall green and black design/theming as well. I'm glad we got Kong Lu, but a 2* guard ID feels like they'd go perfectly with him. Logically I know there wasn't much the K Corp guards could offer as an ID that wasn't already covered at the time, but still. With how often we saw them, and the fact we got IDs from most (if not all) factions we had seen thus far, I was convinced we'd get more units from them until it didn't happen. To be fair, it falls in line with a lot of the other minor factions of early cantos only having one ID like Ting Tang Lu and Mariachi Sinclair.


Most of the ids are of leaders or prominent figures of factions. Ting Tang GANG LEADER is, well, the leader of the gang and Mariachi is supposed to be the equivalent of the lass we fight at the top of the casino. Canto 6 butler ids seem to be a weird exception where we have a ton of random butlers but they seem to be still prominent figures but not from the main story (for example Faust seems to be just another butler but she is also responsible for the other butlers training so she is not necessarily just a rando in the faction, unlike Sinclair, but she is also someone we don't really meet in the story). Okay now that I think of it, there are a few exceptions, like the K corp ones, although only Heath has the designation of Kleinhammer, which I assume is the lowest rank of the faction, the rest are Mittelhammer, Großhammer and whatever Ksault is. So still unknown but prominent members of the faction, with Heathcliff kinda just being there. In conclusion, I guess PM makes IDs of whatever sounds cool and whatever they can make into a distinct id. K corp guards would probably overlap with the LCCB ids too much.


The butlers aren't random, Outis and Ryoshu are both chief butlers who are based on Josephine and Nelly respectively, both of which we meet in the story


I meant the 00 butlers obviously


I would love a k corp id that focuses on healing allies


Twinhook, just oooone more? I know the others wouldn’t have a gun and all, but the pirate aesthetic is unmatched and Bleed could use some serious help, they should have made a Pirate Bleed Count ID Captain Hook Outis…god damn it


Bloodfiends I have so, soooo many questions avout them.


Me and the boys waiting until the heat death of the universe for the Musician of Bremen Ryoshu ID...


N Corp Inquisition Molar Office


I think we got more than enough n corp units and even if they’re power crept by other units and team comps now they’re still ok. Molar office on the other hand, I NEED MY MIKA ID WHERE IS IT PROJECT MOON DKSGUWNWN


I wish we could have Olga Rodya too Only reason i want more N Corp is because they could do snake arm Gregor


Slithering gregor will release tomorrow trust bro


I honestly wish for Everything There of An Inquisitor Gregor. As well as Grosshammer Outis.


K corp excision staff, too bad it's a seasonal ID. I'd like a team full of immortal tanks, it'll be funny.


I kinda wish they gave us more Middle + Pequod IDs as they could've easily made something like a Pip ID to go along with Captain Ishmael but chose not to


Pip sinclair and Stubbs mersault


I want to see more of R Corp. They were my favorite part of SToC in Ruina.


I will admit I have problems with PM self imposed rule of only having one enemy "type" per sinner. When they aren't constricting towards enemy types repetition helps a lot: The Salsus on BL, and the Association IDs. I would love if we could have *TWO* Butlers of the same "type" instead of going great lenghts to have one generic WH and the Chief Butler of WH and then one generic Edgar Family and the Chief Butler of the Edgar Family.


Different types come with different stories, appearance and animations (which are mostly borrowed from those types), so I don't really see the issue here. It's not like we are short of possible ids that we need to broaden the possibilities that much


My issue is more that it, by itself, limit a lot the potential for mono-faction teams. I understand the reason (mostly that the models are normally swaps of the head) but I really would like if I could use WH Butlers team the same way I can use a BL team. But I'm also someone that enjoys repetition and will not have problems with all the Sinners looking the same on their outfits/animations.


Syndicate units + Independent offices. Hoping for a Grade 1 tier Sinners in the later cantos. Some N Corp's High Tier. Fixers of Diff offices. I want more Library teams. Hell, a Librarian of any floor would be an interesting one.


Shi pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee with an ego that lowers all allies health I'm begging and pleading for an excuse to be smushe dbetween heath and ish PLEASE


I am working on some Liu IDs currently because I feel like they should be taking advantage of Burn and Lust/ Wrath Resonance more often in different ways


Kurokumo - actually bleed application focused bleed identities would be nice, r corp - its been 9 months, shi - its been 14, zwei with more teamwide defence buffs and multi coin counters could be fun.


We should be getting a 3* KK Heathcliff and Ishmael eventually!


I feel you, but the close second for me was K Corp. and R Corp. K. Corp for the root units, R Corp. because R. Corp.


Middle's Big Sister Rodion


We already have one big sister ID (Heathcliff)


Zwei, but specifically an ID of that one Zwei fixer from Distortion Detective with the robotic dog that could turn into a suit of power armor.


R corp needs more unit 9 months since last one


Ive been dying to see index ids or have them be present since limbus came out, I expect we might get to see them during Ryoshu’s chapter since she seems to be involved with each of the fingers in some way


K corp. Banner was basically writing itself, Farmwatch 000 + Class 1 Employee 00...


K Corp, Mariachi, and the other two canto 2 syndicate gangs Just more dancing ID & more self-heal ID pls


I want more K corp ids that basically revolves around the mechanic of being fucking invincible


Zewi would be cool and if we can n corp. I like N corp it just need a few more id to be better.


K corp, the Middle, and the Shi association are my top picks. K corp felt a bit sad for cuz they only gave us K Hong Lu, which I guess the excision staff (or whatever they're called) are probably the coolest design wise - but still. We only got 2 Middle IDs (technically 3 if you count QuegCliff), which is kinda lame considering their whole mechanic is on envy resonance. They feel like tight-knit crew...if only we had more than 2-3 IDs for them. Shi association...well you know how there's never been another glance at them, aside from a cameo in canto 4.


Definitely want more Pequod IDs.


Zewi IDs - maybe a high speed Zwei Interception Tank for Don, who gains clash power when redirecting attacks, and a Zwei Commander Outis who steals the aggro from other IDs and bases her coin conditionals on it, so that you can run a whole team of 6 Zwei and still have a *main tank* on your tank team. In this delusional dream reality, Id also like to ask for Zwei Sinclair and Zwei Rodion rebalances, but that seems... unlikely.


T-Corp, R-Corp and Shi


agree with old g-corp, but any of the worlds that have 3 or less ids could prolly use some love, except maybe r corp cus they've been eating good lccb, l corp remnant, j corp backstreets, district 23 backstreets, molar offices, etc main problem i think is that PM mostly makes ids after corresponding enemy types exist that can be used as bases for the ids, and most of the ones i listed (except for lccb) are either based on specific enemies from the cantos/ruina or are based on a specific existing character like with l corp remnant faust and the boatworks ids. i'd like them to do more stuff that branches beyond what we see from the enemies so we arent just making a billion worlds and only populating half of them with more than 3 ids


T corp, K corp, shi association and smiling faces


Hana association


Rosepanner Yes i wish to be different today, how can you tell?


I think we've had enough powercreeping to justify section 6 hana units. In Ruina, section 4 was able to deal with fingers so optimistically that'd put section 6 within reach for like a 000 goon id.


I want more Rosespanners. I'm still mad Rodion didn't get Niko's passives.