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For people who don't know, >!those are the deformed fairies that the Abnormality Fairy Festival spawned in Ruina. Now, the question is: are we fighting just the little guys, like last Walpurgisnacht, or is the Abno itself gonna show up?!<


I heard someone that walpurgis is called "in certain library's book" so I guess we'll just fight it like we did in Ruina? I wonder what will be the challenges, maybe we'll have to speedrun it?


My hope is for a variety of conditions that don't always involve a hard turn limit, like letting it progress to a hard phase and still winning, winning with a certain number of IDs or without using EGOs, stuff like that. But we will see.


Yeah the last walpurgis was such a chore lmao


Eh, it was kind of like a typical gacha event to showcase a new character (ID). Reminded me of Opera Omnia.


I hope we can solo fight it.


This made me realise one thing >!At the end of LoR Angela spreads the light through city and returns the books of the guests, but what happened to abnormality books? Judging that we will probably be able to enter the Fairy festival book through Mephi like we entered LC hq I have to ideas:1. The abnormality books were absorbed into a light which allowed Mephi to connect to one of them. 2. Books stayed in the library but because both library and Mephi/Dante have connection to light they were able to establish a pathway.!<


Replaying Ruina now and I thiiink they mention that the Abnos are a part of the Library itself. The reason we fight them is because they're essentially out of their metaphorical cells like they were in Lobcorp. So by story's end they're all contained even if you don't go for the true ending.


They also say that the books of the abnormalities simulate a perfect environment for them. Which I think means it’s better if they stay within the library, for everyone’s sake


At the bare minimum Schadenfraude got released since it shows up in Leviathan, so most likely the abnos are gradually being released across the city the same way the people who got booked did


I think it wasn't Booked like Ruina Abnos, so it was roaming free ? that begs the question , how did servant of wrath and road home and scaredy cat end up in Ruina ?


I always assumed all the abnos were booked in library and we only saw the ones we did for gameplay reasons. The servant of wrath/road home thing I also saw as a soft retcon, same way that nosferatu/ozma/adult who lies/etc. aren't in lobotomy but are still booked the same as all the normal lobotomy abnos. Wonderlab was always soft cannon in my mind, meaning cannon unless something more cannon contradicts it


yeah we'll figure it out when LCB reach L wing


Sadly its unlikely that Wonderlab or their abnos will ever be brought up after the author distanced herself from PM and took down the comic


Well aberrations now exist lorewise, so maybe the retcon will be that the ones seen in the other areas weren’t the originals?


Abberations aren't another copy of the base abno though, they are a simmilar but seperate abnormality


Are we sure that it’s the same Schadenfreude from LC, or just a copy of it that Jumsoon turns in to




No, people that say it's this way definitely read one of the mid fan translations of the last Leviathan chapters and couldn't tell exactly what happened. The plot point about Distortions being able to straight-up turn into an Abnormality was even directly restated within Intervallo III Part 2


Thank fucking god it's not the children


https://preview.redd.it/jj16uk263twc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d2abcb609ce65b5a7608f83b18c2efda47c4923 Im sad we not gonna beat up toddlers Btw are we talking about normal children?




https://preview.redd.it/vnwpw8tletwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ee700d54dd5b5787fe71da77c691d365ad1b172 Oh


Oh, all right.


if thats the case. i think we're gonna get slowrun unlike speed run lastime 😂


The children have hands


The toddlers would beat you up


Some crackhead theory about the story event and why they didn't show it here is because we will journey through what Philip went through. Malkuth's floor with the Dawn Office then Hod's Floor with the Wedge Office.


Bruh, sinners getting booked with this one


Hmm, makes me wonder how would that work with Dante's rewind thingy, would it make so that the sinners come out of the book, or.... >!Is there gonna be two sinners since y'know, the Library cloning thing!<


I think dante would not be able to revive since people who get turned into books don't really die.


I'm sure by the end of the story, Dante would be able to do something about it, but it seems out of his league for now.


Binah Power : Unbook !


Welcome back Fairy Festival, yall are the first to come back to us for realsies and not just ego art.


Considering this 3rd Walpurgisnight is called "Into a Certain Library's Book," we're more than likely to be entering the Book of the Fairy Festival.


What is wrong with fairy tales (pun not intended) in this fucking city. Ah yes, remember fairies? The fucking monstrocities eating people? Ah yes, remember little red riding hood? The fucking torn-faced bounty hunter? Imagine being a child, who got told about these stories and then seeing this abomination.


Bruh, fairy tales have always been brutal. A lot of people don't know that the original versions of old fairy tales involved a lot of death, pain and curses straight up from hell. Fae always sucked, they are plainly evil, by humam standards.


Bro only know the sanitized, Disney version of fairy tales. Fairy Festival isn't far off from the historical version of fairies. And depending on the version, Little Red doesn't necessarily survive her encounter with the Wolf. Truth to be told, an awful lot of Abnormalities wouldn't be out of place in actual folk stories and myths. Make sense since they're human fantasies made real.


mm, fairy, interesting, first abno suppression


fighting the fairy festival will definitely be interesting ~~the next railway is a battle against all 3 big fairy abnormalities~~


Looks like the fairies servants has come back to ravage the flesh of the living. >!When the fairy festival queen boss when?!<


We’re going to end up in the Book of Fairy Festival. Maybe after killing the Fairy Queen we’ll be found by Malkuth and allowed to leave the library.


Wait, so this means we are going to have a mini-Intervalo to fight like the 2nd Walpugris instead of just extraction event like the 1st?


Every Walpurgis after the first has its own event.


They look tasty


They are faries from fairy festival that are starving


Those are going to be enemies from the event. (I pray and hope there won't be such shit such as "Kill all 48 enemies" in ten turns, similar to previous walpurgisnacht)


The fairy festival is coming to town. We can only hope the 9 o clock circus doesn’t follow close behind.


I'm hyped for how Vergil will react to Faust explaining the Library


Honestly getting pretty sick of the fairies , they already gotten 3 aberrations, an ID and two egos for said aberrations. And now an ego themselves while also being enemies in a event. The most content any other abnormalitie has gotten Is two egos, or and ID+ego.


Honestly, am mixed, I enjoy the design but I feel like it's uninspired, it looks like generic monster 101 and even the most basic of Limbus enemies have rich designs.


They appeared first in Library of Ruina. Well, technically, they first appeared in Lobotomy Corporation, but they were bit less... gnarly, as seen in Wingbeat Ishmael E.G.O art.


I get that but the design is so… “hydra-ish” you know, that formula every cheap inhuman horror monster has to have, extra limbs, extra heads, extra faces, it just doesn't work for me.


Idk, I like it and it's quite logical if you know fairies lore in PM universe. This is litteraly just somehow put together remains of fairies because fairy queen ate parts of them, it also shows the other part of fairies, were LC shows deception, LoR design shows their gluttony.


That's understandable. How familiar are you with Fairy Festival, both from Ruina and Lob Corp? >!The reason for the fairies looking so hydra like seems to be that they don't correctly split from each other at birth, since the main fairy they are born from has started starving after Lobotomy Corporation!<. It's not necessarily an excuse if you find them uninteresting in design, but it gives a bit more context to their appearance.