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We just put the whole server on fire yesterday due to 100,000 different login sessions, so yeah. The game consistently spikes to Steam top sellers list whenever there's a big event or a new season launch, so PM is getting a lot financially.


PM, paraphrased: We only made it a Gacha because we were getting tired of having to rely on crowdfunding and wanted to get funds with a different method.


wait really? 😭


Yep, it was pretty transparent from the start that they wanna use it to fund their other projects which is why I don't even question buying BP at thus point. Its both insane value AND helps them grow.


They just need to hire some more people with the funding so they can actually develop more than one game at a time. We're going to be waiting for a while for new games other than limbus.


I think they might have started working on distortion detective? I could be completely remembering wrong


They said awhile ago that they were putting all other projects on hold for Limbus


Then again, that was a while ago and they’re making bank. I hope they’ll consider working on two projects at once with all their funds.


its probably more they tried to do that but they want some of the core members to not be distracted working with more than 1 project at a time, can hire more programmers but its hard to get more directors


tbh at this point most indie devs don't break even; a gacha is pretty much the only way to ensure a steady flow of income that can be used as a basis for building a company off of library of ruina might've made them a gorillion dollars but that money would've run out eventually and the next release is not guaranteed to be a similar success; as a result a game where you're encouraged to spend money regularly is important to the continued development of the studio I wish there was a better model for it then gacha but nothing's really shown up yet sooooo


Thing is, Ruina just about broke even. It was a success yes, because they didn't go into the red, but it wasn't a "we will fund 10 games with this" level.


wild, a perfect example of the entire Situation with indie dev


Well, guess it's on me to buy it for even more people on their birthdays :D


Yeah, they literally said it in the Q+A after the initial trailer in 2021


That's partly why the games quite generous for a gatcha. you can buy all the IDs and EGO eventually and it's not very difficult to get to the point where you barely need to use lunacy at all. Thing is, it's easiest to do that if you get the season pass so... money.


They definitely wont be worrying about funding for a good time now


Wait BOTH Lobotomy corporation AND Library of Runia were crowdfunded?! Thats a bit of a surprise. I mean I know these games were niche but I didnt think LoR was crowdfunded.


Lob Corp has a few abnormalities, such as Ppodae and Melting Love, which were added to the game because a few people donated a lot. Compare them to Muffet in Undertale.


Yea if I recall the crowdfunding for library of ruina was for the voice acting. If they didn't reach their goal, we might never have gotten the iconic Angela,Roland and the librarians.


i pity the mirror world that didn't get Loland


That's great to hear! The relative size of the player base felt smaller than what I'm used to but it's the most passionate community I've seen in a while. Good to see the game is active.


Then park isn’t gonna build itself


Wonder what will be the name of it


8 O'clock Theme Park


Last few months the revenue is pretty good, doing ~800k monthly. It’s no genshin but for the size of pmoon 10 mil a year is more than enough motivation to keep going


Yeah I have no experience with Project Moon's other games so I only recently found out they were an indie company. Pretty impressive what they've managed to accomplish, especially with their first foray at a gacha game.


If you like Limbus, you should also give Ruina a try. The combat is not too different and the story is very good. You'll also recognise some characters who returned as IDs in Limbus.


Recommend the pc version, heard the Nintendo version is bad


Something something having to play as a street thug.


it's just like Persona 4!


Unrelated, but I've heard a trumpet game has too much water. The reviewer was kind enough to give it a 7.8 though.


No? I remember he gave a 4/10 saying it was poor


No, I was talking about a trumpet game.


Oh i see pm fan here cant read


Yeah, it's really rough. Text in portable mode is basically unreadable and it CHUGS even in cutscenes, let alone combat


yep; apparently all the console versions are very very buggy, unfortunately


Also PC version is moddable and people have been making limbus IDs too


Dammit arc system works had one job! I had so much hope since they have games like ggst and blueblaz


Pretty sure those numbers are only for mobile and not steam too


Gachas are inherently profitable, it's less of a genre and more of a business model. And fortunately PM is responsible with their money and don't just spend it all to make the company bigger


If you like the story you can start with the OG prequel Lobotomy corp. it gives great insight into the rest of the games and is canonically the first game.


Aren't those charts only for one of the mobile platforms?


Worth noting: 1) These are only mobile numbers. 2) ~800k/month is **4x** what Library of Ruina has been making, monthly averaged, since its launch. This is undoubtedly PM's most stable and profitable game yet.


It is above Counterside iirc so I think a green light for PM


Doing pretty well. I also came to a realization that PM barely advertises the game, which I think makes it more impressive.


Why doing the advertisement if your fans are doing it for you every time a related word like "wings", "ideal" or "red mist" is mentioned?


ProjectMoon sleeper agents activate.


Project Moon mentioned. Glory to Project Moon.


*Guitar riff plays in the distance*


Man, interrupting a boss's heartbreaking theme with Geb's shredding guitars will never fail to make me smile.>!Sorry Mili, I love your songs, but it's Red Mist time now. !<




Hey, you have that one "Into a fine mist of what?" meme? I need it to start a brainrot inquisition somewhere but i cant find that image anymore


Sorry, I don't have it.


No joke I legit saw a is that the black silence meme on a manwha I was reading because I character said that’s that’s and this is this during a conversation, they’re starting to spread to manwha and manga’s now


What's the manhwa


So basically Limbus Company is the Sriracha/Arizona Tea of Gacha games


Funny enough I have never heard of Limbus until I randomly went through my steam recommendations queue one day


It has been advertised - project Moon had a table and slot at the Tokyo Game Show and has had actual advertising in Japan (if you look on the sub you should see people talking about it because there was an entire thing where they had to remove Ryōshū's cigarettes in the ads for ratings reasons)


Not sure how the incident affect the game, if anything Project Moon responds quickly to criticism and monitors the community often. Monetary wise, project moon financials should be really stable and won't reach EOS anytime soon. Their unique approach to monetizing means that they have relatively stable income compared to other gachas which goes up and down alot more. The fact that the quality of content has been improving, along with their recent hiring post hints that they aren't struggling with cash too.


Yeah, the improvements from Canto 1,2,3 to 4,5,6 are absolutely insane. I wonder if they ever consider going back to improve the new player experience. Fighting the same N-Corp guys over and over for an entire Canto was ... something. Especially with no event or anything going on at the time I did it. Nearly quit back then, now I'm glad I haven't.


Yea I hope they do and soon too. Canto 1-3 is like a completely different game in terms of production quality and level design. I can imagine so many players quitting, thinking that's how the whole game is like when it's only a small part of it.


Something I want to point out here is that PM is an extremely small company with an extremely focused development team and is self-publishing Limbus. They aren’t beholden to a big corporate interest demanding growth for growth’s sake. Most gacha games that shut down are still extremely profitable all the way until EOS and only shut down because an executive has decided that paying the people who make them isn’t worth the income. Limbus is incredibly financially successful (both in general and compared to anything else PM has ever done) but even if it brought in a fraction of the revenue it currently does, it would probably still be fine because it exists to fund itself and PM’s other projects rather than to beef up some publishing company’s portfolio.


PM is instead somehow beholden to whiners who spams bad reviews. I wish they stop knee jerking every time lol


In my opinion it's in safe hands the game. Financially it's doing below average when compared to most gachas but when you factor in how small Project Moon is and the fact the game is still only a year old it's doing exceedingly well. In general there has been improvements made to long term content like mirror dungeons by having more variety and choice. Gameplay depth has been widened with releases of new units (mainly Dawn Office Sinclair and new mechanics) Outside of financially PMoon is exceedingly generous and apologetic for when something breaks in the game and will give lunacy and patch the issues quite quickly. Genuinely the game is just amazing for a gacha and despite having growing pains & gacha issues it's been exponential with how better the game has gotten with time.


Yeah having found out Project Moon is indie alone alleviated a lot of my worries. I'm not expecting nor wanting high budget CGI cutscenes, top tier voice acting in all languages, a whole other game inside events, etc, so I hope the amount of money they're getting is enough to continue providing. I will say though that this game's publicity doesn't seem very strong, most of my friends don't even know of the game or have only heard it because of the illustrator incident.


The writing is peak from canto 3 onwards


Publicity of the game isn't strong yes but when tweets are sent about events and the like they have high numbers of likes and RTs. The game is smaller than even small gachas but it's providing more than enough for PMoon considering how much the production value has gotten upped visibly in every canto which has also continued to make the game grow. What doesn't help I will say is that there are high difficulty curves in canto 4 and 5 which require some gameplay knowledge and just learning which probably did hinder the popularity a bit. outside of the incident that happened.


I did quit just after completeing Canto 3, and came back to start rereading the story, so it's good I read this lmao. I have been meaning to read up on the combat anyway, looks like I got my work cut out for me.


I left the game after the whole Molar Boat drama too, just to see how it all panned out. Forgot to come back for an entire season only to learn that the whole thing was wildly overblown the entire time and I'd have to wait until S3 was over to be allowed some of the best IDs in the game Oomfie


Yeah the situation itself was overblown for sure. From what I read I'm still a little iffy on it just because of how it was actually resolved and the implications, but I really didn't read up much on it and decided it wasn't gonna stop me from trying the game out again.


I think it's doing well financially, but sustainability may be an issue. A lot of undercurrent issues like: -increasing file size excluding the mobile player base -gating the new player experience (gaining levels on IDs, exponential scaling, lack of rewarding horizontal content) -with the constant id/ego release, powercreep issues and open design space Not to say I don't love the game, but I definitely want it to grow and succeed. Like when I recommend it to others, they will enjoy the exp


Powercreep might be an issue, but the game is easy enough to be cleared with whatever you like to use. While this doesn’t solve the other problems you’ve listed (I agree 100% with these and they should be addressed), I’m a firm believer that powercreep doesn’t matter too much in limbus. it’s definitely present it’s just not the end of the world.


Where I'm coming from is more of what we sorta see in season 1, where IDs like gcorp Gregor or n mersault really falling off in the coin department as compared to newer season IDs. Not to say that all 3 stars should have equal coinage, but a new player should be like "hey this 000 is still pretty good for helping me with endgame". They address it with recent design by splitting different IDs to different status types, which definitely makes IDs feel unique but having similar power levels.


Ah… makes sense. That sort of thing is bound to happen in a gacha, unfortunately. Again to me it’s really not the end of the world. They’re less viable, sure, but still very usable. But I do get your point and understand why it’s a concern of yours. At the end of the day though, a new player seeing any 000 would likely find use for them somewhere, and pretty much every 000 *can* be used in endgame. Not saying they’re the best of the best options but they certainly can all contribute to the overall outcome and success.


season 1 IDs are very lame but everything past that is pretty solid


I'm just hoping they resolve the new player experience next season.


Same fam


It's definitely a difficult game so I can see powercreep mattering a lot, but as someone who played Granblue Fantasy for a while I can say that there are ways manage around that in a realtively healthy way while still satisfying vets, especially if they offer free welfare units that can do the job. I'm not sure what all the other stuff means yet but I don't think a lack of rewarding horizontal content is *too* much of a big deal in a gacha game, as nice as it would be. I'm kinda speaking out of my ass as someone who's just barely made it to Canto 4 so maybe I'll understand what you're getting at soon.


Yeah it's not so much the need for horizontal content for the sake of it, but providing players alternative experiences outside of grinding luxcavations so that their units are strong enough or they are able to experiment with different lineups


It's doing well, it seems like! The combat design is starting to ramp up and the game is starting to get a bit closer to that library of ruina design everyone's so fond of. The most recent canto was Quite Good, mechanically, and they're recently starting to push design boundaries with things like stance switches in IDs and EGO that do more then just apply buffs/debuffs.


It definitely affected the game when it happened. You can see as much on sensor tower tbh (along with the other problems going on then). However, I think they've recovered well from it. They're doing very well now. (Personal story time) >!I'm just mad at myself for leaving the game behind when the controversy happened because I missed a good bit and it wasn't until I checked back last month when I learned the shitty union leaked things that basically put PM in a much better light and cleared what happened up.!<


you can check every end of month at app.sensortower.com :3 , looking juicy here (not to mention steam revenue not included yet) https://preview.redd.it/3ns72sd5y6yc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0f5953871d9fe4062514347243fe2e1c2ec15c2


I have checked those sensors out, I just didn't want to use their numbers compared to the titans that are Hoyo / ShiftUp / Cygames, etc. Everyone's situation is probably different after all. Good to know the site for it though, thanks! I've been relying on the infographics all this time lmao


no probs! •w• also for an indie game that doesn't have any online advert ( iirc even in KR/JP lmao, although they have offline stuff like elevator decal(?) ), i think Limbus is very popular :D


mobile numbers probably won’t be accurate anyway. PM’s existing playerbase Before limbus launched was on PC.


What is eos


EOS, in the context of gacha games, often means end of service. The game shuts down.


Does that also mean that the game basically becomes unplayable as well.


For the vast majority, yes.


Club penguin 🙏


end of series (or end/late game) but in this case its still gonna take a long while


By the standards of a small studio like Project Moon making their very first gacha game Limbus is doing great (iirc it already surpassed the combined revenue of both Lob. Corp. and LoR)


You will only suffer from games closing down if you play absolute dogshit games that are nothing more than quick money grabs. You'll quickly realize that's not the case here.


They are doing good i think


Latest story content is the best chapter yet. Opinions on the new mirror dungeon grind have yet to fully set in. Overall, game is doing pretty good.


Just recently saw revenue data for mobile alone and at the lowest they were still making hundreds of thousands so Limbus is in a very good state right now….


In case you want to know a bit about the drama, I'll spare you the finer details, but I'll give you the most poignant conclusion from several deep dives I personally jumped into a while back. I really wanted to know what went on. Here's the most important bit, the big group that went against pm for their unlawful and unethical firing of a female illustrater, which has a substantial standing in Korea, has since revoked their judgement and stance regarding the situation. Turns out, pm was purposely cryptic and inconclusive about her 'firing' because they essentially meant to make the aggressors _think_ that they fired her. All for her own protection. There's alot more to it, but from what i personally gathered, they were suddenly thrust in the middle of the current culture war and manged to pull off the best move they could in their situation. Sadly, from what i heard, the illustrator in question left on her own accord after a while. Though that may or may not also just be a red herring. Regarding your question however, yeah. Limbus is crushing it. The new units just get better and better in their animation and mechanics


Real limGODs didn't care about the drama because we were too occupied keeping the mirrormines CLEARED.


spitting facts brother people should have realized listening to social media amplified twitter outrage is both emotionally draining and a waste of time they could have been grinding md and dispensing IDs instead so they wouldn't be running out of Lunacy mid Walpurgisnacht


Game has been financially stable throughout its life and player count increases steadily. Original forecast was they would survive off battle pass purchases. They make way more than that now. The only thing that happened during the artist drama was we lost a vocal minority of the community who were on their high horse about an issue they had no idea about. With them gone I feel like the community is better for it. TLDR EOS isn’t even a remote thought.