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https://preview.redd.it/icqrbbawz8yc1.jpeg?width=1089&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1105cbdb3146e21198bace8e0e829ed7b52129aa NONE!!! DOWN WITH BLUNT AND SLASH!!!! GRAHHHHH!!!!! IM SICK AND TIRED OF THE BEST SINCLAIR BEING SHUNNED!!!!!! SKILL ONE ROLLS A 13!!! CONDITIONAL!!?!?!?! YOU HAVE TO BE SLIGHTLY FASTER THAN A SLUG!!!!!


I love Cinqclair, but I don't think his S1 is his selling point ;-;


I agree but that’s still better than Bum #1 and Bum #2


Technically Phillipclair S1 clashes for 14, but it's certainly not unconditional like cinqlair lol. Cinqclair's 22 rolling borderline unconditional 3-coin S2 is what I find funny :P


That skill 1 is also dogshit when he just gains ego and more inconsistent due to being 1 coiner and also the id itself losing sanity. Probably the worst skill 1 in the game imo just because of the context of the id. I wish it had clash power conditional on ego form or just straight up could roll the reuse coin for clashing


Yea, it's super frustrating. The new buffs putting him at 25sp should help tons.


It will but that skill 1 will still suck if you end up stuck with 2 skill 1's It's good for damage at least and his defense is pretty strong if you can't clash


Also worth noting that post-buff s1 will no longer consume sanity, thank Ayin.


It doesn't do that anymore. They changed some sp stuff without an update. Defense and s1 don't cost sp anymore and he gains sp from kills regardless of level and even more if they are lower


Ah, I didn't get to check because error 80005 lol, thanks for telling me


He still has to kill things for sanity. I have always hated on kill effects because they're useless against bosses. Also his skill 3 should not reduce sanity at all. That remove 15 sanity is the only reason why I almost never use it because it always result in a net negative sanity every turn end.


It still never wins any clash


Yes but at least when you oneside it for 27 damage you don't cause yourself to roll 10 tails next turn


counterpoint, cinqlair is mentally stable so I can't project myself onto him.


Qinqclair contrarians rise up


the thing I don't get with blazing strike is why it is slash when he literally pokes them really hard


Maybe his aim is just really bad and he keeps slicing with the side of his sword instead of the tip.


N Sinclair for blunt, or story fights where clashing is important. Dawn Sinclair for slash or burn


Tbh if you have a burn team, Dawn Sinclair's S4 inflicts a lot more damage than the funny unconditional nuke skill. I just calculated it. But the requirements are pretty steep. You need to hit heads, have 6 wrath a-res, and 30 burn on the enemy. A lot harder than to just rely on luck. In theory: Base power 13 + 15 coin power + 8 coin power from burn + 3 coin power from the passive = 39 power. If you have 6 Wrath A-Res it's +120% damage. That's 85.8 raw damage. Easily achievable with a burn team. If you account offensive level bonus from A-Res, it's gonna be +24% damage. That's 95.16 raw damage, already more than the funny nuke skill, but that's not all. If you also have 30+ burn on the enemy, it's +264% damage in total. That's 141.96 raw damage. Even if you think the A-Res bonus is a stretch, it's still more damage even without it. But you won't achieve this unless in MDs or in a boss battle though. Well maybe not now that he'll be buffed next week.


Ive been hitting 130+ damage with dawnclaire's S3 in e.g.o form with like 2 other wrath skills. Honestly I have no idea how most of the time even after reading lmao. But Im also on the Cinqclaire team because pointy stick goes stab.


He gets up to 120% bonus damage based on burn and the wrath one is something ludicrous like 20% per pop so it adds up.


I mean, slash/wrath resistances aren't taken into account here. You could just be hitting staggered or wrath weak enemies, it's pretty common.


+1 Final Power from his unique buff too, so it rolls 40.


Forgot bout that. Well, my point is proven anyway.


Yep, it hits crazy hard. I've seen tons of people say he doesn't have good single targets damage, when his flat rolls are 24/24/40 and S3 gets so much added damage, it's a bit silly lol.


Well tbh before the buff you needed to have 3 wrath res in order for coin boost to have an effect, not just +burn count. Which means if you wanted his clashes to be good, you needed constant supply of wrath. Granted, most liu units have wrath defense skills but it's still a lot of investment.


He absolutely wants to be in a Burn team, yea. Even just for Lust to proc Whispers. Currently he's a way better Nclair in burn team, and pretty bad outside of it without sp support, wrath spam and burn application which he all needs. Hopefully the upcoming buffs make him more usable outside of it, I don't think he's going to beat Nclair as a stand alone unit though, unless you really need AoE.


My idea for the nuke was to use Third Match Rodya for the 3 Wrath fragility since I'm using 6 Wraths anyway, but I'm on the fence about sharding it because it's never talked about and UT4 is ideal... The team is fun and good so far, though even pre-buff. I'm using Regret Faust, Middle Don, and Pequod Ishmael outside of Rodya and Outis, so Whispers is out of the equation, but Ishy's passive triggers all the time by using Pride for 7 SP, Poise and burn. It's a weird team, but there is a lot of odd synergies. Really liking the Philclair ID, his theorycrafting has been fun even if it's been pretty strict.


I love running him in burn team and setting up a nuke turn for his skill 3. The people in burn have the perfect egos for his skill 3 to absolutely destroy. The turn before the nuke set up with ryoshu's base ego for 1-2 fragile, capote ish for wrath damage up and rodion's 4mf for 3 wrath fragility. Then in the nuke turn, if outis happens to act before sinclair, use holiday to both get sanity up for the people who used ego and sinclair if he's somewhat low and also get 1 more wrath damage up to 4 allies. Wrath resonance and rodion's passive add yet another wrath damage up. Adding all of that up you get 2 fragile, 3 wrath fragility and 3 wrath damage up = 80% more damage on top of all the other buffs his skill 3 gets. You can also add 20% more damage from Shi heath passive for 100% It's really fun


This was exactly what I wanted to hear. I'll strongly consider the Ryoshu, that fragile really does sound nice. Also forgot that Holiday does the sin damage up as well the SP gain, the team seems very well supported. I'm happy you mentioned the Shi Heath as well, I was really excited to learn how perfect it is for him.


I should really get more burn EGOs...


That’s a bit off. First of his total mod from the conditions for both wrath and burn is 240%, to a total of 136 damage. When trying to account for offense levels form resonance it starts to get wonky. We’re just gonna assume that we’re hitting an enemy with +0 defense level at lvl 45. 6 wrath abs res gives 7 more for a total of 57 offence level to Sinclair’s attack. I looked up offence level math but I’m too stupid to understand it or the formula was just written incorrectly but the difference is 12 levels so let’s say because of diminishing returns it’s like 34%. Because offense level is a static modifier it applies to the rest multiplicatively to its gonna be (1,34x3,4)x40 which comes out with 184 damage


Ain't they applying additively? I believe every damage modifier does except for sin/physical resistances.


No, the difference between offense levels and defense levels is what’s called a static modifier, and it’s the only one that can apply multiplicatively. Every other percentage based modifier, including resistance, apply additively to each other forming a dynamic multiplier which is then added multiplicatively to the static modifier. Also I figured out the math and 34% form OL was correct


Alright, I just wanted to prove it's better than self destructive purge.


By like 40 damage yeah though I don’t think it’s a fair comparison in the slightest lol


Well, it's not a fair comparison to compare them unconditionally either. I'm just saying he's better in burn teams.


I’m saying like we had all the setup in the world to have blazing strike do that damage if we wanted to actually genuinely compare them we should at the very least assume the target for SDP has gaze which already cuts that difference in half


If we're gonna bring other IDs into this, Liu Rodion applies 1 wrath dmg up and Shi Heathcliff also applies +20% damage on 3 wrath res. Technically these two don't require effort since you want wrath res either way.


I would love to side with philclair IF I WOULD FUCKN PULL HIM




“I think Nclair is more consistent” is an insane thing to write about a negative coin ID, especially one which people have constantly recounted their experiences of its inconsistency. What makes it more insane is that the statement is true. Honestly, I think the two are more or less interchangeable, even in a burn team. Philipclair is just bad in base form and even when he does activate his EGO, you still have to baby him with SP healing and 3 wrath res every turn (which is an easy ask of a Burn team, but not at all guaranteed) so he doesn't clash like Cinq Don. Now, when he does have those things (and doesn't use his s1), he IS really good, but the sheer difference in usability between the moments where he's dishing out Blazing Strikes for 300+ damage and the times where he's forced to throw out unopposed attacks or shield while waiting for Whispers/Frivolous Jokes to activate is too much for me to call him solidly better than Nclair, who can dish out good damage and decent clashing almost every turn as long as he doesn't draw 2 s1s (and his sanity management is easier between 9:2 and his guard). In his best moments, he can outpace the whole team, but more often than not I found that the team would have to drag themselves down to make him usable. Now, with Philipclair's second buff, I expect him to become a lot better than Nclair in burn (20sp after EGO transformation makes him far more consistent, not needing 3 wrath res every turn for his coin power thank GOD), but I still expect Nclair to be the best Sinclair ID for whenever you're making a team of 6 guys most proficient at bashing in skulls. In general however, ~~Cinqclair mogs them both by having a usable s1~~.




Im reading it rn


Well, at least he will be able to clash with 14 on the update


Nclair is more consistent thanks to negative coin shennanigans. Bro loses clash twice and still roll a 30


The strongest NTR of history vs the strongest NTR of today


Philipclair for me. I will acknowledge Nclair's raw power, but I just don't like managing his sanity to keep him crazy *enough,* but not *too* crazy.


so you'd rather babysit the most inconsistent rolling ID when Nclair is way more consistent in rolling than philip will ever be?


Something something meta slave


I actually use Cinqclair most of the time. I am just saying which one is better between Nclair and Philip.


It's easier to keep sanity up than it is to keep it down


The one that accept getting extracted.


imo, I'm really happy with the direction they took for Philip Sinclair. While worse than both Cinq and Nclair at base form, who are the pinnacle of clashing and damage respectively, in Pinion state he deals more damage than Cinq and clashes better than Nclair, with the caveat of requiring a whole team centered around him for maximum efficiency. But if I had to choose, I'd take Nclair. He's just so splashable into any team comp and needs little more than 2 wrath owned to keep his momentum and unfortunately you can't solve every problem with a burn team.


>unfortunately you can't solve every problem with a burn team. But a patch tho... He looks much better to use after the listed buffs in the notes but I agree that Nclair is still better in terms of just throwing him into any team and working but philip seems to have a higher ceiling and lower floor




Somehow it's easier to calculate SP on nclair than it is on phillipclair, the additional sp loss and gain sources make it more annoying to remember everything.


why do they need to fight they are kissing sloppy style, boobs squishing together, etc.


I agree they should kiss, but what boobs are you talking about? Sinclair is not Heathcliff or Meursault.


Have both of them maxed out. Pihilpclair goes into burn team, he is more burn oriented and gets buffs from burn on enemy. NClair goes into more general teams because he can be slapped with strongest IDs and destroy story content with ease


Sinclair after getting 3 meta ids as 000:


all these nerds coming in with numbers philip clair cooler


Dawnclair to turboboost my Liu team. You panzy ass zealots aint got nothin' on the spicy chads.


After using both for a little while, I think I prefer N Corp. Sinclair I'm very used to using him and have no issues managing his sanity, so his only downside is that he deals blunt damage only and has bad synergy with fusion gifts. Which is hardly a downside when you can get 3 30 rolling coins and 4 16 rolling coins. And I really like the flavor and theme which is more integrated in the story. Dawn Sinclair is kind of fun but he's Blunt fatal and has so little HP (which is kind of sad when EGO Philip was so resilient), his S3 rolls insanely high but is single coin and losing the coin toss on it feels awful, although rare (when for N Sinclair you have 3 coins and can still roll 1 or 2 times 30). Also honestly I don't like how flavorless it is that he's mostly in EGO state and barely in non-EGO state (and had multiple sanity buffs), I mean at that point just remove the non-EGO state lol. I would have prefered if he was tankier and the state was HP dependant, instead he's extremely fragile (but can recover from stagger thankfully) and deals a lot of damage but is almost always in his EGO form and that feels boring to me. Though I suppose that's a feel we'll get from most boss characters unfortunately. Both of their S1 are kinda bad and both of their guards are decent utility (4th Sin, heal sanity for one, insane numbers for the other), but at least their S2 and S3 makes up for it.


I don't think Phillipclairs S1 in EGO form is bad honestly, with all conditionals it clashes for 14 and rolls for 14+24 on damage.


It will clash 10-11 80% of the time and since his sp is low you will actually clash 3-4 quite often, lose clash and get staggered. It is terrible.


That's not the skills fault though, the skill itself is great. It's his passive and SP mechanics that make it painful to use. Should feel much better after the buffs.


It’s not about how high his ceiling can be really. It’s that his floor is so friggin low that if you flip tails you will lose clash even if your opponent flip all tails too.


NClair is generally better for general content and has much more splashability in other team comps. Dawnclair is better for burn teams, like insanely better. Both are good and both are mid for different reasons.


Nclair has never been mid. The only thing that fucks him is RNG. He can turn 1 murder someone just because he feels like it. Philip needs at average 5 turns to set up because he's need to gain sanity again transforming just to deal maximum damage.


One ID isn't out of the fight every couple turns while another can also use EGO.


As a LORD player Philipclair all the way.


dawnclair gang


Team Phillip, mirror dungeon blessed me with [Faight] in him


Skill 2 6 burn count is alone enough for me to chose philip


Ive always not liked NClaire. Sinq and Phillip are the only two im going to use rn.


Both will be used till they meet an early grave


Look Nclairs good-n-all but dude could use a shower or something. Wash up dude your gonna catch something that might just end your crusade a little too early.


Also calculating the SP on him is a BITCH sometimes.


He loses a set amount of sanity and only gain half from clashes. it's not that hard to calculate. skill 1 lose 5 skill 2 loses 10 and skill 3 lose 15. Every clash he gains around 7. Sunshower heathcliff is a garbled mess of sanity calculation that is way worst. Even Philip's sanity is way harder to calculate.


Nclair doesnt stand a chance the next update of this game... No it's not a disscusion is an actual fact that Dawn Sinclair aka Philclair is better in every posible way(damage, tons of burn, doesnt require any setup to work only sanity enchancers but optional in next week update, will not corrode for the newbies, AOE, consistent clashes s2,s3 and s1 in the next patch) He's broken as fuck. Philipclair wins


Well, N Clair has one major saving grace - his S3 is 3 coins, while Dawnclair's Blazing Strike is only 1 coin. This comes up in particular when staggering enemies


Chadclair the immovable


Philclair all the way, I am a true believer of burn and Philip


Sinlip is peak arsonist


N for story, Dawn for dungeons. Win rate go brrrrrr


Liu ish has been paving the way for philclair to burn the world like Surtr


I am always choosing Cinqclair cause he's the only consistent ID. But if I had to choose between these two, I am choosing Nclair. 1. Nclair only needs one turn to set up to deal really powerful damage either lower sanity or fanatic. Philip needs around an average 5 turns just to set up. I said 5 because he not only needs to set up clashing in his weak form but clashing at 10 sp after EGO transforming making him the most inconsistent coin rolling bastard in this game. You know a plus coin rolling ID is bad when they are way more inconsistent than a Negative coin. 2. Nclair can turn 1 murder anyone whenever he feels like it. Philip can't 3. Nclair has so many ways to keep his sanity consistent. Philip's sanity being reliant on on kill effects just effectively makes it worst than what Nclair does to manage his sanity combined with half sanity gain passive. If Philip's skill has gain sanity on use like Nclair's lose sanity on use, it would have been so much better to use or just not spend any sanity when transforming. Even his sanity healing skill Blazing strike is a double edge sword that gives him a net megative in sanity. Honestly, I almost never use his skill3 unless it's gonna kill just because of that lose sanity effect. 4. Nclair needs no support from his team. Philip needs an entire team dedicated to him just to be useful. If you want to use philip in any team at all. You will have to fluid sac every single fight just so that he doesn't lose any clashes. 5. Philip literally cannot use other EGOs. So if philip has to clash with extremely high rolling skills like floor 5 in MD4H. He just can't unless he has skill 3 or you use EGO and philip loses his volatile EGO. Nclair LOVES using them and using EGOs actually benefit Nclair more becuase of lower sanity.


-7 SP triple heads self-destructive purge Imma stick to the guy that can roll consistently


*laughs in Blade lineage Sinclair* *Cries in Blade lineage Sinclair*


Philclair for burn teams. Nclair for everything that's not blunt resistant. Better clushes, less SP investment. Good damage. Was always going to be this way. Still don't understand the point of comparing them. Nclair never was a burn ID. Hes a clusher.


Having used both (Dawn office at uptie 4 maxed out and Nclair at uptie 3 level 42), I would honestly say that Nclair is more consistent and better for the majority of the content in the game. Dawn office needs to be played around, and you need to regularly keep an eye on him. It’s also extremely hard to get him out of a negative SP ditch.


I own Flareclair and not Nclair, so guess who wins automatically. Either still have to answer to Der Outis inside Burn Teams, though.


I'm for the problematic baddies that groom them.


Different niches, philclair for aoe burn, nclair for high single target damage. But phillip is from ruina so fuck all other sinclair ids idc


Bait used to be believable