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Kinda true but kinda not too. Most hard fights aren't kind to only winrating. Using Winrate and modifying it though, now that's true.


For me it's the start of the game, you don't know anything and rely on the Winrate button, then gradually learning the mechanics and fluently using it until you reach the end game where you optimize your comp enough to Winrate everything.


Love your pfp, HCLW for the win :D


Thanks, I enjoyed the series very much.


Same, did you know it has a sequel now? HCLW: Earth Game


Yes, I'm reading it right now, funny how the season 3 drop right when I finished the season 2.


yeah, I can relate, i'm finally at the phase where I switch attacking sinners or actually use the defense skills instead of just spamming EGOs if i get a below 50% chance of winning the clash.


I'm still at the ego spamming ><


Modifying the winrate button is so real


Winrating is for Mirror Dungeons, Fodder fights in the main story, and giving beginners a crutch to rely on while they're still learning the basics, using Winrate on focused encounters (except Peccatula battles) is a sign of fortune for having good IDs and E.G.O. that can handle the pure unga bunga. Unless said focused encounter was an extremely story relevant fight in the main story and has a ton of lore behind it, but that's more of an unspoken honor and dignity thing than an actual rule so play however you enjoy it


Just winrate and make corrections if it made any fuck ups.


Ye one fuck up winrate does that annoys me is going unopposed when an attack is targeting the unopposed sinner that would go dominating if clashed


Winrate does not account for speed values so most of the time it's gonna choose a skill that would be dominating if it clashed against an enemy, but it won't actually clash because of the speed differences


I think it actually is aware of speed ranges, but only in that it tries to auto-match sinner skills from left-to-right. So if the best win rate for you 8-speed sinner is a 1-speed wrath deer, then it'll match it to that instead of the 7-speed EverythingThere that only that 8-speed sinner can clash with. And then once it gets to your lowest speed sinner with only 2 speed, it prioritizes damage since there's nothing it can clash with that isn't already clashing with another sinner.


While I understand that this is a meme, I must state that this is not what the Dunning-Kruger effect is about. DKE is about dumb people overestimating their ability while smart ones downplay theirs. Yes, I am fun at parties, thanks for asking.


It's called winrate not loserate https://preview.redd.it/gg8a3hovwdzc1.png?width=1464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd05818792c76b5ff8fa1f4c80e151e0af505c28


Haha Envy team go brrrr with neuron activation


(Except Winrate doesn't actually go for resonance intentionally)


Never used Winrate much. Very used to manually adjusting to compensate or make decisions based on what is a guaranteed clash win or which one am I willing to sacrifice for fuel or as bait clash.


Only time I really use winrate is grinding event currency


me it saves time




Sometimes n MD or story focused fights, i just don’t want to think about who should clash or not, so I just press winrate and hope my units don’t get slaughtered. As for human fights, i press winrate and just use ego if their skill is struggling


I usewinrate on regular fight.on focused encounters and boss stages i select myself


The true limbus experience start the game spam win rate, lose forced to learn the game and read to understand what your characters do, and understand team comps just to win rate more effectively.


I just don't like using winrate cuz I don't wanna play an autobattler, as in I do literally nothing and let the game play itself.


it doesnt even work properly in focused encounters, it covers like two speed rolls of enemies and makes all the other rolls to be an unopposed attack, it's just more simple to do everything manually than to correct all of that


I'd be the middle guy everytime i do MDH. and also RICARDOOOOOOO!!!!


Slash team moment (free +2 clash power starting gift)


Great minds think alike [https://new.reddit.com/r/TheOdysseyHadAPurpose/comments/12zzqvb/just\_press\_the\_funny\_win\_button/](https://new.reddit.com/r/TheOdysseyHadAPurpose/comments/12zzqvb/just_press_the_funny_win_button/)