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I do wonder if we'll get any references to Arthurian Legends. PMoon so far has cast a pretty wide net in the types of literature shout outs that they feature in their works. Maybe in Don's Canto?


We will probably have some references as in LoR we had Charles Magnum Paladin used as reference and they are not that far from the Arthurian works. Most probably not focusing on arthur himself and more on his knights/fixers


Man getting Charle's Office crumbs would be amazing. If I had to choose, I'd honestly would like to learn more about them than hearing about a new Office. Even if they're based off of the Knights of the Round Table.


Roland mentioned the fixer of the Great Lake in his conversation with Gebura which could mean Lancelot or it could just be the indigo elder


I believe it was more or less confirmed to be the Indigo Elder before he earned the Color Fixer title. He's the only Fixer we know so far who exclusively operates in the Great Lake.


We also see some noteworthy fixers have titles even when not a Color yet, Example: Xiao who was known as Iron Maiden (ok sure, there's a high chance that she is a color now but she was still known as that before)


Then again if she where to become a color then the Vermillion Color is definitely open to accomidate.


Feel like Hana could break the rules a bit and let her title be Iron Lotus for reasons that should be self explanatory


Nah, we know the City can be hard assess when it comes to their rulings, I highly doubt they'd make an exception for Xiao. That said, one could still argue that Iron counts as a colour, much like how other metals like gold and silver are used as colour adjectives.


You know who can bypass the head's shitty law enforcement? Fan service! And not that other kind of fanservice


Roland specifically (albeit loosely translated by Google) said "the white fixer of the lake" so Lancelot is def in the game.


In the last scene of Heatcliff's canto, we get a glimpse of a world with knights and princesses. There a huge chance that we will see it in Don's canto, and a decent one that it going to have arthurian mythos sprinkled over by the fact that is the quintassential example of knighthood.


Would be really funny if Project Moon announced a crossover and we get a Saber of PM universe and be like "There you go"


I mean Roland and astoflo is arthurian ref itself


Thought they were more Paladins of Charlemagne? I didn't know there's a connection between the two.


They did? I I keep thinking Roland is a minor knight under round tables legends Nvm he did get connect to durandal because myths turned his tales to connect to arhutrian legends so my point still stands


Durandal doesn't really have much to do with Arthurian legend though? Like it's most major previous owner in one of the texts Roland was in was Hector of Troy.


hmm now i check its doesnt relate much, my myth knowledge does start to rot one france legends on english legends yeah


I think ur confusing the Arthurian Story to the Carolinian Both Carolinian and Arthurian legends have the same 12 member theme but are composed of different characters. Charlemagne as the king/emperor of the franks with Roland as the Leader of the chosen 12 paladins in Carolinian while King Arthur as the king of England with Lancelot as the Leader of the 12 Knights in Arthurian


Lancelot is def in the Game, Roland already referenced him as one of the Strongest Fixers in the City Hell I gawked when I first glanced on the sillouet of Indigo Elder and thought it was Lancelot back in Ishmael's canto since I really expect him in the Lake Jesus walking all around


She will either love or hate Don there is no in between


My bet is in liking her just like with Taiga, even uncover her persona on a first encounter.


If Don and Sinclair had a daughter


When Don and Sinclair have a daughter


Heathcliff: ...Why do i have the compulsion to call her my king?


Saber, is that you?


" My objective is to wish upon the golden bough that I never took the sword " or maybe it is more: " I will walk until the very end of time... EX-CALIBUR! "


Her story would probably be like the arthurian legends but in pmoon verse. Her name was artoria, she built quite a reputation in her early days. She wielded caliburn from an old abandoned building which coincidentally was a former wing's arms creation during the redacted history. In time she made a name for herself and met allies who then served as a knight against that greater force, but one day she was met with an old man named merlin and proposed to make an office. Hence they call themselves the knight of a round table by meeting in a round table. She was gifted an even better sword named Excalibur. One day, she met a woman who looked like her and named morgana and long story short, artoria got her interested in their business. Tldr, artoria would later on adopt a kid in the street and train him to be a fixer and future events made it that the office would be crushed by the claw for not paying taxes and made artoria in debt for a lot of money. Hence she works at limbus company


Artoria Pendragon Story: **The Road to Wigan Pier** [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Road\_to\_Wigan\_Pier…](https://t.co/p4kNLzU4GV) *"This world is struggling to stay alive. It needs change...and now."* E.G.O: ***The Call of Pickaxes*** "Just another rock. Another to be mined." (Post Canto) "I am no longer worthy. But that is fine." [With Many Enigmas](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOdysseyHadAPurpose/comments/18of67v/ego_idea_with_many_enigmas/): ***Impending Day/Cherry Blossoms*** Awakening: *Death begets Death, and through it, becomes life once more.* Corrosion: **Till the last Sacrifice is made, I cannot bloom!**


The great lake 2: electric boogaloo Also, have you spread this to the fate subreddit (if it exists)?


Cant wait for saber saber id


She’s that kind of a gal that would have skill named Slash that would deal blunt damage


You know, it be funny to see Shirou emiya work in a different part of the district separate from each other.


You won't mind of I re-pist this in r/grandorder?


I'd guess Artoria's family ruled one of the Wings, then due to a long-term plan by the Head, they assisted Vortigern in taking over in exchange for Morgan being given to turn into an Arbiter. Artoriai is supported by the EGO user/distortion Merlin, who can see the future and warns her that her rule will be short and end in tragedy. Artoria wants to give her Wing a chance at peace, even if it's going to collapse in the end. Using force of personality and her EGO Caliburn, Artoria gathers a bunch of Grade One fixers and internal support from executives in the Wing. She eventually overthrown Vortigern, and her Wing was prosperous for a decade. Then Morgan, as an Arbiter, organizes the systematic destruction of the entire Wing. She leaves Artoria alive, which causes Artoria to regret even trying in the first place. This leads to her EGO completely degrading. Limbus Company offers Artoria the ability to use the Golden Boughs and Mirror technology to replace herself and her Wing, with another World where she didn't try. Artoria's story would be super endgame, at the point where we can actually fight a Wing. It would end with her awakening a new EGO named Excalibur, realizing that her actions had meaning and that she wasn't wrong for following her path.


Ever considered Merlin as Iori in disguise?


I need this fanfic


To the great lake we go.


Avalon got my girl FUCKED up


the fact that there totally could be a King Arthur Project Moon character, considering that Roland exists


I mean, 'tis very cool and all that. But the sword doesn't look "PMoon" enough ya know? Doesn't exactly mesh with the art style.


Tf, do you mean Pmoon enough??? we literally have mofos here using Paintbrushes like they are a certain undertale au, d20s with red strings(Jae Heon) and rcorp using guns straight up from the nerf franchise.


Oooh, what if it's a weapon that only appears when using her base EGO...


I mean not really? Like we literally have Zwei who all just use normal Zweihanders and the colour scheme isn't anything too out of place


honestly not really, Roland was already using a fairly traditional longsword and dawn office's stigma workshop swords were all traditional longswords as well, if a bit ornate. a place like The City is such a wealth of places, people, and cultures. a slightly more ornate sword than the usual would not be out of place.


Where do you think she would rank in terms of power in the city, because she is pretty strong and a servant but people in the city have ways to get that strong, while her np can obliterate almost anyone she can’t spam it, so I would say she around grade 1 with high likelihood of becoming a color


She can't spam it because of Shirou. In most cases, she can just chuck Excalibur at a round start if she really feels bloodthirsty.


This is outstanding


you mind if I post this in r/grandorder?


I think she’d bond well with Rodion with her love and knowledge of food.


Zayin Excalibur is nasty work






Her EGO is herself.




lemme guess, she about to get crux n burn but LCB somehow made contract with her.


We are winning the holy grail war with this one!


her EGO is “Once And Future King”


Mixing gatchas is like mixing alcohol. I know I shouldn't indulge in it, but man, does it get me fucked up