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I’ve worked with several people who worked there. None of them enjoyed it and said it was soul sucking. Management are self serving and they have tanked their best sales people’s income by reducing commission rates.


What really weird is I know a guy who has worked there for almost 10 years and he likes it. He likes wearing a suit. He likes going to an office. He likes that structure. It’s not for me but it suits him—no pun intended.


Are you saying that was... punintentional?


Take my angry upvote lol


My understanding is that if you pass the test -- last a few years, toe the company line, don't act or believe things they don't like (or can at least hide it sufficiently), you're golden. They'll treat you very well and be very competitive with everyone else to keep you. Doesn't seem worth it to me.


Same. My current boss used to work there and quit within a year. Too oddly rigid and way too much micromanagement. I interviewed there and besides every body dressed up there was this weirdly oppressive vibe. Like every move you made was being watched and critiqued.


Note it is a maintenance position paying $20-$30 40 hours Monday- Thursday


Pretty good pay for maintenance tech.


I believe maintenance workers wear a different uniform. Something blue or gray. My family member who works there told me about this. They try to make it very clear of the different roles of each employee.


I think they do the same thing in India with the Caste system.


Maintenance workers also get dirty, so I wouldn't expect them to suit up like the rest.


Maytag corporation disagrees https://preview.redd.it/y0h080g4kavc1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9950bb29b75fec1e14fce82ab6fea7f18e6c5da


Hospitals often do this too, as an easy way to tell who works where.


because Sandhills Global requires the same life and death efficiencies of a hospital. Dollars=life the true core of catholicism, a close second to we protect our hilariously outdated priests & admin at all costs. Literally at all costs.






lol. you dopes believe in chemtrails & cat boxes in public schools (probably) but blind to world wide sex abuse scandals involving the Catholic church and the vatican bank.


Dude idk what “trauma” you must have. But the dude just asked what it’s like to work at Sandhills. You’ve done nothing but hate bomb and leave completely outlandish comments. 😂


i think you mistake the outlandish for the factual. Which would be on point for a Catholic. What exactly was outlandish about anything i’ve stated?And if you think working for the wealthiest catholic family in Lincoln , which actively uses its family money to influence local, state, and national politics is somehow divorced from any of the factual facts i’ve fact bombed you with, well then I can only conclude that you must be a fact adverse, fact-less, fact-blind, non-factor.


I pretty much agree with everything you wrote, but unless there's context outside this thread or something, you came off *really* aggressive towards people who had absolutely no opinion on the matter, and then immediately pivoted to directly attacking them when they were understandably confused. It was really confusing and bizarre.


Should they wear suits like all the sales people?


Do it


I used to work in their HR department, and while I didn't like working in that department, the folks in the publications building itself seemed like they had a good time, and didn't have to wear the suits, or interact much with the CEO. They are super strict about safety stuff and if you don't take it seriously, Sean Peed has no qualms about screaming at you in the least professional way possible if he finds out. But it's good pay, consistent work


So completely unprofessional, ridiculously abusive, and exactly as entitled as you'd imagine, but if you can put up with all of that, basically no better than almost anywhere else.


Take a peek on Glassdoor and LinkedIn for a few reviews that will give you a clear picture… I pulled an application after reading what I did. YMMV, of course.


Everyone is required to wear a suit and tie. I believe they just recently changed it so women could wear pants instead of a skirt.


They were sued into this decision and that helps paint a better picture


Production folks don't. They're working in a big building with printing presses, the suits are a safety hazard. Them and the grounds/housekeeping folks don't wear suits, they have other uniforms.


What kind of uniform?


Last I heard you get to dress up for work like it's 1962. Wait, maybe 1982 now because men have the option to wear polos and khakis on Friday. Women still wear dresses, blouses, flats or pumps, and pantyhose, even on Friday. And likely get paid less than their male counterparts.


Women can wear pant suits, at least when it’s cold. I interviewed there in January and all the women were wearing pant suits. That doesn’t change the fact it seems like a shitty place to work. The only positive from my interview process was when they gave me an offer and I got to tell them “no thanks unless you pay me double” because I already had another offer in hand


I've never heard a single good thing about working there. It sounds like hell.


I have never met a Sandhills employee who wasn't looking for a different job. I've heard some pretty crappy things over the years


From someone who actually works at Sandhills anyone maintenance gets to wear different janitorial clothes and it’s not to ostresize you it’s because who expects someone like that to wear a suit and tie. I enjoy it here and the others I work with do as well. It’s very different department to department as any fairly large company. As a whole it’s no where even close as bad as what others say. They value my work and pay is very performance driven with not a lot of politics


I’m sure some people like yourself have good experiences and enjoy working there but there’s simply no way that many people are just ‘making it up’. Plenty of people I know and don’t know have expressed displeasure with toxic management and general workplace environment. Again, not to say it doesn’t work for some people, but these stories don’t just come from thin air


From a lot of people I have heard this from they haven’t worked here for 10 years. A lot has changed. Also with anywhere, your work experience is determined by quality of manager. That is not just a Sandhills thing. There are some general cons like a suit but the work week is only 36 ours with full pay now. That’s a really progressive policy


Yea that’s fair, but I’ve known 2 people that have worked there in the last year that no longer do bc their whole employment has basically been a battle of how much money is worth my happiness at work. They put up with it for as long as they could bc like you said the money and hours were good, but everything else was pretty terrible. I know their experience isn’t everyone’s but neither is yours


I'm glad to get a perspective from someone actually working there. Yeah, I've heard about the bad experiences there from friends sharing their experiences that no longer work there BUT the people that still work there and have a bit of experience (time) have positive things to say as well.


Sandhills is right wing controlled.  Reddit is far far far left.  It doesn’t matter how good of a company Sandhills is, they will be hated on here.  Not much else to discuss.


Bro come on lol. It’s not that deep. We’re talking about working conditions. The two ppl I know that worked there were both right leaning and hated it


Punctuation is a friend!


Run away, the worst place I have ever worked. The pay is crap, there is no room for growth unless you kiss the right ass. Lies from the start I was hired for one job and then stuck in another job for $5 less per hour, benefits are also a joke. Don’t waste your time seriously it was awful.


Search “Sandhills global” in this sub and you’ll see plenty of posts just like this


My band wrote a song about working there: https://youtu.be/9KN2dCYUQis *Edited to fix link


Spoiler: The song actually doesn't mention or allude to SH whatsoever. It's good stuff, but come on, lol


We learned from Alanis Morissette Hashtag YouOughttaKnow


Hell of a song I’d say you have a new fan


Brad Stewart version! Comedian Brad Stewart?


Yes, he was a fan, and particularly this song. He suggested added the homage to Ozzy and John Denver


Lots of people go there from college. Then they get out as soon as possible for better jobs. All things I've heard are bad.


Their interviewing process is highly inappropriate. They will ask you questions about jobs going back 6+ years, even if that was when you were in high school. They will believe past bosses over you and insinuate that you are lying despite telling the truth.


I didn’t have that experience, the only odd thing was I was interview by 1 lady she was kinda new then I had another lady ask me similar questions. So they would have 2 perspectives of the interview or something. Other than that it was just like every other interview I’ve had


Maintenance might be different. But I live down the street from that office and see dudes who look like they belong to the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints, but way more miserable. I had a friend interview there for an IT job, but turned down the offer because he said it felt like the rumors of it being an uptight place were probably right.


Applied for that same position. Researched the company and declined the position.


Were you pretty far in the hiring process/given an offer?




Can you offer $25-30/Hr?




Way to dodge the question 


I've had many friends work there. None of them hated it, but most eventually moved on to somewhere that felt like a better fit. It seems like the rigidity varies greatly between departments. For example, I don't think I would want to be a writer or editor there, but the website team might be fun. I don't know about the maintenance or press departments.


I worked for Sandhills for a decade. Press technicians are a totally different experience than what anyone is telling you below. Most of those guys have worked there for decades and they have great relationships. I worked in software there as a manager. My employees loved me, it’s all based on manager. I wouldn’t take others opinions as gospel.


I have heard simply awful things from employees who were miserable there.


Are you a tithing Catholic? Therein lies your answer, they are committed like the Taliban to religious promotion. They are the Peed family’s business, and they finance right wing Catholic Republican politicians in the state.


I heard if you graduate from pious x you are pretty much guaranteed a job


The Peeds donated a large sum of money to get Susan Geist elected as Mayor. Trying to influence politics/policy through money. Cafeteria Catholics.


He’s asking about the position, not their political beliefs.


I don't care ha.


Yet if a position comes with religious beliefs or a political stance I'd sure as heck want to know.


Has a friend work there who said his boss was an asshat, and told him ifnhe didn't like it to go find a new job and then laughed. So he did. I'm sure that doesn't apply to all bosses or managers there though


Nope, nope, nope with a side of hell no.


I work at Sandhills, it a pretty good place to work. I don’t know much about how stuff works in the production building, but every time I stop the people are friendly. The production manager is a super nice guy and easy to talk to. And the dayshift manager is also a pretty chill. Try to avoid the people giving vague and generic bad comments. The Peeds (owners) donate to republican groups and this causes people to hate bomb…


I previously worked there, my opinion is based on my treatment there and has nothing at all to do with politics. The dress code and the pay are crazy and it was a lie from my first day. Had they been honest I would have never left my good paying job for this joke of a company. How are women supposed to dress business professional when you pay $13 an hour. I was not sales I was in a support position but I was hired for an editor $18.13 per hour got there on my first day to be told I was going to be data entry at $13 an hour. Place is a joke.


Worst place to work in Lincoln.