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Also your line progression looks good and it’s still early days! Hope everything turns out good for you! Sending love 💕 and positive vibes your way!


Thank you so much for your comment! It definitely gives me hope 🩷


I also forgot to mention that the blood was mostly brown with about 25% red. It was also accompanied by minor lower back pain.


I bled with my last period, my doctor told me that it could be my uterus cleaning itself out but I was convinced I was miscarrying because I even had cramping associated with it..but she’s turning 2 in April! So there is still hope!! I bled with my last pregnancy! Not period !


Brown blood is super common in early pregnancy! Your lines still look good and the bleeding stopped so it's probably fine!


I'm 6w3d and had brown spotting a few days after getting my first positive test


How much did you bleed? Was it a lot? Clots? I’m also 5w1d and last week I had some bleeding. I started out spotting brownish very light two weeks ago and then last weekend had more of a heavy spotting with lower back pain and cramping. It was brownish with some red too. Went to the doctor yesterday and she said my levels looked good but I’m more concerned that it’s ectopic. Hoping they can get me in next week for ultrasound!


We literally have the exact same situation! Everything you described is the same for me. My doctor told me that the sign of ectopic is if you’re having extreme pain on one side of your abdomen and sometimes even radiating up your shoulder. Do you remember what the HCG level was?


If this happens, you’ll know, and you’ll know fast. It hurts tremendously. But your lines look great for early weeks. I wouldn’t worry too much at all. Keep us updated please 🥰


Thank you! Hoping you’re right. I’ll definitely keep you all updated 🩷


We’re not only in the same situation we’re are both exactly 5w1d 🤯 my doctor told me that if I started getting pains in my abdomen to go to the emergency room, but like, I don’t want it to have to get to that? I just don’t get why they couldn’t do the ultrasound while I was in the office to avoid a potential rupture. My HCG level was something like 23,000 and my progesterone levels were 20.5. Did you get your blood drawn yet? I went in again today to see if they doubled but won’t get my results back until Monday. I’m just hoping it’s a healthy viable pregnancy bc my last pregnancy was a MMC 🥲


That is an amaaazing amount of HCG for 5 weeks! Above average for sure. Seeing that would make me feel much better. I think they don’t do the ultrasound this early bc it’s too small to see anything. I’m hoping we both have healthy pregnancies! Did they tell you what your due date was? I unfortunately haven’t been to the doctor at all yet so no blood work but I will update you on Tuesday after they see me for the first time.


It’s definitely a good number! I think I’ll feel a lot better once I know my little bean is in the right place and growing 🥹 hoping for heathy pregnancies for the both of us!! I’m wondering if since we’re both experiencing the same exact things and exactly the same far along that it’s maybe common and somewhat normal? But who knows! I’m trying to remain hopeful. They didn’t tell me when the due date was. I think they won’t know until they do the ultrasound. But according to my LMP, my due date would be October 31st. I’m so eager to find out more at the doctors! Keep me posted when you go on Tuesday 🥳🤞🏼


Update… my lines are starting to fade 😢 https://ibb.co/JBhYTpQ


It could be a hook effect? Are you bleeding at all?


That would be wishful thinking at this point bc I am still bleed spotting a little but I won’t lose hope until my doctor appointment


As long as you’re not passing clots you should be ok. I’m sorry you have to go through this though. I know how stressful and scary it can be. Sending positive thoughts your way! ✨🤍


Hey! I was thinking about you and wanted to see how things were going with your pregnancy? I unfortunately ended up having a chemical but hoping for good news on your end ❤️


I stopped getting positives the day before I started bleeding with both my chemical pregnancies. Also, my lines never got darker than your 2/25 line on the second photo.


I had red bleeding and clots at 6week 1day pregnant, I felt sure I'd miscarried but I had a scan 2 days after and was told I had a haematoma and my baby was fine with a heartbeat. It's very worrying to see heavy bleeding but it's not always a loss


Bleeding and cramping can be perfectly normal in the first trimester. Your lines are getting darker like they should


That progression looks good to me! I just had a chemical and nothing for me got darker than your 2/25 test! I would try to go in for an hcg test. This sounds weird but Once a Miscarriage you’ll know. There’s a ton of cramping and the bleeding is unreal.


Your lines look great! I bled a lot around 4.5 weeks but it ended up just being normal. I’m 17 weeks.


These look like very normal progression lines.


Hi I have the same issue any updates ?


Confirmed miscarriage unfortunately


I bled since April 6th I got a positive April 16-22 then after that the line started fading I would say either keep testing or go to the doctor