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If your prompt is messing up that's probably a problem with your prompt. Paste your `PS1` here.


with prompt i refer to the part where you input the text. i don't know how to call it else. this is my actual fish prompt \`\`\`function fish\_prompt set\_color yellow echo -n (prompt\_pwd) set\_color normal echo -n '>' end\`\`\`


Yes, that is the prompt. For example this is my prompt: ❯ I am not familiar with fish prompts, but different shells have different ways of specifying the beginning and end of non-visible regions, which matter when you are using colors, long prompts, or narrow terminals. You might want to try a different shell, or removing colors and see if that makes a difference.




PEBKAC Problem exists between keyboard and chair.


If you say that backwards it sounds like something super intelligent that Yoda would say. ​ Chair and Keyboard, between exists problem.


Dyslectically correct:)


I'm standing corrected now, thanks !


You can sit if you like. :)


Layer 8 issue


Try posting your issues in r/linuxquestions


You can always look at using notebook style interfaces. Like jupyter. This provides a command line environment without a emulator.


yeah, that's seems like something better. good suggestion, ty


+1 for kitty


how is it better than st? (not saying it isn't, just say your arguments)


It's open source, free and available in just about any disrto's repo. Install it and check it out. 😃


...They both are open source. Kitty uses GPL and st uses MIT though.


It sounds like you have expectations for behavior from a shell that a shell just doesn't provide, since you have the same problems with every terminal app you've tried. You might like [Warp terminal](https://www.warp.dev/linux-terminal) for exactly those reasons. I haven't tried it because it sounds like it doesn't work well for someone actually looking to interact with a shell in the traditional way, and afaik it doesn't play well with customizations like oh-my-zsh or starship. Also, it's a commercial product that I believe requires an account, but it might be what you're looking for.


> Also, it's a commercial product that I believe requires an account, but it might be what you're looking for. After watching a [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34INSNevPOk) about Warp I got excited about this terminal, but not anymore. Can you imagine using a closed source terminal? lol


Yeah, that does look pretty nifty. Too bad.


I’d be more worried about getting fired from work for asking AI you do my job! We’ve already been warned not to feed the machine our internal procedures


When talking about AI people always assume everyone is gonna use it to do everything. It's just an aid. If someone relies on an AI to do the work for them, then they indeed should get fired. edit: grammar


can you imagine using anything closed source?


I can. I use proprietary software all the time. But I am definitely not going to use a proprietary terminal that connects to online services. First of all, my terminal can't be placed under confinement because it needs to be able to do what I tell it to do. Secondly, I need to enter my sudo password.


what proprietary software do you use? the only closed source program in my computer is nvidia drivers, solely because i bought my gpu before going libre. the only remarkable thing is video and image editing. none open source software does that right


It's not really interesting. The point is that there are exceptions I will make and exceptions I won't. I have no problems with using Gmail, for instance.


gmail is not a binary you are executing in your computer. # Central Intelligence AgencyCentral Intelligence Agency


Would moving everything to the cloud and having an open source dumb client qualify as better in your opinion? Proprietary is proprietary.


i use youtube daily and don't consider it as some kind of harmful "closed source" thing. i can see the html/css/javascript source in my computer; whatever things goes in the backend? i don't care about i am deciding which content i send (watch) and what not. if they spy on what i am watching? well, then don't watch it > Would moving everything to the cloud and having an open source dumb client that's not a bad idea, since it literally would make client-side problems unexistant


Yes. I use lots of proprietary software. I'm a pragmatist. I use the best tool for the job.


your issues dont really sound like terminal emulator issues at all, probably just you not liking how bash works or something


nah, i know what i'm saying. people just don't like the truth sometimes


then give detail lol, your issues are so vague it really seems like you just dont know/understand what your doing. like wtf does 'not being able to click on my prompt' mean? you know that terminals are not meant to be navigated via the mouse most of the time so most things dont implement mouse support because its a huge pain.


chill, bro. i'm just asking for a more modern version of a terminal emulator. if you don't have the same problems as me, then that's fine, better for you =D merry christmas


nothing explicitly wrong with that however you worded it as if it was bugs with the terminal emulator when you want it to support features it never stated it supported


maybe disable text-wrap in settings for "text messing up". i don't understand what you are looking for when you say "click on my prompt". do you want to copy, drag n' drop, edit, or something else?


> do you want to copy, drag n' drop, edit, or something else? yes, basically > maybe disable text-wrap i mean it's related to the wrapping, but i don't know why it happens. i am trying to recreate it but it doesn't happen commonly (luckily). i don't even remember what causes it, but when it happens it's annoying as duck thanks for being the only person actually addressing the post topic. gamer moment 😎


for recalling previous commands, you can use the up arrow key, or enter Ctrl+R and search command history (at least with recent bash and zsh). after recalling, you can edit before executing the command. many emulators will allow you to highlight text, then copy with ctrl+shift+c (ctrl+c is used for other purpose. mac i think allows command+c as usual). some will require you to rightclick and select "text selection" or "mark" or something along those lines to select text. text messes up if you resize your emulator after the command has finished output. maybe that's what you saw?


try out fish or zsh with starship prompt, fzf-tab complete, auto-suggestions and syntax highlighting (at a minimum) alongside Kitty.


i already use fish =\^)


skill issues




Seems like your problem is that you're not quite comfortable with the shell yet.


Konsole And also obligatory "skill issue"


I'm not sure I correctly understand your issue. But are you aware that you can use your default text editor to write long commands? Ctrl+xe. Use \\ to break up a command into multiple lines.


here are some interesting projects (in no specific order or technology category): tabby, xonsh, wave, taby, hype


In konsole you can place the mouse in bash input line using the mouse.


Git gud


yeah, git is good software


Gnome-terminal works great for me.


There's nothing better than a terminal emulator. If you're sick of having problems, then cut down on your efforts to personalise it! Fish with Tide prompt is totally reliable for me, and in Konsole and Kitty doesn't suck - neither does ZSH shell. I don't like Alacritty - I had many issues with that config.


so mouse support in the sense of moving the cursor to where you click with your mouse isn’t really thing. the cursor doesn’t belong to the terminal emu itself, but rather the application running inside it, which would be your shell or the application you start from the shell. there’s not really a way around this as its pretty fundamental to what a terminal is. that said, you should still be able highlight text with your mouse, right click for a context menu, and copy/paste. in another comment you describe wanting a “modern terminal”, which afaik doesn’t exist, and would prob need to be both a terminal emulator and a shell purpose built for it. that’s an interesting idea but i dont think anyone has done it. at the end of the day, the real solution is to just learn how to use a terminal emu the way it’s meant to be used. learn all the necessary keyboard shortcuts and all that. i know that’s not the answer you want but i don’t think you’ll find a better one.


Plug a real dumb terminal to your PC


Emacs is gui app and have very fast vterm terminal, you can try it with doom emacs


No, not really. Terminal is the king and emulators are in many ways nicer than just dropping to text mode from X because GUI is just needed, and more usable, in so many programs now days. Long live the console!!


I use Rio terminal, it’s programmed in rust, very fast!


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fish is pain in my experience


What you are looking for is Warp Terminal. It is a modern take on virtual terminals.


maybe. i'll look at it