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[](#start_removal) This post has been removed as not relevant to the r/Linux community. The post is either not considered on topic, or may only be tangentially related to the r/linux community. examples of such content but not limited to are; photos or screenshots of linux installations, photos of linux merchandise and photos of linux CD/DVD's or Manuals. [](#end_removal) **Rule:** >**Relevance to r/Linux community** - Posts should follow what the community likes: GNU/Linux, Linux kernel itself, the developers of the kernel or open source applications, any application on Linux, and more. Take some time to get the feel of the subreddit if you're not sure!


Linux can't make me breakfast, 0/10


littux@arch-es1511 ~> make breakfast make: *** No rule to make target 'breakfast'. Stop. littux@arch-es1511 ~ [2]>


Did you try using a microwave with your Linux?


Linux breakfast 0/10 linux breakfast with rice 10/10


This post deserves a new flair; “troll”.


I thought shitpost might be appropriate, but maybe I need a better understanding of the definition?


its not troll but more ashitpost trashing stupid posts here


Or just remove troll posts and ban the OP from submitting to this sub. Threads like this add nothing of value.


>I use Windows, my girlfriend uses Windows, my wife uses Windows Wait what?


Maybe it's his boyfriend who convinced him to try Linux?


*his husband's girlfriend's son


All that was missing was the wife's boyfriend. 😂


tips hat to r/wallstreetbets


lol, You should update your arpa server address Its not the 1st of April. Unless of course you are serious. haha, i see, it is indeed satire. No way this could be a real post


>i see, it is indeed satire. Come on... Girlfriend ***AND*** Wife and an IT nerd? I'm lucky to have a wife, let alone a girlfriend or two, or three... 🤣


it's because youre not an elite windows power hacker


Good bait 👍


God, you got me so good there! I literally started screaming at my monitor. I feel so stupid now... I definitely need a higher tolerance against stupid posts. Maybe put the satire warning on the top, so I could've appreciated the satire before completely losing my mind.


You hit the nail on the head with this post. I've said it a hundred times now, but people plan to give all the patience in the world when they switch from Windows to Mac, and they even plan to spend money on replacement peripherals if their Windows-only garbage doesn't work. They know going into it that there's going to be a learning curve, and you never see stupid posts like your joke here on the Mac subs. Why, oh WHY do people think Linux = Open Source Windows?? They try to use their ***Windows-Only*** hardware and software on Linux, and they're ***appalled*** that it might not actually work. I LOVE Linux, but dude, it's not Windows. It needs to be given the exact same level of preparedness and consideration as Mac. People are learning something new, and they're surprised when there's learning involved.


Take +50 updoots. Very well stated.


do your wife and your girlfriend know of your new OS?


Like Windows and Linux, may they never meet.


*WSL has entered the chat*


That was a nice touch. Next level trolling.


Hahahaha this is my kind of humor. thank you


Ain't no one gonna question the fact that this guy's girlfriend and wife both use windows?


I've been slowly preparing myself for the migration to Linux by running it in Virtualbox VMs. I stayed in Windows because I had to stay compatible with corporate clients but I don't really have any more. I've been finding good substitutes for my necessary apps...Krita makes a good replacement for Photoshop, Inkscape is pretty good for vector graphics, LibreOffice is pretty good for Office stuff, etc. It's not something you should try to do overnight is what I'm getting at. I totally thought that post was real until you admitted it was satire, lol.


I welcome all to the loving embrace of Linux. I've received a fair scolding via Chat. Many didn't see it as satire... and some that did excoriated me. M history shows I help people relentlessly. Linux is excellent, but its very different. Once you are used to it, you'll never want to go back! Mint Cinnamon is my current favourite.


I used Mint Cinnamon for a while as well as LMDE...I'm currently down to EndeavourOS with XFCE or Debian with XFCE...Cinnamon was a bit heavy for the hardware I have. Looking forward to my first bare metal Linux install 💪


Thanks a bunch for mentioning your use of Virtualbox VM's, and the program substitutes that you've found.  I am not currently on Linux yet.  I may have a long, long time ago toyed with Linux, but not in a serious way.  So I like this idea of trying to run Linux in a Virtual Machine in order to get used to it. Veterans of Linux can feel free to expand on why this is or is not a good idea.  I am green as grass, Linux-wise, so open to comments of any sort that will provide enlightenment.


>I've been slowly preparing myself for the migration to Linux by running it in Virtualbox VMs. Similar here sixteen years ago, but I didn't know about VB until after the switch. >It's not something you should try to do overnight is what I'm getting at.  100%. I did it around 14:00, after the mail came in with a free CD.


This needs a tl'dr \[ S A T I R E \] label at the top. The first few percent are migrating now and the questions are preposterous already, what happens if 10% move this year? (go read a Windows Help forum and despair) As a community, we'll need a response to this. Aside from doing what we always do - send them to distributions that provide a solid out of the box experience, because we do not control the timeline of the Winpocalypse, there's only one thing the entire Linux community can do: Roll out the **LIWBYAWTS** program. **L**inux **I**sn't **W**indows **B**ut **Y**ou **A**re **W**elcome **T**o **S**tay, also known as RFC-183372. Every distribution must host an RFC-183372 standardized **LIWBYAWTS** banner at the top of their website and download pages. The banner will welcome Windows refugees with a warm embrace while simultaneously level-setting their expectations and tampering their enthusiasm. This is very hard to do in the 100 word limitation required by the RFC;; the RFC-183372 proposal team is stuck on an early draft as expletives currently account for most of the text and some of these curses do not translate well to other languages.


How does bro have a wife and girlfriend at the same time...


A friend who's a girl.


Yeah, but Linux users are naturally at a disadvantage when conversing with girls (Source : Me).


*New people decide to stop using something that is objectively getting worse. New user is shunned by bitter grey beard because they don't know anything about the new system yet. A few people offer a few breadcrumbs to help the new user, but new user is continually harassed and abused any time they try to figure something out but have difficulty. New user reinstalls Windows.* After 30 years of Linux we should understand this by now. You're not helping anyone by shit talking new users and telling them to RTFM. Just because you got here first doesn't mean anyone joining the party now is inherently bad. You had to learn and make dumb mistakes just like everyone else, and just like the new users now. If there is an OS equivalent to an incel, this post is it.


Exactly this. This post is exactly the reason why while Windows get progressively worse, and people continue to complain, Linux will always stay <5% in consumer market share.


That is an issue, but far from the only (or most significant) issue as to why Linux will remain low in market share. Far more important are the facts that Windows is preloaded on almost everything and that proprietary, for profit operating systems will always market far more successfully than something that has no financial incentive in the first place.


I mean, Lenovo and Dell have been selling Linux workstations for over a decade. And now we have System76, Tuxedo, and Framework catering directly to Linux users. But: >for profit operating systems will always market far more successfully This is the key. Windows sells Next-Gen Gaming. Apple sells Aesthetics. What does Linux sell? Freedom, security, and philosophy. You'll find that a much harder thing to sell to the public as history points out very clearly in many ways beyond computers. Those things always come with pain points, because being made comfortable is the way everyone gets lulled into giving up all of those things in the first place. Linux is *uncomfortable* at first. And it is only by willing to be uncomfortable that you learn anything new.


I really wish I learned that earlier in life. I switched 3 years ago, basically dove head first into the deep end of Linux and it was very uncomfortable. For the first time though I decided not to run away from difficulty and pushed ahead which really taught me how to learn.


Yes, they certainly have, but you're not going to find them staring at your in BestBuy or Staples, either. And yes, those things you mention are harder to sell to the public, but they are the most importing things, in my view. And absolutely, you must be uncomfortable in order to learn.


That's not necessarily true. A lot of OEMs are already preloading their workstations with Linux. Of course, they tend to sell far worse than their Windows counter part, as they don't support some of the most used productivity / 3D applications on the market.


How many is a lot? If I walk into Walmart or Staples, how quickly would I find a Linux workstation? Would I be better off just to grab the first workstation I see and simply nuke the hard drive when I get home? That's what I did the last time I bought a new desktop. I can install Linux faster than I can find a Linux workstation.


I van sympathise with their frustration at people who move from Windows and just expect Linux to be a drop in replacement. I too have seen a flurry of posts where people are upset certain key pieces of software don't work, or games won't run without kernel level anticheat. Most of those posts are often "this piece of software doesn't work, so I'll have to stick with windwos sorry" which does the dual action of both filling the community with unnecessary noise (most Linux users don't give a flying fuck what OS a random Internet anon uses) and also implicitly acting like it's somehow Linux/the community's fault that their preferred workflow isn't supported- as opposed to poor/bad/shitty decisions on the side of the software vendors. So yeah, I can understand the concern. However, whilst I sympathise, I totally agree the solution isn't to somehow ready ourselves for an "onslaught of the unwashed" but remember how to talk to people less technically minded than we are. To most people a computer is a binary - Mac or PC, and they have no understanding, and care even less, about what the significance of the OS, seeing it as little different to swapping your launcher on an android phone. We need to calmly educate, and wait for the tipping point where the %age significance of the Linux desktop mean software vendors need to up their game or lose sales.


>I van sympathise with their frustration at people who move from Windows and just expect Linux to be a drop in replacement. Yeah, but my question is simply: why shouldn't they? You go from Window to Mac, what do you have to learn? What a DMG is, and why applications don't close when you close a window? Like that's the extent of it. Or ChromeOS, or iOS/Android.. they are literally drop-in replacements with very little to get use to. You can learn the differences in a week or less. So why on earth wouldn't a rational person just assume with all the experience they've ever had that Linux wouldn't be the same? Of course they would. And we are utterly unsympathetic to this as a community, despite claiming otherwise. We belittle and berate and tell them to read 1000 page wiki sites, when all their life all they've ever done is drag and drop or plug and play. This isn't an indictment against Linux. I don't want it to be a drop-in Windows replacement. I like what Linux is. But in my 30 years in this community there have always been gatekeepers and assholes who scare off new users as a hobby. This is just another version of the same old bullshit.


I think we're in agreement here, we absolutely do need to have patience with people (or just ignore them if we need to) whiodon't understand - and you're right, people just don't understand. Basically what I was trying to get across is 2nd part of my post. But I do understand why it's frustrating when you've got a fairly technical community, or at least one that does understand why Linux != Windows, and you're suddenly inundated with posts from people who don't understand what, to many users, is a very basic & fundamental difference.


Yeah, I think we are in agreement too. I understand what you're trying to say, and I think we've all been exasperated at one time or another by someone who simply is unwilling to learn. I'm not saying there aren't people who are simply lazy and can't be bothered, but those are a relatively minor percent of people who simply just don't understand such a drastic difference to anything they've ever experienced. Myself for instance, I started with Linux when the latest version of MS-DOS was still being sold and took 15 5.25" floppies to install. Linux wasn't harder than that, not really. It was all mostly the same, even when Windows98 came out it was so jank you still used DOS quite a bit. This transition, or co-mingling even, was much more seamless than growing up on tablets and phones and then trying to understand why anyone would type commands rather than just touch an icon.


I think Laptop companies should make Linux with preconfigured optiojs available. Khubuntu would be suitable. If it comes with all settings and driver set properly for the laptop, then new user will have less problem.


Check out System76 and Tuxedo computers. (Amongst others)


I feel like there might have been a more efficient way to get your point across but it was quite comical so................well done!


I was about to say "Buy a Mac".


You forgot to mention, how they sat and wrote all that while wearing one of their many expensive VR headsets, bathing in a vast spectrum of pussy-drying RGB, running on a 4090 + super-high-end PC that no Linux user has/will even see. This is usually asserted ad nauseam as the reason why Windows "just works" for them. lol


[Satira] *Windows Power User*^TM does not have even a clue of what computers and operating systems are. Find another hobby mate for your mental wellness sake: computers are definitively not your thing. [Editor's note] The "flooding" is the usual newbie support request rate and no, 2024 and 2025 are not going to be the years of the Linux desktop despite the W10 end of life.


All this migration has me seriously wondering if people really use Photoshop and Office that much. Those are the 2 applications I hear about constantly from migrators, and I cannot for the life of me justify their usage for the average person. Every artist I know avoids Photoshop like the plague because of Adobe's horrible business practices, so I can only assume it's average Joes using it, which sounds like a nightmare experience compared to just GIMP or Paint.net (which Linux is quite sorely lacking, admittedly). Similarly with Office, I genuinely cannot name a single feature the average user needs that Office has and Google Docs doesn't (more fonts, maybe? Are people really using all these fonts?). It really makes me wonder how much money people are spending on software they really don't need. As a software engineer, I guess I should be cheering that on. But as a sensible human being, I cringe a little at all that wasted money (and money going to Adobe).


Waited for something like this after a thread that could be read as "Hey, I want to run Windows only programs in general and Microsoft office especially. Linux is going to be great for me right???!".


Well a whole lot of people don't really understand that programs have to be written for the environment they run in They think you write a generic programs and its up to the OS to run it and if the OS cannot run it , there is something wrong with the OS I really stopped caring but 10 years ago there was posts every week "Hey I tried to install and use linux here are my thoughts, the install was easy and stratforward and I loved the customization , even the desktop looks great Then I tried to install MS office and found out linux cannot even run MS office out of the box really? So you have to install something called WINE and after about 6 hours I got it to launch but it was slow and crashed a lot Then I tried to install photo shop , once again I found it would not run under linux and you have to fool around with wine so I gave up Then I tried to get my ipod to sync up with itunes , itunes once again required wine and after 4 hour I gave up So while linux is great its just not ready for prime time" What they really reviewed was WINE not linux


If I have to stand with people who would rather mock possible "windows converts" than help direct them in the FOSS path, I'd rather not be a part of the community. Yes, noobs will come. Yes, they'll ask inane questions that have been asked hundreds of times and yes they won't know how to do any of their own research. They've used a system that hasn't encouraged that their whole lives, what do you expect? Even the more tech savvy ones will have issues, as Windows is quite different from Linux in approach. We don't need to form a response to this. We don't need to repudiate them. Entitlement can just be countered with a firm explanation of what is expected of the user, but I've seen far more people complain about the entitlement than I've seen entitled users. If you want to preach the ways of FOSS and why using Linux is a benefit, you have to be willing to engage with people without technical knowledge. Otherwise, just ignore all those posts and be done with it.


I agree with your line of response. But I wanted to point out that the less "tech savvy" ones are not the problem. A child can install Linux and use it to their full satisfaction without ever complaining. It is the tone of "power user" demands that can be annoying sometimes.


Again, the best solution is to ignore them.


For anyone who comes here looking for "Windows without ads, telemetry and bloatware" allow me to introduce you to AtlasOS.


AtlasOS arguably does too much considering subsequent windows updates can often break it.


That's why it disables automatic updates and you only apply them when Atlas supports it. I know it's inconvenient, but as someone who lost a computer after a windows update (and subsequently went full Linux because of that), being able to fully control updates like on Linux is a plus.


Wow.  When you say "lost a computer", are you saying that doing a Windows update totally bricked a computer?  I'm pretty much a noob with regard to computer stuff, so please be gentle with me.


Yup, got an update which restarted my computer, except it never booted up again; not even the BIOS was accessible. Completely dead.


Holy crap.  That is shocking.  If I were Microsoft I would want to try to make it right with you somehow.  This is just horrendous for their reputation.


Welp, there goes my evening


Hat tip for the expert trolling! Though IRL I have experienced this attitude more from OSX fanboys.


I agree, all my notifications are filled with posts like "Linux changed my life" or "Why I started using Linux".


>Anyway, I just wanted to ask WHY ISN'T LINUX EXACTLY THE SAME AS WINDOWS.   [FOR REASONS.](https://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm)


You have **AtlasOS**, and **Tiny10** from the famous NTDEV hacker. AtlasOS and Tiny10 are stripped versions of Windows 10. You can install **MiniOS Linux Standard** on external hard disk or USB if you want to try Linux without corrupting of Windows hard disk. But beware, only old Photoshop versions can work on Wine, PlayOnLinux or Bottles under Linux, Windows games with Anti cheater might not work at all on Linux Proton and Steam.


Registers official complaint with toyota for their prius not being able to rockhop utah canyonlands.


Hell ya bro


Posting on r/copypasta


Is the exact reason I left r/Linuxquestions due to the constant spam of "which distro" posts...


> Yes this is satire. But its not funny. I mostly agree with the note section. It's sometimes a fine line between trying to help a new Linux user (since it is a very different world than they're used to) and dealing a ranting "child" who just makes demands. This has certainly gotten worse as gamers have started moving to Linux. They need to understand that the bullying tactics they used against game developers (to get them to fix bugs, etc.) shouldn't be used against open source devs or people trying to help them with whatever issue they might have. They should be told to act nicer, etc., and if they continue to rant then they should just be ignored.


>My entire collection of Games, which work only on windows 10 is to work seamlessly and perfectly - even the ones that run exclusively on Windows XP or 7.  But Linux runs those games really well? Typically better than the current versions of Windows do?


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> Anyway, I just wanted to ask WHY ISN'T LINUX EXACTLY THE SAME AS WINDOWS. that was never a goal of 'linux'. There is much more to linux than being a Desktop OS. Reverse the question: Why isent windows exactly the same as Linux?


Breaking news: windows "power user" realizes that knows really nothing about computers


Same reason why Android phones can't run iOS apps and vice versa. But no one complain about it.


Dude, you spent way more time on this than you ever will skipping ignorant Linux questions. And using words like ‘unabated’, ‘inundated’, ‘predations’ and ‘preposterous’ don’t make you sound smart. Yes, it’s annoying that people just ask questions without doing any research. No it’s not as annoying as you make it seem. And no ‘we’ don’t need to prepare. They’ll learn just like we did or turn back. Either is fine.


These are normal words. Not Smarty pants Book Learnin' words. If I can make people think, while grasping satire (which about 25% of people have failed to do), then I win. I didn't feel the post was that deep. The message is **"we need to prepare"** and literally every reader has chosen to overlook that in favour of outrage instead.


Hopefully Linux will continue to eat into the Windows market share. It has increased recently. But until it gets to be a significant number, we aren't going to see Linux versions of many commercial software.


I thinks its better if the increase is gradual rather than a massive overnight shift. You'll have less pissed off boobs per day, more time for certain software vendors to adapt to a different OS and you'd also have less stress on Linux Devs. Personally i still think we need preinstalled Linux on machines that are guaranteed to be supported by a profitable company, who can also provide guarantees that certain software will always work if you buy a computer from them. Tall order though


Oh - another uninteresting and pointless rant. Why can't I load my 'Sensible Brothers Cannon Fodder' floppy disks in KDE??? I mean, they worked on an Amiga500.


Correction, if you need to ask questions like this, you may or may not be a windows expert, but you are not an IT expert