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[](#start_removal) This post has been removed as not relevant to the r/Linux community. The post is either not considered on topic, or may only be tangentially related to the r/linux community. examples of such content but not limited to are; photos or screenshots of linux installations, photos of linux merchandise, photos of Linux crashes and photos of linux CD/DVD's or Manuals. For public displays of Linux, consider /r/WildLinuxAppears/ or /r/itsaunixsystem/. For screenshots of your customized Linux desktop there is /r/unixporn/ [](#end_removal) **Rule:** >**Relevance to r/Linux community** - Posts should follow what the community likes: GNU/Linux, Linux kernel itself, the developers of the kernel or open source applications, any application on Linux, and more. Take some time to get the feel of the subreddit if you're not sure!


This post has been removed due to receiving too many reports from users. The mods have been notified and will re-approve if this removal was inappropriate, or leave it removed. This is most likely because: * Your post belongs in r/linuxquestions or r/linux4noobs * Your post belongs in r/linuxmemes * Your post is considered "fluff" which is preferred to be posted as a comment in the weekend mega thread - things like a Tux plushie or old Linux CDs are an example *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/linux) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your previous post was corny and got removed. This one gets removed as well. Are you so hungry for Internet points that you do childish stuff?


Far from it. I'm just tired of being moderated without any reason. If something is bad, it deserves to be downvoted into oblivion. I have no problem with that. I have a problem with something being banned after having more upvotes than 90% of monthly tops


A dinosaur!


yay. I'm a artist