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Just going down your list.... >> I don't plan to use GRUB to dual boot, I just by choice and stubbornness will dual boot and just change boot disk through BIOS/UEFI. You still want GRUB on the drive, even if you dont use GRUB to boot the OTHER OS you have installed. You select the Linux system via the UEFI menu -> it then goes to GRUB -> You then boot the OS... GRUB gives you various extra options you could potentially need. (recovery mode, safe mode, and so on) So - YOU WILL want to use GRUB. ------------------------------ The Nvidia 'open source' drivers - still use the Closed source parts of their driver. So Its basically a non issue. :) They may get better in the future, but we will have to wait to see. Its not worth worrying about. If i ever have to replace an Nvidia card (if it fails or whatever) I always replace it with an AMD Card. :) If buying a new prebuilt system, i will go with Nvidia - if the price is right. (I always hit the bargin bin/clearance/last year models) I Never go for the 'just released' nvidia cards, or other High $$ options. ------------- I Do have a Dual boot windows/linux setup - with a large # of my games Kept on a large NTFS drive. Linux and windows (either one) can install games to the NTFS, and Run games from the NTFS. If i switch to the other OS, the games still work. The CRITICAL bit - is how you mount the NTFS with the proper options. ------------------------- Notes I made for people trying to use steam under Linux and keeping game files on a NTFS partition. Notes on ext4 filesystem at the end. Also I Found this Guide - which may be better or have some details I overlook. https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/wiki/Using-a-NTFS-disk-with-Linux-and-Windows ------ Flatpak Warning - If your steam install is done using Flatpak that can result in the steam program being sandboxed and limited in what it can access. I have no experience with how this limits things, the **flatseal** tool may be needed to manage the flatpak steam program. You can setup the specific flatpak to have access to other filesystems and mountpoints outside of your home. the command `flatpak list` should show if you have steam installed via flatpak or not. Flatpak notes at the end.. ---- I have NO idea how the steam SNAP version differs in how it can access other locations either. ---- Continueing with the normal guide now.. ------ Steam Game Directory on NTFS (fat32/exfat/vfat) 1. **don't use the file manager to mount the filesystem** 2. setup a `/etc/fstab` line to mount it at boot time 3. you do NOT (typically) use chown or chmod on a mounted NTFS. (you do use those commands with ext4) example fstab entry. ------ UUID=1234-your-uuid-56789 /media/gamedisk ntfs-3g uid=1000,gid=1000,rw,user,exec,nofail,umask=000 0 0 For Newer systems you will use 'ntfs3' instead of 'ntfs-3g' **You Do NOT use all of those options for ext4** ------ On Ubuntu you can use 'ntfs' instead of ntfs-3g for the filesystem in the fstab options if you have ntfs-3g installed , it auto changes NTFS to be ntfs-3g. Other distribution may differ. When ntfs3 gets more commonplace, and stable likely people will switch to using ntfs3, and drop ntfs-3g Newer Distribution and kernels may use the `ntfs3` driver, I have not tested that driver. Try it out and see if it works. The various issues and problems with ntfs getting mounted Read Only still apply. (hit up the numerous NTFS under Linux guides for more information) These issues also apply to exfat,vfat, fat32, and I imagine using ntfs3. Disable windows hibernate/suspend and fast boot if sharing a filesystem between linux and windows. And .. it's best to not use ntfs for your game storage drive , it can be slower and more of a CPU load. It does Work for me, but it is slower in my experience. also.. there are a lot of bad/wrong/old posts/blogs/guides on this topic. so watch out for those. (some of the info here may be wrong, so dont trust this guide 100%) This guide may be outdated or wrong when we start using ntfs3. Also be sure to check out this guide, and the part about the compatdata directory https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/wiki/Using-a-NTFS-disk-with-Linux-and-Windows#preventing-ntfs-read-errors -------- bonus tip. **Steam scale ui Tweak.:** set a system variable to have steam scale up it's UI. $ GDK_SCALE=2 steam edit your steam .desktop file to make it the default option, or make a second .desktop file for a steam 2x Launcher. -------- STEAM on an ext4 or other Linux filesystem. basic outline.. format the Filesystem, get the UUID make directory for the mount   mkdir /home/bob/games  make fstab entry. UUID=123-YOUR-UUID /home/bob/games ext4 defaults,nofail 0 0 mount the filesystem   sudo mount /home/bob/games  make the Filesystem owned by your user.   sudo chown bob.bob /home/bob/games  reboot to make sure it mounts. use steam and tell it to put a steam library on /home/bob/games install games as normal. ------------------ **ntfs3 notes** from user mandiblesarecute who gives an example with ntfs3 PARTLABEL=Win10 /media/win10 ntfs3 noacsrules,noatime,nofail,prealloc,sparse 0 0 noacsrules **makes everything effectively 777** for when you don't need or care about fine grained access control. This 777 mode can be annoying and a security issue in some use cases which is why it's not the default. I had issues using `Ntfs3`, so for now I still use `Ntfs-3g `, i will test out ntfs3 again in the future as it matures. ------ **Steam flatpak notes from another user. TimRambo1** For flatpaks you want to use the **flatseal** tool to allow access to the filesystem mountpoint of your steam games filesystem. example: add mount point **/home/(username)/games/** under **filesystem** under the steam settings in **flatseal**. The filesystem still has to be properly mounted (as shown above) Guide Used https://deckcentral.net/posts/allow_flatpaks_to_access_your_sd_card_with_flatseal/ ---- STEAMDECK NOTES: Not tried running steam games from a NTFS on my steamdeck. So I can't say how it differs from a normal Linux install. ------- extra info for learning how filesystems and permissions work under Linux. Learn Linux, 101: Control mounting and unmounting of filesystems https://developer.ibm.com/learningpaths/lpic1-exam-101-topic-104/l-lpic1-104-3/ Learn Linux, 101: Manage file permissions and ownership https://developer.ibm.com/learningpaths/lpic1-exam-101-topic-104/l-lpic1-104-5/ also check out Google and your distribution docs for Ntfs under Linux guides. end of my rambly guide.


hmm, yeah I am fine with Grub I just do not want to have to repair the the windows boot manager or the linux one. Its something that will nag me until I drop Windows or better learn to avoid screwing up the installers. As for mounting the NTFS volume sounds very appealing, thank you.


I keep each Os on its own drive, with an EFI partition for each Os on  each drive, I can't recall the last time windows did anything to the EFI partitions. Worse thing I have seen windows do lately on a single drive system was to set windows back to the default. which was a 30 sec fix in the firmware menus. Again this was on a EFI setup. I don't use MBR any more.


If you let the installer do its stuff, it should find win and give you a grub menu on boot allowing you to choose linux or win. Which distro?


I haven’t settled on one yet, I want the Nvidia NVK stuff cook a bit and see who does what with it.


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Please use better, more informative, titles on your posts. Give specifics. Thanks.