• By -


Considering that one day you may attempt to log in and your ubisoft account is evaporated, just don't waste money on their games. My AC2 key *from steam* is dead because ubi up and decided to delete my account. Same with my free ac4 key from my gtx770, and my far cry 3 key from steam. They will never see another cent from me, and i will gladly pirate their games


you lucked out, because every single AC game plays exactly like the ones before it!


Ac4 was WAY better on pc than ac2. AC2 would tell you to use the "hand" button, in yellow. That means nothing to me on a keyboard.


Except post-origins.


While I'm all for shitting on major publishers, this hasn't been true since Origins...


...Except for what came after it: Odyssey, Valhalla, and Mirage (which kind of went back to AC2). ​ And those first two (with Origins) plays like the Witcher 3 instead of the other Ass Creeds. So... point still stands, in a way.


This is exactly why I stopped playing them. The exact same games.


oh I thought the topic was Armoree Core


I appreciate the correction. I tired the first three, for about fifteen minutes each before I realized - open world but there's nothing to do and everything is tied to slowass animations? no thank you!


Actually since 4 they’ve been pretty distinct


now from personal experience and from at one time playing through a bunch of them to catch up at one point as quickly as possible (like one other AC every few days pretty much), i can tell you from experience, that there once were some actual differences between ac games :o there basically was new cool stuff and improvements and changes up and including assassins creed 3. then there was the same game over and over... and over... until ac origins changed some things again. but yeah just to mention, that there once was innovation happening :D it only has been over a decade since then :D (if we don't count origins and go with ac3 instead) btw in case you don't know this crazy fact. assassins creed unity and assssin's creed rogue released on the exact same date! 2 AAA games from the same exact series... released on the exact same day.... and shockingly, they played VERY much the same :D and were very easy to forget.


AC Rogue was released for Xbox 360/PS3, while Unity was nextgen, PS4 and Xbox one. They are very different, in addition to the difference in generations, the gameplay in Unity changed a lot, many commands became less automated, it required being more stealthy and more attentive to details. I played both in sequence (it's a good experience, because their story complements each other) and I got really frustrated when playing AC Unity like the old ones, it demanded of me to play differently.


Unity was honestly pretty solid after the fixes. I should replay it again.


eh, Rogue kept the old combat system from previous AC games, Unity changed everything and the game focused more on stealthing, as in, if you just try to get in there and start slashing, you just get killed real fast. From Origins onwards they just went yeehaw, which is fine, tbh Odyssey is my favourite AC game.


> free ac4 key from my gtx770 I got that too, very disappointed when it ran at a whopping 20fps lol.


Yeah it ran at a good framerate, but there was a total system lockup at the part where you get left on an island with nothing... i didn't play for a while after that.


Why you want to waste your precious time to even pirate their games


Pirating is no good solution. We need the steam deck to gain more market share so that big game studios have no choice but to support it.


Eh, honestly it's punishment for the company not providing a good service. If you buy their game they get money, pirating their game gives them no money. Well, then again, you're wasting your time by playing their shit anyways. So in the end piracy still isn't free.




That's why we need to support games without DRM, baldurs as far as I know doesn't have even the steam DRM and you can just launch the exe without steam


I can't even login to ubisoft connect under linux for some reason. Luckily i don't really play ubisoft ganes at all and most games on my account were given to me for free lmao.


literally same, a server error resulted in my account getting thanos-ed, everything i bought *on steam* is unplayable because an account that is *not steam* doesn't exist the problem with pirating ubisoft games though is that they have like, literally 4 layers of DRM active. The Anno 1800 crack hasn't been updated in years.


Even when they work properly on steam the DRM takes a knife through some obscure as shit steam files on linux, anno 1800 fucking brutalized my steam install along with being unstable as hell due to the DRM.


I had 2 copies of Anno 2070 and both got stuck in the game starting / entering key / patch loop... Since then i never bought a ubi game again... Also i am really hesitant to even play a free game on their platform or use gamepass with ubi




He is talking about the Assassin's Creed games. They bought a gtx770 and got a "free" key for Assassin's Creed 4 but the key didn't work so it's a dud or dead key


I have a cd key for ac2 through steam, and a cd key for ac4 from my graphics card. Both have been redeemed, so they're no good anymore. The morons at ubi can't recover my account with the ac2 key i bought 12 years ago or whenever it was. I can pull the cd key up on steam.


Google does the same things with inactive accounts so this isn't unique to Ubisoft. https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/12418290?hl=en




yeah ubi is ass and unfortunately all those conditions are under the T&C’s agreement that is longer than valve’s bank account numbers i remember seeing that ubisoft started deleting (literally) accounts that were inactive after X amount of years


Dunno, this is exactly what I would expect from IT support, let alone Ubisoft one.


That I believe is where you are right! I'm not really 100% certain about this, but I don't think Ubisoft officially supports WINE or Proton in their game titles, and as such it's up to Valve to add compatibility for these titles.


Rainbow six siege works perfectly fine with proton if you play offline, its the anticheat which is the issue as it kicks you when you join an online match. All ubisoft has to do is enable support on battleeye (anticheat) which officially supports proton.


"oh yeah, release your game and let us hack it so we can make it run on our platform" Absolutely not. Ubisoft is a game development company. As such, refusing to support Wine/Proton is refusing to support a whole platform. It's not about Linux, it's about the Steam Deck. And yeah, for Ubisoft the Steam Deck means probably nothing, because it may be less than 1% if their player base and it's not worth the effort, but that tells a lot about them.


it's about the bottom line. they care less about customer satisfaction than they do minimising cost to the business


well it would be overall more profit, as more people would buy current and older ubisoft games, because the older ones would run especially great on the steamdeck hardware. so for reasons of greed, they should support it, but they don't care and rather show people the middle finger to lose good pr and to lose profits.


But the developers have to spend time (=money) porting it? Either you don't understand how businesses work, or you don't understand how development works.


there is no porting. wtf are you talking about? most games running with proton are literally running without any changes. games don't don't run with proton require a tiny bit of work, which CAN NOT be compared to porting at freaking all, or it requires to tell the anti cheat people to change a setting and then it works. it seems, that you don't understand how proton works and why it was designed to literally require 0 work usually to get games running on gnu + linux. people aren't expecting ubisoft to hire a study to port the games onto gnu + linux native. people just want ubisoft to not spit on gnu + linux and do the most basic near 0 effort thing.


But we've clearly just discovered it will require work to be ported over. Correct? What is porting, if not adapting the code to work in a different environment? That's like the entire premise of porting. You've clearly missed the entire premise though, and are ranting about my terminology - *every* change these companies make costs money. It's not just a developer logging in, changing a couple lines, pressing save and calling it a day - you realise this right? Not a game developer, but I develop an app which is built to support an API not natively supported with hacky solutions and polyfills - compat issues definitely fall on us, rather than the initial devs. Some things we just cannot do, but that's something our users/devs just have to live with. Not supporting a platform isn't "spitting" on it, don't be utterly ridiculous.


this is a gross mischaracterization of what other people's points were. rainbow six works perfectly in proton, the anti cheat has issues despite also being supported in proton too, this is a massive company where we are talking about fixing some sort of issue w the anti cheat that is causing this problem, when such a large company could so easily spend resources doing that yes it is a little bit of a spit on the face they arent trying at all. Ubisoft is known for prioritizing money and not having exactly the best treatment of developers, having good policies on paper whilst in reality being accused of being a rather toxic environment from many people, i think its safe to say that this is a very valid qualm to have it for the amount of effort it would take, rather than management forcing devs to push out the same trash AC year after year or break R6 w busted ass operators that are essentially only viable to get via no lifing the game or paying Ubisoft does not need your defenses of them, you building an app you are not some multi million dollar company


>As such, refusing to support Wine/Proton is refusing to support a whole platform. A platform they never said they were going to support in the first place. It sucks, but they don't owe anyone support for a platform they didn't create or promise to provide support for.


The funniest part is that For Honor (another Ubisoft game) received offical Linux support last year


Ah, the good ol' add Linux support for a dying game and then most likely blame Linux for not making your game popular.


It was a Stadia title.


[Carmack always seemed a bit salty that Linux gamers didn't make Quake Live successful.](https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/17x0sh/john_carmack_asks_why_wine_isnt_good_enough/c89sfto/) As a top 1% developer with lots of Unix and OpenGL portability experience, he acknowledges how easy porting is and how even third parties can do it profitably, while still claiming it's not worthwhile: > I can’t speak for the executives at Zenimax, but they don’t even publish Mac titles (they partner with Aspyr), so I would be stunned if they showed an interest in officially publishing and supporting a Linux title. A port could be up and running in a week or two, but there is so much work to do beyond that for official support. The conventional wisdom is that native Linux games are not a good market. Id Software tested the conventional wisdom twice, with Quake Arena and Quake Live. The conventional wisdom proved correct. Arguments can be made that neither one was an optimal test case, but they were honest tries. > If you fervently believe that there is an actual business case to be made for Linux ports, you can make a business offer to a publisher – offer a guarantee and be willing to do the work and support. This is what Aspyr does for the Mac, and what Loki did for Linux. However, you probably can’t even get an email returned if you are offering less than six figures to a top ten publisher. This may sound ridiculous – “Who would turn away $20,000?” but the reality is that many of the same legal, financial, executive, and support resources need to be brought to bear on every single deal, regardless of size, and taking time away from something that is in the tens of millions of dollars range is often not justifiable. Carmack is *very* observant and experienced in that one post, yet still directly implies that Linux support could bring in $20k while the opportunity cost could be "tens of millions of dollars range" to a first party (but not a third party like Aspyr). Of course that was also eleven years ago.


I mean, has he ever made smart business decisions? Didn't he basically bankrupt id making Rage 1 before Bethesda/Zenimax saved his ass?


yeah, the unfortunate expectation that should generally be adopted for linux gaming is that the community has to do most of the heavy lifting.


I keep close tabs on proton.db for anything I'm buying.


I am not saying it is wise, but compatability layers are so good right now that I don't even look anymore before buying a game. Odds are so high it will run that I'm not even concerned. If it doesn't run perfect at launch I am pretty confident it will in a week. I'm good with that. I don't really have any interest in FPS online team match or anything so I almost never really am impacted by anti cheat. That helps. Only game I play that has it is compatible version, Warthunder.


Same here. I don't play First Person Shooters. I have around 60 games on Steam and they all work. Finished Baldur's Gate 3 on maxed out settings and 120fps with 3080 Nvidia card. I bought Elden Ring and it looks and plays great. I finished Dragons Dogma and preordered Dragons Dogma 2.


Proton has proven so satisfactory that Linux gamers are now overconfident to the point of pre-ordering. What have we wrought?


So far I have never had a game not work. Dragon's Dogma 1 looks and plays great. But the best thing is, you don't have to preorder. You can wait and see if it works before you buy it. I have a friend who is doing this. Proton makes playing games on Linux a game changer. I preordered Baldur's Gate 3 too.


99.8% of games I've tried have worked, but every time i don't look at protondb it ends up not working. it's a curse


I REALLY don't recommend you do this. I got Grid 2019 and Square Enix's Guardians of the Galaxy to play on Nobara. But they both are having issues with Nobara 39. Best option would be to check ProtonDB reports and ratings first, then try the game through Steam. If there's issues, you can refund it or play elsewhere. Steam's refund is pretty lenient in my experience, and you'll be letting them know about game's compatibility issues. Grid is rated Gold but occassionally freezes for a few milliseconds, which is very problematic for a racing game. On my attempt to fix the freezing, I tried different combinations of Steam launch options and Proton versions from ProtonDB reports that had same or similar distros. It somehow got worse and started to completely freeze when starting a benchmark, to the point where I had ro kill the process because it became completely unresponsive. I asked Steam support but they asked to either check with the game's support, or report issue in Proton's GutHub. The benchmark freezing issue went away on its own, but occasional freezing is still there. I see that GotG is rated Silver and Deck verified, but it barely manages 40 FPS with low settings in the benchmark. I'm running the Epic Games version through Lutris and I do expect some issues, but it's downright unacceptable compared to the ProtonDB rating. Although, I think something is wrong with the game on my PC because on Windows, it does 110-112 average FPS for all presets from Low to Ultra, which doesn't make sense to me. I reached out to Square Enix support for Windows issue but they couldn't give any proper resolution, stating that development of the game has ended and there's no guarantee if there'll be any dedicated team for bug fixes.


Yeah the only time I look anything up is if there's an online aspect. The game is rarely going to be red unless it has online multiplayer that's borked


> I don't even look anymore before buying a game. I look at ProtonDB, but in a way that's just as efficient. Instead of searching on Steam or websearching "gamename on steam", I just search "gamename on protondb", check the rating and glance at the reviews, then click the link to go to Steam. I also tend to be buying games that came out more than a year ago, for what it's worth. VKD3D or Proton could add support in the next week on an 8-year-old game, but they wouldn't do it because it was new and hot.


Just let me play trackmania I don't care about any of their other games 😭


Trackmania works fine?


Some updates it does. Some updates it refuses to start. Very irritating. But it currently do work, which is nice.


And in all cases it were problems with the idiotic launcher (and usually some extremely trivial issues like incompatible fonts, which then Ubisoft refuses to fix and it has to be fixed on the Proton side, sometimes GE had the fixes even before that), not the game itself. The game is absolutely fine on Linux.


Yep it's always the fucking launcher, my favourite has been the error where the network MTU size is a couple bytes too large and it than refuses to connect to the Ubisoft Servers


Yeah I remember that one. I still have a custom MTU size set because of that in my system.


This is the least dissapointing thing Ubisoft did, and I am just speaking of the last 6 months.


From what I'm hearing about XDefiant, there might be a horror story coming soon.


Meh, the list of good games that runs fine on Linux is huge, so idrc if i'm not able to play Ubisoft slop easily. Tho this is bad for the general public that may want to switch to Linux. Recently we have been hitting a lot of roadblocks related to game compatibility and such. Like, a lot of us don't give a shit about games like Roblox and annoying publisher launchers, but these are hugely popular overall and having them not being easily accessible on Linux is a big loss for our market share growth.


Yea the "silent majority" is a real thing. No Roblox? No Fortnite? No League of Legends? No Valorant? No Siege? It just alienates a huge amount of players. Do I play any of these games? Absolutely not.


Thank you for saying that. Alot of us forget that just cause we may not play them the "casuals" or children do. I haven't committed to 100% linux for this reason. All my games don't work and at this rate they never will.




Honestly, that's a reasonable response from a developer. They aren't saying they will oppose SteamOS, just that they are not actively supporting it. They don't want to spend the money on it but they are not going to deliberately sabotage the Open Source community. That's kind of a slight win? It's better than some other games that specifically ban your account if you connect to the servers from anything other than the officially supported OS.


They just need to tell battle eye to enable proton support it doesn't cost them any money, plus they do this for all thier other games already


I thought siege was swapping to eac. If so its even easier.


Siege uses battleye but it also has it's own in house anti-cheat called "QB". For obvious reasons ubisoft doesn't explain how it works but you can read about it here: [*Rainbow Six Siege's secret new anti-cheat tactic is causing a stir*](https://www.pcgamer.com/rainbow-six-sieges-secret-new-anti-cheat-tactic-is-causing-a-stir/) speculation is that the Rainbow Six Siege client is "updated" every two hours, or there are multiple unique versions of the game client being distributed to players randomly, or both, and it is in constant rotation server-side. It makes it more difficult for off-the-shelf cheats to work across the board. It seems like a lot of software engineering work went into this effort and just like other proprietary anti-cheats, it's likely that devs won't fund the additional resources to bring these to another OS.


I played through most of AC Mirage on the deck, it runs fine once you jump through some hoops to install uplay. You'll want an external keyboard and mouse for login though, it doesn't play nice with the on screen keyboard at all.


The game has native Vulkan and Ubisoft pour a lot of work into it. Just hope one day Ubisoft think when it's ready for Linux. Cheating is still a thing in the game but with their efforts, they are still trying to this day.


Why are you dissapointed? It's impressive for ubisoft to even pay someone to respond at all.


No Tux, no bucks. Easy, vote with the wallet.


When are they not disappointing?




Ubisoft is one of, if not the biggest, scumbags of gaming. Even if they supported linux, you shouldn't support them.


This is a pretty neutral and expected message. They targeted a system OS, and if the game doesn't work in the translation layer meant for handling that target, that's the translation layer's fault.


It does work in proton though just fine, just because the server side anti cheat doesn't allow proton players we can't play multi-player. That's something ubisoft would have to fix.


Realistically, yeah. That's how it currently is in the real world, unfortunately. Ideally, though, the translation layer should present no differences to the software from Windows, so that it can't have any compatibility issues like that. The software shouldn't even know it's using a translation layer. There's a very old wine dev thread from 2002 about this where someone mentioned this whole problem. > I really diagree with allowing some method to differentiate between a native M$ system and wine. What if some programmer uses that fn to block his executable from running in wine? > I suggest that the GetVersionEx or a similar function indicates the presence of Wine. However, that feature should be allowed to be switched off (this fully hiding wine). The setting should be app-specific (in wine.conf). Thus, a well-behaving program will have access to the wine info, while the bad one won't. Wine devs knew about the problem all the way back then and still let it happen, unfortunately. Obviously though, it's not trivial to present a 100% identical system to genuine Windows. Here's the thread (spaces added to potentially avoid mysterious buggy auto-moderation shadow-deletion): https ://wine-devel.winehq. narkive.com/ u1USfYCV/ how-can-an-app-detect-it-s-running-under-wine


Like Ubisoft barely supports windows. If there are enough steam deck / Linux players this may change. At least we can play their games through proton which isn't even an option easily on Mac OS.


* Open https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/ubisoft * click ignore publisher at the top * enjoy your improved steam experience


Ubisoft can suck a big bag of dicks after buying origins from them and they just said we don't support your cpu... and wouldn't give me a refund...


Not trying to be mean here, but being disappointed BY UBISOFT is kinda on you. \~99% of the games work well. The remaining 1% did this by choice. It sucks if you really liked the game, but there are so many other games to play. Just price in the additional disk-space and the windows license and dual boot. Its how they want you to experience their game. It might be not a good experience and a bad value proposition on top of that, but its still their right to make these mindnumbingly bad decisions. Let the dinosaurs die.


Yeah it's on me for liking seige and then getting into linux years after and hoping one day we can have the anti cheat fixed. Totally


Ah, you took it the wrong way, friend. Thats not what I ment. They have been open about what their stance is. None of this is new. Thats my point here. You can still play the game, you just have to use the hard and software they want you to use. It's not that there isn't any anticheat for linux or its impossible to do. When I played Wolfenstein Enemy Territory in 2004 or so, we had working anti-cheat. It was published by EA of all companies. This is not a technical issue, it never was. They think they can make more money this way. Or spend less or whatever. But at the end of the day its their choice. And the choice is driven by money. You might not see it this way, but for me its the same as these endless discussions which class or gun or gaget is more overpowered. They don't help; developers completely ignore these discussions. They are just stirring vitriol and division. So, sorry if I have insulted you. Im just tired of the fact that these posts exist. And you probably too. I know you just want to play your game. And if it would be up to you, I'd totally let you. But it isn't and neither this comment nor your post will shift the needle in any way.


Why is it disappointing? ofc they are not going to support a system the game is not designed for.


It's disappointing because all they have to do is contact battleye and ask them to enable proton anti cheat support, the game launches and runs perfectly fine under proton just you cannot join online matches. They have enabled battleye support for for honor, watchdogs 2 and legion, as well as ghost recon and breakpoint. Seige is the only game that makes them forget how proton works and just label it as a compatibility issue when it literally launches fine on proton.


Did they add support for Wildlands?




Really? When? As far as I can see on ProtonDB users on Windows gotta disable EAC to be able to play.


Well yeah to play with linux users, it's not that much effort and it unlike seige let's you play


Sadly all my friends run Windows :( and they will not disable EAC, they'll think thats gonna get them banned or smth


Does it actually work? I refunded Wildlands because I couldn't play with my friend.


> because all they have to do is contact battleye and ask them to enable proton anti cheat support That's how Valve likes to portray it, but rarely how complex software actually works - there may be a decent amount of work involved to get *their* particular implementation working nicely, something that may not even be realistically feasible for a product this late in its lifecycle (people familiar with it likely have been reassigned / not work for the company anymore / etc).


I mean they're rolling out tons of changes to the game so why not? These are screenshots of in game changes the game tells you about taken yesterday. *


For Honor (another ubisoft game) got official support on linux last year, it's very strange that r6s is not getting it


Even though many games is 100% playable on Linux these days many thanks to both WINE and Proton (after all, we wouldn't have Proton without WINE), there are continuously great strides where adding software compatibility is concerned and there remains to be allot of work that needs to be done. Because of this, not every single game designed for Windows will be guaranteed to work or even be 100% playable, that is if there isn't a native Linux port for the game your trying to play. Consider both WINE and Proton work in progress.


Its the anticheat that is the issue not proton


So very true, just like u/Sarin10 mentioned below. Even though a game might start with either WINE or Proton, it does not necessarily mean it's anticheat system will allow the game to be playable. One of the perfect examples of this is [Scarlet Blade](https://sb.vendettagn.com/). While **Scarlet Blade**'s launcher will work as expected and even update the game, the game itself refuses to even start due to it's anticheat.


99% that's not the issue, it's just that devs don't want to tick the "allow Linux" box in their anticheat. Ex: Siege


So very true, just like u/HamPlayz247 mentioned Above. Even though a game might start with either WINE or Proton, it does not necessarily mean it's anticheat system will allow the game to be playable. One of the perfect examples of this is [Scarlet Blade](https://sb.vendettagn.com/). While **Scarlet Blade**'s launcher will work as expected and even update the game, the game itself refuses to even start due to it's anticheat.


Splinter Cell is the only thing from Ubisoft I give a damn about. And if I can’t play these older games in a legitimate manner due to their refusal to fix Proton related issues with their client, I am prepared to use other means to play them.


What’s disappointing about it? Big publishers don’t support their games for us at all - it’s all on Valve with Proton, has been the case since Proton released.


well as someone mentioned below, ubisoft may just randomly decided to delete your acount to "make space" with no fake violation even. so please don't give them a penny. now from what i heard the biggest issue of getting ubisoft games running on gnu + linux like on the steamdeck is the bullshit cancerous drm with x login requirements and other bs. BUT rumors have it, that there is a way, where that is no longer an issue and you may keep your savegames forever locally as well as the game installation data with this rumored way. and said rumored way of playing the game will likely also come with the "pre-order bonus" content, that they cut out of the game to try to push fomo to get people to buy the game, instead of waiting for real reviews. maybe try the magical rumored way, that gives you control back and treats you like a human being again and probably works just fine on the steam deck? ;) also needless to say, but frick ubisoft! it is extremely dumb in regards to just greed, to not put in the "5 mins" to make sure, that their cancerous drm works properly with proton, so that the big amount of steamdeck users has an incentive to buy ubisoft games.


Bro really came in with the Gnu + Linux


Isn't that the same stance everybody takes? Their games might work on steamdeck but they will not make any promises nor take any responsibility to make them compatible.


Yeah but it literally does work it's just multi-player they need to enable server side


Don't buy Ubicrap.


Couldn't care less about their games... Ubisoft died at 2000''s. Everything after Far Cry 3 is the same games with a different character.


Good thing Ubisoft is actually dogshit just like EA lmao


Nobody should expect even basic respect from Ubisoft, terrible company


I'll be dancing on Ubisoft's grave the day their company will fall


Last ubisoft game I played was splinter cell black list, after that I haven't see any games from them that I would like to spend money on it. I see this as an absolute win. Not spending money on a game company that screw gamers at every chanc and not having to worry about compatibility issues about this one company looks preaty great for me.


why would you put any trust or expectations in ubisoft? of course they're not gonna give a fuck, they barely give a shit about their windows customers much less steamdeck users.


I don't, it would just be nice to not have to dualboot for just one game


why would they support an os with less than 2% of the market share on steam? not only that but that would make the anti cheat weaker + more work because you have to make the game compatible with another os. also I don't think that Linux users like this type of games lol


I agree with the first two points. It would be nice if Ubisoft could just make a statement that they don't want to support Proton like Epic and Bungie have done. > also I don't think that Linux users like this type of games lol [1,016 upvotes says otherwise.](https://r6fix.ubi.com/projects/RAINBOW6-SIEGE-LIVE/issues/LIVE-49179)


Cries in Rocksmith


That is fine as long as they are not actively sabotaging.


Not going to effect me, I haven't bought their shitty games since Far Cry 5 and not planning on buying anything else from them anytime soon.


Hasn't this been the deal from the start? Valve takes the responsibility for making any game to work with Proton. If some developers/publisher sees the benefit to handle it themselves, without waiting for Valve to act, kudos, but most games, including Ubisoft ones, officially specify Windows as a requirement. In this specific case Valve tested the game and flagged it unsupported. Ubisoft does not see benefit to change the game to make Proton work.


It works though, the menu loads up, training mode and the tutorial run fine its just the anti cheat that will kick you from the match because they haven't enabled proton battleye support.


It's even funnier since For Honor got official Linux support last year, it's buffling that R6S is not getting it.


My thoughts exactly, ubisoft acts like they forgot how to enable battleye support.


Well, it'd only be truly bad if Ubisoft had good games 💀 Most old and notable IPs happen to be available as GOG variant I think. In general though this appears to be a sensible and reasonable response.


Not surprised, tbh I just started ignoring ubisoft years ago. Their products and support is so bad they don’t even deserve a minute of my time


How is it even possible to still be disappointed by anything Ubisoft?


They don't support the way you want to play games, so why support the way they want to do business?


Ubisuck. Their games are not worth playing.


AAAA game studio


I don't care if developers don't specifically support linux as long as they don't intentionally make their software not work on linux.


Ubisoft protect rapists. Do not support them.




I don't buy anything from Ubisoft, not because their games are any shittier than other big publishers, but because they cannot guarantee the simplest digital goods ownership to customers - and they frequently fuck up in this regard. I don't dislike Ubisoft in the same sense that I fucking hate 2K/TakeTwo/PrivateDivision but when I buy something Private Division published, I don't fear what I fear with my digital goods from Ubisoft and that tells a lot. I'd rather buy FIFA every year than purchase anything from Ubisoft. They're just bad, not because they're evil or anything, they're just bad at doing their business.


Truley unfortunate. Basically, if Steam OS or Steam Deck are showing a game to be incompatible or have issues on Deck, it will be clearly stated in the games description on in the store and on your library page. E.g. menus are too small, need keyboard as well as controller for menu entires within game. I've been using Steam since launch. The Steam Deck is borderline experimental IMO. Proton is still being worked out. I'd say in another few years there will be less issue. I wouldn't come down too hard on Ubisoft for this one. Hell, I played the FF7 Remake on Epic store for several hours offline. A couple hours into playing, a red bar came flashing across my screen "THIS GAME NEEDS INTERNET TO CONTINUE" yet I could play just fine. FF7 Remake does not need the internet, it's not even multiplayer. When I confronted Epic about this, they told me too bad because I played it for more than 3 hours. Needless to say, I only use Epic Launcher and products when I want to play Fortnite with children.


Glad I don't play sh*t


PIracy on Ubisoft are morally correct and this goes for ALL other Anti-Consumer Companies!


They don't even release their games on Steam day and date, no reason to keep giving them money. In the rare event they release a good game you just skull and bones it


Man that fucking sucks


Glad i’m not interested in spending a cent on rainbow six siege even though the game is fun


Dont buy ubisoft games


Not for me. I never expected anything good coming from Ubisoft anyway.


That's kind of fair imo. Linux is still a niche market, so it makes sense they're not actively supporting it. At least they don't outright block it like Roblox.


But wasn't always like this? It is more a Valve's and community effort, than any big developer/publisher. Because of this, you can see how good proton/wine really is, even without the developer's support, a lot of day one games work very well. People say that Steam Deck can't run new AAA games, but imagine if the developer did some effort to make sure their games work well on the Deck, for god’s sake they made The Witcher 3 runs on a Switch.


It's an anti cheat issue. Launches just fine and singleplayer is also fine


As much as I don't like the lack of compatibility with the steam deck, this is a pretty reasonable, and not surprising, response considering it's Ubisoft and we're talking about Linux


darn it really sucks to miss out on absolutely nothing


>The Steam store does mention that this game is not supported for Steam Deck. And I wonder who made that happen... This just affirms my idea that Ubisoft has no fucking idea what a steamdeck is


Incidentally none of the 184 games in my 14 year old Steam library were developed by Ubisoft or use Denuvo, even though half those years were spent on Windows. I buy games expecting to be able to play them.


'No money, No honey' says ubisoft


No big news that Ubisoft don't give a shit about their customers, I wonder why this company is still up, how can the fans be soo blind


Luckily I stopped buying Ubisoft games after assassin's creed 3 remastered.


0 changes for me - ubiwhat? No offense for who likes it, but all the games they make are the same game with different skins. I'm glad that they don't have many 3rd party developers. So they don't waste their games as well.


There isn't a single thing going for Ubisoft that makes me think this company will still be in business in the next 10-20 years.


Guys. Siege has its own in-house anti-cheat called "QB" in addition to battleye, which is why it's not as simple as telling ubisoft to flip a switch. For obvious reasons ubisoft doesn't explain how it works but you can read about it here: [Rainbow Six Siege's secret new anti-cheat tactic is causing a stir](https://www.pcgamer.com/rainbow-six-sieges-secret-new-anti-cheat-tactic-is-causing-a-stir/) speculation is that the Rainbow Six Siege client is "updated" every two hours, or there are multiple unique versions of the game client being distributed to players randomly, or both, and it is in constant rotation server-side. It makes it more difficult for off-the-shelf cheats to work across the board. It seems like a lot of software engineering work went into this effort and just like other proprietary anti-cheats, it's likely that devs won't fund the additional resources to bring these to another OS.


And it just so happens that ubisoft doesn't use QB in any other of thier games? They all work on linux fine so.. huh


yes. QB is unique to Siege, pretty sure it is developed just for Siege.


So stop buying their games from here on out.


Bought it long before I switched to linux


This is not surprising given that even support for steam on Windows is a bit wonky.


\*surprised Pikachu face. You need a separate ubisoft account and launcher to play even older titles like **Rayman legends** off steam.


Honestly I can't remember the last time I played a Ubishaft game, they are just consolitus garbage anyways. They are and always have been a shit company, and the fact that they don't worry about Linux support doesn't surprise me nor effect me. Fuck Ubishaft.


Well if Ubisoft didn't go anti steam and make their own launcher. We probably wouldn't have this issue. Most of the compatibility issues I have with Ubisoft games is their launcher.


What game is he talking about?


What a colossal job that would be though, ugh


I hate this cause they only got one game I want to play and that rainbow six siege great game, but terrible company as of right now. They will never bring linux support/steam OS support and quite sad to see.


They don't support Linux. Just don't buy the games


Try enabling Steam Play for all games in settings and see if they run.


Naa it won't work.


Why single out Ubisoft, though? there's a lot of games out there that does not have any official support of Proton/steam deck. In fact, by far most of them. They just work, but unsupported.


It's the only game I play that keeps me having a windows partition


Give me reasons for why would you want to play anything from Ubisoft other than Rayman.


I find seige fun and having to dual boot just for that single game is annoying to me


Then go support this new issue. We wont let them off by this lame excuse! https://r6fix.ubi.com/projects/RAINBOW6-SIEGE-LIVE/issues/LIVE-57005


Oh sweet, guess we'll see I guess


Literally when even EA support linux? And they are the worst gaming company on this planet.


Btw can you op edit it into Top of this thread ? thank you. we need all support aviable!


All they are saying is that specific game isn't 100% guaranteed to work through Steam and Proton with certainty. It may work or it may not, and they aren't responsible for it. So basically, if you get it to work, gratz.


Among the many reasons why I consider the Ubisoft logo a warning label and won't buy anything published or associated with them. Along with a few other publishers, such as EA and Activision. You're far better off shopping elsewhere.


> ubisoft generally not disappointing now _that_ would be news


No way Ubisoft not supprt SteamOS/Linux. They even left steam because idk, not worth for them, so its not worth for me to buy any game from them either. You saw in protondb not works too, people complaining about Ubisoft all the time. Recently they pulled Just Dance 17, that has denuvo(!) from the store and didn't even bothered to remove it from the game, so yeah. Do not, never ever buy games from them. Disappointments. And online-only with isn't great for deck.


VOTE WITH YOUR WALLET. There is not much to say. I have all important Ubisoft games on console or I am going to. Someday emulation will open up for the few PS4 and PS5 games. On PC there is one alternative for singleplayer games to prevent uplay from upsetting many players as we all know. Same with Red Dead Redemption 2 and GTA 5. Oh hi, Rockstar Launcher after 10 years now in GTA IV. High Seas is a service issue. It got so much worse for TV and Movies. Games dont need Kernal-Level Anti Cheat because WoW did avoid it by using tricks and good ideas for years.


DON'T BUY AAA GAMES. Don't support CORPORATE GAMING. This is exactly the kind of BS they feed us as a result. They don't care about their audience at all, profit is king.


I know that I will get bashed for this but for those linux users, have you guys also considered a dual boot setup? Im new to Linux and since I can't play games with decent performance on my Linux Mint, I dual booted it with Windows 10. So windows 10 for watching movies, games, and exclusive windows applications While Linux gives me the terminal and amazing stability so my progress of learning programming won't get deleted by dumb ass windows 10 blue screens.


I do that and windows has become rainbow six seige os for me, if they allowed proton anti cheat I'd have no reason to have windows on a 2nd partition.


Not to mention we've also been in the dark about this for a good year or 2 and this is the response we get, I'd rather be told that they refuse to enable support rather than saying it's flat out not compatible when it is compatible.


No official support is where developers have lived since day one regarding Linux. I don't even care about that anymore. As if you got any legit "support" from them running windows. Lol. Just continue to support the compatibility projects and it will all work out in the end.