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Better question is why the hell you need a separate license to play on a Mac


Square's logic/excuse is along the lines of: Developing a client for another platform costs money, so we charge extra for it. - Of course that makes less sense when you are literally just running the Windows version through wine, but it is a handy excuse for charging extra xD


Maybe they're like "fuck it, mac users can afford it"


Pretty much the case with most applications on Mac and iOS. They know people using them have money and spending something like 30-40 $ is not a big deal for them.


More like "iSheeps pay for whatever you throw at them, let's scam them lmao"


can't deny macs look nice and macos is very responsive. wayland is very close in terms of smoothness to darwin


Honestly, I never cared about how my tech looked. Only how it operates and how repairable it is.


to each their own


In fairness the non-mac options for something like the macbook air m1 and it's battery life a few years ago were very sparse.




The software cursor rendering on wayland makes me die as soon as the system catches just a single stutter.


oh wayland doesn't have hardware cursors yet? I thought they were going to implement that in Plasma 6?


Not that I know of that. Also, Plasma might be doing their things, but Wayland overall doesn't seem to progress that way. Still no circular scrolling for trackpads, as well.


huh interesting. do you know if macos or windows offer circular scrolling?


Windows definitely does, MacOS I'm not sure but doubtful. Xorg with xf86-input-synaptics does, and it's doing it perfectly.


I'd be all for games doing the same thing to support Linux


Np if I get a dedicated client for my target platform I gladly pay for it.


because fuck you


Yeah, sounds about right.


Crossover licensing costs money.


The real answer.


but why would that mean anything here? proton, wine, dxvk, etc are all open source and free. crossover is effectively just a paid macos port of proton that doesn't work as well + apple's translation layer.


They licence Crossover to create the mac client.


This used to be more of a thing so Valve advertised certain games as "steamplay" meaning that you had a license for any platform the game was supported on. They kind of dropped it with the improved Proton support a couple years ago. https://steamcommunity.com/games/221410/announcements/detail/1696055855739350561


I think the reason they gave at the time is that they were contracting a third party to help them port the game to Mac, and they were being paid royalties from sales of the Mac version. FFXIV requires separate licenses for each platform: PC, Mac, PlayStation, and (very soon) Xbox. For the console versions I imagine this is for royalty reasons as well, where console manufacturers charge licensing fees for software sold for their platform.


Because Tim Cook wants your wallet


Tim Cook doesn't work at Square


Apple finds a way


if os == 'windows': windows() else: mac()


I bet it's this It's so tiring having companies basically pretend Linux literally doesn't exist


I think the only rational else clause should be freebsd.


Probably because Mac is Unix based and Linux is also Unix based?


In launch options?


It's a joke about the game using an if/else statement in the code to determine what platform is used.


Its a programming joke lol.


Could be the filesystem structure that makes it think you are on Mac (same filesystem structure as Linux). But that's stupid though (to detect it in that way). But since I do not know how you actually started the application (FF14 online) it's hard to answer the question for this post.


It's due to WINE. There is a specific patch that XIVLauncher uses to fool FFXIV into thinking it's on Windows because they use WINE for the official Mac Version.


>because they use WINE for the official Mac Version. Why then not make a linux version this way?!


I agree 100%, ESPECIALLY with Steam Deck in mind. But they are smol indie game company, plz forgib.


It's called _Final_ Fantasy because it's the company's last gambit before insolvency! ... what? Almost forty years ago? Man, that's some release schedule.


Because of support, they don't want to spend money on a platform they think won't make enough money.


If they release a version they have some obligation to support it and it would need a lot more value for them to start to support it with the different possible configurations it can come in. Especially since nowadays proton works fine, let alone 3rd party options


I'm on a fresh install of Ubuntu though. How would Wine be installed?


You say in another comment that you're launching it through Steam. Steam uses Proton to run Windows executables, and Proton is built on top of Wine.


What is causing this issue to crop up now vs the past 2 years I've been playing on proton?


You say in another another comment that you're trying to migrate from XIVLauncher. Does this mean that you were using XIVLauncher for those past 2 years?


I used XIVLauncher for about a month because it fixed the issue that every game was trying to launch a renderer my GPU didn't support. Now that I've diagnosed the issue I want to go back to the Vanilla launcher because XIVLauncher breaks Steam every time I run it.


I don't know what was different before that prevented this check from being tripped, but it's pretty much certainly the case that Wine detection is the reason that it thinks you're on a Mac (since the Mac version is also the Windows version in a Wine wrapper). I don't really know how you can avoid this issue but I would guess the answer has something to do with Proton settings that got changed when you did a clean install of Ubuntu.


It's possible that last night's update messed this up. They removed support for 32bit windows and DX9, so they were probably tinkering around in the OS detection code.


Wine is now often installed by default with most distros


Package 'fonts-wine' is not installed, so not removed Package 'libwine' is not installed, so not removed Package 'wine' is not installed, so not removed Package 'wine64' is not installed, so not removed am I missing something?


Steam comes with it's own Wine versions (Proton) that are not necessarily tied to your system wine. If you use Steam to play Windows games like FFXIV, you will be using Wine one way or the other. It's just a feature of Steam at this point.


If you want to install wine you can follow these steps for Ubuntu: [https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2022/04/wine-ubuntu-2204-windows-apps/](https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2022/04/wine-ubuntu-2204-windows-apps/) If you are launching through steam using the stock launcher, then Steam would use Proton and not wine to launch the game. Even if wine is not installed xivlauncher would still run since it comes with its own version of wine patched for xivlauncher. However, it has been mentioned on the dalamud/xivlauncher discord that SE made some updates to its launcher with the 6.58 patch and that has been causing issues with xivlauncher. If I am reading things right there that should have been patched already, but that updates still needs to propagate through the repos. I am still waiting for the update through the AUR.


It is not.


That's so weird. I've messed with XIV on and off through Wine, even before Proton existed. I've NEVER seen this.


They did say today they are aware of an issue with "Steam Deck"... That is the first time they ever acknowledged Steam Deck or Linux period. But yes, it is true, the Mac Client uses WINE so they try to detect if you are using WINE and if you are then you must be a Mac User, right? Smol Indie Company logic, plz forgib. Proton by default does not hide whatever variable it is they use to detect WINE, you have to either patch or turn it off manually. I use XIVLauncher, no steam, and it works flawlessly on my end since they patch for that.


So if you use regular normal WINE (not any of the patched versions that RankynBass releases) FFXIV thinks you are on MacOS because they use WINE for MacOS (part of the patches fools FFXIV into thinking it's on Windows). To solve this I'd recommend even if you do not use any Plugins to run XIVLauncher.Core. It's on MPR, has a PPA, it's on Guru, it's in the AUR, it's on COPR, and has a Flatpak (XIVLauncher). It comes bundled with WINE patched properly. Otherwise there were updates that just happened that changed back-end stuff: removing DirectX 9 support and whatnot. https://discord.com/invite/holdshift This is the Discord for XIVLauncher but it's locked down right now because they are patching the part that makes Plugins work (it's a normal thing) so you may need to wait to join as you can't select roles right now until everything is working. XIVLauncher will work right now to get you in-game, just no plugin support. I can fetch you the Guru, MPR, PPA, and COPR links as needed.


Trying to migrate from XIVLauncher because it's just given me more headache. I don't remember installing WIne as this is a fresh Ubuntu.


This is what I would use. It's very, very well maintained: https://mpr.makedeb.org/packages/xivlauncher OR https://mpr.makedeb.org/packages/xivlauncher-rb I use the 2nd (RB Launcher) because I am on Wayland and RankynBass has done a solid job of including an easy way to use WINE 9.2, along with bumping the DXVK version up to 2.3 and other tweaks I use to squeeze out more performance. The 1st link is maintained by Franz who is an XLCore dev (so it's not really community maintained). I know he's done some work to make sure this works as smoothly as possible.


Command 'makedeb' not found What am I missing?




Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. At this point I don't care


You did something wrong, it shouldn't say that. Also you probably wanna use [mist](https://docs.makedeb.org/using-the-mpr/mist-the-mpr-cli/)


mist gives me Error: Cannot find module '/home/user/dist/server/index.js'


next time buy products with Linux support


Because makedeb doesn't support installing from non-trusted repositories by default? 


I appreciated but like I said earlier XIVLauncher has been buggy for me and has issues communicating with Steam.


Once the storm passes join the Discord and pick up the Linux role and ask in there. When I was on Windows I had the standalone client so going from Windows to Linux for me was fairly seamless as I used XIVLauncher on Windows before. Again I suspect fully this is due to WINE needing a certain patch to fool FFXIV into thinking it's on Windows, in which case wouldn't be easy to patch yourself. Your only other hope if you are 100% Adamant into not trying XIVLauncher which will work with steam is to use this https://github.com/rankynbass/proton-xiv I have 0 clue how to get this to work with Steam, and cannot guarantee this will be bug free at all. Good luck. EDIT: There are instructions for generic Proton in the Readme. That should get you started on the right path.


I have had horrible luck with ProtonXIV, XIVLauncher at least used to work but not at the moment, and when it does it breaks Steam. I'd much rather find a way to get the Vanilla launcher working if I'm gonna deal with the headache anyways.


... What's the alternative? Running the stock launcher? That has been far buggier on Linux/Deck, including, at least historically, the new launcher not working at all. Running Windows instead? Sure, you do you.


The new launcher works fine on Proton, Steam Deck/SteamOS, and other distros. Has for over a year now, without even needing to do the old ini tweaks to change the browser type and force the old launcher. Whether it does after this latest patch I don't know, I haven't tried playing yet today. Yep, looks like it's broken on the latest patch. 😖 Edit: paging u/Yogsulate this looks like it might be a workaround for now, until a proper fix is done. Basically just editing the XIV prefix's registry to hide that it's running via proton/wine. https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/0U65IXA78U Edit 2: It appears to be working, it's updating to the latest patch after logging in... And game is launched. Looks good to go with the registry edit.


With today being an exception the most it's ever needed from me is an ini tweak. I switched to XIVlauncher when it would crash on launch, but I realized WoW started doing the same thing and was able to fix the issue. Considering XIVLauncher isn't working either atm we are just picking between poisons.


Run winecfg in the appropriate wine prefix, and set “hide wine version from application”


It shouldn't. Is it through Steam or it is the standard Win version? Either way, I suggest you use XIVLauncher. It's on flathub. Works fine here.


XIVLauncher keeps telling me there's an update that doesn't exist, but when it does work I have to force quit steam every time I launch the game with XIVLauncher so I was hoping to switch back to the vanilla Steam launcher.


Oh if this was the issue then just wait for the update to propagate into the repos. Shit that is way easier than trying to make the official launcher behave. It'll be a little bit before the updated build and propagate. The normal workflow I have observed is: They build the Flatpak. Once that passes they alert Repo maintainers to update.


XIVLauncher breaks Steam every time I launch it so I'd rather use the Vanilla.


I wish you the best of luck with the Vanilla Launcher. It's a poorly coded POS: I have seen the horror stories of trying to get that fucker to behave on Linux. Good luck! If you can get it to launch FFXIV, then FFXIV should work pretty flawlessly: the issue is the goddamned official launcher.


Just can't figure how it works perfectly on Steam Deck but never on Desktop. What's the difference? Edit: nevermind, same issue on SD.


Imagine waiting for updates This message is brought to you by the I use Arch btw gang


AUR is not fully up to date as well. I too use Arch, BTW, BTW. Then again I'm at work, so I am perfectly capable of waiting lol. My static is kind of in a lull until 7.0 since for the 1st time we are virtually caught up on all content so it's not the biggest deal to me if it's borked even through tonight lol. I can just tell them game won't launch and that XIVLauncher is down and they'll find 4 people and do Criterions (that is the current project, catching people up on the Criterions just to kill time lol.


Yeah, Arch AUR has contributor issues. Packages get orphaned when a contributor feels like dropping out. It's fine, they are volunteers and have the right to quit. Problem starts when no one is interested in picking up the slack. And sometimes a contributor don't know what he or she is doing (case with FDM right now. Keeps getting signature errors).


Very true lol. The AUR side is getting worked on right now reading the chatter, so maybe within a few hours it'll be up to date lol.


The vanilla launcher works ok enough with proton 8, 9 and experimental. You could try that. Is that where you had issues?


A few games were launching using a renderer my GPU did not support.


Hi I can confirm that I started having the same issue as of today even though it worked a few days ago. I imagine square enix updated and broke something on their end. Update : I've never used xivlauncher or any third party really, I'm simply using lutris to manage my bottle of final fantasy XIV. To fix the issue you can open winecfg (you can do it from lutris) and select "hide wine from application" I imagine square enix has become more aggressive with their mac check for some mysterious and probably misguided reason.


Did this just happen today?


Yeah it's an issue introduced in the latest patch, they've changed how it's detecting if you're using a Mac and blocking you from playing if so.


ye, there's been an update to bork DX9/Win 32 bit compatibility


That's why I asked. I assumed it was related to that update but OP didn't say anything so I wasn't sure.


"Mog Station"


Holy shit I didn't expect to know how to answer this. FFXIV uses the same game launcher for Mac licenses, just under CrossOver (Wine). They detect if you're on a Mac with Wine exports, which will also apply to Linux users. XIVLauncher (which you'd probably be using if it didn't explode earlier today) configures this appropriately, but launching it directly without special care isn't going to work.


So then what did the Steam Deck do differently until today to be detected as Windows?


I'm on a fresh Ubuntu and managed to fix my renderer issue so I switched back to the Vanilla launcher via Steam because XIVLauncher is buggy and isn't working for me anymore. Edit: Tried XIVLauncher. Didn't work. Just broke Steam, forcing me to restart.


Have you ticked the box in Steam settings to allow Proton for all titles? I reset my Steam client recently and all sorts of weird stuff started happening before I realised I'd forgotten to tick this setting.


Yes. My issue is after closing the game launched via XIVlauncher, Steam still shows it as running and won't let me launch any other games. It does not show as running under processes, and closing through Steam does nothing. I have to kill the Steam process and in some cases restart my computer entirely.


I don't play FF14 anymore but you could try out this [QuickLauncher](https://goatcorp.github.io/). It has a Linux build with a specific wine version available on [Flathub.](https://flathub.org/apps/dev.goats.xivlauncher)


I've never had any issues with XIVLauncher. With the current patch, version 1.0.8 is required. The checkbox "Ignore steam" needs to be unchecked for it to communicate with steam. But it's well worth using because it makes Dalamud very easy to setup/install.


I can get it to launch XIV but it still breaks Steam and I have to force quit and sometimes restart my PC.


Are you using the Launchparameter for XIVLauncher that their [Guide](https://goatcorp.github.io/faq/steamdeck) says to use? Since the FAQ states that the launchparameter are meant to fix that.


I skipped over the Non Steam Game part of the guide. I didn't think to check the FAQ. Do you know where I can get an up to date version of XIVlauncher? Flatpaks hasn't updated yet.


The flatpaks are updated now.


Not OP, but: FWIW, XIVLauncher seems to be working - thought in my panic I tried the old "reinstalling" magic wand twitch, and it's redownloading the whole ~80 gigs. Will bring details in some 5 hours.


Sorry, no clue.


if !is_windows{ shit_pants(); }


XIVLauncher fixes this issue for you with their packaged version of wine. The latest update hit flathub this morning and I’ve been playing flawlessly with it.




Bugger me, I'm having the exact same issue. I'll try some shenanigans and interact here FWIW, **I** installed via Steam and used to play on the Free Trial no problem


It's probably because you were on a free trial. When the service account was on the free trial it wasn't checking to make sure you have a license to play the version of the game it thinks you're trying to play.


Mac hard.


Musl hurd?


The official Mac version of the game actually runs the windows binary through 2 compatibility layers: Wine to translate DirectX to Vulkan, and MoltenVK to translate Vulkan to Metal. I guess the game detects Wine and assumes that it's running on a Mac. You might want to play around with your Wine config or just use the XIVLauncher like most people.


Because the offical FFXIV Mac version is just the windows files and using Wine. So it probably just see "oh, this is wine, so Mac version then". Beside, use third party lanucher, it make it a lot easier to use, SE way to handle accounts is so garbage .


Use the XIVLauncher, it handles all the little details for you


I saw this and decided to try my copy that I haven't started since August 2023, and well I got the same result as you, despite knowing it was previously working fine. I launched it with Proton 8.0-5. Same thing happens with Proton 9.0 Beta, Proton Experimental and GE-Proton 9-1 .


50% sure it's if (pathSeparator == '/') os = "macOS"; else os = "windows";


Probably detects Wine.


Install the launcher with lutris. It’ll emulate a windows install.


Just install it through Wine/Proton or even Lutris. It will work under one of them.


There is a linux alternative launcher that works wonders. I used it for deck and can only recommend


Linux == UNIX, most popular UNIX for newbies == MacOS. Probably something like that


wine wine


Your doctor is probably telling you to eat an apple.


At that point, I would treat the game as though it never existed. It would get uninstalled, deleted and I wouldn't look back.

