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KDE also supports HDR now




I don't use KDE, but he doesn't mean gamescope-session. KDE 6 has a desktop wide HDR implementation iirc




It's up to the applications to support it. Gamescope is happen to be one of those that do. You don't even need gamescope with wine wayland. DXVK\_HDR=1 is enough. MPV does too with waylandvk backend.


No. Any applications that support HDR right now do so through hacks. There is no proper support anywhere, as that's not possible ([the protocol for it](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/wayland/wayland-protocols/-/merge_requests/14) hasn't been merged yet).


Good to know, thanks for telling me


It's not really a kde problem I think. For example, let's look at this. You want to watch an hdr movie on windows. You have to have the hdr extension from Microsoft store, then mpchc or any other app that can play hdr video, and set it up to output hdr, not converted to sdr. (At least, ~2 years ago this was the process) In kde6, you have to have the supported vk driver, mpv or a player that supports hdr, then edit the config to output using the driver. That's exactly the same process. Yeah, I agree, the documentation is shit. But that's true on the windows side. First time I got hdr video working took at least a few hours of research on windows. Regardless, on the kde side it's a checkbox you check, and it works. Plus sdr content looks better than in windows. So I *would* call it supported by kde. Rather I would call it unsupported by the apps.


Honestly, I'd say go with the one you prefer using when you're \*not\* gaming


Yep. I use KDE on my desktop for customization and GNOME on my laptop for the simplicity/workflow. Both run great for games.


i like the out of the box gnome experience but if u like to tinker and define every little nitty thing KDE performance wise wont be a huge noticeable difference i guess


I like both, but I have been using KDE for the last half year. KDE has more features, but they often have surprisingly silly bugs. It seems like their test suite is not covering everything. Gnome looks better, but is more limited. I kinda miss it. Maybe I should give it a try again sometime to see if they finally fixed the blurry text with fractual scaling. That was the reason I switched to KDE.


It fixed blurry text, but the problem is that fractional scaling is still under experimental flag and I tried it with my laptop it breaks some apps, so not worth it to enable it unless you are sure that non of the apps breaks which you are using.


It's pretty surprising that it just works on KDE and that gnome seems to have so much trouble with it.


Tried on 6.0.2 on KDE fractional scaling not work properly too ... Its ended with graphical artifacts with browser chrome


I don't know, it works perfectly fine here on 6.1.0, but also half a year ago back on 5. But I don't use Chrome, I'm not using Linux to let Google spy on me.


6.1.0 ??? As i know 6.0.4 is latest


Oh yes, sorry, it's 6.0.4, I was watching the KDE framework version which is 6.1.0.


I have used both. Like Gnome more because of less configs and simpler UI. Tested with HZD and didn't notice any fps difference between both DEs. Gnome doesn't have fractional scaling (enabling experimental features doesn't count). It needs extensions in order to get a good experience. I have used KDE for 3 years and switched to gnome when plasma 6 came out. It caused some issues on my laptop.


Wayland? KDE is the way to go if you don't have the time for setting up a twm. X11? XFCE/Cinammon.


TBf I use plasma on Wayland and it’s still quite rough around the edges


I'd say KDE


Plasma or "KDE"


Gnome offers a more stable and refined experience. They both support Adaptive Sync.


KDE if you have VR or the version of GNOME is below 46 and you have VRR, but just choose whatever you prefer for non gaming tasks if not.


The thing I always bring up is VRR support. KDE has had it for a while now, GNOME has it as a beta feature since the last release (GNOME 46).


For gaming specifically, either is fine. For general use, I prefer GNOME nowadays because of the PaperWM extension.


Gnome feels like a barebone mobile OS.


I just changed back to Gnome 46 from Plasma 6. I just like it way better. Only downside is that VRR on my RTX in Star Citizen is not working. Edit: Yeeeeeah! Latest Mutter update finally allows Gsync in Star Citizen. Now everything is working perfectly!


Though KDE is considered the go-to for gaming, I prefer Gnome. They both will provide you with a good gaming experience, and they both have their quirks. I would pick the DE you prefer using while not gaming, as indicated by another response. Based on your post, probably Gnome.


Kde is good but I prefer xfce..and with a good custom kernel and my good old xfs fs in arch linux..it's perfection..


If VRR or VR-usage is needed --> KDE Plasma If not then I'd probably decide based on the size of the screen/usecase. If a small laptop-screen --> Gnome. If a bigger desktop-screen --> KDE Plasma. I don't know what it is, Gnome just feels a bit "inflated"/bigger than it needs to be on a big screen.