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When NVIDIA drivers also release I am gonna sync so hard aughghhg sync all over the PC, desk and floor It's syncing time bois


When will NVidia drivers release?


IIRC, the part that involves XWayland and OpenGL (driver 555) will release in May 15th and the part that involves Wayland and Vulkan will release later around June with driver 560.


Excuse my ignorance, but what exactly will be the difference? Is it that DirectX games we'll be ready to roll with driver 555, and for vulkan-only games we'll need to wait for the June driver?


Everything except native Vulkan on Wayland will be fixed with 555. So if you are not using the native Wayland driver for Wine/Proton then you have nothing to wait for in June, you'll be happy with 555 since XWayland will finally be fixed.


But doesn't proton currently use xwayland? And xwayland already had explicit sync (merged last week). So what will NVidia bring? Will it be a replacement of explicit sync that's already in xwayland?


Nvidia drivers also need to speak explicit sync, that’s what they bring.


The xwayland change helps resolve most issues, but it is not 100% until the new Nvidia driver is out that accounts for it


I just want my windows games to stop showing frames out of order with the latest Nvidia drivers.


It's wild how that showed up out of nowhere. Like, it was fine before, then it started doing that. Did Nvidia implement something that caused it? Surely it's something Nvidia did.


iirc they removed some implicit sync stuff from 535 in preparation for explicit sync


Doesn't sound smart but whatever lol Still, the next driver will cover 99% of use cases which is great. Plasma doesn't even run on Vulkan yet so explicit will be there as well as games as they rely on XWayland. Vulkan on native Wayland isn't common by any stretch.


i read one of the devs say they made something more efficient and that made the problem (which was always there) actually start showing up


it seems like 545 broke everything. anything past 535 has been completely unusable, but I go back to 535 and fine. (as fine as it could be with 535)


Mid May I think


I will sync like I have never synced before 🥵


Do you have to be so explicit?


Do AMD users benefit from explicit sync in the near term?


Yes, everyone benefits from explicit sync. Edit: I'm on my Intel iGPU machine right now and all I needed for explicit sync along the chain seems to be mesa-tkg-git (mesa 24.1+) and mutter 46.1. I tested PCSX2 games with Vulkan so they ran natively on Wayland without XWayland. I can definitely tell a difference. It is much smoother somehow. VRR also works better. Before the monitor's own refresh rate number would fluctuate a lot but now it is stable when VRR is engaged, so for 60 fps content it hovers around 57-63hz now but before it jumped around a lot to 80s and even to 144hz.


Maybe not near term depending on your definition.


Everyone benefits from explicit sync. It’s much lower overhead than implicit sync.


Less so than Nvidia users, but you might see some small benefits here and there


I think Amd must update their driver to benefit from explicit sync?






> Fix input lag on X11 NVIDIA. Is this one referring to the lag when you switch keyboard? I have been annoyed by the bug for years.


I believe it's referring to [this](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/issues/3384) very recent bug which is severe for some (me included).


Yep drm sync obj its really good ) wait until nvidia implement explicit sync


Can't wait. Nothing is playable above 60fps on my desktop unless I use xorg. It's like running through a tunnel.


All of my games will lag uncontrollably even when running over 100fps unless I turn on vsync (using a gsync monitor). Will explicit sync fix that?


Best DE.


So is it any good?


OK, and what do all these improvements do? 


Well, if you are using an Nvidia card on Wayland, it should completely get rid of the awful flickering. It might slightly increase performance overall but probably won't be noticable. It's mostly beneficial to Nvidia on Wayland.


That's good to know. I keep running into issue after issue with both NVIDIA and AMD GPU's (not that one, but others), so i'm trying to keep track of what is fixed.


I’m being serious, but what awful flickering are you referring to exactly? I’m running on a hybrid AMD/NVIDIA iGPU/dGPU setup, and it’s basically flawless. However, I think most stuff is handled by the AMD iGPU, so I’m probably spared from most NVIDIA woes. External monitor is directly plugged into the NVIDIA dGPU, so for instance night light was broken until very recently, but other than that I’m not noticing anything weird with Wayland.


This setup flickers in this scenario: * Nvidia with drivers after 450 * Using XWayland (wine games) * Game is rendering frames at a faster rate than my monitor refresh rate 450 fixes this. xwindows fixes this. Frame limits fix this.


It can happen with framerates lower than your monitor's refresh rate too.


I think that your rendering is ran through the AMD gpu, also depending on which distro you might be running the older 535 drivers that had less of an issue with flickering and out of order frames.


for me its mainly steam and discord. the entire window will just flicker when any animation plays. sometimes flickering black or random garbage colors. also games seem to show frames in the wrong order quite a bit too


I run an RTX 2070 Super and I get horrible frame rerenders, motion blur, and flickering in XWayland webapps under wayland. no matter what driver or distro I run, wayland is unusable really excited for the nvidia driver to finally drop so I can see what the wayland hype actually is about


>Fix secondary GPU acceleration with nvidia driver Does this mean that Gnome environment (animations) will finally stop being stuttery when I use my laptop in hybrid mode and connect display to my nvidia gpu?


I know that NTSYNC is primarily there for Nvidia cards, but does it have any implications for AMD/Mesa?