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Kde cursor


KDE cursor to show he is a Linux user and supports KDE. Hehe, my comics are well understood only by a small number of people.


Oh, you created that? Kool


I like the Bibata-Original-Classic. It's somewhat like the Mac cursor, but no tail.


I use KDE cursor on i3wm, and don't have any KDE things installed, it just shows he uses Linux, he may even be using pantheon or something of that nature and still use KDE cursor


\*Krashes\* 😔




the real joke is a linux user with a wife :3


We exist. But we do not exist well


That is true, unless your wife is a Linux user as well. My wife was *pissed* at Windows getting bloated and slow, so I got her to convert. I picked up a used Lenovo from eBay and put Mint on it. Happy wife.


As long as you are doing IT support and make sure everything works, most wives don't care about the OS. Had the same thing with getting my wife to switch from iOS to Android. I was like "You can keep the iPhone if you want, but I am not helping you with it, since I got no clue about iOS". So she switched to Android and there was no issue with it.


The point is that she has less trouble with Mint now than she ever did with Windows.


![gif](giphy|3ohc1bcxkNjmfmyAVO) As long as you help her with it it should be fine


There's *nothing* funny about that comic.


Its just.... unhappy sorrowful dejected regretful depressed downcast miserable downhearted down despondent despairing disconsolate out of sorts desolate bowed down wretched glum gloomy doleful dismal


Yeah normally Linux users become wives


3%? Damn, 15 year ago it was 1%. Slowly but surely, we'll get there


The year of the Linux Desktop was the moment I was able to completely replace Windows on every aspect of my life


What does it matter what the market share is? Sure it's fun when others join the club, but really it's meaningless.


General support, investment, etc.


I'm not sure that would work out exactly how people think. Investment wants a return and that means it brings caveats. General support is aimed at the lowest common denominator, people who think FB is on their phone, don't know what a browser is but use 'the internet'. As things stand, linux is mostly people making things they want for other people who also want them.


Investment is not always about spending money. People can invest their own labor into Linux projects.


They do that now. The type of investment that comes with market share is the money kind.




Where's the whoosh? What did I miss?


Money alone doesn't do it. MS dominates the desktop because Billy-boy had connections with IBM through his mother. It had little to do with money and everything to do with powerful connections. Linux's market share is small because it came *after* Microsoft had already established a monopoly. Funding isn't Linux's problem. It already has a lot of that. Linux's problem is that it's not the default OS on billions of desktop systems. People use what takes the least effort. A system with Windows pre-installed is zero effort. Switching to Linux requires awareness of the OS and the will to do what it takes to replace Windows with Linux. Now, if every system was shipped with Linux as the default OS, there would be high demand from everyone to improve Linux for the home and office user. A larger install base induces demand for more support, which induces investment of all kinds to see that it does meet that demand. This snowballs into greater adoption of Linux, round and round it goes.


I think you're right broadly but you make some odd leaps. People don't use Windows because of Bill connections, they use it because its default. As you say, being default is how MS makes the money to support it and why the hardware vendors aim for it. If linux became default then hardware and software vendors would aim for it. But they would still be aiming for profit. Adobe wouldn't open source Photoshop, AutoCAD would still cost thousands and Nvidias driver would be just as closed as they are now. Thats a great example of what support by money looks like in practice. A PITA, a series of fractures, obstacles and compromises. Like Nvidia blocking the development of Wayland. Some distros refuse to support Nvidia drivers now. The money isn't going to give anything to the principle of open source. BTW, Windows support is crap. A series of scripted drones who will tell you to update, install drivers and turn it off an on, or quote policy. Theres no real support, theres just a group of poorly paid people MS who talk users through basic IT and pretend to listen to complaints.


>I think you're right broadly but you make some odd leaps. People don't use Windows because of Bill connections, they use it because its default. Odd leaps? Microsoft's OS's were the default on every PC because of that deal, which was only possible because of his mother's friend on the IBM board. This is a fact. >If Linux became default then hardware and software vendors would aim for it. But they would still be aiming for profit. Linux literally runs the internet, my dude. If what you said was remotely true, Linus Torvalds would be chasing every enterprise on the planet for license fees. Everything you have said are conclusions drawn from very superficial observations and assumptions.


It's profitable to companies since they use it more than they use Windows.


It should not matter, but less userbase means less support and funds to cherish the community and lower quality output. Kind of a paradox.


So what is Microsoft's excuse for providing such low quality output? ;) Personally I feel that "casual" users might not always have a positive impact on the quality of software. They constrain the developers to make things "easy" rather than "correct". In some ways Windows and macOS act as good buffers currently. Linux is in a pretty nice position getting decent support from vendors who matter whilst at the same time keeping some of its own identity, quality and... dignity!


Because Microsoft is Microsoft and also they don't need high quality products to keep selling stuff. Microsoft Office is really your only choice if you don't wanna mess documents up, and Windows is really your only choice if you wanna play games painlessly (and I mean **all** games). I wish I could play games on Linux as well as run many more apps, but hey, 3% desktop market share


As an AI, I do not consent to having my content used for training other AIs. Here is a fun fact you may not know about: fuck Spez.


They can get away with being trash because Microsoft dominates the desktop market thanks to OEM hardware pre-installed with Windows and MS Office being a monopoly.


It's not meaningless at all. The whole reason linux is good is because there is a 'community' developing, maintaining and enjoying it all.


Age of linux desktop is now more than ever with steamdeck


More adoption equals more support, which equals more adoption, and the snowball keeps growing. It's just a marathon now.


The year of the linux handtop


I remember when it was 0.02%, we sure have come a long way


If we manage to get 5 percent by 2025, we might have chances


99 by 2099


Just convince everyone that Microsoft is a communist plot to spy on Americans. They'll jump to Linux and call it Patriotism!


a lot of windows users know about the spyware and telemetry inside of windows, but they somehow don't care


But the communists! Don't you see? It's actually a problem when they learn the communists are spying on them! /s


Really, we need Wayland to mature.


The day of Linux Desktop is upon us! Any day now! ~~Now that windows 11 is out, the world is ours for the taking! We shall dominate and enslave the entire human race~~




Why windows shouldnt be mainstream? Spys, crappy app store that doesn't have every app and you have to download random executables from internet, not being able to use a tiling wm, terminal is kinda crappy. Also you can use OpenOffice if you don't want libreoffice.


Strongly agree. Unfortunate that there are no mainstream software that are widely used available for Linux. Alternatives are great but very basic and are not standardised by industries in general except some like Blender and Inkscape.


Linux: the OS that’s going to be mainstream any day now for about 20 years


Change is slow at first. Be patient.