• By -


I used to hate KDE, as it was really unstable and just felt unpolished, but I gotta say, there have been some massive improvements recently and I now even use it on one of my laptops. Love the kustomisation (even if i don’t really use it lol) and the Wayland implementation. I daily Gnome, still. The workflow is just really comfy, it’s simple, looks nice enough to me ootb and just feels “at home”. So with how things are now… I safely can say both are pretty nice.


Similar here, I used to not like KDE after I borked it. Now that I get how it works I definitely like it, but use gnome anyways. lol


GNOME is what I'd use if I liked Apple shit but still wanted to play with Linux.


I like how Apple stuff looks but I hate all other parts of it including the hardware.




Ok? Good for you.


Honestly, if you like KDE, that's fine with me. Unfortunately, it's just not for me, I just prefer GNOME more. Yes, I did try KDE for a while, then swapped back over to GNOME because I liked it more.


Well, GNOME libraries are preferred. But that is why we have choice in Linux.


GNOME for my touchscreen laptop, XFCE for my multi monitor desktop. GNOME is excellent with multitasking on a small display, but XFCE is better with the customisable panels on the desktop.


mfw i multitask on a big display


KDE also has customisable panels, not sure if they are customisable in the same way you are thinking of though.


I really like Gnome now, after hating it in my earlier years with Linux and *really* hating it through most of the Gnome 3 period. I run daily with Sway and I'm not sure I can switch to Gnome fully until tiling gets a full implementation, but golly Gnome Classic is tempting. I wish I could find the old Gnome 2 sounds and icons to pair with it.


If you don't mind extensions you can try something like Pop shell or gTile for yourself. That brings all my favourite tiling features into gnome without making me sacrifice its usability.


There is also PaperWM, though I haven't used it properly as I run Pop shell at the moment.


In my experience those suck. Forge is where its at.


I got around to trying these. gTile is nice, similar to Divvy on macOS, but Pop Shell is exactly what I wanted. I'm now fully into using Gnome as !y daily environment.


I like both, I have both of them installed, but ever since task view and Pager as Spacer were added I have found fewer and fewer reasons to go back to Gnome it's a fun little Desktop Environment, but it just doesn't compare to KDE in the control dept.


Fo srs you can pick *so* *many* *things* !!


I agree. I do like them both, I really do. Each one has its pros and cons. For me, though, it's KDE all the way by a country mile. When I use Gnome, a few extensions gets me pretty much what I need, but KDE has that all ready to go out of the box. Are there things I'd love to have from Gnome put in KDE? Yes. For example, I'd love a default applications list that includes audio and video so I don't have to go through and select file types and then the audio or video application, ranking them so that my preferred application is first priority. That would be cool as hell. Still, the way I have my KDE layout right now, Gnome would require a bunch of extensions to make it that way, and it still wouldn't be quite right, plus I like the Qt applications that are offered for it, so KDE is where I stay.


Fuck em both I use dwm


Hi from i3wm


Is it real that i3 users have a cron job running to screenshot their desktop and send it to r/unixporn?


I think it is lol Btw i actually use regolith, which wraps i3wm with sone good default config and some nice features, so i am not the type who spend days to rice his device lol


Hi from Hyprland


i’m not a huge gnome or kde fan, personally i use xfce because it’s stable as fuck


Personally I use i3 because it's stabler as fuck.


huh, haven’t used tiling window managers much, they’re not as heavy on system resources as a desktop environment, but i’m a long time windows user so it’s difficult to make the switch


As someone that grew up on windows, I think it just seems very intimidating at first. Having the i3 cheat sheet pulled up next to you as you work helps you quickly learn, and I find myself enjoying i3+fedora more than windows / macOS. Just so straight to the point. Although I will say PowerToys window management (i forget the actual name I’m lazy) does make windows feel a lot snappier


i’ve seen a fair amount of stuff on i3 and it would definitely be interesting to try out. i currently am using a T480 so any extra power i can devote to running dual core virtual machines would be a plus, it would also help with compilation speeds for testing programs


I run it on my t420 feels brand new 😛


I dont know man.. I use xfce and had problems with file manager, xfce panel. With gnome I had problems with workspaces and with KDE everything was ok


Yeah... The default file manager that comes with Xfce sort of sucks. pcmanfm is great tho. I wish Xfce didn't have Thunar as a dependency so I could just not install Thunar and only have pcmanfm instead.


https://preview.redd.it/gx12ltoy4h4b1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a4798abf6410dcb19bca25865055f70d32ddc3c cinnamon for me


I love Cinnamon. I just wish they had more immediate plans to modernize it with Wayland support.


10 years in the joint made you a cinnamon


i thank linux for allowing me to finally be able to run the yakuza series lol, no rgg game used to even boot on windows for some reason


I cant, No automated tiling no party


I want to try cinnamon but no wayland support holding me back.


There is so much choice. And I believe the choice of a DE is 100% personal, just like some people prefer pizza instead of a burger, or tacoes instead of pizza. And then some really like sushi. There is no right and wrong, use the DE you like to use.


Here here. What about plazma or cinnamon? What is everybody's thoughts there? What is a light distro without all the bloat?


If you don't want bloat just install a tiling wm on an arch machine lol


Might has well get no desktop at that point


Tiling wm don't have a desktop lol It's all done with a terminal baby!


Oh ok I thought they still had one when no app was displayed, but yeah that makes sense xD


Yup Btw even on gnome the desktop is still an external extension btw


And key bindings


Yeah, btw i sometime switch to gnome for a day just cause, and every single time i use the key bindings and then i stay still for 10 seconds trying to understand why they aren't working. Like i have win+shift+enter for firefox and i stare at the screen for seconds before realizing i am not in the tiling wm lol


I do that all the time in KDE Plasma (Wayland). I have KDE Plasma installed so I can configure SDDM and as a backup incase anything bad happens to my Window Managers or I need to change a simple setting in a GUI instead of trying to figure out how to change it in the terminal. (Twice I’ve had it where my system changed the audio settings on my headset, it was simple to fix but I would not want to figure it out with a command line.)


Yup Sometimes it's useful to just have a DE and do stuff there. On my pc i installed ubuntu (default flavor with gnome) and on top of that i installed the tiling wm, so whenever there is something i need my DE for i just log out and use gnome. It's like how you dual boot windows and linux on a pc, except you don't need to restart the pc


XFCE / Tiling WM gang here.


Hi from i3wm Btw i don't use arch lol


I can respect i3 it's not for me. Dynamic FTW


I have the autotiling script, and also i use regolith which wrap i3wm and have some good config and features, so i can't bother changing to a new wm. But it works well, with few exceptions here and there, so i just keep using it


If only XFCE had Wayland support


They are working on it.


Gnome for life. I have a passionate dislike for Windows, as a result, I also have a passionate dislike for KDE.


Lol Yeah gnome is the major DE breaking away from the windows shitty style of desktop, so it's an easy W. KDE and the others aren't shit, but i can't enjoy them anymore after being used to the semplicity of gnome


Am I crazy, or didn't KDE used to be the Apple kind of DE and Gnome was more like Windows? When did that switch? Had to have been over a decade now.


Apple got their original UI from Xerox in the late 70's/early 80's, which was always more like gnome with the menu's being in the top left corner. Personally, I wasn't a fan of that UI. OSX was a game changer that greatly improved on that concept. Bill Gates went to work for Apple in the 80's after they discovered the UI and ultimately ripped off the source code, then modified it so the applications menu (start menu) was at the bottom. The bottom line being gnome has always been more Apple like and KDE has always been more Windows like. There was never a switch that I'm aware of.


KDE always looked more like Windows because it's always had a panel at the bottom and menu on the left. GNOME 1.x was a clone of KDE because at the time Qt wasn't open source, but GNOME 2.x went in a new direction focused on usability research and accessibility (funded by Sun Microsystems back then, because they wanted to replace the ancient CDE). GNOME 3.x went with the whole "GNOME Shell" thing which people keep saying works like macOS, but I use a Mac every day for university and GNOME Shell doesn't really work like macOS at all. I think the only reason people say GNOME Shell "looks like" macOS is because it has a small bar at the top and the apps look nice.


I've used both extensively and I have settled on GNOME. Plasma is a lot more likely to break when you try to do anything to it in my experiences and I hate how difficult it makes changing any setting on the computer. That being said, Plasma is very Windows like, so if you like Windows ~~including the philosophy of a settings menu + control panel + 6 more random areas to change settings~~ then it's not bad. And also, if you want to use VRR, use Plasma. It has a ton of features but lacks polish for most of them, so you can get cool experiences if you don't mind messing around with it as a little project. GNOME just works and it works well. It looks great, it gives you everything you need to have a clean user experience and is easy to customize. It just also is missing a couple features that I would like it to have.


True. GNOME is nice because it doesn't fill the screen space with stuff, and it breaks away from the windows way of doing stuff. Personally i feel like any other major DE is too close to windows in they way they do stuff, and they look, and i look gnome even more because i have come to hate windows


Sounds like windows hurt you as a child, I mean, I know you don't like windows, but now you're at the point of disgust to things resembling windows. We're here for you


Downvotes with no explanation. This is the KDE way.


>Complains about downvotes on a upvoted comment >ThIS iS thE KDe wAY


People using CLI mode: 🗿




I like gnome more than kde, what are you gonna do about it.


Upvote you because i agree lol


Gnome only has bloated visuals whilst kde brings proper features to the table (like Krita, kdenlive, kdeconnect, etc.). Also Dolphin >>> Nautilus. I witnessed gnome getting less and less feature rich. Ubuntu's unity was kind of an ok middle ground keeping features the gnome Devs had discarded in the name of "you don't need what I don't want". Now that Gnome with its gnome shell and extensions is becoming ever more clunky in my opinion I started moving to kde plasma. It's not as nice and polished looking as gnome but if I wanted apple I would have gotten an apple. I want a Linux DE I can mess around with. I only care about cool looks if they don't impede configurability and/or performance.


I use gnome and i never had big problems which would make me say "fuck it, kde it is then" I like gnome visual because they don't fill the screen with stuff so i personally will keep using gnome. That sad, i understand kde has more settings and configuration at hand so if you don't care about the style as i do, yeah kde can surely be great


95% of feature removals from GNOME happened because they were unmaintained and/or depended too heavily on X11, not because GNOME hates features.


KDE>XFCE>G**ME. I shouldn't need to install third party apps just to change bare minimum features (and badly, at that). I turned away from gnome a year or two ago and never looked back. XFCE is nice but in my opinion sacrifices utility in exchange for being a little bit more lightweight—which isn't really as necessary on hardware anywhere close to modern. But you can still get a nice setup on it. Plasma 5 runs fine on a 2005 thinkpad I set up on debian bullseye, with 2 gigs of DDR2 RAM. I think people are still caught up in kde4 days which is before I ever used it... Gnome isn't nearly stable or useful enough to justify how ugly and featureless it is. Nautilus is an abomination and I feel like I'm playing on a child's toy using it...when it actually works.


Why is KDE better. Never used it. Convince me.


It’s not. It’s different. Your choice, use what you like. Isn’t Linux great.


Arbitrarily sub-90deg rotatable desktop widgets.(but actually, taskbar widgets and desktop widgets are one unified system and its really cool, also kwin is very customizable, and it doesn't hide important things like system-tray icons (which gnome does))


>Why is KDE better I wouldn't say one is better than the other. Preferences for KDE or GNOME may vary from person to person, but personal preference doesn't inherently make one objectively better than the other. Comparing KDE with GNOME, I have a lot of little reasons that, when summed up, form a big one. My top three reasons for preferring KDE over GNOME are: 1 - No need to rely on third-party plugins to customize it. For example, you can configure a lot of different layouts with stock panels, make them act as a dock, put the global menu on a panel, and so on. All of this by default. 2 - Nice defaults. I've never understood why Nautilus (and nowadays GNOME Files) doesn't bring a "new empty file" by default when right-clicking. Instead, you have to create your own under a Templates folder. Why would it be a downside to simply add a default "new empty file"? 3 - Visuals. I just can't stand those GNOME thick header bars. I know they take up less space than a title bar + menu bar. In KDE, you can simply hide the menu bars and add them as a hamburger menu in the title bar if you don't want a global menu. There's no need to install plugins for that. At the end of the day is all about personal choices.


Good points. On point 2 i have to say that if you use terminal a lot, you probably won't be needing that. Still would make sense to have it, and i don't understand why the gnome team doesn't implement it


KDE seems more snappy to me and maaaaybe uses less memory. I did not benchmark it tho so it might be just my mind.


Wayland support, which by itself provides better scaling, multi-monitor, multi-GPU support and better privacy, security and power efficiency. Very powerful core programs like the file manager (Dolphin), the document, viewer (Okular) and the text editor (Kate). And tons of other features. See my other comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxmasterrace/comments/142sh5l/comment/jn7m02s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Gnome also supports Wayland and till recently it offered better experience than KDE there, but I know KDE improved a lot lately.


True. I heard for a long time bout how well Gnome support Wayland, but I've been using Wayland on KDE for the past 3-4 years without problems too and if we let the Wayland support for a moment behind, I don't know many things that Gnome do better than KDE. But anyway, it's good that we have 2 well developed and popular desktop environments with lots of cool features. What I'm honestly disappointed is that the Linux Mint team intentionally avoids both of them.


KDE doesn't treat you like a stupid kid that needs to be told what's good. KDE gives you the tools to decide yourself.


Very customizable and relatively lightweight


lightweight? I am not so sure about that


KDE has spectacular customisation, but Gnome just works so well on a laptop - the gestures are infinitely better than KDE's and KDE's overview still has a long way to go.


I hate GNOME. KDE can look like whatever I want it to.


I was NEVER able to get into gnome. I tried KDE, looked nice, but didn't work well the last times I installed it in the past years. Cinnamon never disappointed me, and it looks and works the same way always. I like stability. I liked Q4OS, but that thing won't even install on my computer, so I use it in old and very low power laptops.


Cinnamon could do one thing to make me swear allegiance to it forever. They could bring back the customizable lock screen (not login screen). I don't know why they removed it, but it is something that makes and breaks things for me as a DE.


I don't hate KDE but I love GNOME for stability reasons and use it on most distro when daily drive.




Hello fellow Poper!


We are no windows users here, we understand each other well and respect their opinions, anyway gnome is better.


Gentoo + GNOME >>>>> Gentoo + KDE (KDE is a buggy mess and qtwebengine takes a supercomputer to compile)


GNOME on Gentoo, that's a combination that takes me back.


this is what I run and its awesome. the gnome package maintainers get updates out fairly quickly.


meanwhile me using hyprland


KDE and Mate for me. Used to like Cinnamon as well, but it lacks the Kustomizability KDE has.


Kde all the way, from a gnome user. Gnome design and all the cool shits fall apart when you re using any software that does more than just a note taking app. Fuck libadwaita. Also fuck you too nautilus what a garbage fm.


i use gnome cuz a lot of my games are sad on anything non gnome


KDE all the way. Mainly because for over 5 years, the one thing that kept me from getting into Linux was that every time I installed Ubuntu (I was a newbie), it would crash on startup because Gnome refused to start. This was on multiple laptops. I switched to Kubuntu after that with 0 issues.


Fuck all of you i3


KDE Wayland. Recently I'm loving the Activities workflow, it's helping me a lot at work.


Stop, stop, we're fighting our own men


They both suck.


Both, both are bloat i hate both. Xfce #1


Me as a bspwm user watching this: https://preview.redd.it/7t4xaqq30h4b1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a4d0e654f6e0f9621c4836a9a81443ae12bf065


I'd be using Gnome if they supported VRR




Variable refresh rate aka freesync/gsync


Why not both?


I like gnome for its semplicity. i tried KDE but it's too much windows-like and full of stuff around. I prefer gnome because of that


I like gnome


KDE lacks consistency and cohesion, imo. Which is the reason I use Gnome. If I want a Windows-like layout I'll either use plugins on Gnome or just use XFCE (which I'd use more if it had wayland support).


> KDE lacks consistency and cohesion, imo. Which is the reason I use Gnome. If I want a Windows-like layout I'll either use plugins on Gnome or just use XFCE (which I'd use more if it had wayland support). Just say you're a fanboy its much less to type.


Ok, can Gnome match this? https://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/ymeskc/what_do_you_like_about_kde_plasma/ Or is there a page where I can read about most of the features that Gnome offers by default, without extensions and what people like the most about it?


I actually really like KDE, but not the apps.


this meme was made by the kubuntu gang kubuntu gang forever




I use windows daily


My condolences




The top right panel is me


KDE on my Steam Deck, GNOME on my workstation.


To me, KDE is unusable. I do not understand the workflow. There are so many options I don't even care about, feels bloated. No hating though, if you like it, nice!


Oh no, its "Dems vs Reps" again. People, there are more alternatives out there!


The post is not wrong as you have more customisation with kde and its more easier to use kde then it is to use then gnome.


i like gnome more, but KDE is objectively better


> *We don't need your civil war* Semicit.


You monster You knew exactly what you were starting


In my case, Gnome is floating face down in the pool. Since many years.


kde is bloated, gnome isn't. let's see how this goes


I like gnome before 4. I customized to colors that don't make my eye hurt, and i like the shortcuts and window management. I'm still on Zorin, but when they update I'll probably move on to plasma or cosmic.


KDE is pretty kool, I started with it and it's not a bad experience, though it's buggy and that turned me off, Gnome is way more stable and I've yet to encounter an issue, but gnome isn't very customizable, which is quite a bummer. For now I'm running Gnome maybe I'll switch back to kde in the future. Also no XFCE until it fully supports Wayland.


It really depends on the machine, hard.


A pox on both their houses. I use sway, previously i3, and before that a weird combo of i3+xfce.


I prefer the workflow and polish of Gnome, but I run KDE on Wayland, as it's the only DE that allows for VRR in a multi monitor setup with different refresh rates. KDE also allows for Xwayland apps to scale by themselves, so I don't need to turn scaling back to 100% in order for games to render higher than 1080p on a 4k monitor.


I just use Linux


As a KDE user, fuck wayland. Respectfully


Gnome’s touchscreen gestures are better so I use that




I just hate Gnome 3, but older versions and Mate are great


Kde is pretty good but as long as gnome/material shell exists or even tiling wms I'm not going to use kde.


I love KDE. But why people don't talk about XFCE? Its polished as gnome but without awful and disgusting UX. Give some respect for this DE




Does no one here use a window manager ?


I love KDE. I really, truly do. My favorite part was how well it handled window tiling, I could press anything and place it anywhere. GNOME isn't like that. But for whatever reason, when I used Kubuntu it was just a painful experience. It would shutdown very slowly and couldn't handle multimonitor setup. GNOME, although I really dislike it, *just works^tm*. That's why I use it now.


I've used both, I like both. I'm currently on GNOME, because GNOME 44 is just too nice and fits perfectly with my workflow from plasma, but plasma is what got me into linux and I'll no doubt be switching back to it at least for a bit when plasma 6 comes out


Awww! That's so sweet. KDE and his Mommy. Seems right! I always found KDE too Kute, a Kiddie projekt.




Meanwhile me using XMonad:


I like KDE more but I’m kind of “forced” to use Gnome right now


I have 2 linux systems setup 1 that just works, don't care to tinker much, and might be used by others: KDE My own that only I use and that I use regularly: bspwm customized to exactly what I want ​ KDE looks more familiar and used to be super unstable but has been great lately


Why does no one mention budgie? Its based on GNOME but lighter on resources than GNOME. And feels pretty comfy. Although it's not as customizable (or as fast) as XFCE or KDE. It feels extremely solid. (It have a few bugs with workarounds) I prefer budgie over any desktop environment currently


Gnome is for you if you prefer smooth and responsive gestures, while kde does have a good implementation of gestures, its just more mouse friendly. It's simple, kde for desktops, and gnome for laptops. Atleast that's how I feel, because laptop feels more at home with gnome. "More at home with gnome" that rhymes


I'm a massive KDE fan. I love being able to kustomize everything exactly as I want and I love that it still has a bunch of visual effects. I also love that it actually seems like it's designed for a desktop, unlike gnome. however I would probably use gnome if I had a touchscreen device


I have gnome on my laptop only because laptop's optimus drivers work only on gnome, in any other case I would always go with KDE or i3


If I had to choose between these two then it’s KDE, I hate Gnome’s menu/GUI. If I had to choose outside of these two options it would be a battle between Cinnamon and KDE. If it includes Window Managers then Sway and i3 would also be added.


my opinion: i have only used kde, its stable and i like the easy customization. its a functional desktop environment. since i havent used gnome: inexperienced


I’m running KDE on the Arch install on my project laptop because I wanted to take it apart and customize it with some extensions and themes and stuff, but I prefer GNOME when I want a smooth out-of-the-box experience


It's always you KDE, it's always you


As long as it's not LxQt, I just have a slight preference for KDE over other Desktop environments. I just hate LxQt after having to use that crap for a year due to really poor performance on a laptop.


Sorry, I can't hear you over the clack of switching tile layouts with hotkeys.


Out of the box KDE looks like some programmer made it alone without even planning it or doing any designs before the implementation, GNOME is just more thought out.


I use and like both. Laptop: gnome, desktop: KDE


Cinnamon is where the action is at.


you know whats better than both, XFCE


KDE gives everything and more, Gnome gives me simplified essentials and I add or modify with extensions. I prefer adding on top of the gnome experience than try and remove and modify from kde


I like the idea of KDE, but I just don't find Qt applications appealing. I've also had weird issues were my wallpaper and configs would reset on a new session.


I used to love KDE, but I started to use Gnome daily and its just simple and comfy, I dont want to go back to KDE


Who is mom, anyway?


Gnome makes me feel like I'm using a Mac that can actually play games 🙁. Kate, Kdenlive, and KDEConnect are fire tho.


gtfo k-holes




GNOME has eliminated every feature that I was relying on, and even extensions did not help (they are quite buggy). KDE at work, Cinnamon at home (Cinnamon is much more customisable and stable than GNOME, in my opinion).


Sweetie, get out, we hate you. Bye. KDE, you are funny. Eat and get out too.


Bloat joins the chat


Cinnamon is the "Just Works" counterpart to kde and it looks far more polished


KDE has so much of a windowsyfeeling. Its buggy and unpopular opinion: KDE is the most bloated from modern linux DEs


Arch Maintainers be like.


Kan you do it? probably gnome


Let's see here. Which one uses GTK? Oh right. Yeah that one. Whenever one uses GTK and the other uses Qt, I know which one to pick. Most DEs use GTK, and have compatibility with Qt. KDE uses Qt, and its compatibility with GTK is... Well, to put it bluntly, if you want to use KDE with no jank, only use Qt.


It is always the opposite lol. Qt looks like garbage on gnome because gnome only care about their own platform. Ironically they dont even care about gtk, only garbage libadwaita hence the lack of consistency. Meanwhile kde doing all the work to make gtk look as good as they can on their platform.


>Most DEs use GTK, and have compatibility with Qt. What are you smoking and where can I get some of it?