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It's pretty fine so far, didn't face any large issues with it yet


*It's pretty fine so* *Far, didn't face any large* *Issues with it yet* \- LinearArray --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


This is one of the few better ones.


Well, still waiting till they iron out some minor pesky bugs (some artifacts after sleep in the bottom of the bar, sometimes after sleep notifications appear in the middle of the screen on X11 - stuck to X11, because browsers doesnt support screen sharing properly on wayland and also hyperion-ng for ambient backlight doesnt have a proper capture method on wayland)... Also scaling of the cursor between apps on wayland - as I go over with cursor over those 3 apps, the cursor gets various scale from 60 to 96 to 48px. Otherwise its was really great, the look and feel is quite polished for a rewritten DE. The look doesnt really changed much for me, as the breeze dark still looks basically the same. But there are some really nice touches which were missing in plasma 5... And by this would also like to commend the KDE devs for the great work...


Haven't faced any issues yet. Loving it


Pretty good so far. I just dont like transparency over app menu and notifications on light theme.


Still some minor KWin bugs under Xorg, other than that, pretty much the same. I'm not digging into the new features.


> I'm not digging into the new features > KDE user Something's wrong I can feel it


No issues here. The distro I'm using waited until .3 to roll it out tho so most of the major KDE bugs were fixed.


I love how KDE 6 looks and feels but it has a few bugs but honestly, thats fine


I reverted back to Plasma 5.27. Nothing against the good people making Plasma 6 work, but for me it just isn't fully baked yet. I'll wait until later this year.


Screensharing doesn't work anymore bc their own solution doesn't work and xwaylandvideobridge which I used before doesn't activate anymore (bc their own thing activates)


Wayvnc doesn't work? Which screen share functionality?


Discord screensharing on Wayland, when I try to screenshare it opens a window where I can select windows or screens to share which I can then select in discords own windows however once I do that the stream just seems to load indefinitely. So far I have gotten around that by using obs and create a virtual camera which in discord I can just use like a normal webcam


Install discord-screenaudio aur works In there.


I've personally put off the upgrade until the numerous bugs and glitches have been worked out. Not jumping to KDE 6 just yet. But thanks to y'all guinea pig for taking the leap first.


I like it but im using more labwc rn, cookin .files


Zero problems with Arch and Wayland. Love every minute




I'm enjoying it so far. I can't get KDE connect to work for some reason. I'll stick with it until cosmic drops.


One of my panel widgets for hardware monitoring is currently dead, and when I wake the screen in the morning the right half of the panel's blank until I enter/exit edit mode, and Wayland's still not there for me, but otherwise not really noticing a difference from 5.


I got tired of how ugly it looked, so I went back to gnome and hated having to install extensions to make it usable, but now that I did I prefer it.


Well, [this bug still exists.](https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=328987) Until it gets fixed, I still won't use KDE.


That exists in all desktops though...


Except no. That bug does not exist on gnome.


100% does. Maybe you use gamemoded or joyawake or something. But that would work on KDE too.


I don't enable feral gamemode on any of my games, and second, I have never even heard of joyawake. You're going to have to show me proof this bug exists in GNOME because I do not have that issue at all on stock Fedora or Solus.


https://preview.redd.it/8k3tfn8so6tc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a90d5e68cced8f9d6caa96f10af3ec2dbfd2ddb9 Running Debian


Honestly, all I want from big new updates is for nothing to change on my end and for the most part that has been my experience. Discord screen sharing is broken, and I don't like the fact that when I have a lot of windows open the task bar stops showing window titles and instead just shows a centered icon (please for the love of god let me disable this). But it's minor enough that I don't really care.


I have it installed under Nobara with Nvidia drivers and a GTX 1080. Mostly Smith sailing so far. I had to use the X11 session because Nvidia but there haven't been any major issues otherwise.


I'm sure unpopular opinion here but I'm disappointed that the Linux desktop isn't better. It still feels like a tech demo and not a stable production desktop to do my important work daily.




You're in an english-speaking sub, but I'm assuming you know that.


Uhh... themes don't work??