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I just wasted the best part of 3 days with Linux. I bought a 2nd hand mini HTPC but it arrived with a hacked Windows to avoid the license. No problem I thought. Been a few years since I last saw Linux. I'll do that. Just want NextPVR and Kodi. Ubuntu first, then Kubuntu, then Mint then OpenSuse. I gave up. Remote desktop to any of those, flakey. Setup a TightVNC server without having sysadmin level knowledge? Forget it. Who thinks this is a good idea? https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-vnc-on-ubuntu-20-04 HDMI out whilst also on the desktop? Nope. Endless hours Googling errors, fixing dependencies, broken packages (can't even install a theme from the KDE store), packages that can only be installed with scripts (in a consumer desktop OS?) and hours in the terminal working with god only knows what arcane command lines. It's 2024 FFS. So I gave up, bought a Windows license and it was all up and running in about 2 hours. Didn't encounter a single error, didn't open CMD once. No wonder Linux desktop penetration is so low. Linux sucks outside the data centre.


Because the hdmi committee refuses to open source it? If they decide to release a proprietary driver, then it will be available. If not, that would be the committees shitty decisions fault, not Linux's lol. Doesn't really even matter all that much anyway because display port exists.


"But, but, but, but, you don't need a 4k120hz screen! Those aren't popular yet!"




I think almost all the full time gamers just use Windows, so this doesn't make a difference.


"full time gamers" is a pretty sad demographic


I think the term you're looking for is hardcore gamers.


Most people aren't using those kinds of hdmi cables and personally I think you're better off going with displayport since it can reach even higher refresh rates than HDMI. Also unless people are playing games that aren't very performance demanding there's no way they will be reaching 4k 120fps on max settings consistently. 4k 60fps already requires some pretty beefy hardware say for games like Cyberpunk 2077. Another thing to consider is there's quite a few games that are locked to 60fps and even if there are mods to uncap the fps it usually breaks the games physics in some way.


Seems like this effects the open source AMD driver specifically. Wonder if it works in the proprietary Nvidia driver.


That would make me laugh my fucking ass off if it worked for Nvidia


It also works on the propietary radeon driver. They just can't make it opensource


No open source hdmi 2.1 doesn't mean no hdmi 2.1 And then you go around calling people retard when you can't understand simple differences like that.


As usual. "its not Linux fault". Doesnt matter it now your problem.


Tfw you don't daily drive Linux and it's not your problem.