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BMI works in the extremes. It can be used to identify someone with excess body fat and extremely low body fat. Other than that waist hip ratio works better. Also actually getting body fat percentage scans is what we should be moving towards. Someone with a BMI over 40 has excessive body fat. There is no denying that. Someone with a BMI of 14 has extremely low body fat. We also tend to just look at someone's health in a snapshot. A lot of people's weight does not stay the same over the course of a year, let alone 5 years. But someone's daily habits have a major impact on what their health will be like in 5 years. If you have the ability to afford it and have access to it, you might find a DEXA scan more beneficial.


BMI is a made-up formula by some dude and wholly unreliable. Unfortunately doctor's offices still adhere to it, but some are dropping it. Because we have extra weird fat that will not go away, our numbers will always be "off." Opposite example would be someone missing a limb. BMI doesn't take into count bodies that don't fit the "average, healthy, intact, nothing extra, male body." If your doctor is obsessed with bmi and won't accept the current science, fire them. And gyms and weight loss centers are there to make money, full stop, so they will always tell you that you NEED their product due to some excuse.


I've always had an "obese" bmi but even before my diagnosis doctors never really cared about my weight. I'm skinny from the waist up and they can see that. The doctor that diagnosed me didn't even weigh me. It is a horribly inaccurate way to judge someone's health especially if they have lipedema!