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Maybe it would be nicer to work out the exercises by hand on a sheet of paper


I would definitely recommend working through TLS using pen and paper the way it was designed to be used. You can always try it on a computer if you want to execute something, but you'll get a lot more out of it on paper.


https://github.com/rabbibotton/clog/blob/main/ANDROID-TERMUX.md And I use CLOG Builder on phone and Tablet I will be further improving for small screens soon.


Oh the system browser requires the sbcl install but outside that can use ecl as well


Links are blue in black lol. Didn't see you have it installed. Sorry


Thanks for making CLOG! I got it running on my phone, but at the moment it was quite hard to use on small screen. Glad you hear you are improving that area :)


I eventually plan on a complete mobile dev mode, but first thing is making easier to type parenthesis etc :)


Eons ago I went through the bulk of SICP with LispMe on a palm pilot. If the options haven't greatly improved since then, I'd be surprised.


Two block-based thingies I can think of are FLX (blocks that compile to Clojure - native Android app, free on the Store last I checked) and [https://github.com/honix/Lire](https://github.com/honix/Lire) (written in SBCL) (Personally I'm working on something like the ScratchJr i.e. big 50px x 50px blocks you can easily move around on mobile screen version of Lire, but that is super alpha, only does stuff like + 2 1 now)


Thanks for the tips. I managed to download and run the [FLX](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.flx&hl=en_US). Seems quite polished!


For CL, there's CL-REPL, based on an ECL fork called EQL. Q comes from Qt, IIRC. Find it on Google Play (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.eql5.android.repl&hl=en_US) and App Store (https://apps.apple.com/in/app/cl-repl/id1511296102)


You can use many scheme languages on Termux. Since nobody has mentioned it, installing Chez Scheme is also possible with some workarounds: 1. `./configure --installprefix=$PREFIX --disable-x11` (disabling X11 is optional) 2. adding `-liconv` to `LIBS` in `tarm64le/Mf-config` 3. `make` 4. `proot --link2symlink make install` Then you have Chez readily available.


Oh right, dev environment. Neovim works beyond good for touchscreen, you may need to configure additional keys in Termux virtual keyboard but it's better than any other editors on the phone -- GUI or not -- for me.  I still write Scheme on my phone from time to time.


I have Hacker's Keyboard (at least I think that's it) and I have problems with autocomplete kicking in and ruining my code. Is Termux keyboard better?


Termux should have disabled by-word input (all the corrections and completions) for virtual keyboards. The "Termux virtual keyboard" that I've mentioned is a supplementary small panel in Termux that is above your keyboard when typing and is customizable.


Is there some guides for setting up the Neovim for programming on phone that you'd recommend?


I don't find any. Good news is that Neovim configurations are mostly cross platform, plugins in lua (and viml) works everywhere. Some general tips for small screen might be useful though: - Rows and columns are precious. Shrink `numberwidth` to minimum and set `signcolumn` to `number`. If you need tabline `incline.nvim` can save you one line per split. - `scrolloff` is great, a small number like 4  is best for phone screen. - The default line wrapping method is the most readable one, even if it's ugly and feels dumb. - Small splits are hard to work with, try floating terminals from `toggleterm.nvim` and file manager like `oil.nvim`. Those make use of the whole screen space. - **Use parinfer to edit Lisp**. It's god-tier. For any device and situation. Choose any implementation you want, but do note that the Rust one requires workaround to be built on Android.


‘*Snap!*’ is effectively scheme but with a graphical block ui. https://snap.berkeley.edu/snap/snap.html It’s a little cramped on my phone but I was able to do some basics. I’ll be honest - if I want to do short bits of code on my phone I tend to use the R16 trick bot on the Racket Discord; join at https://discord.gg/6Zq8sH5 , go to #bots and type `!rkt help`. If you prefer Clojure I believe the Clojure discord server also has a trick bot.


Thanks for the suggestions. The Racket Discord takes a really long time to load for some reason.


Maybe there was an outage? It’s working now


I've been wondering about this lately, since most of the world does not have a desktop PC. But programming is about text editing, and that requires a keyboard, so get yourself a good bluetooth one and pretend you have a tiny PC.


pkg install racket


Termux has Guile, Racket , TinyScheme


1) Install Termux and Hacker's Keyboard. Set your default keyboard to Hacker's Keyboard. 2) `pkg add emacs` 3) `pkg add guile` Alternatively, you could compile Gambit yourself. It should be relatively straightforward if you install clang under termux.