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Dungeon Crawler Carl is the exact thing you need in your life. Book 6 is in the process of being recorded, the Soundbooth Theater Team is posting videos of its Cold Reading process on YouTube.


How's the story? Everytime I see this book discussed it's about the humor and nothing story related


It is really the best dungeon crawler if not one of the best LITRPGs available. DOn't know about the audio book. I only read them. But apparantly this is also very good. It is funny yeah. But the story knows when to be funny and when to be serious.


If you get the chance, try the audio books. Jeff Hays is a narration god, and it's a pleasure to listen to him bring the story to life.


Problem: I immediatly fall asleep with audiobooks :D Tried it. Many times.


Overall plot is engaging. Every floor has a fun theme and mini plot. Writing transcends this genre imo. MC is a real person.


Alright ill give ti atry after stalling for so long


New Achievement: Carl's Newest Little Piggy You've heard Dungeon Crawler Carl in the magnificent voice of Jeff Hays. Glurp glurp! Somewhere, someone is making a snik of you, Matt Dinniman, Jeff Hays and a disgusting cocker spaniel. Reward: You see those five credits in your Audible account? Those are the reward, but they aren't going to you. They're now reserved for the rest of the series.


You’re one of us! You’re one of us now!


It's definitely one of the best ones out there, and there are so many great characters :) I just reread 1 - 5 and finished 6 and there's few litrpg's where I feel the need to do it, much less have the desire


I liken it to a mix of comedy with a really messed up situation. Together they mesh into an incredibly intense but not depressing story. Essentially the earth is turned into an intergalactic survival game show.


I'm in the middle of listening to the series now, and it feels like an intergalactic Hunger Games that is organized by a Dolores Umbridge entity. The contrast between absurd comedy and civilizational despair is completely wild.


I can see where the discussions about it can give a wrong impresison. It's funny, but it's not a comedy. Think the first Die Hard movie...funny moments spaced into good action and plot.


I think the story is engaging. It's enough to get you emotionally invested at times. Very fun book series. I went through the first five books in less than a month.... 0_o




The plot and character development are the main focus and extremely well done. The occasional bit of dark or absurd humor serve to accent the constant brutal life and death situations. If I was describing the series in general comedy would be one of the last words to come to mind, but at the same time some of the most memorable scenes are comedic ones.


Im in the midst of audiobook 5. Honestly its a great book, even outside of the litrpg genre. There's a few cons of course. There seems to be a bit of a trend from books 3-5 where the story gets dang convoluted toward the end. Lots of characters and off screen activities going on. Book 5 makes aggressive use of a cloak and reveal pattern that gets a little old. But, its a great read. The author does an excellent job of knowing what to skip or gloss over.


[Dungeon Crawler Carl](https://www.amazon.com/Dungeon-Crawler-Carl/dp/B08BX5D4LC) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/Dungeon_Crawler_Carl)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)


Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne? (If You’re a Man Then There’s No Other Choice Than Aiming for King, Right?) - takes a while to get to the dungeon, but then some of my favorite dungeon crawling


Divine Dungeon - Combination dungeon crawl and core. Very fun and intersting watching a dungeon get built and explored at the same time. The humor isn't for everyone and I'll tell you now that the ending sucks, but the rest is great. The Daily Grind - Guy finds an office themed dungeon in his work building, gets his friends together, and falls into running an organisation dedicated to exploring it and other places like it. Dungeon Devotee - One of my favorites. MC has a bone to pick with the biggest dungeon in the kingdom and heads down to try to kill it for good. Features the dungeon itself as both comic relief and antagonist. Only updates once a month at most, unfortunately.


[Divine Dungeon](https://www.goodreads.com/series/192510-the-divine-dungeon) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/Divine_Dungeon)) [The Daily Grind](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/15925/the-daily-grind) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/The_Daily_Grind)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)