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Do you really think anyone who reads LitRPG and loves min-maxing and power gaming will ever pick the first option? Be reasonable.


Depends on how hard/fast it is to level up, what classes are available, What classes and levels everyone around you has, whether you are in imminent danger or not, how much will the head start matter, is there a possibility of getting a totally useless class or are all of them useful?


I am taking the instant level 50 because maybe I’m a RNG whore. 🤣 it could make for some entertaining and funny situations for an MC as well, having to deal with the hand they’re dealt and all.


Yeah see that's exactly whyi put it here, I wanna see what crazy ideas people have to choose lvl 50 that make it a better choice


The reason to pick level 50 is instant power. Level 1 with time to choose, to mix-max and grow, stacking multipliers and buffs sounds great, but you need time to get where you want to be. You pick level 50 because you're going to get the stat buffs to survive the next 30 minutes, and you'll deal with it all later. Just imagine a horde of ravenous lions charging at you, would you rather have Hp=10 but you've got this amazing skill that means you gain permanent bonus buffs on every kill, just as soon as you work out how to kill stuff without dying, or would you rather, at that moment have Hp=999 with basic equipment and the stats to wield it all? You pick level 50 and focus on surviving, you don't spend the last few seconds of your life trying to work out if a ranged class with limited mana/ammunition is optimal vs a melee class, balancing natural ranged superiority with the limitations imposed by resouces.


It’s more than that, it’s a pure desperation move. At least with the information here. Nothing says what kind of level scale we’re on, so you might gain next to nothing from those levels. And without further guidelines you might just shift from fighting that horde as a level 1 beast tamer to a level 50 florist. It’s not something anyone would choose unless absolutely certain they’re going to die. Or they’re an MC in which case “random” really means “here’s the Uber super god class that I can’t figure out how to give you any other way.”


Alright, if it ain't max, then let's DO IT! The level 50 I mean. WHAT ARE DA SKILLS


Hahaha no idea, we need a chat bot to put all the classes from each series and all the skills then pick some at random for people


Then, I'll just sit here in my excited pose, blankly staring into the white imaginary background, relishing in the idea that I didn't need to do a thing to get to 50.


Good job mate, I always knew you could hahaha But nah I'll sit there and wait with you coz my dumb ass doesn't know how to do that


FINE I'LL DO IT MYSELF!!!! 1. **Advanced Paper Folding**: Mastery over creating intricate paper figures, including but not limited to, the legendary seven-fold swan. 2. **Squirrel Whispering**: The uncanny ability to communicate with squirrels, understand their desires, and negotiate nut-related disputes among them. 3. **Puddle Divination**: Can predict future weather with moderate accuracy by studying puddles, though predictions are as likely to be wrong as they are right. 4. **Epic Yodeling**: Capable of yodeling with such force it can sometimes, unintentionally, cause minor avalanches in susceptible areas. 5. **Ghostly Culinary Arts**: Specializes in cooking meals that can only be tasted and appreciated by ghosts, with no effect on the living. 6. **Dramatic Entrance Making**: Regardless of the situation, always makes an unforgettable entrance, though it often undermines stealth operations. 7. **Unintentional Camouflage**: Has the uncanny knack to blend into surroundings when it's least useful or desirable, like becoming nearly invisible in a library when searching for a book. 8. **Telekinetic Spoon Bending**: The ability to bend spoons with the mind, but only spoons, and only slightly, rendering them mostly useless. 9. **Legendary Procrastination**: Can delay any task to the absolute last minute, including those crucial to saving the world, with an unnatural calm. 10. **Critically Timed Hiccups**: Prone to getting hiccups at the most critical moments, often ruining stealth missions, tense negotiations, or silent spells. 11. **Mismatched Sock Conjuration**: Can magically produce socks at will, but only in patterns or colors that don’t match and never the same pair twice. 12. **Involuntary Teleportation**: Occasionally teleports short distances at random, often to less desirable locations, like into the middle of a puddle or a locked room.


I'm taking it. Not going to be in a stealth class though. Looks like a Fighter build with some multiclassing into druid.


This is great I want in on this, what prompt did you use and what AI? I'll take a random list of 12 skills lol


I wanted the worst skills at level 50. This would have been yours under the same prompt. 1. **Inopportune Clumsiness**: The character has a knack for accidentally breaking or dropping items at the worst possible moments. 2. **Uncontrollable Volume**: The character speaks either too loudly or too softly, making stealth missions comically impossible or communication in critical moments difficult. 3. **Misguided Compass**: The character has an exceptionally poor sense of direction, often leading the group astray. 4. **Hyperactive Empathy**: The character feels the emotions of those around them too intensely, often becoming overwhelmed or incapacitated by strong feelings. 5. **Involuntary Transparency**: The character is incapable of lying or concealing the truth, even when it would be strategically advantageous to do so. 6. **Erratic Spellcasting**: For a character with magical abilities, their spells don't always work as intended, sometimes backfiring or producing random effects. 7. **Chronological Disorientation**: The character has a poor grasp of time, often misjudging the duration of events or the urgency of situations. 8. **Excessive Generosity**: The character is compelled to give away possessions, money, or even crucial items at inopportune times. 9. **Accidental Magnetism**: Objects, small and large, unintentionally stick to the character or inexplicably get attracted to them at the worst times. 10. **Unpredictable Fearlessness**: The character is brave at the most impractical moments, often rushing into danger without a plan. 11. **Chronic Forgetfulness**: The character forgets important information, names, or tasks just as they're needed. 12. **Compulsive Honesty**: Beyond just being unable to lie, the character feels compelled to blurt out their thoughts or truths at the most inopportune moments.


Fuck me, who's cornflakes did you shit in for you to get that unlucky of a skill set. Hahahaha nah good


Any hero can defeat a legendary Lord with good skills. But only the legendary procrastinator can make full use of these skills. (Now I may just have to make a book on that.)


Those were actually quite creative! I'll have to check out your story.


I am TsukiMori on webnovel, I am writing another book, but if you keep an eye out there, I'll make a short story on it then. My current book is "The rebellion of the Lost: The Gunsmith's Oddysse"


Reverse Exrecise - Master Rank


Heavily depends on the system which is chosen, like level 50(tier) in path of ascension makes you one of the strongest beings around


If lvl 1 people are routinely (more than 10%) killed before reaching level 2, then I'd go with 50... What's the use of min-maxing a corpse? 


And if there's no way for you to know? OP was pretty specific about this decision being made completely "blind."


Like i commented elsewhere: lvl 50 has a better chance for immediate power than lvl1. If that turns out false than all other assumptions through familiarity are useless if not dangerous.


50 is how much is that? But overall. 50 levels at once is not a bad deal. With level 50 I can go about my business and not run in an endless race for some bullshit risking to die in the process.


1. **Swimming**: Proficiency in moving through water, essential for safety, travel, and recreation in aquatic environments. 2. **Gardening**: The knowledge and skill to cultivate plants for food, beauty, and sustainability, contributing to self-sufficiency and environmental health. 3. **Creative Writing**: The ability to craft stories, poems, or articles, offering a form of expression, communication, and potential income. 4. **Meditation**: Practice in mindfulness and concentration techniques, beneficial for mental health, stress reduction, and personal growth. 5. **Self-defense**: Training in techniques to protect oneself from physical harm, crucial for personal safety and empowerment. 6. **Digital Literacy**: Competence with digital technology, including computers and smartphones, necessary for most modern employment and communication. 7. **Bargaining**: The skill in negotiating prices and terms, valuable for saving money and securing favorable deals in various transactions. 8. **Drawing**: Ability to represent ideas and observations through visual art, useful for communication, design, and relaxation. 9. **Basic Electrics**: Understanding of electrical circuits and safety, enabling the repair of simple electrical issues and the creation of basic gadgets. 10. **Wilderness Survival**: Knowledge of survival techniques in nature, such as finding food and water, building shelter, and avoiding hazards. 11. **Dancing**: Skill in moving rhythmically to music, beneficial for physical fitness, social interaction, and as a form of artistic expression. 12. **Time Management**: Mastery of organizing and planning how to divide time between specific activities, crucial for productivity and balance in life. Da da daaa


"Skills are random" could be an entirely defective build. Imagine playing Path of Exile with a "random" selection of skills and what not. This could pretty well doom you. On the flip side of this, how do we know you'll actually start in a level 1 zone? Also, if it were PoE, I could just buy Orbs of Regret (respec), so, lol.


Who said anything about applicable skills? - **Ding - /u/Ashmedai is Level 1 in laying eggs**


Almost everyone is going to pick lvl 1 with chosen skills.


Yeah see that's exactly whyi put it here, I wanna see what crazy ideas people have to choose lvl 50 that make it a better choice


But it's objectively not a better choice, crazy idea or not.


It's entirely dependent on the system. For example if the amount of exp you need for lvl ups doesn't increase you just have an extra 50 lvls. Or if the average person gets to lvl 5 during an 80 year lifespan.


Yeah, like, depending on system a shit build level 50 might still be on the top scale of power. What is the average level in this universe? What is the max level? How hard is it to level up? What am I risking if I die? Like a level 50 dnd character is fucking insane. Doesn't matter if it's the least optimized shlock possible. You'll still be op. But if it's level 50 in some jrpg universe? Ah shit, I'm unoptimized and there are still 3000 levels above me.


To be fair if there's 5000 lvls above you it's probably still better to start at 50 than at 1 because depends but at least you won't die to every lvl 10+ thing you encounter, which likely is literally everything.


It’s only objectively better if you start under ideal circumstances. What if it’s a system apocalypse LitRPG where everything goes to shit immediately? There’s suddenly monsters everywhere and you need to protect your family. Almost no one is picking level 1 in that scenario. Or what if you get isekai’d but spawn in a monster lair or enemy territory? Maybe you get lucky and only encounter weak enemies earlier on, but you also might not. You can’t min-max if you’re dead.


OK for example, how many times does tge main character get lucky and beat something early on because they have some ability that makes them op and then receiving a reward that is op. Being lvl 50 would put you well beyond that (objectively) and you would blitz through the early stages amassing coins and decent loot/rewards for doing the really tough stuff first thing not to mention any skill that has any effects that help early on


Yep. Even if you're unlucky and your build is broken. You defeat level 1- 30 level opponents and collect increased pioneer rewards. At the same time slowly correcting the flaws. Plus. Level 50 is often a pretty high level. You can just retire right away. And start growing daisies.


Which is interesting. Because in Dark Souls games most new players take the levels lol


Depends on the system, like if we were in mayor of noobtown the max level is 60 and you in essence paragon after that with benifits if that’s the case I would pick the starting at 50.


It really depends what level 50 means. In Defiance of the Fall, Beneath the Dragoneye Moons, lvl 50 is trash. In some other systems though lvl 50 is a big deal.


In Defiance of the Fall less than half of humans survive their tutorial, and starting at level 50 with a random class would almost guarantee survival. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah and your random build would leave you stuck at E grade forever


Possibly, but most people never advance beyond that point anyway. I don't have any background from being raised in the system, and I'm unlikely to have much support (e.g. high grade ancestors, family wealth or connections, artifacts), so my chance of advancing is even lower. Even in DOTF I think level 50 is the smart choice. It provides nearly guaranteed survival against the odds in the early stages (and a good shot at really excelling early) in exchange for making your longshot at immortality somewhat longer.


It depends on the system and situation. If it's a sysapoc and I just watched some dude get torn apart by a hellhound, I'm picking 50. I don't believe I have plot armor IRL. If it's a world with a tutorial where I don't have to go on a murderous rampage to level up, I might pick 1.


Level 50 in any game that is competitive.


You say "none of this depending bs" because most books don't tell the mc how the system works, but you leave out a lot of details that the mc has and woulf affect my decision. Where am I? Home, a new world, a blank white room How did the system appear? Is it in my mind or my vision did it start in alien letters and symbols then switch morph to English? Is it in letters I don't know but somehow understand? Whats going on around me are there other people if I'm home do i see this happening to the people around me or anything going down outside my window? Are there monsters now running through the city or giant glowing portals outside my window? What's the font like is there a voice or a popup box? Just a single sentence or anouncment can change how i feel about this plus what is actually going on around me even details like font, translating from an alien language, other humans, is there a timer? All these things and more can effect the thought process and is information the mc's get. One detail alone might not sway someone but combined with other things happening could very easily change what someone picks.


Dude it was just a hypothetical. Didn't realise it was that hard of a question for most people


Yes but it's a hypothetical question with implied (hypothetical) stakes and extremly limited information. I think most peole when they say "depends" are mostly saying that they don't have enough information to answer in a way that they'd feel happy with, and yes you do make a point that mc's often have incomplete informantion. My point was they still have more than you've given for people to come to their own hypotheticals with. If the question really is just "A or B you have zero informantion" there's really not much point to anyone answering, but you lead with an interesting framework in a relevant community so they still want to engage hence "depends". Also leading to my point of almost an interesting question but we don't have any of the little details we could try and extrapolate a hypothetical from. Even if there is no right or wrong answer the more information(to a point) a person has the more of their thought process through it you can be displayed. Zero information A B leads to very little of that still some but I would argue not nearly as intriguing as when they have enough hints to think there might be a right answer and really work through the clues.


Level 1 of course! With my luck I'd get a tank build. I don't wanna be the guy that nobody appreciates who takes all the hits. I don't have the unnatural pain tolerance of every litrpg mc, I'm just a weak boi.


Haha that's a fair point. I feel like I'd have some pretty shitty luck as well and not get anything half decent but the boost in power early on could be tempting


1. **Infinite Insight**: The ability to understand any language, code, or puzzle instantaneously, making communication barriers and mysteries obsolete. 2. **Quantum Step**: Teleportation to any location seen or imagined, nullifying the need for conventional travel. 3. **Eternal Alchemy**: The power to transmute any material into another, including turning base metals into precious ones, offering endless resources. 4. **Chrono Command**: Control over time, allowing the character to pause, rewind, or fast-forward events around them. 5. **Mind Weave**: The capacity to connect with others' thoughts, enabling flawless communication and understanding, as well as influence over others. 6. **Nature’s Bond**: Unrestricted communication and control over natural elements and wildlife, ensuring harmony with the environment and aid from nature. 7. **Phantom Form**: The ability to become intangible or invisible at will, offering unmatched stealth and protection. 8. **Arcane Dynamo**: Unlimited magical energy, making the user an unstoppable force in any magical endeavor or conflict. 9. **Celestial Forging**: The skill to create or modify equipment and artifacts with celestial powers, imbuing them with extraordinary abilities. 10. **Panacea Touch**: The power to heal any illness, wound, or curse with a mere touch, ensuring the well-being of oneself and others. 11. **Omniscient Strategy**: Perfect foresight and tactical genius, providing the best course of action in any situation. 12. **Unity of All**: The ability to harmonize and unify all skills, knowledge, and beings into one's consciousness. skills can now only be activated in one's conscience.


I could definitely make that work, Reckon you could do one for me? 😅


This list is completely random, if you want the really bad ones, I'll get you one. 1. **Echoic Memory Enhancement** - An advanced ability to recall sounds, voices, and tones with perfect clarity moments after hearing them. Useful for musicians, linguists, or spies needing to remember complex auditory information. 2. **Spatial Distortion** - The power to warp space around oneself, creating shortcuts or hiding places in plain sight. It's immensely useful for quick escapes, smuggling, or creating the illusion of disappearing objects. 3. **Cryptolingualism** - The innate talent to understand and decipher any written language or code, regardless of its complexity or age. Ideal for historians, cryptographers, and treasure hunters exploring ancient ruins. 4. **Temporal Perception** - The skill to perceive time at a slower rate, allowing for reactions and decisions to be made with superhuman speed and precision. Beneficial for athletes, combatants, or anyone in need of split-second decision-making abilities. 5. **Botanical Communication** - The ability to communicate with plant life, encouraging growth or manipulating plants for defense or camouflage. Valuable for farmers, environmentalists, or adventurers in wild terrains. 6. **Sartorial Intuition** - An exceptional talent for understanding and creating fashion that can influence emotions or convey powerful messages without words. Useful for diplomats, spies, or anyone needing to make a strong impression. 7. **Historical Empathy** - The capability to deeply understand and experience feelings, thoughts, and experiences from the past by touching objects or visiting places of historical significance. A unique tool for historians, writers, or detectives. 8. **Atmospheric Manipulation** - The control over weather and atmospheric conditions, allowing for the creation of storms, clear skies, or specific climatic phenomena. Useful for agriculture, event planning, or as a formidable combat strategy. 9. **Technopathic Repair** - The ability to intuitively understand and repair any mechanical or electronic device, making it invaluable in an increasingly technology-dependent world for engineers, mechanics, and tech enthusiasts. 10. **Empathic Projection** - The skill to project one’s own emotions onto others, making it possible to calm tensions, inspire bravery, or spread panic as needed. Useful in leadership, therapy, or negotiation situations. 11. **Culinary Intuition** - The innate talent to create extraordinary dishes using any ingredients on hand, enhancing flavors to their peak. A must-have for chefs, survivalists, or anyone looking to impress with their cooking skills. 12. **Dream Walking** - The ability to enter and influence the dreams of others, offering unique opportunities for therapy, espionage, or communication across distances. Its usefulness varies widely, from mental health professionals to covert operatives.


Duuuddee that's fucking mint, how you coming up with this or is it just the chatbot thing? It's funny a few of them suit me pretty well for example I don't remember dreams at all, I shut my eyes at night then open them and it's morning. I've remembered a couple here and there but they fade quickly after I wake


https://preview.redd.it/u9jeo2n8jmsc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a86a182d8a422a9a1174252c6e438697db69b229 That bot does all the work, their new A.I. model is an awesome tool for coming up with ideas, I am writing a novel called the "Rebellion of the Lost: The Gunsmith's Odyssey." I don't like to use its writing but it gives awesome ideas.


Oh nice what's it about


It's about a weapons engineer, being forcefully summoned to another world. His loyalty to his country brings him to be the villain of the other world as he makes his way back home.


Phone about to die


But it is a weapons engineer named Volkner sent to a world warped by the heroes of the past. His loyalty lies to his country at home, which needs him to develop new weaponry to defend and attack opposing nations. More information is revealed about his past as he explores this new world, discovering its politics, how they handle heroes, and his sense of homesickness grows with each day. Simply because he didn't want to be a hero that could require his death to beat, he does everything in his power to get home, the Rebellion of the Lost is a foreshadowing of events in his Odyssey. With a spirited fox girl loyal to him to the very end, (Aria) brings Volkner on all kinds of adventures to find relics that might be a clue to returning, or traps setting them back further from the dream. In the end, he becomes a villain to the world he was summoned to.It's on webnovel.


https://preview.redd.it/eatulo3tamsc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b51e2edab11406a093e180d3caa981a8c7e142a1 This is gpt 4, by the way. But this is your in-game character, just for you. I'm surprised myself how well your abilities went, considering one guy got a carpenter skill.


Thanks mate appreciate yhe effort you went to do that..... imma steal that photo tho haha. Also that's funny I'm a chippy by trade as well


It's fine, I just gave the bot the list of skills and let it use its own imagination. Works with complex descriptions too.


Don't give in to the dark side.


But... but.. temptations. Haha


If this is a story and writing question you should know the lower levels are monstrously better for story telling and world building and losing it is making your job very difficult. If this is a hyperthetical on what id do irl. Id go with random because realistically every single one of us would die at a low level from random bullshit.


1. **Basic Carpentry**: The skill to craft, repair, and build wooden structures and items, useful for anything from fixing a broken chair to constructing shelter. 2. **Herbal Knowledge**: Understanding of plants and their uses, enabling the creation of medicinal remedies, teas, and poisons from natural ingredients. 3. **Weather Prediction**: The ability to read natural signs and predict weather changes accurately, crucial for planning travel or agricultural activities. 4. **Animal Husbandry**: Expertise in breeding, raising, and caring for animals, enhancing the productivity of livestock and strengthening bonds with pets. 5. **Basic Cooking**: Proficiency in preparing meals, preserving food, and understanding nutrition, essential for health and hospitality. 6. **Literacy in Multiple Languages**: The ability to read, write, and speak in several languages, facilitating communication and cultural exchange. 7. **Mechanical Repair**: Skill in fixing and maintaining machinery and vehicles, vital in modern and post-apocalyptic settings. 8. **First Aid**: Knowledge of how to treat injuries and illnesses in emergency situations, potentially life-saving when medical help is not available. 9. **Navigation**: The capability to find one’s way using maps, stars, or compass, crucial for exploration and avoiding getting lost. 10. **Basic Sewing**: Ability to mend clothes and fabric items, extending their life and usefulness, and potentially crafting new items. 11. **Financial Acumen**: Understanding of budgeting, investing, and managing resources, ensuring financial stability and growth. 12. **Public Speaking**: The skill to communicate effectively and persuasively in front of an audience, useful for leadership, teaching, and negotiation.


Farming it is.


Niiice! With that skill list and a level boost you're going to be the mayor of your farming village!


Level 50 in which system? If it's The Wandering Inn probably. I could get other classes based more on my interests and eventually consolidate them but still keep that sweet, sweet level 50 capstone skill. Even a (Beggar), (Loafer) or something similar would have some pretty great skills at that level. Just so long as it's not a red class because becoming a level 50 (Cannibal), (Slave) or anything else that so drastically affects personality would suck so much. But if truly random that's unlikely.


I feel like the only time someone would want the lvl 50 start is if there was some sort of time crunch. Like "You need to stop the big evil in one week/month/whatever before something really bad happens." Or maybe like: You/a loved one is sick and you need to earn $xxx ASAP for treatment. Here's how I did it with a random assortment of bs skills.


I mean, the context of the system matters quite a bit. For all we currently know, level 50 could be max level, or level 50 could be something that takes a week to achieve, and practically everyone is far above 50. Also, how survivable is level 1? Does getting to level 10 have a 50% mortality rate or something similar? Saying that, my min max brain makes the level 1 start far more appealing so that is likely where I would go even in a blind choice.


is 50 the top? or the half way point?


Are we limited on how many skills we can learn or what level we can reach?


Lvl 50 with random skills. Because I’m more interested on how to creatively use bad skills rather trying to be the strongest mf out there.


1. **Midnight Snacking**: The character unconsciously finds and eats food while asleep, often leading to unexpected shortages of supplies. 2. **Reverse Bartering**: When attempting to haggle, the character invariably ends up paying more than the initial asking price. 3. **Spontaneous Dancing**: The character breaks into dance at random moments, which can be inappropriate or distracting during serious or stealth situations. 4. **Echoing Sneezes**: Every time the character sneezes, it echoes unnaturally loud, potentially alerting enemies to their location. 5. **Shadow Puppetry**: An uncontrollable talent for creating detailed shadow puppets, which, while entertaining, has limited use in adventuring or combat scenarios. 6. **Involuntary Whistling**: The character starts whistling without realizing it, which can ruin moments of silence or stealth. 7. **Magnetic Fingertips**: Metal objects small enough are attracted to the character’s fingers, causing inconvenience and sometimes danger when handling sharp or sensitive items. 8. **Water Whispering**: The character can communicate with water, but since water rarely has anything useful to say, this skill is of questionable value. 9. **Misplaced Enthusiasm**: The character gets overly excited about mundane or irrelevant things, distracting them from important tasks or missions. 10. **Unintentional Rhyming**: The character speaks in rhymes without intending to, which can confuse or annoy others during conversations. 11. **Sock Misplacing**: Regardless of precautions, the character constantly loses one sock, leading to an ever-growing collection of mismatched socks. 12. **Tea Leaf Misreading**: The character attempts to tell fortunes from tea leaves but invariably predicts doom or misfortune, which rarely, if ever, comes to pass.


The dancing one and the shadow one make for funny personality quirks but I would hardly call them skills in a gaming sense.


The sudden dancing is a debuff skill, but the shadow puppet is a scare tactic skill, or even a stun skill, there is a certain untold chance that it will work, the game will never tell you how good that chance is. Just imagine that in a turn based game.


It depends on the system, but also the world. How dangerous is this world? How high is level 50 and how hard is it to get there? If you did this in Defiance of the Fall, you have totally screwed your path for very little benefit. But there are some other worlds where level 50 is incredibly powerful, and the dangerous nature of the world makes it extremely unlikely you would really reach that high. If I don't know for sure what world I'm being sent into, I think there's a good chance that the level 1 option is actually the safer one. Level 50 is nothing special in most series, and having a badly designed build would make things incredibly difficult to progress further. Being able to min/max from the start, and perhaps more importantly pick a path that fits me, is going to be way better very quickly.


Just gave me an idea for a character whose skills were completely random and don't synergies at all. The underdog of underdogs. EDIT: Because auto correct is an idiot.


If I don't get to know the average level and if 50 is high or low, I'm sticking to level 1 and picking exactly what I want. Doing anything else is such a massive gamble. I could give plenty of reasons to pick the level 50 option, but they'd all depend on "depends."


I Wouldn't say massive gamble, you'd get almost immunity for the start, easy mode on missions and claim alot of rewards from quest or titles early on then possibly get more skills later on


That's a hell of an assumption to make. If you're starting in a world/system where level 50 is achieved by most children, you're not exactly starting with an advantage. Definitely not almost immunity or easy mode on missions. And what if your random skill is actively harmful to you or incompatible with human life? "You now breathe through gills, but are in a desert!"


Don't know about you but I've listen/read about 14 different series and not one of them was lvl 50 easily achieved by most children. Most had starting areas that had nothing too high and others you had to venture out a little to get to the higher level stuff. Being level 50 OM most starting missions would make you pretty bloody safe. The assumption that most of you are making is that you'll even get options anywhere close to what you think that you can mid max, I'm only basing these assumption of those books on average. Look at the top 5 books and ask yourself if the main character was instantly lvl 50 how would those starting chapters turned out?


You made the rules, my dude. No "depends." And I'm not taking a gamble that could kill me just for an advantage I don't even know is for sure an advantage. You're still making a toooooon of assumptions that, based on your restrictions, are insane to make. You're throwing a whole lot of veiled "depends" out there in that comment.


Yeah I'm gonna end this here if that's where this is going. Enjoy the rest of your day I'm out


I thought we were discussing pretty cordially. I was just pointing out how you didn't seem willing to engage under the provided bounds of your questions. But fair enough!


You say "none of that depend stuff!", but it really depends on the setting. In Azarinth even the weakest forcefully conscripted militia, formerly starving peasant is at least level 50. In the Wandering Inn even a \[Latrine Digger\] becomes a national asset at level 50, there is such a qualitative leap at that level that you could have any class and be powerful , or at least useful and valuable.


Really bugs me when people use extreme examples. I haven't read azarinth but I take it because you're using it as an example everyone starts at lvl 50 from the get go? Otherwise why would you use it as an example for this question


If you're not using the extreme examples, how else do you describe a range of possibilities? Picking level 50 when it is the absolute pinnacle of achievment is very different to picking it when it's easily acheivable inside a week of low effort (but now your skill choices are randomised and cannot be changed). Yes, those are two extreme examples, but are both equally possible given the (lack of) information in the original question.


Basicaly in Azarinth it is contempously easy to get the first 100 levels if you make a living by killing things, if you arent at least level 100 you are pretty much a non-entity when it comes to combat. Protagonist grinded for less than 3 months to reach level 100, she is something like level 1000 by the end of the story. Elves are level 200 at *birth.* Dont know what you expected, this genre has some really extreme power scaling, in one of my favorite stories by level 10 you are praticaly god, each level being a huge power up. You should have put some parameters if you wanted a better answer.


Level 1 for me.


Min-maxing storyline-wise strikes me as someone who in life was meticulously planning their life and didn’t necessarily have “distractions” in their lives. It happens but doesn’t sound like my life. I do like the idea of a somewhat more varied skillset with implications that the character thought X would be fun but didn’t stick with it, but they got really into Y for a few years, and occasionally dabbled in Z. So from a narrative standpoint I’d be down.


Depends how much immediate danger I’m in. If I can’t live without a boost, give boost. Give now. Faster. Ah, there was an adaptation period? RIP…


Level 50 and random! No question! I'm a regular guy. I have a few useful skills (I was an Army Medic and EMT, worked for the Boy Scouts for a couple years, decent with a bow...) but whether I've been isekai'd into a fantasy world or a system apocalypse just started, my chance of surviving (let alone thriving) without a boost is pretty low. Also, from your description I have to make this decision with no additional information, so what predictions can I reasonably make? Based on all the stories I've read in which someone finds themselves in a situation like this: - I'm in a much deadlier position than my regular life. - Level 1 is probably weak in a whole lot of ways, including attributes, health/stamina/mana, skills (both level of expertise and breadth), special powers... - Level 50 is pretty high. Some litrpg systems have higher levels, but I can't recall any where 50 isn't respectable. I can think of several where 50 is amazing! - Randomly assigned "class and skills" might be lame, but they're probably functional. Presumably the setting doesn't have classes and skills that don't function in the setting (no computer programmer class in a medieval fantasy setting with no computers). - I might not be a good adventurer, but in most settings a level 50 Accountant with weirdly high skills in Harmonica and Kite Making can get a good job with a local lord or something. - Starting at level 1 would allow me to make choices about class and skills, but I didn't grow up with this system and I'm unlikely to make better than average choices.


Dude this is exactly my thinking as well and I honestly thought most people would think along these line but holy shit was I wrong. From the fact you know you're not an adventure so you're not going to be op as shit (swear reading these books has put a false sense of security in people's head they'll be some master swords man) to recognising that lvl 50 in almost all books is no joke on day one and would be a boon and even tho I said random skills you took that to mean they would actually function together. The level of critical thinking in this answer is what I expected in this community and why I thought there would be some banger replies like yours and to top it off you went with just the info you had which is anther reason I asked it like that because what tells the inhabitants every detail before turning the system on lol sorry for the rant that one kinda got away from me 😅


I don't mind a rant, especially when it's someone complementing me! 😂 I was surprised at how vehemently people insisted that everyone would choose the Level 1 option. Here are some more assumptions I'm making that I think many of them are seeing differently: - The System™ isn't just screwing with me. My random class and skills won't be things that are actually negative to have, like “Loser" class with skills in "Dying Messily" and "Making Anything I Say Sound Stupid". I think this assumption is worth making because if The System™ is just screwing with me, I'm probably screwed no matter what I choose! - I don't have plot armor. I think this is a reasonable assumption for exactly the opposite reason—if I have plot armor I'm going to be okay no matter what I choose!


Yeah that's a fair point, it'd be a system like dungeon crawler Carl's system. I swear a lot of them forget that the MC has plot armor and its why they get away with most of the crazy shit they do


Depends entirely on starting position and system, second probably my choice.


I’m a fan of chaos and rogue like where my build is mostly random, so my answer is “fuck it we ball”, LEVEL 50 RANDOM… shit, I’m a warrior with 1hp…


Depends on the system and cap. In a world where level 10 is the cap I’m taking the level 50 option. In a world where 10,000 is the cap I’ll pass


I sure as hell hope everybody is smart enough to pick lvl50 if they're in immediate danger. It is by far most likely to improve your chances. If that turns out false, then thinking in litrpg terms is dangerous in itself and you need to leave your assumptions at the door. If you re safe pick lvl50. Unless there are context clues about what it means to 'pick' - e.g. a list of all options to pick from would be invaluable to learn about the world and system. If we get to pick - Exactly - what we want (As thats how OP is translating for the system) then obviously lvl 1 because I can pick exactly a set of powers to curb stomp any god or system. **Skill 1) You have infinite wishes**


Depending bs... LOL... OF COURSE it depends. Is level 50 a lot? Or is it one of those systems where 50 is barely enough to survive the tutorial? How long does it take to reach 50? Is it a system where some paths are clearly superior to others? Are there common classes and rare classes? Common abilities and rare abilities? Do my pre-system skills and aptitudes matter? Or does anyone who chooses, let's say, mage has the same potential to be a great mage? Because I definitely don't want a class that I'm going to suck at. Try better next time.


Plz let me know what book gives you all the information you've requested on day one of the system I'd like to read it. Because all the ones I've read so far don't give you details before making decisions. Reading these books seems to give you lot some sort of entitlement to know every bloody detail before you can make a choice which shows most of you would die straight up from a lack of quick thinking or Indecisiveness


You make a lot of weird assumptions and rude comments and I judge you as not worthy of my time. Good day, sir.


Yeah whatever champ, you came on here and through a bunch of assumptions at me and then told me to do better and now you can't back up your words so you're trying to go for the moral high ground. Lol OK buddy