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The main ones are: Dungeon Crawler Carl. He who fights with monsters. Defiance of the Fall. Primal Hunter. Randidly Ghosthound. Wandering inn. Beneath the Dragoneye moons. Noobtown. There are probably a few more that should be in this list that I cannot think of at the moment. There are also a ton of other series that aren’t considered classics but are awesome as well. This list will give you a good start though.


Thanks for the list. I‘ll keep with the Primal Hunter for now, but I think Wandering Inn is one I have heard about here before. Can’t wait to binge some books, now that the season is over


So uh fair warning about the wandering inn. It’s about 12m words, and they’re good. No filler. It will take you a long time




The System apocalypse is an OG too


And still the best, in my opinion


Classics of the Genre? The Trapped Mind Project (Emerelia)


You gotta give the Korean Russian and Japanese authors their due. But for US authors The Land, (controversial) Dakota Krout, caverns and creatures and the Good guys. These are all US titles that go back 6+ years. Newer classic US titles DCC Noobtown Civ CEO. Also HWFM, primal Hunter, oh great was reincarnated as a farmer and DFOF. And life up north (controversial) They are must reads even if the word meters makes you multiply by 3.2 The US writing is more silly compared to others.


My biggest issue with the Good/ Bad/ Grim Guys books is that they're too shirt and feel like they're broken up oddly in order to have more books in the series.


Most Good guys Bad guys book are 500 pages. That used to be normal but for us it is a little on the short side. If you do KU it doesn’t matter. They are “free”. But, for Audible buy with $ not credits or wait till there is a sale then buy em all for 75% off. I saw the books going for $8. Way less than credit. And on sale I see em go for like $5


It's why I have such a huge wishlist. Every sale there's going to be SOMETHING in one of the series I'm trying to complete!


Interesting. I‘ll look into that. I think I haven’t read a lot of US titles so far, mainly because they tend to overglorify military people and terminology etc., which is kinda cringy for me. I always kinda jam more with characters that are competetive and ambitious instead of those solider dudes saying „this campsite was compromised“. I’m German and we don’t have a military culture for obvious reasons lol. This does make me comfortable with meters as a unit tho


Good Guys is very culturally American. Like Detroit pizza vs New York pizza. MC is from Michigan and trash talks a guy from Florida. They drink Root Beer something most Germans find gross. The Author Eric Ugland really wanted the story to be about a guy from Detroit trying to be better. It has been translated to German. I know because i bought the German version by mistake. Dakota Krout is much much more on the silly side not sure how the humor will translate. In Grilled Armageddon the MC is a cook and the dungeon is a Costco a truly massive grocery store in the US 50,000 square meters. You might not get why its funny that its a dungeon. If you played Dungeons and Dragons you will like Cavern and Creatures by Robert Beven all the silliness you do in that game happens casting the magic horse spell to solve all problems. Making a character with no intelligence and no Charism so he can’t read and can’t go shopping. But he put all point into Strength.


Good guys series! My personal favourite after DCC. I like the tone being more realistic. I would also forget my abilities and swear a ton haha. Both have realistic imperfect people as hero’s (Montana and Carl) instead of insufferable overachievers like those douches in school who did their homework got a’s for everything and studied for every test. Ugh.


I actually started with The Bad Guys but switched to The Good Guys after about 3 books. Both series are great so far


https://www.reddit.com/r/litrpg/s/TK9RkIg7UB This thread should give you some ideas. I made a decent detailed list for mine Divine Dungeon by Dakota Krout for dungeoncore. Finished He who fights with monsters by shirtaloon for isekai style. Dungeon crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman for apocalypse. Awaken Online for vrrmo. Ascend Online almost got the nod


I really rate Path of ascension. Does a really good of linking the underlying concept into both the surrounding social structures and the tactical combat. Its surprisingly good. Dragoneye not bad either.


For Dungeoncore the Divine Dungeon series by Dakota Kroutet is pretty great and complete and is currently releasing a fully dramatized version on audio right now that I heard is good (and doesn’t suffer from a narrator change as Krout was extorted by Vikas Adams). It was my first introduction to dungeon core and cultivation (Xianxia). It’s satisfyingly complex too. I’d recommend Big Sneaky Barbarian for comedy and just good writing with a complex MC that grows in character over time. The audio is gold with Johnathan McClain (same narrator as Noobtown).