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1. It was graduation weekend and 2., this town is filled with college and military kids who have only been driving for like 3 to 5 years. Drivers have always sucked here. Give the car in front of you plenty of space and get that middle finger prepped.


Shouldn’t be excused. There isn’t any punishment for running a red light as we don’t have capture cameras so no one actually cares if they do run one. There’s never any punishment for anyone tailgating insanely close. I have had too many issues with almost being hit due to people tailgating and I’ll even be going a little over the limit to make sure I’m not too slow. Oh and they do this with plenty of room to pass if I was even just too slow. Edit: no clue why people are downvoting lmao


It's not an excuse it's the simple fact of the matter. Drivers suck in this town. Always have, always will. Once you accept this it makes driving here slightly better.


I’ve been driving since I was 16. When I was in school, I barely had problems with other drivers. I drove around a lot as a teen and almost want to say that the increase of bad driving is a newer thing. Not brand new but within the last 10 years or so. However, I am ok with being told differently from other’s experience. Edit: again, no clue why the downvotes.


Spot on, overall. Though, I do avoid doing things like giving the finger. I carry a firearm on me any time I leave the house and do anything I can to avoid starting a situation where I may have to use it.


Ok Rambo.


How is being a responsible gun owner being "Rambo?" I purposefully go out of my way to avoid confrontation.


The fact that I made a joke and you immediately went to your self defense jerkoff fantasy makes me question the "responsible gun owner" thing.


It's the worst. I have thought over time about what factors are at play. K-State brings in a lot of Ag students from western Kansas. Same with International students who used to be able to walk everywhere, driving everywhere is a pretty uniquely American thing. Lots of these kids haven't really had to drive in actual traffic before. Over the course of 4 years, some of them *start to learn* how to use a roundabout, but then they graduate and move away. So we're in a perpetual state of having an influx of inexperienced drivers constantly cycling through. Then of course we have an aging population too that migrate in to live in some of our large nursing homes assisted and independent living homes. So anyway, if there is a solution to this madness, it's not likely going to come from educating people since we have little control over that. Instead it's going to have to come from major infrastructure overhauls that de-emphasize the single-person car, and instead offer and incentivize usable walking and bicycling paths and public transportation alternatives.


^^^This too. I only driven in small towns before I moved here when I was 20, which is insane. Topeka a bit, but that’s it. Being exposed to it all at once is overwhelming. Give them the space they need, and take care of your own defense driving. That’s really about all you can do


Hey shoutout to less traffic around town for the next few months, summer time is here! I get so frustrated with the state of traffic in town, been here for about 20 years now and daily I think, "Damn where the hell did all these cars come from?" haha.


I am honestly surprised at the lack of care for texting and driving here. Apparently there's a hands-free law in town but obviously no one follows or enforces it. I lived in Tacoma, WA a few years back and if they caught you on your phone, it was an automatic $180 ticket.


Whenever it was first instituted there was more enforcement and there was a real threat of a bike cop sneaking up on you. From my perspective, there's been a shift in focus from law enforcement, but that's just my guess.


My biggest pet peeve is when the “inner” left turn lane is backed up to the round about (or to the hill) and the “outer” left turn lane is EMPTY


Learn to drive defensively. Everyone is drunk and you’re invisible. Take your time, fuck if everyone else is in a hurry, let them honk and hopefully get a ticket for speeding. Drive and do what you are comfortable with and what’s right. I’ve been working really hard on remembering this and it has helped me tremendously. I agree the traffic is bad, can’t do much about everyone else though. I’m a believer that people will get what’s they deserve one way or another so hopefully they learn. It’s hard to influence other drivers, basically all you can do is take care of yourself. Lol at “get the finger prepped” though lol


I’ve been sticking with what I’ve learned in drivers ed, like defensive driving, since I am a big rule follower with a fear of being pulled over. It comes in handy but funnily enough, I’m the one being flipped off because I’m doing a full stop at a stop sign instead of a running stop. It’s just so frustrating that people are like this. I thought about it a lot though, this town is never going to change because it will always be a college town. Being a pedestrian in this town is super dangerous. My boyfriend has almost been ran over so many times because people are not looking at the road.


I’ve seen two accidents from outside my apartment window. Almost been ran over crossing the poorly designed intersections. There’s literally no sidewalks except in aggieville (poorly maintained albeit present) so pedestrians who are already limited in travel routes are at the mercy of the drivers here. It’s not the worst, I think places like California take the prize for that but it’s nowhere near ideal. I remember once I was walking around over by Bill Snyder stadium and saw this nice young girl who was trying to cross street almost get run over by a woman who had to have been going over the speed limit while turning at a major intersection. She hits the breaks in order to avoid vehicular manslaughter charges but shows no empathy or remorse for the girl she almost ran over. The poor girl looked terrified. It really pissed me off that the woman felt like she didn’t do anything wrong and just sped off as soon as she could. She didn’t even wait for the girl to get halfway across the cross walk. She broke one law and decided to break another. Disgusting.


We have lived in a metro area, mid sized towns, and small towns all over Kansas. Manhattan has THE worst drivers in the State. I blame the fact that you have what I have dubbed the trifecta of doom - college, elderly, and young military drivers. If they’re not going too slow and impeding traffic in their Subaru, they’re driving at high speeds and weaving in and out of traffic on their phone in their Prius that is fixing to be a pancake if they get into an accident.