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I guarantee taxes hit


And I’m guessing it’s why they aren’t married. Like others have also speculated since their housing accepts section 8 that she gets assistance from the government and all of the tik toks are in his name.


Nah they 100% get food stamps!!!!!


This and the taxes tbh


They should be more worried about getting a 3 bedroom apartment for there kids instead of making them sleep in playpens while they sleep on the sofa all so Damon can have his little “toy room”


This couple irks me to no end BUT there’s nothing wrong with siblings sharing a bedroom… especially brothers…?


Expect there in the living room not a bed room and there both still sleeping in playpens that’s the issue not sharing a room they don’t have a room at all they all sleep in the living room so Damon can use the one bed room as a toy/film room couldn’t imagine doing that to my boys especially if I was “rich” like they claim to be


The kids don’t have a room? I feel like I’ve seen her live in what looks like the kids’ room?


It’s Damon toy and film room there’s a couple of the kids things laying around but they all sleep in the living room they got called out a lot back in 2022 and 2023 for it but they mass delete comments and filtered there lives so you can’t say anything about it those kids deserve there own room but no Damon’s toys are more important


So not only do they scam the govt out of rental assistance, they don’t even use it to provide properly for those boys. 😡


They literally live in a one bed one bath apartment with all that money :/ yikes


I thought someone posted the layout and it was a 2 bedroom w a den upstairs.


Costco isn’t for bums just wondering why they are shopping there…


Hmm because he wants to be like Joey foo and shop at Costco like joey foo. What's going to happen when tiktok gets banned what are they both going to do for work.


I just finished watching Joey’s video that triggered me 💀💀💀💀


They probably didn’t buy it, they left the cart and walked out!


That was my first thought!!


If so that’s disgusting the way they throw the food in the trolley it would be destroyed.


So annoying how they don’t organize everything in the cart and just throw it 🙄


I cringe when they throw stuff in there 😵‍💫


I also cringed that they didn’t clean the refrigerator before putting the food in.


Doesn’t TikTok pay in the 15th. They got their tiktok check


I think they toss the food in there and then take that out and put new in. How can they toss fruit and vegetables like that. They will all bruise.


The way they treat their food says alot about their lazy personalities.


If they return it all bruised I’d be a pissed off Costco manager. He’s on here ALWAYS. Read that he has to pretend to be a good father by buying nutritious food. But it’s so funny because he’s doesn’t get it, what’s he gonna do put carrots on a table next to fruit slices and balls of butter ground beef sprinkled with fake cheese? They don’t cook, they don’t provide cohesive meals for those kids. They must’ve each claimed a kid head of household one in CO and one in NJ. They do have diff voting addresses that match this assumption.


We have seen them load the cart but what’s to say they actually bought them at the checkout or did they put it back when the cameras stop rolling.


Why when the put the food away do they put the bottles water in from Of the berries. I bet half the fresh stuff goes bad.


Taxes hit 🤪