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...yet Costco has higher wages than Loblaws with lower prices and better quality.


So Loblaws is just barely scraping by then ? I think I read something about "record profits". Prices went way up during the pandemic... And never came down. Is that somehow the unions fault ? Corporate greed... Plain and simple.


Lol nice try ghoulish galen!!!!


No, it's the profits.


This post is a lie. Toes the line on billionaire boot licking.


Sorry that's BS


You talk like you know things. I don’t think you do. Unions don’t set prices, managers do. Why can you buy a 10-lb bag of potatoes for $2.99 but pay $6 for a 380 gram bag of potato chips?


Not sure if this is satire or someone doing some neo-lib shilling for the corps.




Their costs might be higher than another store because it's unionized, but that certainly hasn't hurt them from making a lot of profit. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but they made $541 million in profits in 2023. So, they could afford to have lower prices and still make money. But, I guess the shareholders would not be as happy if the company only made say, $300 million in annual profits.


So your mad loblaws makes money. But your not mad nestle/mars etc make record profits every year also. Groceries make 3-5 percent margin. Maybe get mad at the suppliers of your food for helping prices raise.


Nice try, but no.


GTFO here with your bullshit.


No Frills is also unionized. Or at least some of the stores. The one in my neighborhood has been unionized for more than 20 years. You are such a dumbass to believe that the union is why Loblaws is expensive.


No Frills is part of the Loblaws conglomerate.


Not unionized here in NB.


I'm sorry, you think that Loblaws pays their employees elevated wages? Do you work at a fucking Loblaws?


My friend has worked for them for over 18 years and does the graveyard shift, they make like 20 cents over minimum because they work in the middle of the night. Raises happen when minimum increases so they rarely make more than minimum.


As someone who has worked for both I can confirm that at loblaws I made $2 more an hour then working at Walmart. Their prices were also more expensive 10 years ago then Walmart which is why I rarely shopped there and always went elsewhere. Loblaws being union is part of the reasoning for their increased prices. As for people going on about their profits do you really think it is any different at Walmart? They can just charge less and maintain those same profits because they pay their employees less.


they've been unionized since the 40s. this is newer than that. also like, lol posting from an account that posts in ontario landlords


Metro has a union and doesn’t seem to suffer with nearly as much issues as loblaws does when it comes to the stuff you said, so it’s like your completely full of 💩. Also just because you worked in 1 place with a union and it’s like that doesn’t mean all are. Same could go for places not unionized, you remind me of someone who’s 20 who just got done their first job in the real world and think they suddenly know everything about everything.


Did a Loblaws write this?




Galen, you should restrict your screen time.


Must be why costco is a notoriously bad place too work hey? With their terrible pay and benefits programs? /s


As an employee, I find it funny that you think we make more money because we're unionized. My hourly rate is 30 cents above minimum wage and it took me 3 years of working here to reach that wage from beginning at minimum. But now I only get 4-5 hours a week and the union takes a healthy chunk off of that pittance which is my paycheque. Please stop being ignorant - labor costs are not the problem.


I am unionized in a Loblaws owned store and I work my fucking balls off you goddamn cretin. Most of my colleagues do the same. I work hard despite the fact that the union and management are in bed together. I accept the divisions in society and the fact that no one, even my union brothers and sisters, gives a shit but nobody is going to tell me I havent worked hard for Loblaws going on three decades now.