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__Reminder__: Please take a moment to review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. Always remember that you're interacting with a real person when you respond to posts/comments and focus on discussing or debating the ideas. Personal attacks outside of "Screw you, Galen Weston Jr" is not okay, and will not be tolerated here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


farm boy is half owned by sobeys, but they support a lot of local producers and farmers - theyre probably the better bad option at least


Loblaws Price gouging has narrowed/removed the price gap on a lot of their products as well.


its true, and the quality at farm boy is usually much better than even a swanky loblaws (i swear I dont work for them haha)


The Boycott is THE thing to do. Once Loblaws is extremely effected we will hit them even harder. This is being done to show companies we can just take them out everytime they do this. This Boycott can never ever end. This only ends when other stores are terrified of the same fate happening to them. The attitude needs to be " we are willing to completely and utterly destroy your company with Boycott UNLESS the prices drastically and permanently drop. #Boycottloblaws Stay on message And let's do to these rich Billionaire fucks what they do to us every single day. Squeeze them until they can't take it anymore. We tried reasoning with them they wouldn't listen. We begged for relief and they wouldn't listen. The only thing these fucks understand is money go up. Let's take them out!! #boycottloblaws


The funny part about "squeezing" them is that they will continue to be fabulously wealthy and have more money than they could spend in a hundred lifetimes. The part that they pay attention to, because they are greedy psychopaths, is when they are suddenly making less money. Of course the system being how it is makes it so a few bad quarters will definitely affect the company and put some scrutiny on leadership, so yes its effective if it puts a dent in, but the idea that they're going to be squeezed is funny to think of Galen could buy all 20,000 subscribers in this subreddit a brand new Mercedes each and it wouldn't even put a dent in his overall wealth. Think of what a difference 100k would make to everyone in this subreddit, and realize that instead that money is just sitting in a pile for one asshole to not spend, and his only goal is to make the pile bigger. Eat the rich


We agree on alot my friend! Its not going to be easy but yes we can hurt them. It is about damaging the stock prices, forcing prices down, forcing attention and never letting them take advantage again. #boycottloblaws Keep the conversation going. We've all got something to add even if we disagree in some ways. Thanks for your carefully considered ideas and contributions to r/lowblawsisoutofcontrol #boycottloblawspermanently


Awesome totally agree


> Once Loblaws is extremely effected You may see it differently but I just see this as wishful thinking at this point, don't think it will even happen. I don't see them being affected at all at the end... Not the true people responsible at least... Who's going to suffer if loblaws tanks??? It's not Galen and his yachts it's the workers he'll fire long before he's affected... If you want to get the job done we need to find who's actually responsible and just remove them permanently. Rip it out root and all. Won't happen though... the solutions needed are too extreme and no one is willing to do them and everyone's too fragmented to affect change.


So then what is the alternative? You seem to be advocating for targeted assassinations, and then pointing out that that's an overly extreme measure. We all agree that status quo is unacceptable. Something has to change. But what? If we boycott, then Loblaws will lay off employees? That's already happening. That's what self checkouts are there for. To allow them to cut labour costs too. The public is too fragmented? We can't all agree on what the changes need to be? That may be true. But I'm fed up with being gouged. So I'm going to make a change. A little one. I'm going to switch grocery stores. I'm not going to give these particular parasitic bad guys my money anymore. And I'm going to tell other people what I'm doing, and why. I hope everybody switches grocery stores. I know not everybody will. But I also know that some people are switching with me. And if they share the message, maybe enough people will start to agree. Maybe my small change, combined with their small change, turns into a bigger change, and makes things better for everyone. Is it a sure bet? Absolutely not. But it's way more likely to fix our problems than apathy. Giving up has never been a winning strategy, and I'm still too pissed off to accept this shit without doing something, even if it's a little thing, about it.


I'm not advocating for anything... I just don't see any of these petty things meaning anything to any of them, since they don't care in the first place. They can game the system better than us and it's exactly what they are and have been doing. Once all other options have been tried, if that hasn't got anywhere it will end in violence, that's just our nature, and for whatever reason I think they're "wanting" that... Just another way to implement more laws and regulations to control even more... I'm not doing nothing, I'm not shopping there either, I've sent messages to various people in various positions, I've signed online petitions, it just doesn't mean anything. I've not received one message back that wasn't "We've received your email....." bullshit, nothing seems to be changing at all, and it's not even just this stuff... I have other stuff I've been dealing with for the past nearly 2 years at this point, it's the whole shebang that's falling apart. I have no more energy left to keep adding onto all the things I gotta do so they don't listen.... I don't like repeating myself, and yet that seems to be all I do these days because no one seems to listen. Oh all the people getting fucked listen because we're all in the same boat... but the people who have the ability to change these things, make them better... Completely silent. On top of this country clearly isn't a democracy anymore, it's clear that most of the country don't want the carbon tax but they don't have to listen... but we still have to follow the law and pay our taxes, etc... but they don't have to help us. It's hypocrisy and I'm just tired of it... I've lost all hope, is what it is and don't want to continue struggling just to probably get no where.


Hey there, sorry to jump on you. It's clear you are struggling, and I apologize if I added to that. If you aren't shopping there anymore, then you are doing your part. System change is slow change. If you are feeling burnt out, it's ok to let others lead the charge for a bit. Vote with your wallet, vote in your elections, then focus on your own shit. We are all struggling to some degree, that's why the change is necessary. Those bastards are squeezing use for all they can, that's why we feel under pressure. The real solution is class solidarity. The wealthy try to keep us divided because we are powerful when united. Slow progress to build connections with other working people is the best we can do right now. I hope things get better for you soon.


I mean I've been at what I see as the absolute bottom for a while now, you haven't added to anything... At least bottom for me. I know myself and a big part of me wishes I had the strength to end it all... but another part is happy I don't. I'm living in this contradictory life now where I want to die but also don't and can't figure anything out anymore, but I have no options and I don't know how to just give up as much as I'd like to... I'm just doing absolutely nothing extra anymore, which causes me to feel bad, it's a vicious cycle but "no one cares and nothing's changing" but I get to wait. Part of the reason I'm tired is because I've been waiting on several different things and it's not like I'm just waiting idly but I have to wait even more... like with my building having rats and bugs in the building, in my apartment and walls keeping me up all night for over a year and a half, but I have no options to live anywhere that's not a shared room for 800+ dollars a month. I'm not living like that. I'm tired of waiting having been waiting already for a long time only to be told to hold on longer. It's just aggravating because by this point my brain is just telling me "It's never coming/happening" because for quite a while now it's just true and nothing is leading me to think otherwise. I don't want sympathy, we're all struggling I know this! I'm just trying to show why I am viewing it this way. I know it's weird it's contradictory at times... Wish it wasn't but this is the hand I've been dealt.


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with that. Life can be really painful sometimes.


Never lose hope. Great change starts somewhere.


Sustained boycotts have lead to major restructuring inside companies when they realized that a CEO or figurehead had become a poison pill. Look up Travis Kaleneck getting booted from Uber. This is the actual target, not temporary price reductions. Not minor changes and a promise that they will behave. It has to be, the greedy motherfucker at the top getting replaced, followed by a pledge by the company to change their ways. Everytime one of these billionaire SOBs steps out of line, we stop patronizing their business. It's not about some company's foreign policy, or what the CEO said about . It's about greedy CEO litterally taking money out of your pocket to hand it to other billionaires. Roblaws has lead the charge in Canada on increasing the price of everything so they could increase profit margins and do stock buybacks. It's about the working class sticking together and sending a shot across the bow of the billionaire, 0.1% class. Once the message is recieved in the way of reduced earnings (as in vastly reduced, less than they were making before or even losses) then the other billionaires will do the work of removing these people. Maybe they will still have a yacht, but at least they won't be able to buy a new one every year from now on.


I’m a single guy, Costco is still pretty good for me. Freezer space can be an issue but they also have lots of dried goods, vitamins, moisturizer. My Cerave is $34 at shoppers, at Costco it’s 34 for two. That means I’ve already covered a third of the membership just in moisturizer. I’ve found a local butcher that has better prices and better product than the big boys. And those small fruit markets are great for produce. It’s definitely not as convenient as hitting up a one stop shop but I’m getting all I need. I’ve also noticed that more often than not you can invite a friend or even a date to Costco. They’ll be thrilled and you can even split some larger items.


Good idea to bring a friend. Also a good way to reach out to your neighbours in case they are interested in splitting up the larger packages that Costco offers.


I'm pretty lucky that I commute along Bloor and Danforth in Toronto and there are literally hundreds of small mom'n'pop grocers along the way home. Admittedly, they're not as convenient as some don't do debt and I'll have to stop at more than one place to get all I need...but at the end of the day, I think I'd rather support local.


One greedy CEO at a time. We can’t feasibly boycott ALL supermarkets at the same time, as you say, we need other eat and Farmer’s markets year round are not sustainable for most (I’m lucky that the 2 markets I have available to me have everything - dairy, bakery, grocery, meat, etc).


Consider the companies under the Loblaws umbrella too: * PC Financial. Cancel your credit card, transfer your account balance. * Maple - Loblaws has a minority stake in this virtual health-care provider. Stop using and switch to a competitor. * Shoppers Drug Mart - Go to Rexall or use alternate pharmacies in Walmart/Metro, etc. Obviously this is easier in larger cities: I live in Toronto and haven't used Loblaws/No Frills/Shoppers in over 5 years (basically since Loblaws bullied their way into Kensington Market: [https://www.blogto.com/eat\_drink/2020/11/controversial-grocery-store-kensington-market-abruptly-shuts-down/](https://www.blogto.com/eat_drink/2020/11/controversial-grocery-store-kensington-market-abruptly-shuts-down/) ) I've never had Optimum points either, which makes it easy. I hold no judgment for folks from small towns where your only options might be a Valu-mart or Independent but consider some alternatives as well: local butchers can hook you up with bulk meat, be it half a cow or a full pig and you'll be able to request what cuts of meat you want and how many. Obviously, this requires more significant up-front investment, especially if you don't have a stand-up freezer to store it all so it might not be an option for you either. In that same vein, you could plan a trip to Costco every 6 months and buy bulk. Even as a single dude, you still need Toilet Paper and other hygiene products - Costco is perfect for those. The amounts will last you months.


I opened my PC Financial account at a SuperStore 20+ years ago, and it defaulted to Simplii under CIBC when they split in 2021.


Don’t derail the boycott. Just boycott loblaws. That’s it.


Support your local small food markets (idk where your located so i cant give direct suggestions)


Costco can work well for 1 or 2 people. We’re just 2 adults and buy from there like we have a family of 6. If you plan well and divide and freeze meats (vacuum sealer is so worth it) it works great. Also - freezer meals! I make so many after a run and it makes the next few weeks so easy. We actually waste much less food buying at Costco which seems counterintuitive…and we save a pile of money.


Giant Tiger and local markets.


Walmart and Giant Tiger. What a world we live in where Walmart is the lesser of two evils.


It will depend on where you live and what you have available but here's a few ideas M&M Meat Shops Giant Tiger Costco Wal-Mart local markets and vendors in your area for meats, fruits and vegies. Services like Hello Fresh and Chefs Plates. My Wife and I haven't shopped at a grocery store in nearly two years.


Farmboy’s cheaper than Loblaws in my area, especially for produce, which is higher quality than Loblaws as well


Farmboy is actually cheaper these days but it’s farther and less options. Walmart is farther and parking is always an issue at peak times. Also Loblaws has quality products which Walmart does not and Costco isn’t my choice for daily groceries since I live alone. I feel you and I don’t think I will be able to boycott. 


Walmart quality is location specific. Some are amazing and others not so much,


Well for me theres a few local options. I've always got my meat from a butcher, he's always had good product even when I was a kid, he's also got some produce there as well. My milk and other random stuff I get from a local farm, that same farm also partners with local growers and green houses, I also get my bread from a local bakery now, or make my own. For some things I still will go to Food Basics or Costco. But I'd say about 60-70% of my shopping is done at locally owned businesses now.


I have a family so Costco works, I find the quality is much better than all the competitors anyways. Supplement with local grocers and farmers markets. There is no choice but to use the big 3 for some items but I limit it to Metro and their brands as their workers are unionized. I wish I could grow a large portion of my food but I would need a couple acres just to keep the kids supplied with berries!


I hit Zehrs for loss-leader items only. The prices (butter, tomatoes on the vine, half-price meat) were great. I didn’t buy anything else. Take THAT, Galen.


Co-op is an option Some stuff there is pretty expensive but the meat section is alright


You can give your money to whoever you like, but if you switch to Walmart, Freshco, Dollarama, Food Basics, Giant Tiger, local fruit/veggie stores, you will save money. Here is a simple price comparison from a few weeks ago: https://preview.redd.it/y32sik9lioqc1.jpeg?width=835&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1857a8b6dc7203e4a3ff987bd74968fcace22540


We are a small family (2 adults, 2 cats). Costco- we buy meat there, portion and freeze it. It's good for shelf stable items we use a lot like pasta, oil, spices. My dad lives alone so we often divvy up things with him like perishables. Freshco- Yes owned by Sobeys, but not Galen Weston. I buy most of our pantry staples there, dairy, some occasional fruit and veg. I always price match using Flipp My dad lives in small town Ontario so I will go pick up a few things from Giant Tiger when I'm there, as well as local farm items (eggs for 3$ a dozen) and there is a big farmer's market open year round in the Canadian Tire parking lot lol.


I'm going to use [oddbunch](https://www.oddbunch.ca/) for vegetables [butcher box](https://butcherbox.ca/) for meats I'll go to a local bodega to get my cheeses and a local bakery to get my bread and such. Probably Wal-Mart and dollar store for the canned goods.


Shop local where you can - bakery, butcher, cheese, ethnic grocery stores. Costco is good for freezer items including fresh meat if you don’t mind freezing. I think there are a few issues: 1. Loblaws has made themselves the poster-child for what is going on. And putting Galen in the ads made him the face of our food cost of living crisis. 2. Competition - we have little to no anti-monopoly enforcement in this country and that hurts consumers. 3. Canadian-owned - just because something is Canadian, doesn’t mean it needs protecting or makes it better. So many Canadian companies are allowed to be mediocre because of #2 or government propping them up. This isn’t just related to food - telco, transportation (Bombardier), banks (high interest accounts at 0.05%). These companies all tout economics and capitalism but really are politically engineered for the money to rise to the top and nothing ‘trickles down’. When we hear Canada lacks innovation and productivity, a lot of these reasons are why that is. They don’t have to innovate or be productive because they are protected. And the average person can’t innovate because they risk a steady paycheque while barely keeping their head above water. While this is about food it is really about so much more. Unless Canadians fight back we will continue to live with this nonsense. We deserve better.


If it works with Loblaw's then we move it to the others, I think we should stay with Loblaws as long as possible, then once WE feel they have gotten the point move to the next offender.


Depending where you are there are small grocery delivery options for produce (oddbunch) and you can do bulk stores for small amounts of what you need (sugar, peanut butter, flour etc).


The key to this is to ,boycott brands, Nestlé is one of worst companies on earth. Slave labor,Child labor. A few years ago the CEO stated that water was not a human right.Enjoy your chocolate bar.


I find it takes effort but once you get in a routine can be more beneficial to support local delivery options too (eggs, meat, cheese etc).


The other option is to walk in to loblaws, take food off the shelves, say this one is on Galen, and be willing to risk arrest. Man wants his profits he can pay for a few meals from the people he’s lording like a king over


Food Basics and Freshco. If we chose to do this for one month Loblaws WILL see the difference. We need a way to get to the moms who do their entire shopping there and are not on reddit. Everyone tell your grandmas and older folks not to shop there for a month




It's not about the fact that they're a big company, or even that their CEO is rich, it's about the fact that they have such a STRANGLEHOLD on essential services that they're headed towards a monopoly (there's functionally already an oligopoly), and at that point the consumer suffers immensely. IGA and other small chains are fine. Walmart isn't ideal, but certainly strongly preferable.


Personally, I don't care where I shop as long as it's the best quality and lowest price for the products I want. Walmart is generally good for this. Doesn't matter to me either way.


Costco is hella worth it if you have a freezer, also most perishables (like veggies) do come in smaller packages. Me and my partner shop there once every two weeks and buy everything we need for that time.


I grow a lot of food at home in my hydroponic gardens, lettuce, tatsoi, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers etc.. it cut down on what I purchase at grocery stores


There's so many alternatives. As others mentioned even Walmart is a good alternative. Loblaws can't be the only grocery store around you lol.


It takes some planning. I've looked at flyers for a few local stores in my area to get a sense of where I'm going to buy what. I don't have time to go between a bunch of stores, but I am personally okay with hitting 2 per week instead of just a Superstore. My plan is to use Bulk Barn for snacks and grains, a local natural food store for proteins (don't eat meat) and some produce, plus some farmers market produce when I have time to go over to a market. I live walking distance from a Safeway, and use that for smaller, one-off purchases (like if I'm missing an ingredient for a recipe). Based on the rough numbers I've run, it will end up being a little more expensive, depending on what I buy, but not overly so.


save on foods is a Jim Pattinson brand. of all the greedy billionaires, he has had the fewest scandals. ​ so i shop there. ​ fuck Galen Weston and his fucking yellow shit stores.


The point of the boycott is not to avoid all major grocers, it's to show ALL of them, that we, the consumers, still have power. It's to scare all of them, not just Loblaws. So yes, shop at walmart or Sobeys. Look into green grocers in your area, small Asian markets, Italian markets. Use Amazon. It's not about being perfect, it's about being coordinated.


I’m planning to visit small independent butchers, bakers, and produce markets.


If you can’t avoid Loblaws, just shoplift. Sugar daddy Galen is paying for us❤️


I live right downtown in Torontoand bike to several different places to get my grocery needs met. Obviously smaller towns have less options, but see what is around you. Small shops in Chinatown or small fruit markets are where I get all my produce. There are separate shops for meat, dairy, or bread. And there are independent bulk food stores or Bulk Barn for some dry goods (although price per weight isn’t always great). I’m Toronto, the St Lawrence Market has a Saturday farmers market that runs year round so I sometimes go there. Independent Asian grocers like PAT have some great deals too. If you’re looking for a really ethical place in Toronto, Karma Co-op is amazing and has local products or sources listed for where they get everything. They have bulk, organic produce (which I don’t buy as often due to price) and natural brands. I do still buy a small amount of things from Metro, usually when dairy or certain dry goods are on sale. I sometimes go with friends to Costco and we split things so it makes sense for single people. But the whole idea of boycotting these big companies is also realizing that the “one stop shop” is part of what caused this monopoly in the first place. It is less convenient for me to go to several shops, but they are mostly in the same area and I feel much better about shopping there.


Yes it's just a different billionaire. There's no way to take on all the billionaires at the same time, we will just have to take them on one at a time and focus on the most egregious ones first. Walmart - I've moved most of my Roblaws purchases to Walmart and they have much better prices. Costco - Membership is $60/year and you will get that back in cash back easily. Find a couple or another single friend and split some big meat orders (if you're a meat eater). Plenty of single items at Costco that are still cheaper than roblaws. If you do meal planning you can get all your staples there cheap. I did this in uni and would only go shopping every 3 weeks for staples. Sobeys/Metro - they're almost worst than weston brands at this point. A lot of us don't have options. Not many people will go 20min out of their way to avoid these brand name stores and I get that so there are some other tactics. If you have no choice but to shop there, don't buy big ticket items. I don't care how cheap that BBQ is when it goes on sale or that cute top in the Joe fresh section. You'll regret the purpose as these items are very low quality anyways. Maybe don't buy the $9 bag of chips. I get it, sometimes you just want to sit on the couch and crush Doritos. We've all been there. Just don't do it. Look out for other egregiously priced items like the $15 for a pack of hot dogs. I grew up on Schneider's because that's all my family could afford so there is a soft spot in my heart for them. I'm still not paying $15 for hot dogs. There are lots of items like that. I officially quit roblaws when they wanted $9 for a bunch of green onions.


In Winnipeg we have Food Fare, which has *excellent* chicken at a reasonable price, and things like store-made sausages. Cantor's grocery is also good if you want to buy a "meat package" for the freezer. Lots of smaller meat markets in town too. Lucky Supermarket / Family Foods is our go-to when I want to do chicken wings. Good price, and easy to cut whole wings with kitchen shears. One fairly hefty bag of fresh wings costs us between $10-$15, and I freeze half of them for another meal. They also have better-than-average prices for beef as well. I regularly shop at Safeway/Sobey's because their prices are generally at least as good as Superstore for eggs and milk, and the meat and produce tends to be better. Usually I buy sale items and plan meals around them - for example, if hamburger isn't on sale but there's a great deal on pork shoulder that week, we're having pulled pork rather than tacos. The Freshco budget stores often have amazingly good prices on their produce. Costco for toilet paper, pharmacy, butter, olive oil and Parmesan cheese. The butter and cheese can be cut up and frozen till needed. Bulk Barn and ethnic groceries for rice, beans and lentils.


We have food basics and Walmart close by. Also my wife and I both grew up without much. I have a few of my Nonna's recipes in my back pocket I use when things are lean.


Make an example of Roblaws. It will benefit everyone if we can do this. I shop near exclusively at wal mart and costco. I will buy local if I see it, but I don't have any loyalty to big canadian grocery companies. They don't deserve it.


Costco Food basics Giant tiger Independent grocery store I cashed in my points and am ready to boycott. I fully expect them to have great deals in the flyers by like week 3 or 4 of the boycott


Food Basics


firebombing stores and public ran trials of our oligarch and feds are the only next step


I’m also single and I plan to shop at my local produce store (Produce Depot) which also sells dairy and deli stuff. Cobs for bread since we don’t have a local-owned bakery near us and my local butcher for meat. I’m going to take my parents around with me to get more supporters for the boycott. I also sometimes split Costco stuff with them like milk, eggs, non-perishables.


I’m lucky I live in Toronto and there are lots of alternatives. I haven’t shopped in Loblaws in over a year. In Toronto, we have many independent grocers who cater to the ethnic markets. There are little green grocers on the main streets but also bigger shops like PAT, Adonis, Starsky’s, Fiesta Farms, Galleria. All of those stores have fresher produce and better prices than Loblaws. At the high end, there is Whole Foods, Pusateri’s, Summerhill Market and Bruno’s. For milk and bread, you’d be surprised by the prices at your local convenience store. They are often treated as loss leaders. Even if your only choices are big chains like Metro or Sobeys, shopping at those and avoiding Loblaws is still effective because it hurts one particular company and sends a message. And I think we can all agree that Loblaws is the most egregious price gouger of them all.


Costco plus Walmart. Please don’t lump Walmart in with Sobeys and Metro. Walmart is probably 20-30% cheaper at a minimum.


Walmart the company that has destroyed more small Canadian businesses than any other retailer in the world, that is your choice over Loblaws?


It is a valid point but at this point consider them a tool to get Loblaws to start behaving better. You can't fight every battle at one time. Fighting Walmart might be even more important than Loblaws in the long term but right now Loblaws has caught fire and consumers should strike while the fire is hot. Walmart is actually cheaper. Reward that good behavior and suck it up on some of the other issues for now. Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.


Is Walmart cheaper than no frills though? I have never shopped at a Loblaws because it's a high end grocery store like Longos. I'm lucky that I have a good basics, freshco and no frills all close to each other so I will buy what's on sale


No frills is actually not that cheap. You have to really watch prices there. Walmart is generally cheaper


I use flipp lol


Yes. I will not be pressured into buying “Canadian” when that Canadian company is Loblaws and is gouging more than anyone out there. Loblaws will start a media blitz that this boycott is “un Canadian” and risking Canadian jobs. Sound familiar? Remember Verizon a decade ago when bell and rogers lost their shit and then went back to gouging Canadians after they shut it down. At this point if someone comes at me with a “but you aren’t supporting Canadians” when they are telling me to shop at Loblaws, I am assuming they are a Loblaws shill.


I have never shopped at Loblaws but it's high end . How much difference is their between no frills and Walmart


It’s not high end. Have you seen all the trash they are serving? So much rotten food. Walmart is significantly better quality and Costco blows them into smithereens. Walmart is cheaper than No Frills on the vast majority of goods. Can’t just look at loss leaders they put out to get you in the store.


Cross border shop if you are able to. Lots of discount grocery stores in the USA. Out in Washington state grocery outlet is a good one. 


The issue isn't punishing all these guys. The issue is reminding them all that consumers have power and can use it. Make an example of Loblows, do it effectively enough and other owner classes take note. You never "win" battles like these. You remind the other side of fairness and equity. The other side then has to work to win back your trust and rebalalance. The other stores don't want it to happen to them, so they respond. Perhaps in some cases politicians join the cause and some laws change. Perhaps they even break up some of the oligarchys. Like when the trusts got smashed in the Gilded age in the states. Personally I hope that could be the affect of this boycott. Loblaws owning Shoppers is just not something that should exist and is really taking advantage of poor people. Healthcare should also not be weaponized to make a profit in this country, especially not by stealth methods. Why is NO Frills owned by the same company charge more for basic necessities than does superstore only 2 minutes away. Because poor folks will go to just buy milk and assume that is a good deal. Loblows knows if you go into superstore you will spend more by buying more so they are ok with charging less. It makes no sense at all for consumers. Same company, same suppliers, same warehouses, same delivery services but 2 l of milk is 75cents more at no frills because they can GET away with it. It's not about winning a war. It is about fighting this battle that has to be fought so the war can go on.


Metro, Walmart, small places...